2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 31, 1919 The Revolutionary Age ests.
ibly in the interests of Admiral Kolchak Govern of the workers on more than one occasion and signs ment, which is admittedly a dictatorship of the same are not wanting that a revolt against this type of Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events of order in Russia. In reality these workers, in the demands, the harder it will be for the Thomases to pattern as the late Czar regime, and the restoration leadership is brewing. The more political become the uniforins of their various masters, are fighting the thwart the will of the workers. In the economic field LOUIS FRAINA Editor workers and peasants of Russia in the interests of compromises, carefully worded promises, doles, etc. Capitalism. Every bullet fired into the ranks of Rus can be made to avert trouble, but when demands beContributing Editors sia proletarian army is a shot aimed at the heart of come political, compromises are not so effective, in JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA the working class the world over.
fact, they are more likely to become so many addiN. HOURWICH FERGUSON No matter how the tide of battle rolls in far off tional irritants.
LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE Russia, one fact is certain Bolshevism cannot be deIf British labor is in earliest about the withdrawal feated. It is here to stay. After their heroic fight of the troops from Russia, the recognition of KolISSUED EVERY SATURDAY for nearly two years the Russian workers may suffer chak and supplying him with muhitions to destroy verwhelming defeat but the hour of their defeat will the Russian workers will not satisfy the demand, even By LOCAL BOSTON, SOCIALIST PARTY be the hour of their victory and the victory of the While the demand that the German blockade be lifted STEINER, Business Manager world oppressed. Consciously of unconsciously the shows that the workers are giving thought to world 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
man that seines in any way his class affiliations looks affairs.
Subscription 00 for six months (26 ISSTICS) towards Russia and the number that turn their gaze The decision of the police union to present an ultimatum Biedlc orders 2c a copy cast ward is daily increasing. With the announcement government and in event of refusal that Russia has been crushed to earth the reaction will to declare a strike all over the country is significant.
comc the feeling of loss will awaken the conscious. If the government continues its present policy and ness of millions. But the end is yet a long way off, the strike is actually declared it may well prove the Warning the Russian workers are not yet defeated. match which will explode the powder. The Helsingfors dispatch is merely a sign of the To say the least, the situation is not as black as the FRANK VANDERLIP, president of the Nation growing boldness of the reactionary forces, a try out headlines about Russia would seem to indicate. From the few men from the capitalist ranks who has an be the victor, the Allies are not to appear on the scene to do in the immediate future than help to frame up intelligent grasp of the world situation. He has just in the star role. Russian is to bring about the down the revolutionary workers of Russia. The situation returned from Europe and unlike the others of his fall of the Russians! For this reason the Allies have from the labor aspect alone is critical; when the unclass who have been recently on the other side of the been centering their main efforts on supplying Kol employed soldiers and sailors are taken into considerwonen, mass terrors of fither bugabooson But he has ally without any vulgar ostentation shipload of taken a strike yote are not likely to be violently antaApparently he has kept his eyes and ears open and suffer clefeat at the heads of a real Russian, the Allies the critical aspect of the labor situation becomes the has not allowed his prejudices to bias his judgement. will recognize Russia and all will be well for Can critical aspect of a revolutionary situation.
He comes back to tell of Europe seething with revolt italism. It is time for Labor to again assert itself. it and he warns that unless food, clothing and shelter is is time for a movement in the ranks of the Allied Polish Freedom provided without delay revolution will engulf the workers.
whole world. Mr. Vanderlip sees the forces at work, Alien troops are still at Archangel and Vladivos ONE of the ideals for which the Allies were fig he has no illusions about democracy, or any of the tok.
ing and upon which they now insist in the Peace other fine phrases. He sees the masses starving, he Terms is the freedom of small and subject peoples.
sees the governments playing chess with the people of the earth and he also sees that the chessmen are Labor in England It is upon this principle that they have restored nation hood to the Poles. Poland is now recognized loaded with dynamite.
all the civilized nowers as a nation and her emessaries by The report that thousands of discharged soldiers Eurone must get work if it is to be saved, but it are received in Paris on questions affecting her interniust be helped even to start to work he says and goes and other missiles, marched upon the House of ComShe is recognized as a nation fit to take her on to assure his auditors that he is not exaggerating mons gives some ivkling of the measure of the situ place among the others, her government subscribes to the gravity of the situation. He replies to the attitude ation in England. The further news that when the the principles of Capitalism.
taken by many that things will straighten out in the police stopped the marchers they re formed and pro Now comes the word that pogroms are in full swing long run. would answer that hungry stomachs will cocded towards Buckingham Palace shows the temper in this newly liberated land. Hundreds of Jews are 110t wait for things to straighten out in the long of the people.
