BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers Party

Saturday, May 31, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Party with the not only cease. Capitalism pogroms by the Jews throughout America at which The Left Wing has depended upon propaganda. It Bolshevikjabs resolutions were passed asking the Allies to prevent has tried to formulate the revolutionary sentiments a recurrence of these horrors. This is futile. As of the membership, to articulate their aspirations, to long as Poland continues to do the work Capitalism educate the members into a consistent and construct JUDGING from the President message to Congress requires of her she will not be interfered with. If ive proletarian class conception of Socialism. It has protests are of any use they should be directed against tried to affiliate the Socialist internanot whether half the population of Europe shall starve the real offender which in this instance is Capitalism tional revolution, with our comrades in Russia, Ger to death but whether the American public shall drink and the only protest than can be effective is the or many and Hungary, with the new Communist Inter light wines and beer.
ganization of the economic might of the workers. national, the heir of the revolutionary First InternaProtests against the pogroms in Russia under the Morris Hillquit and the Second International.
tional, betrayed and castrated by the Socialism of This being the case it might be a good idea for Mr.
Czar were of little use, even when backed by the Wilson to come home and thus save the further exhypocritical remonstrances of the great powers.
The moderates in the Party have not met facts witn pense of keeping up a fashionable establishment in When the Russian workers overthrew the Czar, the facts and arguments with arguments. They have con Paris. He has apparently decided that the French pogrom ceased. When the workers of the world rise sistently refused to discuss the theory involved in the habit of wine drinking is a good one so there is no flouted the intelligence masses, wilist the Jews but against the of membership, and now, As long as Capitalism remains still dodging the fundamental issue in dispute, they pogroms, in one form or another, will continue, resort to the brute force of expulsions and the in Democracy, for which the world has been made whether it be the massacre of the Jews by Gentiles, decency of stealing votes, in order to wreak their re safe, is now to be extended to industry according to the lynching of the black man by his white brothers, actionary will upon the Party. They stigmatized the the President message. If it is going to be as costly the rape of subject peoples by Imperialism, or the Left Wing as a secession movement, as working to split as the first dose labor might be better off as it is now.
murdering of the workers by the industrial averlords. the party, but now, realizing the Left Wing is conquering the Party for revolutionary Socialism, for Bolshevism is the only guarantee to the peoples of the Bolshevik Spartacan International, the moderates Poland is living up to the best traditions of Capitalthe world against oppression. The rule of the work are adopting the policy they maligantly ascribed to the ist freedom by celebrating her liberation with a ers, the establishment of Socialism, is the only method Left Wing split the Party!
pogrom against the Jews.
whereby the future of mankind can be safeguarded.
All else is hypocrisy. So long as classes exist so long fectly willing that the moderates should secede: let Every revolutionary Socialist in the Party is perthe world will welter in the tears and blood which This makes her a fit companion for the Society of have been its heritage throughout the ages.
them secede and affiliate with the Labor Party, the Nations. When Russia indulged in this form of celradical trades union policy of which is their policy. ebration she was admitted to the best circles but since But this is not the intention of Hillquit, Lee, Germer she has stopped wholesale murders no civilized power Clear the Decks! Co. On the contrary, they wish to retain control will recognize her.
of the Party, even if it is necessary to expel the bulk of the membership. They want to erect a wall between the Left Wing and the Party Bryan says: any mother with a drunken son HE controversy on principles and tactics in the they want to imprison us, in much the same way as members knows more than Wilson. We are not quite sure Socialist Party is coming to a head. It is comimprisoned the agitator. They want to re whether this is an argument for Suffrage or Prohibiing to a head through the revolutionary upsurge of the membership and the decision of the moderate. they care adopting the prestrach party remaini zetion; tion. Perhaps it is just a statement of fact.
party deciding to split the party in order to retain ity in the Party adopting the policy of expulsion fors. We suppose now that Finland has murdered all Lenin sues Kolchak for armistice says Helsingcontrol.
They are social gangsters and the workers she must do something to keep herself in Instead of meeting argument with argument, and traitors to Socialism.
facts with facts, the moderate petty bourgeois So Why are these tactics necessary? If the majority But both Switzerland and Sweden have got a long the public eye and lying is as good a way as any other.
cialists in the Party are answering the revolt of the of the membership is for moderate Socialism, why are start.
membership with expulsions and with acts that throt the moderates disqualifying members from voting, tle the will of the membership.
ballots in order to pile up a moderate maBranch after branch of Local New York, affiliated jority. It is because they recognize that the major the newspapers. Highway robbery by easy payments Allies allow easier payment in Saar terms, say with the Left Wing, has been expelled. and now the them in a few months. Nothing can crush the revoluity is against them now, and if not now, will be against a specialty. National Executive Committee, in session at Chicago, tionary upsurge in the Socialist Party! So the modexpels the whole Socialist Party of the state of Micherates adopt the tactics of brute force, of a desperate Birds of a feather to flock together Britain to recigan, with threats of other expulsions. This, clearly, ognize Kolchak Government.
is partly a criminal attempt to steal votes from left minority bent upon rule or ruin.
