Saturday, May 24, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGL T party who realize that only the international proletarian revSplit the Party!
olution can save the Workmen and Peasants ReBolshevikjabs public and who are placing their faith in the revoluHE situation in the Socialist Party of Local New tionary Left Wing of every Socialist Party in the TE still hold to our opinion that the Allies are York has become a real scandal, a menace to world. The Left Wing is the only real ally of the up against a hopeless job. If they ease down our integrity and a challenge to the party Russian Soviet Republic of Socialism.
the terms so that Ebert and Scheidemann can throughout the country.
This is the issue which emerges stark and clear in sign without losing their jobs, then Clemenceau will group of bureaucrats, drunk with power, clinging the situation prevailing in Local New York.
surely lose his.
desperately to that moderate Socialist policy which is It is an issue which affects the whole future of the the worst enemy of the militant proletariat, is not Bolshevism in Germany if the terms are insisted oniy determined to split the party, but are actually the part that American Socialism will play in the inAmerican Socialist Party. It is an issue which affects upon, Bolshevism in France if the terms are not inaccomplishing their sinister purpose. They are acsisted upon, Bolshevism throughout the world if a complishing this purpose by means of intrigue, by that cannot be dodged, but which requires the militant ternational revolutionary movement. It is an issue new was is started to make the Germans sign.
usurpation of authority, by using the tactics of gang action of the militant membership of the whole party.
Pitting platitudes against peoples and machine guns The situation in Local New York is no longer a There must be an emphatie protest. Local after against ideas results in Bolshevism no matter what the local issue, but national in scope. These are the facts: local of the party should protest against the expulsions university text books say.
The revolutionary comrades in New York, in order in New York City, should protest against the treachery to articulate the revolutionary sentiments of the memand chicanery which have become the last line of de Mayor Hylan offers tents to the New Yorkers infense of the moderates.
stead of houses and get away with it, while poor bership, in order to align the party with the BolshevikSpartacan policy and practice and the new Communist Branches of the Party must not be expelled until Marie Antoinette lost her head for suggesting cake as a substitute for bread to the Parisians. Which International, organized as the Left Wing Section of the membership speaks, every member of the party the Socialist Party of New York City. They issued must have the right to affect decisions.
merely goes to show how foolish Marie Antoinette a Manifesto and Program, which has been adopted Votes must not be stolen from revolutionary can was for not being a member of Tammany Hall.
by accord didates in order to assure the supremacy of the moderwith the policy and practice of the new Communist ates who are directing the party straight to disaster. The terrors of Bolshevism are aptly illustrated by International. Every branch in the Socialist This struggle is a struggle which is being waged in a comparison of the attitudes of Mike Hylan, former of New York City which adopted the Manifesto eljudge, now Mayor of New York, and Bill Shatov, ected delegates to City Committee of the Left Wing. olutionary, but its will is being baffled and misreprerograd, towards the housing problem. Shatov, the the whole party. The bulk of the membership is revformer W: organizer, now Commissaire of Petpurpose of this Committee was to unify. olutionary forces in the struggle against the ship assert itself! Let the national party rebuke reaction ary bureaucracy: it was not dues sternly and uncompromisingły the official chicanery bath in the vacant palaces. Hylan, the Democrat, a Local Queens affiliated as a whole with the Left Wing; the Right Wing of Local New York. can get a bath every time it rains. Let stamp out Bolshevism.
ed the Manifesto and Program. The Left Wing the proletariat and the Socialism of the world. Life at a general membership meeting, adopt The Russian Revolution has issued a challenge to cialism, its avowed and legitimea tight Wing and the American labor is being offered fine things by Presiparty for revolutionary So itself is emphasizing this challenge. The most im dent Wilson in words. The workl is appalled at Wilportant task of the militant Socialist at this moment son words on peace now become deeds. Laborthe Centre, at first sneered at this mass movement of is to re organize the Socialist movement in accord watch out!
with revolutionary experience, to cleanse the movement the militant membership. Then fear caught them by of moderate, petty bourgeois Socialism, of that Sothe hair, as they realized the tremendous strength being cialism which consciously and unconsciously is the The of national bureaucracy is against a general strike to release Eugene Debs and other acquired by the Left Wing. Unable to answer the enemy of the proletariat and the revolution.
class war prisoners. Why shoukl they favor it? It arguments of the revolutionary Socialists, they resorted to terrorism.
The slogan of the moderates is: Split the party for will never become necessary to pull a general strike moderate Socialism!
AL a meeting of the State Committee of New York, in order to release Sammy the Gomp from prison.
a motion was adopted io expel any local or branch of The slogan of the Left Wing is: Conquer the party for revolutionary Socialism for the Communist lo But isn it time that the militant workers in the cided to put this to a referendum vote of the memberthe party affiliating with the Left Wing. It was deternational. of released Samuel from his job?
ship. But before even the referendum was issued. Leninism in Winnipeg, say the press reports. Lemuch less the decision known, the bureaucrats of Local New York, about to lose their majority in the Central Committee, determined to actre suspends and the Call for a National Conference nin, apparently, is omnipresent and omnipotent. Is Meetings it Leninism or just proletarian consciousness of class?
of the Left Wing of the Central Committee were Executive Committee proceeded to re organize the Call for a National Conference of the Left Wing Or are Leninism and proletarian consciousness of local. This is now being done with whole branches of the American Socialist Party, issued by Local Bos class the same thing?
and thousands of members being reorganized out ton. Louis Fraina, Secretary. Local Cleveland. Ruthenberg, Secretary) and the Left Wing Ser The Master is in Paris, but the Master voice of tion of the Socialist Party of New York City.