arrested and thrown into jail or shot down in batches The march towards the parliament building, though without even the pretense of a trial. their homes are However, although Mr. Vanderlip sees pretty clear in these days of world revolution significant enough. sacked and the women and children beaten and driven ly he does not, and can not in view of his position is not unusual. Many unemployed demonstrations put to meet death by starvation. dispatch to The see that things have gone beyond the stage where the liave taken a similar line of march, as have all other masses cannot be put off with anything less than the parades expressive of popular discontent. But the The Poles armed a mob and instigated an attack whole product of their toil.
turn towards Buckingham Palace is more unusual. on the Jews on April 18. At the same time fighting The masses are beginning to realize that the cause in the habit of think soms going on with the Bolsheviki. Two hundred of their misery lies in the capitalist system of society ing of the king as apart from the government and Jews were massacred, many of them women, while at and as this realization grows the determination rrelv is he connected with any disapproval of condi service in a synagogue. Many children under twelve strengthens to sweep away this cuirsed system and on tions. He is looked upon as the figurhead of the years old and men between 60 and 72. vears were its ruins to build the new state of the Cooperative Comempirc and is considered to be removed from the lilled. Every Jewish home in Vilna was pillaged, and monwealth.
actual function of governing. That his safe guard. then more than 000 Jews were driven off to Lida, On the continent the king, kaiser or czar has always of those allowed to remain in Vilua, many, includmany being killed or dying of suffering on the way.
No palliatives will avail now: the peoples are awakeuing to the realities of the situation, and insisting in been looked on as the actual government and the ing Rabbi Rubinstein, were fogged and put in prison must never again rest with the system that has hathed to the continent the kinga kaishis and season baime Bolslıcviki of being responsible for the massacre.
marshalling its forces in such a manner that the next once the masses get to the point of dethroning a mon The same dispatch reports that Paderewski has left generation will inevitably face an even greater catarch they make a clean sweap and throw the govern for Paris to plead for greater power and territory astrophe, if capitalism is allowed to continue in power.
ment out also. It is easier to overthrow a monarch for the new state of Poland. No intimation is given than a parliament. monarch is more removed from that the Allies will refuse to receive him because of thic people and in their eyes more autocratic.
the massacres. Yet the Allies have refused to recogThey Are Still There! arliaments have the fiction of being representative nize the Russian Soviet Government because it does of the people and can apparently be ousted by halloting.
not represent the majority of the Russian people and in But a monarch is an authocrat, immediately the people maintains itself by force.
ment of the Allied countries a statement is is compet hin with their distress. It may be that the Eng Why is Poland thus favored when it is obvious that sued by one or other of the Big Four that the policy lish soldiers and sailors marched towards Bucking the Allies are very particular regarding the actions of towards Russia is undergoing a change, that the troops tam Palace because when they wanted to march less powerful nations. The answer is given in the were diverted from the nations they recognize at least the smaller and are to be withrawn, that the Allies are exercised over tlic Houses of Parliament events in that country and that they aim only to a somewhere. Int it may be that they turned in that Times dispatch: At the same time fighting was goof the Russian people. As the crisis is weathered the forms of government. If the English workers once complish the greatest sound for the greatest number firection because they are beginning to think of othering on with the Bolsheviki.
powers that be forget all about Russia and the prosti forget that the king is a figurehead, if they get the The Poles are to be given freedom because they lute press resumes its startling announcements about idea that the ballot does not record their wishes then they are massacring the Jews is deplorable, but it are acting as the assassins of freedom. The fact that the defeat of the Bolsheviki.
things will happen quickly in the British Empire.
must be overlooked in view of the fact that they are Now comes the story that Lenin has sued for an The triple alliance is turning its attention more also attempting to massacre the Bolsheviki! At all arinistice with Kolehiak, that Petrograd is in flames, and more to the political questions of conscription, costs the Bolsheviki must be put down in order that Moscow is being evacuated, and Bolshevism is biting the withdrawal of the troops from Russia. the release the world may be made safe for democracy. Poland the dust of defeat. Along with the dispatch which is of the conscientious objectors, and the lifting of the has accepted the tenents of Capitalism and is willing dlated at Helsingfors, is printed! resume of events blockarle against Germany: and the purely industrial to act as the hired thug of the bigger interests that the British troops have played a considerable part.
tlie Italians also receive favorable mention, as do the illiance are men of the conservative labor union type. olation of the law are forgotten and forgiven in view iner into the background. The leaders of the triple breakers which in other circumstances would be in viFrench and Americans. 111 these countries have a few liberal patriot opportunists of the Henderson of the great service rendered to the community as a endeavored to give the impression from time to time fune, and here and there a radical like Robert Smilie. whole in beating down labor, so Poland is to be forthat they were on the ve of leaving Russia and now These leaders, with the exception of the Smilies, given because she can be used against the Russian it comes up again that they are actively engaged against will always act for the government and against the workers and peasants.
the workers and peasants of Russia. Why? Ostens rank and file, but already they have curbed the wishes Large protest meetings have been held against the ruin.