
Saturday, May 24, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE They Must Work, But Not Rebel names.
tion ers well, the its bad quality; soldier hunger.
ks, ship styi. as a first, cause my conIF were a writer, historian or novelist, would By Frank Lopez and keep their mouths shut. That why name no have enough material for a large work, in my notes My heart thrilled with joy and my pains taken during my residence at Ellis Island. But, Impressions While at Ellis Island Awaiting stopped while these brave bavs taiked about their as am not, write only a few lines for the workers, Deportation hatred of such life, but my pers were double and ho may be future guests of our dear Uncle my sufferings were more ac ite when their brutality Samuel at the Hell Island Hotel a few things called in a way that he had not understood, De Rub and ignorance were exhibitedi.
they should know before they accept the invita bis was thrown down to the floor by five of the gu Some of the patients were ave to get out of bed to receive and welcome the oppressed workers of ing behind his hat, coat and baggage. these things five days before his death. The reatusent he reto the lodging house at the Island, a house built ards, handcuffed and dragged out of the room, leav and jump around while pthers were very sick, as in one.
nations who sought refuge in this land of the Another case of brutality was when a young man ceived was terrible. He was a miatto from South The progress of America is due to the greaser (we knew hiin as the Turk of Palestine. tried unAmerica, and the nurses in charge of the ward aband the dago, to those foreigners who were re successfully to gain his freedom. He was beaten solutely refused to help him in an Siy but must ceived here to produce the wealth of the country, over the head and body, and kicked all over; and for say that the officers were not aware of that.
nurse How The stains of the blood and sweat of the foreign trying again and again to escape, was sent to the indoes Masso take nourishment. Very well, sir, very on the buildings, the stone, wood and marble, til he with others was transferred to Boston.
was the answer; and counted four consecare a fantastic vision which mocks the ugly faces of utive days that he has been without any nourishthe corrupt bourgeoisie in their sumptuous palaces. The food is of the worst quality, the dogs of the ment at all, because it took too much time to feed him, The foreigners who built your railroads, your rich would refuse it. It would seem almost impos and the women nurses (some of them) were very subways and your automobiles and mines, mills and factories; the foreigners who dug nutritious food, but We still live, although causing while others who needed care and help, but not very out of the bowels of the earth the diamonds you wear, many cases of illness. All of us are physically weak, nice looking, died without any help.
so viciously persend. these are the foreigners you and very often the food is left untouched because of money, you The conditions of military hospitals are nearly all today. To those foreigners alike, but here, too, found three women nurses, in you owe a great debt, you owe not only the clothing and shoes you wear, but the bread you eat. We pro stomachs.
Some nights we can sleep because of our empty all, with a human heart, helping the patients. The duce your wealth, your luxury and all the necessities on beriches after eating, to prevent the quick digestion a stable than for a hospital. The Doctors one day of life, and die by the thousands daily from cold and of the food, and the pain of an empty stomach.
ordered a a watch to keep Masso in good shape, one The sleeping Who are the undesirable citizens of the commun bunks, quarters consist of large rooms with during the day and two at night, half night The worker, the producer, the lover of art, two side ways, one over the other without enough out of bed, cried that those people were starving him.
each. The patient, in his delirious state, trying to get science and literature, or the parasites who live on the product of others toil. The bourgeois, whose don raise your head or you will kiss the top bed instead of watching Masso, tied him to the bed with crimes are innumerable and indispensable in acquir. spring. The bedding consists of three rags, small a sheet, to keep him in place; while he played cards ing gold and supremacy, the legislator, the priest and rotten. some people call them blankets. but they with others during the day, and the night watch does and the judge, the one who dictates, the other who are not. one to cover the bottom oi the bed, spring the same thing and goes to sleep.
lies, and the other who condemns these are the real or canvas; the second to be rolled up undesirable citizens.
The Doctor ordered a window opened near his bed pillow, and the third to cover you. Steam heat dies to give him fresh air after the pneumonja was over, out during the night and the quarters very often feel but as soon as the Doctor walked out of the Ward, Gathered from every industrial center of the coun like a meat refrigerator. After being locked all day try comes the rebel worker, the dreamer of a new one said: Hey, shut that window, let that yellow the Detention Quarters, filled with corrupt atmo beast die there.
in And they did. And he died.
emancipation of his class. Separated from his family, soon, no matter how physically strong you may be ordered to get up. refused and peaceful society, the lover of freedom and the sphere and steam, you begin to feel the effect very After two weeks in bed battling with Flu, was ism, they are brought together as a herd of cattle to of the night, you surely will get into trouble with thinking that probably they knew my condition better his friends and comrades by the hirelings of Capital If you try to open a window to breathe the pure air dition was not good enough to get out of bed, but try, branded as a damaged merchandise, unfit for Quarters. Bugs and other insects very often call than myself, accepted; with the aid of two men the market.
on you during the night. One comrade suggested colwas seated on a chair for a while, until called for lecting some of these creatures, not for the purpose their help to put me back to bed.
The social movement of the United States is nearly of sending them to the zoo, but to send them to Mr.