Not only are branches being re organized out of is still being heard by Congress.
the party, but the ballots of the left zing branches are The international situation and the crisis in the being thrown out the ballots on an Emergency Na American Socialist Party; the sabotage the party Former President Taft urges the square deal as tional Convention, and on candidates for the National bureaucracy has practiced on the emergency national an antidote to the Aren most prison cells convention; the aligning our party with the Executive Committee and for International Delegates.
social patriots at Berne, with the Congress of the By this action. Left Wing candidates are to be deprived Great Betrayal; the necessity of reconstructing our of perhaps 2000 votes unless the general membership policy in accord with revolutionary events, all this, The sign of Capitalism is not the square deal, but of the party acts to rebuke and defeat this cleliberate, and more, makes it necessary that the revolutionary the double cross.
forces in the Socialist Party get together for counsel contemptible means of retaining the moderates in The Peace Conference refuses to publish the full power.
These tactics are abominable. They are used calculThis call is therefore issued for the holding of a National Conference of the Left Wing of the Ame.
text of the peace treaty. Is it, then, still more terrible ating by and insolently to defeat the will of the mem rican Socialist Party, to discuss: than the sumimary?
bership Thousands of party members are being The crisis in the party, and action thereon; the disfranchised, in order to defeat the Left Wing can conquest of the party for the party, for revolutionary All this talk condemning the Peace Conference for Socialism.
didates, in order to assure success for the referendum sabotaging open diplomacy is unjust. The «liplomats to expell all locals and branches who affiliate with the The New International; ways and means to at the Conference are gentlemen: since when do gentleLeft prevent the party aligning itself with the Internationmen wash their dirty linen in public?
The moderates claim that the Left Wing represents al of the social patriots, of the Ebert Scheidemann gangsters, and the wavering centre; affiliation with only a small clique in the party: why, then, not allow the Bolshevik Spartacan International alone.
The new Congress already has more than 1200 bills the membership to make its decision through the ref The formulation of a declaration of principles to consider. The overwhelming majority of these erendum? Why disfranchise the revolutionary So and purposes of a national scope of the Left Wing of concern property rights. They speak of democracythe American Socialist Party.
cialists? Why steal votes away from the Left but what time has the worker to consider all this legis4. Forming some sort of a national council or burcandidates? These desperate tactics are und Wing that eau of the Lef Wing, for propaganda, securing of lation? Bourgeois legislation is the noose that information and spreading information.
strangles democracy and the worker.
will meet defeat in the referendum votes and revoluthe revolutionary Socialists are a majority, that they To express and draw together the revolutionary forces in the party; to consider other means of further Ole Hanson, the bourgeois demi god of Seattle, is tionary Socialism conquer the party.
ing the cause of revolutionary Socialism.
still inciting to murder and riot against the s, In spite of the corrupt tactics of the moderates of This call is issued to locals of the Socialist Party, branches and Left Wing groups within the party. The Bolsheviki, and Socialists.
the Right Wing.
who try to muddy the situation by test of admission, provisionally, will be acceptance bringing in all sorts of irrelevant issues, the contro of the Manifesto of the Left Wing of the Socialist And radicals are still being imprisoned on fraudulent in the Socialist Party of Local New York is Party of Greater New York.
Left Wing locals are invited to send delegates ofcharges of doing the things that Oily Hanson is definite: it is a controversy between moderate, petty ficially. Where a local officially refuses to participate, actually perpetrating.
bourgeois Socialism, which collapsed during the war brances or minority groups in the party accepting the and which is directly counter revolutionary, and that principles of the Left Wing should send delegates.
revolutionary which The gangster tactics of Ebert, Scheidemann Co.
accepts the experience Representation one delegate for every 500 members.
of Bolshevik Spartacan practice, which accepts the Yo local or group should send more than four dele are being burlesqued by the Right Wing in Local New gates. Locals, branches or groups of less than 500 are York. But the New York Socialist gangsters are new Communist International, and which alone is in entitled to one delegate.
furious that they can use machine guns against our accord with the revolutionary struggle of the prole The conference will be held starting Saturday, June revolutionary comrades.
tariat and the tasks of the epoch of the final struggle 21, at some central city to be decided after the distriagainst Capitalism into which the work has definitely bution of nsidered.
Left Wing Locals and Bruncle s, act! Send commun Do the moderates still believe that you can crush ications to Maximilian Colex, 13 il est th Street, The moderates in New York City are deliberately an ideal by force. New York City.
sabotaging revolutionary Socialism. They are sabotaging the Russian Soviet Republic and the Bolsheviki, The Left is right!
and action.
Wing; Socialism