THE REVOLUTIONARY: AGE Saturday, May 21, 1919 Mobilizing Soldiers Against Socialism Rode captains.
vel president of the of America soudca Wickershams, meetof who wers Will May 8, and 10 there was held in St. Louis a By ject of the initiators of the American Legion will not congress of soldiers, to lay plans for organizA Study in Class Consciousness succeed for long. Among the rank and file of the ing an American Legion of veterans of the war.
former soldiers there is much dissatisfaction with the there should appear at this congress. and in the sold mediately develop into faithful guardians of the in hierarchy. First of all, the soldier privates are not iers movement, the same class antagonisms that char terests of beneficent capital. The spirit of reacsatisfied with the name of the Legion. They state acterize and rend modern society.
tionary militarism was dominant. Hysteria was that the name American Legion does not reveal the The idea of convoking this congress was formulated rampant against the radicals. Representatives of a ganization of the soldiers. They are interested not Pargely, a mystery, but it is clear that was not de cluded. The whole spirit of the congress was to mod so much in Americanism as in their daily bread clearly, representative of the man in the ranks. Mil law and order which means supremacy for Capital concerned with this phase of the problem: in rightitary authority, and not the soldiers democracy, was ism and oppression for the workers.
in control.
To accomplish these sinister purposes, an energetic for sipariotic indignation they rejected the proposal six months pay for the soldiers which is all very Why the congress? The sad experiences Rus campaign of propaganda is being carried on and cer well for the military aristocrats!
sia, Germany and Austria Hungary are demonstrating tain practical ineasures taken. Former soldiers are The soldier privates, moreover, are dissatisfied to the American governing forces that their power is given preference in applying for city or state jobs. wth the fact that the Legion is dominated by the based upon the blind obedience and subservience of the Employers are being bombarded with prosreferen against making Lieutenant Roosevelt They are soldiers in carrying out orders. Should the soldiers literature advising them to adopt the same begin to think seriously about the expediency and tial policy. At the same time, the main object of the Legion. The soldiers privates maintain that the Leg: arawo practical conclusians, the whole of modern so the present system of the exploitation of laboř, based and while dominates. And the oficers must the pain private ownership of the means of produc soldiers not the sons of rich fathers, but of their to its foundations.
tion. The members of the Legion must carry on at own class, of the workers who from personal bitter There are very stringent measures in the arsenals all times a relentless struggle not only against the Bol experience understand factory oppression and unem democratic to make the soldiers obedient. sheviki, hut against any manifestation of the class ployment and starvation wages.
The American court martial system was so terrible struggle of the American workers.
that even members of the General staff cried out in But the facts and the indications are that this pro dications of the awakening to consciousness of the These initial differences and antagonisms are inprotest.
tro harsh character of court martial justice They were frightened, lest the American workers who are again becoming might make the soldiers and accelererupt workers after their experience in the uniThe Most Important Book of the Year. Just Out!
form. They seem to instinctively that ate the catastrophe which our democratic country is feverishly approaching. But if can come from the Roosevelts, OS The Proletarian Revolution the to obedience the soldiers in the generals, active army. this proves not so effective with and majors. It is best that they soldiers discharged from the service. These in Russia should part. These former men have undergone tortures in ing their former officers as France: death lay in wait for them, while By Lenin and Leon Trotzky a bosses and employers, will porty cilessly oppressed. In their every day lives the trench life was abominable. They had to answer with their own skins the mistakes Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and blunders of their commanders.
and Supplementary Chapters as landlords and business men who will skin They them alive. And all this will sooner or later By Louis Fraina know that owing to uncoordinated action of open completely the eyes of these workers the commanders, thousands of soldiers died This unique book traces the course of the great Russian Rev were formerly in the soldier uniform, in vain, even from the point of view of olution from March 1917 to October 1918, in the words of the two to them that the master is not a purely, military strategy These soldiers masters of the Revolution.
brother to to the peasant.
back from the war will doff the uniform It consists of a mass of articles and pamphlets written during This process of awakening is now in acand don the overalls in no meek spirit they the Revolution, covering every important phase of the Revolution, tion.
will not as in the past submissively accept arranged to make a consecutive story.
ganizing an organization of their own a monotonous and joyless life.
National Organization of the Private SolCONTENTS: Part One The First Stage of the Revolution by In order to arouse a patriotic disposi Lenin (March 12 to May 18. Part Two The General Prodiers and Sailors of America. Of this ortion among the workers, they were promised gram of the Bolsheviki, ly Lenin (tactics. program and gengreat things from the war democracy, a eral policy. Part Three The Struggle for State Power, by ganization its president says: In time, we ll Lenin and Leon Trotzky (May 18 to the uprising of July 16 17. have every private that served in the war en new world, almost a social revolution.