Wing candidates, in order that the moderates may Clear the decks? Yes!
be selected. It is, moreover, a desperate attempt to Revolutionary Socialism in the Party accepts the Indian Loyalty To British Crown says The isolate the fires of revolutionary Socialism, lest challenge. If in a minority, we are not afraid to or Cliristian Science Monitor and The New York Tribune they burn away all the fires of the moderates. ganize a new party; we are not afraid to act precisely leadline answers Rebellious Mobs In Tulia Beaten Nor are these actions isolated. They are proceed Socialism shall be represented in the Communist Inas the Bolsheviki and the Spartacans did: American Bly Lack of Arms.
ing upon a definite theory, formulated by that master strategist of the moderates, Morrist Hilquit. In an ternational, it shall respond to the Bolshevik Spar Bank of England May Renounce Profits says the article in the New York Call of May 21, The Social. tacan call for solidarity and action! Our comrades call answer!
press: Bolshevism!
ist Task and Outlook, Hillquit presents his attitude, The article is on the one hand, a clevedly a campadicentes cialism with revolutionary Socialism.
You cannot mix laborism and petty bourgeois SoThe New York Times reports that Jews have been You cannot flogged and thrown into prison in Poland because they and, on the other, a declaration of open war against betray Socialism and yet claim to represent the pro would not sign a statement making the Bolsheviki the Left Wing. language of the revolstionary Socialist; but every insinuatingly adopts the letarian revolution.
responsible for the pogroms. Perhaps this was how Clear the decks! Clear them Clean.
the Sisson documents were obtained.
statement has a reservation mobilize indefinite revolutionary sentiment in the But this clearing of the decks must be done by the speaking for and misrepresenting the Party: The We accept the challenge, but we refuse either to secede Strike, a political weapon, to settle an industrial quesIt appears from the Capitalist Press that the workParty for the moderate representatives who are now membership. It must not be done. by a few bureauers of Winnipeg are quite wrong using the General whole performance, its subterfuge and centrist tenor be expelled from the Party by Hillquit, Germer, question. If we remember correctly when labor talks ency, is exposed in the fact that, while he rejects the Berne nternational, Hillquit equally rejects the Commons Ne. to sabotage the referendum vote. We refuse Mooney the same press warns against the use of the munist International organized at Moscow, with the to are now affiliating which the real elements of revolutionary Socialism Emergency National o alla pace, the action of the General Strike, an industrial weapon, on a political of the Party. The membership referendum and the National Convention question.
We shall, in a series of editorial articles, analyze are the supreme expression of the Party: the the tendency of Hillquit declaration. Let us now The only thing as far as we can see that would consider his declaration of war against the Left Wing. that Socialism which means a betrayal of Social make any intelligent person favor the League of Naism. Let the moderates the betrayers of Socialism tions is the objections raised to it in the Senate.
Hillquit characterizes as unfortunate the controversy in the Party: he does not deny the sound rev organize a new party or join the Labor Party.
olutionary impulse which animates the rank and file We refuse to turn over the Socialist Party to the Discharged Soldiers and Sailors, out of work, are of the Left Wing, but is against their tactics, and conmoderates. We shall not abandon the struggle to rev dispersed by London police says a headline which cludes: olutionize the Party, for the bulk of the membership merely goes to show how safe democracy has been It seems perfectly clear that, so long as this movement persists in the party, the latter activity will be ize the Party, we shall crush the moderates and the made. So safe in fact that nobody seems to be able to get it.
criers after the dead, we shall make the Party worthy wholly taken up by mutual quarrels and recriminations. Neither wing will have any time for the of membership in that Communist International of propaganda of Socialism. There is, as far as can see. the Bolsheviki and the Spartacans, of the Socialist Austrians urge early presentation of Peace Terms.
but one remedy. It would be futile to preach reconcili Party of Italy, of revolutionary Socialism in all lands. On the assumption we suppose that even the reality ation and union where antagonism runs so high. Let the Comrades on both sides do the next best thing.
We shall conquer the Party for revolutionary So is better than suspense.
Let them separate, honestly, freely and without rancor.
Let each side organize and work in its own way, and Clear the decks!
make such contribution to the Socialist movement in It was also announced that the council of four had America as it can. Better a hundred times to have The slogan of the moderates is: Split the Party for ratified the decision of the economic council to maintwo numerically small Socialist organizations, each moderate, petty bourgeois Socialism!
homogeneous and harmonious within itself, than to tain the blockade against Germany until a regular govhave one big party by dissensions and squabbles, an The slogan of the Left Wing is: Conquer the Party ernment, based on a free and popular mandate, is important colossus on feet of clay. The time for ac for revolutionary Socialism, for the Communist In set up, says a Paris dispatch. In other words Gertion is near. Let us clear the decks.
many is to be starved to death and then given food.
maneuvre to to allow