The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 33 Saturday, May 31, 1919 Price Cents The Great Adventure TH death and HE soul of man is an adventurous soul. The ally meet and unite with man conquest of man, with the slaves of the present of Capitalism and Imperialgreat adventure of humanity, its ascent to the the conquest of society for Man, for life and the joy ism. The Russian people, accordingly, upset by revlight and its conquest nature, has developed of life.
olution, still suffering from war and oppression, detera soul in which the unity courage and aspiration Hawker and his unconquerable comrades almost mined to push forward their revolution beyond any issues its defiance to death. The soul of man is in met death in order that man might conquer over previous revolution; they determined to overthrow that Great Anventure which is Life.
nature. At the moment that they met death and con the present in order to build the future. And they If you can invoke the spirit of the Great Adventure quered, other men, aye, and women and children, too, did.
in man, you loose a force that is uinconquerable. It were actually meeting death in the spirit of the Great But the revolutionary masses of Russia, in their was this soul, this adventurous yearning for the light Adventure that man might conquer over man, con Great Adventure, met with almost inhuman and inand a new world, that was used consciously and cal quer society for Man and for life, for peace and work superable obstacles. Disorganized by four years of culatingly by the masters of bourgeois society to and happiness.
war, opposed by the whole world of privilege and op carry on the war. The soul of man responded. and Just as nature, while prollucing life conspires pression, they were to build a new world! Alone, this response is the great tragedy of the war. against life, so man, in producing society. conspires they defied the past and the present. alone, they deagainst man and society. The conspiracy is the con fied and military power of The enthusiasm, the courage, the aspirations of inan of international Capitalism Out of agony and tears, out of were mobilized in the war, a war to make the world starvation, they clung to their ideal, they tried to safe for the old and the dead. Men died and were make real that dream of the ages man conquest of mangleg, suffering the tortures of the damned; chil Call for a National Conference the tyranny of man, realizing free world and a free dren starved, while women cried the try of death and despair. The strength of humanity.
of the Left Wing and do, conquered over suffering his will to dare and death, Some sneered the sneer of the cynic. others viquered in a cause that makes mud of the spirit of the Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing of the American Socialist Party, issued by Local Bosolently opposed this finest expression of the Great reat Adventure. For the spirit of this Great Adton. Louis Fraina, Secretary. Local Cleveland, Adventure. Evil men in Russia, evil with the ignorventure in man is life and the love of life; the spirit (C. Ruthenberg. Secretary) and the Loft Wing Scc ance of the ages, evil with the knowledge that comes of this Great Adventure in man is for a new world tion of the Socialist Party of New York City. to the master united to destroy the new sobut this wat was a war to sustain an old world, of opciety that was being built in blood and tears, and the pression and death; this spirit of the Great Adventure The international situation and the crisis in the ideals. built by the in the streets and the fields, in man is for humanity but the war was a war American Socialist Party; the sabotage the party ordinary inen in whom is the uncouth but human against liumanity.
bureaucracy has practiced on the emergency national magnificence of the Great Adventure. These evil convention; the aligning our party with the The Great Adventure became the great tragedysocial patriots at Berne, with the Congress of the men used bullets, and they used more terrible means: while preparing man for that real Great Adventure Great Betrayal; the necessity of reconstructing our they used starvation, they did all they could to diswhich is the Revolution.
policy in accord with revolutionary events. all this, organize the economic life of Russia, in order that the and more, makes it necessary that the revolutionary Man conquest of nature, his mastery of the earth forces in the Socialist Party get together for counsel ideal of the new society should wither, even if it meant condemring a hundred million men, women and action.
and the winds, the sea and the sky, is the means of his This call is therefore issued for the holding of a and children to starvation and death.
ascent to light and a new world. This conquest of National Conference of the Left Wing of the Ame nature is the Great Adventure, which never ends and But, inspired by the vision of the new life, drunk rican Socialist Party, to discuss: which always inspires new conquests.
with the wine of the Great Adventure, the Russian The crisis in the party, and action thereon; the masses made short shrift of these evil men. They conquest of the party for the party, for revolutionary While distinguished gentlemen in Paris, whose Socialismi.
might starve and they might suffer, but they would mission in life is to distort the spirit of the Great Ad2. The New International; ways and means to conquer. The Great Adventure was in their bloodventure to the evil ends of Capitalism, of death and prevent the party aligning itself with the Internation flawing out in the unconquerable spirit of the oppression, were wreaking their evil will upon the all of the social patriots, of the Ebert Scheidemann Revolution.
world, aviation offered us another symbol of the un gangsters, and the wavering centre; affiliation with conquerable adventurous soul of man.
the Bolshevik Spartacan International alone.
