6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 24, 1919 Anglo Saxon Military Ideals being. We occupya; He says: is to an English, not a German, writer that we Amongst the Powers and States of the continent factor in a nation success, or of a nation failur owe the first explicit enunciation in modern form and of the world that the strife from a high to an at that culminating moment of long processes of con of the doctrine that militarism is the noblest ex even higher reality seems Germany art at the pre mercial and diplomatic rivalry the moment of war.
pression of human energy, and that war is the highest sent hour. And here let me say with regard to GerHe emulates the Bishops in the religiosity wit.
far the which he contemplates the results of collective hom James Ram was published in 1877, while as yet. greatest; and by greatnes mean not merely magni cide as an evidence of the Divine purpose in huma Treitschke was as unknown in Germany as he was in tude, not her millions of soldiers, her millions of society: England before the outbreak of the present war, and inhabitants, mean her grandeur of soul. She is the The Lord of Hosts has made righteousness the pat more than thirty years in advance of Bernhardi Ger greatest and most heroic enemy if she is our enemy many and the Vert War. The author argues that that England in the thousand years of her history the battlefields, piled with the dying, the dead, and of victory. In the crash of conflict, in the horrors of war and the fitness for war are an integral portion of has ever confronted.
the wounded, a vast ethical purpose prevails. II.
the conditions of creative advance: an essential part The Germany of Bismarck and the Kaiser, he of the struggle for existence by which development goes on to say, is a greater power, greater in conthe great majority of instances which determine gen eral result, the issue of war has made for the ethica, proceeds. He advocates lending ourselves (the Bri ception, in thought, in all that makes for human dig.
lish nation) diligently to the prosecution of Nature mity than was the Spain of Charles and Phillip 11. advantage of mankind. It must be so; it could not be plan (warfare) for the advancement of the inhabitants and the Holland of De Witt and a more august power ctherwise, because ethical quality has tended. lway!
of the earth to higher forms than France under Louis XIV.
to produce military efficiency.
he tells us, one of the topmost places in the Professor Karl Pearson speaks from a scientific War remains the means by which, as between na we must war or we must be crowded out by those standpoint in similar strain: tions or races, the universal law that the higher sha inferior to ourselves. Treitschke and Bernhardi ex It is to the real interests of a vigorous race to be supersede the lower continues to work. From Gre press themselves similarly with respect to Germany. kept up to a high pitch of external efficiency by contest. Britain and from the United States, whence the mi itary spirit is passing away, this bleat of feebleness county life of a sollier commends itself in the abstract to the races by a struggle for trade routes and the now proceeding. But it is not heard among the two imagination as more than any other worthy of honor. sources of raw supply. This is the national history most energetic and efficient peoples now upon earth Nevertheless, he will have no compulsory service. As view of mankind, and don think you can in its main It is not heard in Germany, and it is not heard in for Conscription, he says, if England cannot com features subvert it.
Japan. The wolf who has lost his teeth does not wish mand voluntary soldiers enough to defend her homes Another eminent professor, Ridgeway (Profes to fight, but the wolve whose jaws are still strong does and maintain her Empire, the sooner we give up the sor of Archeology and Classics, Cambridge. is no not share his pious desire.
role of a powerful nation the better. nation that less Prussian in his point of view Colonel Maude, a leading military writer, cannot find voluntary soldiers of her own stock de modern world filled with democratic States also gives a pietistic turn to his materialistic ideology.
serves to be conquered by any other who can.
would be a a stagnant pool in some shady spot in which He assures us that: The late Professor Cramb, who was one of no higher forms could live, but overflowing with all the baser sorts of life. In a word, in perfect peace War is the divinely appointed means by which the the first English publicists to draw attention to the writings of Treitschke and Bernhardi and to the menenvironment may be adjusted until ethically fittest humanity would perish from its own physical and morace of Germany world conquest ambitions, was him al and best become synonymous.
first and the boldest champions of the Mr. Osborn appraises war similarly as a sort Mr. Austin Harrison, the editor of the English Re self same militarist ideals for England. In his lecture, of biological divine providence: vieu. who is said to have written the best book abou Reflections on the Origin and Destiny of Imperial That is why war for war sake appeals to so many. the war, and is alleged to be one of the soundes Britain, delivered in 1900, he hailed with joy, tum It is a gymnasium of the naked soul, in which virtue English minds of our time, states that only by wa ultuous joy the advent of the new era of military renews her hardihood after the corroding comfort of can civilization be saved. His imagination become conquest in England, and appealed for conscription. a long period of peace. War has always been and erotic as he «lilates on the theme, as thus. In his Germany and fingland, published shortly before still is the ultimate secret of progress throughout the do not myself understand our theoretical craz the war. so far from condemning Treitschke and Bern demesnes of life. But for war, millions of battles for no war, which would mean a constipated civiliza hardi for their militarist megalomania, he commends extending over millions of years, we might even now tion. all great creative movements have Aourishe them and passionately appeals to Britain to adopt sim be nothing but mudfish, peacefully reposing in the ilar national ileals. Nothing in Treitschke or Bern secular slime.
