The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 32 Saturday, May 24, 1919 Price Cents Shall They Put it Over?
ean affairs, as who up and The This is a threat to this made more intense.
UNTERNAZIONALE past about their stien. Hol mondial naturall wars it PHERE is a conspiracy in action against the peace Soldiers who are demobilized can get jobs. Or sciously engage in the struggle for Socialism.
and liberty of the world, against the peace and the they get jobs where they meet the abominable con This struggle for Socialism means a struggle happiness of the workers. This conspiracy, ditions of old. Capitalism has secured enormous pro workers to secure control of their own destiny, to iprised in international Capitalism and Imperial fits, has become richer and mightier. but the workers organize the world for the workers. It means a struga he workers are not conscious of the fact, generally, Thet werk in the cold conditions and the old struggles. gle for workers control of industry for a new: s8 events today are shaping the destiny of the world except death and misery, while our Capitalism has own jobs, in which industry will be managed for the cial system in which the workers will control their years to come. Nor are they conscious of the fact secured virtual world power.
happiness of the workers and not for the profits of the employers. It means a new government of the organhowever remote it may appear, directly mattets is that if there is no real Capitalism, out of the war, and new power. It is organizing ized workers, and of the workers alone.
itself to maintain the ex here was a period when the average American the workers. It Workers control of industry, exercised by means e exploitation and oppression to continue its domination of their own organizations in the shops and the indussidered international affairs, and particularly Eu of the world. to make reaction and a camouflaged League of posed by Socialism. Not the state, not politicians and affected the interests of Ame Nations which is simply an instrument to maintain bureaucrats, but the workers themselves shall manun citizens, of the workers. The splendia isal the power of the strongest imperialistic nations. This age industry for the workers for peace and liberty upon cans gloried in the fact of enorinous strength colonial peoples are being to promote the Camalico Under of pro its shield, Capitalism is breaking down. Capitalist parliamentary government is breaking down. But Capitalto new slavery and years ago conditions determined that no nation under its shield, the world is being territism tries to inaintain its supremacy. And this means any longer be sufficient unto itself. Modern financially divided amo France, Italy, Japan and the United among the great powers, Imperialism of nations ascendant. The slavery of colonial them, and this peoples is is necessary to a direct threat to our own workers peace and liberty.
e peace and liberty of the world, The European workers didn bother much in the governments enslaving colonial ples. It seemed far Dose a risolveremo la quopeodirectly: but out of the competition to secure control away, and not concerning them of colonial peoples came the war, in which the Euronean workers paid an enormous price for their blind policy on international affairs. Imperialism is directed against the proletariat, and unless the proletariat overthrows Imperialism, the workers will ultimately pay the price in cleath and agony, The eace Conference at at Paris, by its imperialistic policy is preparing new wars. That is inevitable.
Capitalism cannot exist without wars: and in these it is the proletariat that pays the price.
But the workers apparently are not interested. They do not concern themselves with these problems. They do mnt realize that their own destiny as workers is intimately connected with the great conspiracy in Paris La loca delle Nazioni suilo basi malferme against the del capitalismo But this Unemployment is on the increase. violence is used conspiracy is equally in action at home.
From Avanti against strikes and Socialists: the government of the From Avanti THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS HAS ITS capitalists is BASIS IN CAPITALISM preparing to impose a reign of terror THIS IS HOW WE SETTLE QUESTIONS upon workers who are conscious of their class and OF NATURAL FRONTIERS Capitalism, with its enormous concentration of in who engage in the struggle against Capitalism. Reac that the proletariat must suffer, that the proletariat lưstry, with its iron necessity of securing new markets tion is ascendant, and will become more brutal in the or surplus products and surplus capital, with its strug measure that the American proletariat does not promust be crushed. unless it acts for Socialism.
That is the great conspiracy. It is the purpose of gle for undeveloped territory, ended the isolation of aations. It is characteristic of Imperialism, the pro We were promised a new world out of the war. che tal carry out this purpose, is dividing the world which are universal, to drag within its seope But that new world is coming only in these nations territorially and financially, enslaving colonial peoples, 11 nations and all peoples. willy nilly: The United where the proletariat has acted for the overthrow of adopting measures to crush the workers, drawn into the maelstrom of international pol crushed the power of capital and organized their own acy proves successful. Life will be a nightmare of Life will not be worth living if this great conspirof world Imperialism. a process of which the government. the Soviet Republics of Russia and misery and of new wars and threats of nents are largely determined, not by the conscious old world of oppressive Capitalism, macle much worse proletariat must act against Capitalism. The prolewar. if Capitalism maintains itself in power. The will of peoples, but by the iron necessity of economic by new means of of oppression and exploitation. tariat must realize its class position, must organize to levelopment.
There is no hope for the workers unless they conThe clash of Imperialism provoked the crush Capitalism. The accomplishment of the overEuropean war.
throw of Capitalism alone can assure the The issue in this war was world power wlich Imperialism should il ritorno dalla guerra peace and liberty of the world. The coming of Socialism alone can assure bread dominate the development of the world ecoand work and happiness to the workers.
nomically and financially. This war. apparently of 10 concern to America, crew All the world problems are, after all, our country into its sweep, because in a simply problems of industry. The complex struggle for world power the United States problems at Paris, the sinister purposes of could not afforol neutrality. The American Imperialism, can be disposed of in a very workers were conscripted, inobilized, and simple way: by the workers using their shipped to Europe. In this new epoch.
industrial power to overthrow Capitalisin, all nations are concerned in the struggle. Imperialism.
organize workers control of industry, to realize the industrial democracy of coinThe war was considered as a means of munist Socialism.
realizing a new world. a new civilization Mut the war is now over. Instead of peace The workers possess the power. They and happiness more misery and oppresmust use the power. Capitalism must not sion: instead of democracy more reaction.
The proletariat must rally to That is the new world that lias come out THE RETURN FROM THE WAR From Pramti the cause and the struggle of international of the war. Avanti is the Central Organ uf the Socialist Party of Maly)
communist Socialisın.
jects of put it over.