2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 24, 1919 CO monstrated that it yearns ing new threats of war and more armaments. The The President Message disarmament of Germany is not a step toward uniA Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events versal disarmament, but a means of protecting the ONGRESS is in session. It meets at a time Imperialism of the Great Powers. The ideals of the when enormous problems press down upon it, Louis FRUIN.
Editor war but why waste words?
when new social forces are coming into action.
Congress, during the war, proved itselt utterly inContributing Editors competent, a mere lackey of the President. It deJOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA Which International?
no initiative, 110 imagination, no underN. HOURWICH FERGUSON of the constructive needs of the people. InTHE first Congress of the Communist InternaLUDWIG LORE sestigation that was the only activity of Congress, EADMONN MACALPINE tional, which convened at Moscow March 6 com Cruis equally incapable of dynamic action of camouflage and incompetence. The upon the initiative of the Communist Party of new ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY Russia (Bolsheviki) adopted a Manifesto and Pro on vital problems has issued an address to Congress.
gram which is the irew charter of By LOCAL BOSTON, SOCIALIST PARTY international rev President Wilson olutionary Socialism. This Manifesto and Program Ata a moment when the world is in crisis, the PresiH. STEINER, Business Manager is in accord equalle with the facts of contemporary dent proves himself as incompetent as Congress. The 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. development and the spirit of revolutionary Social problems that prese down upon the country require ism. It calls on the proletariat and the Socialism deeds. but when the President turns from words to Subscription 00 for six months (26 issues) of the world to organize in accord with its funda deeds, le breiks down utterly. This is not simply a Bundle orders 2c a copy mental proposals, to engage or prepare consciously personal tendency, but inherent in Capitalism, and aggressively for the final revolutionary struggle In his message. the President says that the quesagainst Capitalism.
tion which stands at the front in every country amidst The Militant Strike The test of the revolutionary spirit of a Socialist the present great awakening is the question of labor, Party will be acceptance or rejection of this Com and proceeds. HERE is a revolutionary movement of the prole munist International. Will the American Socialist How are men and women who ro the daily labor of tariat developing in Canada. Labor is awaken Party, in spite of its aligning it with the Con the world to obtain progress vo improvement in the conditions of their labor. How are they to be ing to a consciousness of class and the necessity of gress of the Great Betraval at Berire, accept the Comgiven their rieb advantages as citizens and luman bemilitant action. The demobilized soldiers are not acmunist Interitational? The membership has the opings. There is now in fact a real community of cepting deception, and express a radical spirit. In portunity to decide by means of the following interest between capital and labor, but it has never been made evident in action. It can be made operat Winnipeg at this moment there is a general strike referendum. ive and manifest only in a new or anization of inwhich controls the city. It is not the old passive That the Socialist Party shall narticipate only in dustry. The new spirit and method of organizastrike, but a militant strike. the sort of strike out in Trinational Congress or Conference called by or cinn which mit be effected are not to be brought of which develops the mass action for the proletarian in which nanticoate the Communist Party of Russia (Delchevili) and the Coinmunist Labor Party of Gerabout to legislation so much as hy the common counsel conquest of power. The strikers have issued the foland voluntary co operation of capitalist, manager and lowing statement: many (Spartacans. workman. The organization of industry is a matof crnorate and individual initiative and of pract There will be no more newspapers until we decide This motion is clearly an acceptance of the Com ical business arrangement. The object of all to let them appear. We know the effect that a news inunist International, in spite of the fact that it was reform in this essenrial matter must be the genuine democratization of industry, based upon a full recogpaper has in molding public opinion, and that in the worded before news came of the first Congress of the nition of the right of those who work, in whatever past such opinion has been molded against our class. Communist International being held. Every militant rank. 10 marticipate in some organic way in every We realize that had we left the press open it would member of the Socialist Party. who adheres to the derision which directly affects their welfare or the part have taken advantage of the hard situation by trying class struggle and revolutionary Socialism, must they are to play in industry.
to show the public that the strikers were weakening vote ves on this referendum.
What do the President words mean? Years ago, in their position by the opening of food depots. It is sheer sophistry at this moment to discuss The American bourgeois pres he sensed that the peoples vearned for universal peace is indignant at this whether or not the old International still exists. It action. But facts are facts. The class struggle of the tried to hold a Conference at Berne, at which the and a new world he articulated that yearning, in proletariat is a form of civil war: and in civil war, Fharts and the Scheidemanns were represented, at hun rrier to develop the ideology of carry on, and then the yearning by accepting vou must break the weapons of vour enemy. Unless spirit was directly which the Bolsheviki were denounced, at which the ens the peace and liberty of the world. The Presithe proletariat adopts more militant tactics in its International, which collapsed miserably during the dent now senses that labor strikes it is bound to meet disaster.
awakering war and which acted against the proletarian revolu in words. while preparing to betray it in deeds: The for a larger life: and he expresses this new yearning. President is for Starving Russia It is now a corpse that has become stinking carrion.
means of this yerine opressing The Second International has been dominated by HE Soviet Government of Russia has rejected the moderate Socialism. It was an International largely words of the President. Through Industrial Counand subjugating labor.