Then the evil men of other nations conspired against The formulation of a declaration of principles the Great Adventure in Russia. They conspired with Into the sky and the winds and over the sea, man, and purposes of a national scope of the Left Wing of slander and deceit, with death and misery. They with a machine built by his ingenuity and sustained the American Socialist Party used bullets, but they, still more, used the coward by courage and aspiration, tried to do that which was Forming some sort of a national council or bur means, lies and starvation. They blockaded Russia, never done before to fly in the mysterious air over eau of the Lef Wing, for propaganda, securing of dlenied it access to the world, encouraged counterthe terrible depths of the sea. These aviators were information and spreading information.
revolutionary intrigue to demoralize the Soviet Govto Ay through an air way never charted by man To express and draw together the revolutionary they forces in the party; to consider other means of further above eager to end their adventure an ocean, savagely ing the cause of revolutionary. Socialism.
food or machinery into in the waters of its being. Mishap was death; hesita This call is issued to locals of the Socialist Party, tempt to starve out the Soviet Revolution by starving tion might in a moment end their adventure; the branches and Left Wing groups within the party. The its citizens.
winds might direct them to disaster and the waters test of admission provisionally, will be acceptance of the Manifesto of the Left Wing of the Socialist The quick cleath of an aviator plunging into the close over them in death. But, alight with the spirit Party of Greater New York.
maclstorm of winds and seas is a much easier death of the Great Adventure, they made their flight, ma Left Wing locals are invited to send delegates ofjestic, unafraid.
ficially. Where a local officially refuses to participate, than slow starvation. But the Russian people acbrances or minority groups in the party accepting the cepted starvation: they refused to act against the And the most adventurous of all were those who principles of the Left Wing should send delegates.
Revolution in order to secure food. For eighteen almost met disaster. The Americans had planned it Representation. one delegate for every 500 members. months they have fought the world, they have starved, No local ur group should send more than four deleall; they had prepared to balk death of its prey with they liave been shot; but they are undaunted, they are gates. Locals, branclics or groups of less than 500 arc all the ingenuity of nian courses had been charted, entitled to one delegatc.
leterinined to realize that finest manifestation of the ships were everywhere to assist them in case of inis The conference will be held starting Saturday, June Great Adventure, the conquest of man over man, of hap. The danger was there, but it was lessened. 21, a sonic central city to he decided after the districleath over life, of Socialism over Capitalism.
Byution of delegates is considered.
But the ones who almost met (lisaster, the British Left llius locals and Branches, act! Send communLife itself calls to man to engage in this Great AdPrs alight with the mystery and the joy of the open ications rimilim Colru, 43 iV est 29th Street, venture. Life itself decrees that man must complete. Dark City.
paces, made no preparations. They had no course his conquest over nature by the conquest of society.
harted: they had no months of preparation behind The conquest of life, of tyrany of man over man, is hem, no ships waiting to assist them against death.
infinitely more difficult than the conquest of the air.
Alone, with just their machine and their unconquer spiracy of the few against the many, of the master But it is finer, more necessary, more inspiring.
ble will and courage, they plunged into the depth gainst the slave, of the ruler against the ruled the The weak may balk, and the evil oppose. But it is sf the ocean and the sky. Death awaited them; and conspiracy of the ages. In our day, it is the conspir in man himself to engage in this adventure of the the ocean and the winds conspired with acy of the capitalist against the worker, of Capitalism Revolution.
death to accomplish their doom. They almost met against Socialism.
Of what avail is it to conquer the oppression of death, that death which is the maker of life for those The Great Adventure of our generation is not the nature, if the oppression of man by man persists? Of what avail is it tosecure the mastery of nature, if the symbol of the spirit of the Great Adventure coequest of man over nature, but the conquest of man over man, of Socialism over Capitalism, of revoluOthers shall come, and others shall conquer the tion over oppression and misery.
masses do not secure the mastery of industry? Of what avail is it to wring life of nature, if the masters depths of the sky and the ocean, and the malignity of the winds. It is the mystery of life that some ary Russia, the most magnificent epic of the ages.
Consider that Great Adventure which is revolution of inen condemn the workers to death in industry, in society, in war?
shall meet death in order that others may inherit and beautify life.
After an agonizing war, exhausted and starved by The Great Adventure of the Revolution calls to its malevolent fury, the Russian people overthrew the you, men and women of the proletariat. The conBut man conquest of nature is not the end of his despotism of the Czars. In that act, they asserted quest of nature complete it by the conquest of SoGreat Adventure. The conquest of nature must fin their independence of the past. But they were still cialism over Capitalism!
ernment and Soviet industria, hay in a desperate at. the sky and final