6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 31, 1919 Problems of the Soviet Army palaces the TN accordance with the decision of the All Russian Proclamation of Commander in Chief of all the your troops, and with them rush against the enemy Central Executive Committee, have assumed com Armed Forces of the Russian Soviet Republic, with the irresistible determination to defeat him. Re mand of all the armed forces of the Russian ReVatsetis; counter signed by Members of the Rer member, that the Revolution promotes only the cour public, promising to exert all efforts for the defense olutionary Council, Danisher sky and Smirnov; ageous and deserving, and that it pitilessly destroys of the state against the enemies threatening it from Chief of the General Staff at the Front, Maigur. as useless those who lack spirit. There shall be no all sides.
such destruction among our ranks, for there is no place for it in a revolutionary army.
Everyone understands that this task is a difficult one, and am personally conscious of the difficult and them the faith and righteousness of our cause, leading Soldiers of the Red Army! You are fighting and complex character of this problem. But, at the same them tlus on to victory, some of them suffer from you shall win for yourselves and for toiling people.
time, believe and hope that with the aid of the whole weakness and at critical moments lose their presence Your victory will sweep as a purifying flame through.
of out the world. Into all the putrid corners of the world and all the true revolutionary forces of the country. responsibility, cannot be held responsible for the your victory will bring joy to the homes of the poor shall succeed faithfully and conscientiously in carry consequences, and similar expressions.
There are and terror to the of parasites. The toilers ing out my task and defeating our insolent enemy, thus cases on record where some threatened to throw off will once again realize that they are a force in the sate guarding the rights of the poor and of the worker. responsibility under circumstances where there was world and that they have been abused, deprived of Now all are aware of the fact that the armed deno one else to assume the responsibility, and where a light, warmth and education simply because they have monstrations of the Czecho Slovaks, which at first disruption and irreparable injury to the cause.
renunciation of responsibility might lead to complete not been organized. The toilers were disarmed by a seemed insignificant, assumed the magnitude of an clique of landlords, bureaucrats and speculators who immense conflagration, an uprising of various countIn studying the conditions which impelled some pera than all the other classes put together. In seized power. The toiling people are more numerous ep revolutionary forces which are attempting terens sons to write about throwing off responsibility, could there are nearly 100 million toilers, and our country not escape the conclusion that the fault day, not in three of the Red Army, may by your victories throw a warm soldiers bands of White Guards and traitors, Like hungry conditions, but jackals, these bands attack us on all sides and the And now, in assuming command of all the armed forces ray of freedom in the lives of those 100 million workof the Russian struggle against them, gradually becoming more intI am obliged to call attention ers: but should you prove badly prepared for the battle the other of the combatants must perish: either they leadership and the confusion of mind, and at the same After your defeat the toilers will lose all their to this deplorable circumstance the lack of spiritual or insufficiently courageous, your enemy will triumph.
or we. firmly believe that we shall come out victrevoluorious from this struggle, for we are fighting in a file of the soldiers, int these words: they will lose their freedom and again sacred cause for the rights of the poor, for fraternity become slaves of the rich and the speculators. they will and justice on earth, and this must triumph over slav pernicious attitude in our ranks; remember the great only thing they will preserve will be eyes with which This is neither the time nor the place for such a again become scattered, isolated and poor, and the ery and exploitation cause we are fighting for and the slogans inscribed on to weep over their lost freedom believe that all But, firmly believing in all that, cannot, to my our banners: recall tile old oppression and the ocean members of the Red Army will become imbued with cleep regret, speak as confidently about my immediate of tears and blood shed by the poor: and at the thought the great idea of our struggle and very soon by conaides who have been entrustel with the command of of all this, let your weakness of spirit end, and out of certed action achieve brilliant victories for the glory military units and to whom have been given responsible it come a flaming hatred for the enemies of the poor. of our Soviet Republic. which is yet young, but positions. Not all, course; but some of them have Let the great ideas for which the blood of revolution strong in revolutionary spirit. Let these victories still not yet become imbued with the great idea for which ists is now being shed raise your weakend spirit and more strengthen the spirit of our Republic, giving it every true revolutionist is ready to shed his blood; evoke a firm faith in our victory; do away with your the power and opportunity to bloom for many, many instead of encouraging their troops and implanting in confusion, and breathe the revolutionary spirit into years to come.
