8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 17, 1919 The Socialist Party of Italy they could meet together we hade taot have to discuss Party.
to urge the Italian Italy WO recent items of news from Italy indicate This aceptance of Bolshevik policy and practice in The fundamental revolutionary integrity of th.
the character of the Socalist movement there, spircil the arty to new activity, in spite of new and Italian Socialist Party is revealed in its attitude to and the inminence of great events.
more intense persecution by the Government. Stead ward the Berne Conference of the Great Betraya The frontiers of Italy were closed the other day ily, the Party as a whole grew more revolutionary; of the social patriots and petty bourgeois Socialist: because of revolutionary disturbances.
sections of the party in the summer of 1918 con. Before the Conference convened, the pro war Soci: And the Italian Socialist Party has emphatically demning certain minor compromises in the Party ists of the Entente and the Central Empires were ne repudiated the Berne Conference of the Great Be official policy.
gotiating terms of agreement on the basis of which trayal, severed all connections with the Second InterThe Italian national and its Bureau, and decided to affiliate with Atanti, answered: AN APPEAL TO YOU the Communist International organized in Russia. Tlie capitalist class thirsty with hatred in their hearts.
agreements with our Socialist Comrades of the CenWhile in its issue of March 21, Avanti, central will with rage is about to commit a dastardly foul tral Empires, in the manner of petty bourgeois shoporgan of the Socialist Party, greets the formation of deel.
keepers: we know in advance the basis on which wr the Left Wing Section of the American Socialist Enraged by the demonstrated solidarity of the workare willing to coufer with the Spartacans and othe ers of Seattle during the general strike and the success When war was declared on August 4, 1914, the of the general strike, it is determined to exact punishof the Austro German Socialists who did not abandu ment from the workers by victimizing and scizing upon their principles: the basis of unrelenting antagonisn Italian Government assumed an official attitude of over thirty loyal workers, whose activities in the labor 10 upitalisni and the Social Revolution. It is only neutrality while secretly bargaining and intriguing movement, and self socrifice for the cause of labor, the betrayers of Socialisin who must discuss terms with the Allies. The Socialist Party condemned the has made them the most hated and dreaded workers of agreement.
in the eyes of the capitalist class.
war as an imperalistic war, and adhered to the polThey are charged with starting a revolution, attempt The Italian Party sent Comrades Jules Catalini, icy of militant Socialism. When the Social Demoing to overthrow the City government of Scattle, the Lazzari and Morgari to Berne. After acquainting cratic Party of Germany, with the turptitude and in State and the United States government; conspiracy, itself with the Conference, the celegation through solence of a gutter strumpet, sent a delegation to criminal anarchy and felony Thousands of leaflets, dodgers and propaganda matComrade Catalini, issued this statement: The soheaded by Dr. Suedekum, to Italist Party to favor Italy participation ter, the organization of the Workers, Soldiers and Sail cialist Party of Italy has authorized me to support the ross Council, and also some articles published in The war together with the Central Empires, the Party International Weekly. which is published by the Press national spirit. Having observed, sinc sternly repudiated the delegation and its Board of the Socialist Party of Washington, alleged monstrous since my arrival, that the Congress does not correspond with the point proposal. The Party equally repudiated Jules to incite the workers to seize the shipyards, the Guesde, when Guesde, the former revolutionist who bacis of the prosecution and charges.
of view of the party to which of belong, a point The arrest was precipitated on the excuse that the View that manifested itself during the war in the Zim.
had developed into a watch dog of the imperialistic International Wcckly, which sold by the thousands of government of France, urged the Socialists to plunge nerwald and Kienthal conferences, shall not parti copies on the streets of Seattle on Sunday of the geninto the war together with the Allies for demo eral strike while the capitalist papers were not perpate as a delegate, and shall remain only as a news mitted ly the strike, contained the charged articles.
Comrades Lazzari wrote in Avanı cracy.
of February 12: The Socialist Party of Italy can Then the Italian Government, having driven a satisComrades: Rehind the capitalist class of Seattle is lined 11p the whole capitalist class of America which factory largain with the Allies, declared war against not consent to participate in partial conferences of was terrorized hy the (first) great general strike, the Austria in the name of humanity and civilizapart es or groups which worked hand in glove with wovernmental administration of the City, State and The Socialist Party declared itself as unNation.
the bourgeois governments during the war.
and, Rrhind these curades we must line all the workers singly against the war. It did more: it for a stronger reason, with those upon whose consof this nation.
cience lies the assassination of Karl Liebknecht and pro towards of fifteen years in prison stares in the eyes paganda. Government persecution could not stay its of these victims of the general strike.
Rosa Luxemburg.
activity, which was based, not upon petty bourgeois Vour moral and financial support for the defense is This repudiation of the Bernie Conference was impacifism. but upon the basis of Socialism and the tiryently needed.
mediately followed hy the Italian Party repudiation Send your contributions to of the International Socialist Bureau and the Old proletarian class struggle.