Great Britain in deeds is attempting to THE to realize the istic Peace Conference in Parise for feedinperitive of Socialist parties which pursued a petty bourgeois. cils and Industrial Parliaments the British Gove Russian people. The capitalist press, corrupt to the parliamentary policy, which represented the interests hone, is stigmatizing this reiection as proof of the fact policy of this International was comprised in socialernment is trying to realize the community of intermiddle class and the aristocracy of labor. The est hetween labor and capital, to democratize indusBut the President does not even propose the that the Bolsheviki are deliberately starving Russia.
On the contrary, it is proof that the Allies are deliber in the gradual penetration of Socialism into Capital in Britain schemes are not captivating the workreforimism. in legislating Capitalism out of existence. nlans of the British Government, nor anything definately starving the Russian people. in order to crush ism It was nationalistic, and broke down under the the Soviet Socialist Republic, that menace to interpe: the workers sense that all these plans are simply test of the war.
rational Imperialism.
ทาควๆs for That the Second International contributed much to and the capitalists, of baffling the action of the workmaintaing the ascendancy of the employers Dr. Nansen plan was political. Its purpose was to weaken the Bolsheviki politically and strengthen reased on the clefinite emergence of Imperialism at the movement, is indisputable. But its utility largelv ore Militant labor is in revolt against the plans of thir British Government.
the counter revolutionary Omsk Government. directthe start of the 19th century: and during the war and er by Czarist generals and financed by the Allies. The the proletarian revolution the moderate Socialism day is precisely this democratization of industry. InThe vital issue, the most pressing problem of the Soviet Republic does not want to be fed. it does represented by the Second International developed dustrial democracy alone can bring peace and liberty nint want charity: it asks simply opportunity to trade into the worst enemy of the militant proletariat and and happiness to the world, end war and with the world on cqual terms. But the Allies refuse revolutionary Socialism.
versal peace. But in ustrial democracy, in its very realize unito raise the blockade. a blockade which is one of the most infamous acts in history.
and The new Communist Porternational breaks definitely nature. implies the end of private ownership of the In aclelition to waging war against Soviet Russia hy ternational. it barks back to the revolutionary So dustry. But the democratization of industry promeans of the most cruel blockade of recent history, cialist of the Communist Manifesto, planting itself posed by the President proceels lipon the basis of British war ships are in the Gulf of Finland. While revolutionary mass action and proletarian dictator ers and the capitalists. Until the revolutionary prothe press reports that American troops were to be ship. The new Communist International is the prodbreaks the power of the capitalists, industrial taken out of Russia, 8000 more American troops have det of life itself, of the experience of the Bolshevik democracy is unrealizable.
been sent to Archangel. It is war, deliberate and un Revolution in Russia and the Spartacan Revolution We do know whether the President will proscrupulous.
It is murder of the women and children in Germany. Socialism must accept the Communist rose any specific plans for realizing his democratizaof Russia. It is Capitalism in one of its vilest mani International, or it ceases being tion of industry. His urging of conciliation is not festations. Labor speak!
a means to realize industrial democracy, but a means of baffling the action of the workers. But whatever will not satisfy labor.
Partial Disarmament dustrial Councils or Shup Committees which bring army of Germany is to be limited to 100, 000 men, according to the terms of peace. Drastic Manifesto Edition do not realize labor purposes. They have been regulations are imposed which will prevent Germany tried particularly in the Standard oil plants, where doing to the Allies what Prussia did to Napoleon Anticipating a good demand for our issue labor is brutally oppressealand proven of no value: No. 23. containing the amended Left Wing the employer can always build up a large army surreptitiously. There are bourhis veto, the veto might implied imeship. This ownership Manifesto, we printed several thousand addigreat victory for disarmament. But the Allies are must be broken.
tional copies which are available at cents per not disarming. On the contrary, they are all preparIndustrial democracy is the great issue. And this copy while the supply lasts.
democracy is realizable only through workers coning to depend more than ever upon a large army and a large navy. An offensive and defensive alliance is TIE RAT01. 11TI0. 18) AG trol of indlustry; established after the power of the to be concluded between France, Great Britain and 885 Washington Strect, Boston, Mass.
capitalists is broken. Shop committees and the industhe United States. Great Britain is maintaining an trial organizations of the proletariat, exercising their army of 900, 000 men and its all powerful navy. Unifunctions through the industrial vote and centilized versal rilitary service seems about to be put over in an industrial government. that alone can rt. lize in the United States. The terms of peace, instead of industrial democracy. And that means the conscious, definite struggle for communist Socialism.
a larger life the ar letariat 110t Socialism. In