Republic, American Democracy and the European Workers By Nyemanov service of the Abdul Hamid times; legislative bills workers organized a demonstration to protest which fix a punishment of five years imprisonment for having unlawful literature all these facts have against the death sentence to Tom Mooney, the American bourgeois press shrieked its indignation. And Krause. Even the annals of the Czar court justice gained wide publicity in the European countries.
of course, so called society joined in the chorus. pale before these sentences.
Similarly, to those days when stormy meetings of They were indignant and at the same time astonished The mask of iberalism has been torn from the protest against the Czar reaction were held in Amerat the impudence of the workers of far distant face of American plutocracy. Henceforth the Europica, now such meeting are being held by the European Petrograd who came out against the justice of Amer ean proletariat knows that where the foot of Amer workers in protest against American reaction.
ican democracy.
ican official justice treads, there, in the words of the Times are changing! The legend of liberal and freedom loving America is no more. Faith in the It goes without saying that the European Socialists poet dies out the very breathing of life and the have known for a long time that America is dominated The hard labor sentences bourgeoisie has died out. The necessity of fighting by the vested interests. However, for a long while they in the courts, the unlimited sway of the administrat these evil and degrading forces which are strangling were of the opinion that America, after all, was more ive authorities, the unexampled persecution of the So with their claws America and the whole bourgeois liberal than the bourgeois states of western Europe. service spies, which excells even the Turkish secret cialist press, the unheard of organization of secret world is daily being forced on the consciousness of the workers the world over.
only now they begin to understand that this opinion was mistaken. The beautiful reality is beginning to teach them by experience how little the American bourgeois republic has in common with genuine demoA Call to the American Workers cracy.
They cannot fail to note that the powersthat be of America in their persecution of those who (Continued from page five)
think differently than they are demonstrating a greater relentlessness than was practiced by the late gun, that a continued military intervention and an behind a hypocritical assurance that they will not sene Czarism.
attempt to influence Russia by force would require an The other day, according to newspaper dispatches. army of occupation a million strong for a long period. mercenaries as well as war materials, money and of to protest against persecution of Socialists and indus revolution to the Entente countries. The example of did not understand that they are defending the work of Socialism both in Russia and the rest of the world.
lic. The Swedish comrades apparently are very well ently convincing: Another of the The bourgeoisie Entente and the White Guard forces are holdposted on the situation in America. Íhey know that Entente countries clings as firmly as ever to the ing Archangel. Perm, Don.
Baku, Ashidea of the prisons and cells of American democracy. They am economic sieeention in Russia, together with abad, but the Soviet movement has taken control of about 2, 000 political offenders are pining away in Clemenceau. and of crushing Riga and Kharkov. Lettonia and Ukraine know about the real measure of punishment to which the Soviet Republic. The entire press that serves this ing Soviet republics. The workers see that these tre American courts resort.
of daily papers mendous sacrifices are not being made in vain, that in England and France which have been purchased by the Soviet power is great and spreading, growing and The Italian Socialists are also well informed on the capitalists, predicts an immediately impending col establishing itself all over the world. Each month of the real situation on this side of the Atlantic. The lapse of the Soviet power, depicts the horrors of severe struggle and tremendous sacrifice strengthens Italian Socialist press is conducting a systematic in hunger the cause of the Soviet over the world and formation campaign, relative to the severity of Amerthe of the Soviet government.
instability weakens its enemies, the exploiters.
The ican class justice. During the festivities held in Italy to celebrate the presence there of Mr. Wilson, the Entente with officers and warCapitalists, aided by White Guards, the troops of the ndeniably, the exploiters still have forces at their the Italian Socialists did not fail to express their feel und auxiliary troops, these officers cut off Russia leaders of the world revolution of the proletariat, to ing of indignation regarding the persecution of So hungry center and north from the grain districts of multiply the sufferings and tribulations of the workers cialists and industrialists in Ameri. Siberia and the Don Region. Famine among the work in the occupied or conquered countries and districts.
ers in Petrograd and Moscow, in Ivanoff Voznesensk. Yet all the exploiters in the world have not enough The American labor press with the Labor Lead and other labor centers, is, as a matter of fact. great power to conquer the world revolution of the proleta at the head, prints biting articles against Amer Sever have the masses of the workers suffered such riat which will bring to the human race liberation from can conditions in regard to the unexampled severity depths of misery, sucli pangs of hunger, as those which the yoke of capital, from the constant threat of new the sentences 20 years prison confinement which they are now condemned to by the military intervention and unavoidable imperialistic wars in the interest of ve fallen to Berger, Engdahl, Germer, Tucker and of ihe Entente, an intervention which is partly masked Capitalism.
section in Rostov on on the of military with money