The same day began to feel an acute pain in my a century behind other countries (not so civilized, Baker, or Mr. McKee. the Emperors of the Island, chest and back, and head. At that moment, had of course) where almost every worker knows his the Rulers of the Hotel.
lost hope of winning the battle. at the same time friend and his adversary. In Europe, when militant the Doctor told the nurses that was gone. Flu proletarians fall into the hands of their enemies, a Six weeks are almost long enough to study the conand pneumonia, he is gone. One day at dinner time and very often an ditions of such a place as a military hospital. If Jean had no dinner? She began to count. One, two, the nurse came in and asked: How many of you have amnesty is obtained and they return to the struggle. de la Hire happens to be there he cần add a second three, turned to the other row of beds and begun, and their families; but here there is no distinction made between volume to his work, The Hell of the Soldier. At the One, two, All right, three whites and two and a common criininal. In Boston, for instance, was taken beginning of December, was taken to the hospital in immigrants, she said. The immigrants were as white prisoner company with another prisoner, Fernando Masso. a from the as the others.
to the court several times, handcuffed and put to bed in ward 31, among our io two professional safe blowers. The didn heroes just returned from Europe. felt happy at know the difference between us three criminals, but first, being among men able to speak about the warpublic In my fifth week, was transferred to Ward 12 on a wheel chair, without enough cover to protect me the two half covered their faces with caps as if to but, what atrocious things!
from the cold, a few days. At this Ward there were ferent, looking onward, head erect. with my hat ide their crimes and their identity: but was dit shows me a souvenir, to obtain which you must kiitsick again to: across the long and narrow path, and their owner. young man from Chicago showed me no bed patients except one invalid young Greek, about thrown backwards. had no crime to conceal. a nickle watch (worth less than two collars) and he of age, in bed for nearly two years.
At the Detention Department, in Ellis Island, the said with a proud air, that the former owner was a The Ward Sergeants here were more cruel and abusprisoners are treated all alike. except the aristocratic prisoner. he asked him to give up his watch, and upon ive than the others. When the Greek asked for any Germans. If are there for an Ideal, for Free refusal, killed the damn German with a blow on the thing the first answer he received was, wish you dom, or for killing half a dozen human beings, makes head. Another man, from New York, showed me a die. George. you will save a lot of work for us.
10 difference for robbery, forgery, white slavery ring with two German helmets engraved on it, to ob This Greek in the morning of January 17, was beaten stowaways and all kinds of criminals of this capitalist tain which he ran a bayonet through a wounded with clenched fists hv one of the attendants. and Joaquin Flores, another patieắt, was also beaten durthem sick, very sick, mentally and physically. Some Kentucky. showed me some German coins, one mark ing the last week of Januarv, for refusing to wash cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, in silver, one brass beer check, and a few copper coins.
the floors, and one of his eyes very badly discolored.
among and more than one After a man falls, he says, run through his pockets in the morning, the Ward Sermennt called to the teleAt the pneumonia Ward one day at eight o clock of degeneracy was discovered but not isolated. in search of souvenirs.
Doctors? Yes, of course, we have doctors come to Of a blind sergeant with three years service, phone the officer in charge and said: the rpoin once or twice a day, but it seems that they asked: Well, young man, what are you going to do we have a new patient Proncho pneumonia, it seems are afraid to contract some sickness and run out very now, without your sight? Well. he answered, to me that he is dying. Will you lose come down quickly without asking any body about his condition. expect to get a pension. Yes, but the pension, if that he called up Some of the prisoners, especially stowaways, are you get any, is never worth as much as your eyes. Do what told you this mornino about the new patient. DC again and said: Captain did you forget without clothes except for a few rags to cover their you see any thing? No, Iut don you of that, which imperis the health and life of many life is, and what ware isi maniche roman. fronor Chée entered the Ward excitemhe phone id What do you very man what He is dying. Will vou please come down good health, spits on the cement the air and light is terrible, either for lor, head forse uma for the highest bridge in think of Captain phout new patient, oni na gril all richt and now are brutes, beasts in After get my discharge. will never tell the people call him again and he says, iust a minute. and human Marjorie vert the considers himself in the rising that it was a soldier, he shall be ashamerickey have create closed the connection.
land as having more authority than any petty King. some books about military life, but never believed My persecutors have heat rive for a long while At first glance the observer will notice their brutal them until now. You will sec, fifter it few months. stealing my letters, in order to find material ipon ity and their stupidity. Such are the men whose a sign on gentlementos como el or her from lot these boites if the come to Boot they must te orders we must obey.
Their savage instincts were shown in the case on Louisiana, said: Before join the army again member that the Voice of Foreclomponot he stran.
Frank De Rubbis, a voung Italian comrade, who does will see the foreign armies landed in New York.
oled. The spectre of the lead and the mutilated not speak the English language. For the crime of All of the patients have similar luistories, but many victims of erotism of the rich, in war and in industry, not answering quickly enough, when his name was of them, as they explain it, are afraid of court martial, is arousing fear and action.
all 10 political Almost every one you the prisoners, case of. Captain and see him At o o clock night.
to tell every רוח lack of army.
Chicago, or animal.