Part Four The Revolution in Crisis, hy Leon Trotzky (written But now that the victorious soldiers must it affiliated with an officers organization. nor at the end of August, analyzing the Bolshevik defeat in July, the return to work, they learn from bitter ex Moscow Conference and the problems of the future. Part Five can an officer join. This is simply the start perience that these great promises were The Proletarian Revolution Conquers, by Louis Fraina (Sept of a larger of the means of life stituent Assembly: includes articles of Lenin and Trotzky and docuember to January the coup etat of November 7, the Conmust continue ments. Part Six The Revolutionary Struggle for Peace, by Leon The soldiers who are again to become Instead of a quiet life at home, yesterday workers must think and act as workers.
The Soviet Republic and its Problems, by Lenin (May, 1918. Oppressed and humiliated, they will join toemnloyment, dispossession from Supplementary Foreign Relations (July to October, 1918; Lenin, gether with the oppressed and humiliated and other blessings of the old order. The Trotzky and Chicherin. wore the soldier uniform in a landlorrls are impartial they skin equally 477 Pages More than 200, 000 Words.
conscious struggle against those who live tenants, even though they are soldier Paper Cover, 00; Library Edition Cloth, 50.
from the labor and blood workers heroes. True, Methodist churches are offerwhether in uniforms or in overalls.
ing shelter to these soldiers but it wasn The Social Revolution in Germany It will not be enough for the private soldiers to become linegars that these workers put organize independent of their officon the soldier uniform and went to fight in By Louis Fraina ers. They must go beyond that to a more France! fundamental study of the great struggle in Germany, which together with the officers is in itself a reconscious class policy. Refusal to organize The soldiers are discontented. They are is at the same time a study in revolutionary Socialism. Indispenscognition of excited. Measures are necessary, any measclass divisions. The officers able to an understanding of the character of the European Rev.
11res, in order to pacify them and soldiers ution. Including two articles by Karl Liebknecht and Franz represent actually or in ideology, the ruling are incited to break up Socialist and radical Mehring. Popular, Comprehensive Incisive.
meetings and destroy buildings.
112 Pages; 25c a Copy.
means of which gle is the great fact, by alone the workers and solmust be found an outlet for the discontent in the heart of the soldiers and pogroms ere fighting for democracy are incited against the Revolutionary Socialism diers workers were fighting for democracy ceases, in war or in peace; while the sol, They try to make strike breakers out of the returned soldiers. Thus the rowdy expresBy Louis Fraina Europe, the capitalists used the opportunsions of groups of American soldiers are What is Bolshevism, this left wing Socialism which is shaking over reaction and oppress labor.
The war due to the deliberate incitation of their Capitalism? This book provides a thorough analysis of the concepts diers will come home with new ideas and masters and their own lack of understanding and program of revolutionary Socialism. It considers Socialism a more intense energy. They will not be satisThe three million solliers recruited on and the War, Iniperialism, Socialism in Action, the Death of Demo fied the old. Their at this on the basis of universal military service pracy, the collapse of the clominant Socialism upon the declaration moment, is against, Socialism.
were composed of about 95 of men from of war, Socialist Readjustment, Class and Nation, Problems of But the soldier Sorbere will industrial life. And now the ruling class exState Capitalism, Unionism and Mass Action, and Proletarian Dict ity of this, that they are acting against their erts all its efforts to create in the minds of atorship.
these former workers (who are again to be Son Katayam, the Japanese Socialist, declares this they will unite with the Socialist proletariat come workers) prejudice against companbook the finest interpretation of the new development in for the conquest of Capitalism for work, vesterday in the factory and the International Socialism.
peace and 111 means are resorted to in this task.
258 Pages. 75c a Copy.
This struggle is at the basis of things.
The soldiers congress at St. Louis Adress all orders For the workers and the former soldiers)
one such means. The purpose of this conTHE REVOLUTIONARY AGE to avoid this struggle, is to deliver thempress, according to its initiators, was to unite selves body and soul to the oppressing Capall men formerly in the service, the privates 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
italists. The capitalists wage this struggle as well as the generals, into an American against labor, consciously and implacably; it Legion, It was made clear at the congress is necessary that labor should.
in mere bluff. The pricete the end of the war.
intensifyntagonism, which the Socialist rise et from their homes, of the There The cleapitalism.
dier workers were ity to per has awakened many. The sol with being directed ions of wers shop.