The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 34 Saturday, June 7, 1919 Price Cents The Crisis and the Workers masses.
to a peace basis basis.
larger nations opportunity; they made war a HE world is in crisis. The old society is being Declaration on Problems of the Proletariat adrift on the tides of crisis, and they cannot actually shaken to its foundations, proving itself utterly and Repolutionary Socialism solve the enormous problems that press clown upon incapable of realizing peace and happiness for them. The crisis will drag along. but Serialism is inthe masses of the people. The system of Capitalism, of an imperialistic nation comes to depend upon the evitable, since Socialism alone can reconstruct society; with its oppression of the poor by the rich, its despotic misery and exploitation of these andeveloped peo realize work, peace and happiness for the workers of is offering the final inescapable proof of its utter in ples. Upon this parasitic foundation depends the the world.
competence. It is necessary that the proletariat, nial peoples are already in revolt; and their III Reconstruction is order of the day downfall of Capitalism and organize a new society of nations.
peace and plenty for all.
masses. The workers have been lured to expect great The unity of the revolt of the colonial peoples and things of reconstruction from the promises maule durI ing the war. But these promises are not being rcalThe workers of the United States are in a crisis The Lett Wing Conquers ized. Nor are they realized umer Capitalisni where a developing industrial crisis that threatens the peace The Left Wing, as shown in partial election returns, the profits of the capitalists are more important than and happiness of our people.
has swept the Socialist Party. Early returns indicate the peace and happiness of the Unemployment is becoming a real danger. The army a complete victory for revolutionary Socialism, the American Capitalism is is utterly incompetent on the of the unemployed (which is always large under CapDonquest of the Party for the Communist International. problems of reconstruction as thru concert the masses.
italism) is being increased by the demobilization of the The official vote on international delegates from. states Georgia, Virginia, Tenessee, Florida, Rhode Congress is bankrupt. It dodges crery real issue.
soldiers and by the reorganization of war industry Island, Maine, Kentucky, Arkansas, Minnessota, MichiCongress is the gan and Massachusetts, gives the following results: mote the interest of Capitalism. must act to of Capitalism.
The steady employment during the war was due to John Reed, 7679; Louis Fraina, 7077; Wagen Reconstruction, accordingly.
pruecerls on the Irasis three causes: 1) the mobilization of 3, 000, 000 men knecht, 5423; Ruthenberg. 4543; Ferguson, 2538. of promoting Capitalism, which controls our life. InThese, the candidates receiving the highest vote, are all Left Wing candidates. The moderates of the Right dustry has concentrated to the point where it domincity the workers; 2) the unprecedented orders for mun Wing received these votes: Victor Berger, 1139; ates the whole of society, where a group of industrial itions placed by the United States government and by Adolph Germer, 908; Seymour Stedman, 789; James concerns and bankers control industry.
the governments of the Allies; and 3) the fact that the Neal, 778; Shiplacoff, 663; Algernon Lee, 565; But this concentration of inditstry provides the John Work, 457.
were actively producing death instead basis for the socialisation of industry control and In the eleven states, Kate Richards Hare has of the means of life, allowing the United States to overwhelmingly beaten Morris Hillquit for Internamanagement of industry, of the shops mills and practically usurp a monopoly of the markets of the tional Secretary. Incomplete reports from other states mines, by the workers througli their own organizaworld. Our capitalists exploited this unusual indicate that the Left Wing has secured a substantial tions industrial democracy.
majority in all state organiations. This is the election more than 5, 000, 000, 000 proThis does not mean state. control or owustgirip of fits out of the war: what have the workers to show?
that the moderates the are trying to steal.
In the District elections for National Executive industry. The capitalist state is the organ of the cap, But now that the war is ended (except the small Committee, returns from Maine, Rhode Island and italists, to protect the interests of the capitalists and against the workers and peasants of Soviet RusMasachusetts give these results: Louis Fraina, crush the workers. State control of industry means sia your comrades) 3, 000, 000 men demobilized from 3130; Nicholas Hourwich, 2544; Lindgren, 1472; capitalist control of industry, control of thic workers Ludwig Lore, 940: Morris. Hillquit, 838; James Oncal, the arn. ed forces of the nation must again be absorbed by the capitalists and their state.
688; Shiplacoff, 319.
Ludustrial deutoin industry. This is in itself an enormous problem.
cracy is realicable only by breaking the peacer of the But this problem is complicated by the fact that the Rush Your Seconds capitalist state and of the coritolists, ending profits and placing all industry under the control of the world markets hemolonger able to monopolize the Resolved, by the Joint Meeting of the branches of workers.
resuming pro Local Cuyaboga County. Cleveland. having an averduction and again competing with American manu, age of 1821 members in good standing for the year 1918, IV facturers. These circumstances produce an industrial that we initiate the following referendum motions, to be All these problems are determined lov. die dass in two ways: 1) by displacing workers with submitted to the party membership of the United States: demobilized soldiers, and 2) by lessening the world struggle that rages in capitalist society where a few Resolved, that the act of the National Executive capitalists own the industries on which depends the demand upon American production.