in, or sprung from, warlike conditions. Even th power of the churches waned the moment they cease barcli can exceed the enthusiasm with which he Perhaps the most high sounding, and the most im to be State Figħting Institutions. The idea that as th speaks of war.
pudent of the more recent apologetics for war comes result of this war Europe is In war and the right of war man has a possession from Mr. Harold Fraser Wyatt, the joint founder and abode of Arcady, where men no longer fight, or lear which lie values above religion, above industry, and honorable secretary of the Imperial Maritime League.
above social comfort. in war man values the power In an article in the Nineteenth century and After of rule over us with unctuous infallibility, and there which the spirit of man possesses to pursue the ideal. itarism with the fervour of an evangel. Efficiency. this is one of the drollest views ever kibbled for th. So enraptured was this British professor with the for war. he oracularly declares, is God test of the Democratic table. The spirit of fighting is direct blood and iron theory of national greatness that he nation soul. For, says he: associated with the sex instinct. Atrophy of the or by anticipation, wholly reprobates the anti German Victory is the result of efficiency, and that efficiency inevitably brings about atrophy of the other.
tirades that have poured from platform and press in is the result of a spiritual quality. And the efficien talk of the abolition of war is to conceive of life wit England since the present war began. He declares. cy or inefficiency of its armaments is the determining out strife, which is its inherent reason and beauty.
among the which Stages of Revolutionary Socialism upon its left wing of the IT first Congress of the Communist Interna as a war forced upon the nations for national inde ments, to conquer political power for the Social tional, lield in Moscow, March 6, recognized pendence, deceives the proletariat, as this war is organization of society.
its obligation to the left wing of the Zimmerwaged for the very purpose of subjugating foreign Without yielding, the struggle for every inch wald Congress, which was held in September, 1915, peoples and countries.
ground under Capitalism, for every measure that to bring together the International. This Conference, Equally fraudulent is the legend concerning the strengthen the working class, without renouncing a however, was cominated by the centre Socialists, defense of democracy in this war, since Imperial means for organization and propaganda. the Soci.
represented by the Independent Socialists of Ger ism means the unscrupulous supremacy of Big Cap ists will have to use all the measures in our minimu many and Karl Kautsky: it adopted, accordingly, a hesitating and The overthrow of Imperialism is possible only by a forevery other social or politiciant crisis content capitalis with the requirements of the moment. the overthrow of It the Osing policy, not in accord an fundamentals. When ti necessary by the revolutionary which means the Socialist organization of capitalist struggle is fought with Socialism as its issue, to issue a declaration of their own society, for which objective conditions are ripe. workers will become impregnable to a a policy of si as against the majority declaration of the Conference, At the beginning of the war the majority of the jugating one people to another as the result of con This resolution included among its signers Lenin and representatives of the proletariat refused to use this timing the domination of one nation by another; and the revolutionary Socialists of Germanythe Group byl nacionalism, carried away only opportunism, they by the temptations of national solidarity which has led Spartard, the of The basis of this struggle is in the struggle again.
Central So cialism, thereby abandoning the actual struggle for the world war, to end the general murder as soon a cevotee of the cial ent of quar and abandoned the fundamentals of Social Democratic Labor of Russia (Bolsheviki)proletarian interests.
the Executive Committee of the Social Democrats of and social Imperialism, as accredits, giving up any participation in capitalist gor Russian Poland and Lithuania, the Central Commit. cepted in Social Germanot only by the openly patriotic ernments, exposure of the capitalist and anti Socialis tee of the Social Democrats of Lettland and the Nor majority of the former Socialist leaders, but also by character of the war in peament amising strugg!
and in the leg wegian Socialists. The minority left wing party in the centre of the party rallied around Karl Kauts and illegal press, the Communist arty) accepted the resolution as the basis si France by the majority, in England and Holland (the Social Democratic Party now the kv, of the leaders in Hund images and learned fans against social patriotism, and the use of every actio of resulting from the war misery, losse for a second International conference.
trade unionists. Plechanov, Rubanowitz, the group the This is the resolution of the Left Wing of the Zim Nashe Djelo. constitute a greater danger to the against the government. It is necessary to agitate fc The world war now ruining Europe is an imperial ialism, because they mislead the class conscious work economic strikes and endeavor to broaden thes istic war waged for the political and economic ex ers by distorting Socialism. The uncompromising whenever conditions are favorable, into politic ploitation of the world, to secure markets, raw mater struggle against social Imperialism is a fundamental strikes. Civil rear, not civil peace that is the issu ilsinvestment markets, spheres of influence, etc. It necessity for the revolutionary, mobilization of the Contrary to all illusions concerning the possibili a product of capitalist development, which, while proletariat and the re birth of the International. of securing permanent peace or disarmament throuf it makes production international, perpetuates the na It is the problem of the Socialist parties, as well the decrees of diplomacy and governments, the rev tional capitalist states with their conflicting interests. as of the Socialist minorities in the mass of the work lutionary Socialists must impress upon the worke The bourgeoisie and the governments, in trying to ers, to awaken and direct the mass of the workers to that the social revolution alone can bring permane disguise the imperialistic character of the world war a revolutionary struggle against the capitalist govern peace as well as the liberation of humanity.
by masses war, etc. to is