SOCIALIST PARTY DEFENSE COMMITTEE In the summer of 1917, Italy was on the verge of International and complete acceptance of the new 215 Liberty Bldg. Seattle, Wash.
a revolution The revolutionary propaganda was Communist International, through the following reabout the bear fruit.
came the military disaster at In the revolutionary street battles in Milan, Turin solution: Caporetto, the invasion of by the Austro Ger and other cities, the Italian Socialists received their That the Executive Comitte of the Socialist Party man troops. The Government exploited this to crush baptism of deeds. Scores were killed and wounded, of. Italy withdraw from the International Socialist the Socialists. The bourgeois press blamed the So Serrati. editor of Avanti, Iwere arrested on the listment of the Socialist Revolutionary Internatio notential revolution and inflame people against and many of the Party militants, including Comrade Bureau and affiliates with and works for the estah cialist activity for the disaster, and demands were charge of treason.
upon the basis and principles laid down in the mor made upon the Socialist Party to. in the hour of the Party. was also arrested on a charge of treasor. of January lwy the Russian Conmunist Comrade danger. accept the national defense and its policy. They were sentenced to three and one half years and Moscow for the convening of an International Some of the Socialist leaders, a few, wobbled; but four and one half years in prison, respectively and cialist Congress.
the Party spoke out sternly and uncompromisingly released shortly after the armistice. this The Socialist Party of the United States profit from this revolutionary integrity of the So compromise our activity against the war and our The Italian Party repudiated equally the Social ist Party of Italy. These two parties alone, of struggle for the Revolution.
was a met the test in the spirit of militant Socialism. Com Co. The Party has consistently, in its international conclusions from its against the war policy by ac test for the party, and the party the FjOf Labor Mission, headed by Gompers the majorityine Socialist parties. took a stand again pare this with the attitude of Algernon Lee Co. policy, acted on the basis of the class struggle and cepting the Bolshevik Spartacan International; it who wished our party to accept the war in order to revolutionary Socialism.
now the task of the comrades of the American So save the Russian Revolution.
Since the armistice, the Party has intensified its alist Party to act in the same revolutionar The Bolshevik Revolution inspired the Italian So revolutionary propaganda, which is a propaganda for manner.
cialists. who rallied to its mistice on all belligerent illusions: it uses its parliamentary activity to pro shin, and it is difficult to know precisely what is gocause. They accepted the Proletarian Dictatorship. It has no parliamentary The Italian Government imposes a rigid censorBolshevik proposal for an fronts, and the Bolshevik policy of a revolutionary mote the revolutionary mass action of the proletariating on in Italy. But it is clear that the revolutionary peace. In December, Comrade Morgari delivered an As against a Wilson Peace, the Italian Party, unlike rest is general and hecoming more intense. It is address in the Italian Parliament, in which. aniel the majority in the French Socialist Party, opposes cle:r, moreover, that in the event of a revolution in hoots and interruptions from the lourgeois delegates, a Lenin Peace of Cominunist revolution. The Party Ttaly the majority Socialist Party will not oppose he declared that the Socialist Party wanted an in was strong enough to compel the Government to re the Revolution, and in that way faciliate the conquest mediate peace. not only on Bolshevik terms. but by lease its class war prisoners shortly after the arm of vower by the proletariat. The revolutionary spirit Rolshevik methods.
of the Italian Socialist Party is a challenge.
Then This crisis istic Manifesto of the Communist International co ordinabut on the other hand constantly «Iraws ever increasing (Continued from page ialism, in order to lasten the final collapse of elements of the working people into the immediate imperialistic world system.
control of government.
of Saxict rule, for example, the corresponding cle The capitalistic criminals asserted at the beginnit ments among the Syndicalists.
of the world war that it was only in defense of the The Way to Victory.
The growth of the revolutionary movement in all common Fatherland. But soon German Imperialism The revolutionary era compels the proletariat to lards, the danger of suppression of this revolution revealed! its real brigand character by its bloody deeds make use of the means of battle which will concen through the coalition of capitalistic States, the at in Russia, in the Ukraine and Finland. Now the Enttrate its entire energies, namely, mass action, with its tempts of the Socialist betrayers to unite with one an cute states unmask themselves as world despoilers and logical resultant, direct conflict wth the governmental other (ine formatig of the Yellow International at murderers of the proletariat. Together with the Germachinery in in open combat. All other methods, such as Derne. and to man hourgeoisie and social patriots, with hypocritical the absolute necessity for phrases about peace on their lips, they are trying to revolutionary use of bourgeois parliamentarism, will League: finally. Ve their services to the Wilsonian be of only secondary significance.
tion of proletarian action. all these demand the throttle the revolution of the European proletariat by The indispensable condition for successful strugyle formation of a real revolutionary and real proletarian means of their war machinery and stupid barbaric co is separation not only from the direct servitors of Cap Communist International. This International, which lonial soldiery. Indescribable is the White Terror of italism and enemies of the communist revolution in sui ordinates the so called national interests to the in the hourgeois cannibals. Incalculable are the sacrifice: which role the Social Democrats of the Right appear, terests of the international revolution, will personify of the working class. Their best Liebknecht, Ros: but also from the Party of the Centre (Kautskians. the mutual help of the proletariat of the different Luxemburg have they lost. Against this the prole who desert the proletariat at the critical moment in countries, fur without economic and other mutual help tariat must lefend itself. clefend at any price. The order to come to terms with its open antagonists. On ſuluess the proletariat will not be able to organize the Communist International calls the whole world prole the other hand, there are essential elements of the new society. On the other hand, in contrast with the tariat to this final struggle.
proletariat, heretofore not within the Socialist Party Yellow International of the social patriots, the Prole Doron aoith the imperialistic conspiracy of capital who stand now completely and absolutely on the plat tarion Communist International will support the Long liac the International Republic of the Pro forn of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the form plenilerer colonial peoples in their fight against Imper letarian Councils!