Committee in expelling from the Socialist Party of life and happiness of the many: vers of the The employed are potentially unemployed. Those Michigan from the Socialist Party of the United States, workers assured of steady employment are having a state with 6, 000 members, without giving the state state, in war and peace, is determined by the class wages reduced or threatened with reduction, the ema trial or even a hearing in its own defense, is hereby struggle: to promote the supremacy of thic capitalist rescinded and anaulled and the Socialist Party of class, against the working class ployers using the bludgeon of unemployment to com Michigan restored to all the rights and privileges of This class struggle comes from the fact that the pel submission membership in the Socialist Party of the United States. workers. the majority of the people are deniel all The cost of living, instead of declining with the Resolved, that the action of the National Executive coming of peace, as was promised, is actually soaring Committee of the Party in arbitrarily susending the control of Industry, are an expropriated class. The again, and this makes the crisis all the more acute.
purpose of the class struggle of the proletariat is to Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Lettish, Polish, South Slavic and Hungarian Federations from the Party is secure control of industry for the workers, The workers, actually or potentially in this crisis, hereby rescinded and annulled.
In the shops, mills and mines are the forkers ex.
have answered by means of large strikes. The answer Resolved, that the action of the majority of the of the employers has been terrorism: terrorism National Executive Committee, which is largely comploited. They are exploited by not securing the full posed of candidates for re election in the referendum social value of their labor, by being compelled to work against strikers and their representatives, the threat just closed, in holding up and refusing to tabulate the for the profit of the capitalist. This exploitation de and actual use of armed force. This terrorism indic vote on Referendum Band C, for the election of the velops the class struggle, the purpose of which is to ates the tactics Capitalism will use as the crisis devel National Executive Committee, International Delegates socialize industry for the proletariat. This socializaopscrush the workers. and International Secretary, and calling a National tion of industry requires the conquest of the power The Convention, is hereby rescinded and the national secreprospect, accordingly, is a prospect of unemof the state for its realization, the construction of tary instructed to immediately tabulate the vote and to ployment, of lower wages, of more intense toil, of a declare the candidates receiving the highest number a new workers state, or government, which will prohigher cost of living, and of terrorism against the of votes elected, in accordance with the National ceed to workers should they actually move to alter these terParty Constitution.
Political democracy is of slight value to the workrible conditions of misery and oppression.
Resolved, that the action of the National Executive Committee in preparing to place the property of the ers. There can be no democracy without industrial Capitalism promised a new world from the war.
Socialist Party in the hands of a Board of Directors, democracy the industrial vote ix mcalls of which Instead of a new world, Capitalism offers a new three to be elected for three years, three for six years the workers shall absolutely direct industry for the terror and a new oppression!
and three for nine years; these directors not being peace and happiness of the workers.
subject to recall by either the National Executive II Committee or the membership of the party be reversed Revolutionary Socialism proposes a new governThis crisis and these developments are much more and rescinded.
ment, that shall be industrial in character and fincacute in other nations, directly traceable to the war tions. This government, elected directly by the workand the economic forces that produced the war. the revolt of the proletariat means the end of Cap one line the factory and the farmers in the village. shall The ordinary peaceful competition for the econ italism and Imperialism and the coming of world Sobe the directing source of industrial management, leomic. territorial and financial division of the world cialism.
priving the capitalists of power, using industry point where military force alone could exclusively for life and not for profit. This is the decide the issue. Imperialism the financial domin portunity for the revolt. The war was an admission by. ship the means.
The break down of Capitalism provides the op object political mass action and proletarian dictatoraton of the world, the struggle for monopolistic control Capitalism that it could not solve its economic antag and the liberty of the world is to guarantee the con: of the investment markets of the world and undeyel onisms. The war has broken down the industrial quests of the Allies and maintain the supremacy of oped territory determined the war, and Imperialism system Europe. The problet of reconstruction their Imperialism. There can be no peace as long as determines the peace. The Peace Conference in Paris and the payntent of war debts present an issue that Imperialism the cause of modern war is not crushed is dividing the world territorially, economically and financially among the Five Great Powers. slaves, or overthrowing the empilatisrat ariche beginning by the revolutionary working class The League of Nations a league against the nations Socialisin. The governments are bankrupt; they are and oppression of colonial peoples the prosperity Imperialism, in one aspect, means, the subjugation o socialize industry of