THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 616T ZT ABW Lepinges The Czar Hirelings are Active policy The LERE have recently appeared in the capitalist crow will not pluck the eyes of another crow, but press obviously inspired reports concerning the By Nyemanov they unite. The Pichons and the Lloyd Georges are general tendency of Allied policy in Russia and apparently acting at the instignation of this bourgon the Russian problem. If previously the politi creasing. In the last analysis, this openly counter eois Czarist coterie.
cians of the Allies adopted a cautious toward revolutionary policy of the Allies must prove more It will not surprise us, accordingly, if it should be the fig leaf of neutrality their actual support of this seek game.
discovered that all this agitation for the recognition government now, with commendable frankness, But, then, let not the Allies say they wish to deal the laboratory of Sazonov Co. and that all the reof the Kolchaks and the Denikines is fabricated in the Allies are showing their cards.
ports concerning the defeats of the Soviet troops, with the governments of the Allies, are ready to recog. the Constituent Assembly: let them admit openly in the American and Allied press, are equally fabri report that the Goveriment ashington, together fastidious fraudulence; to the slogan, All power to all the malicious and slanderous inventions appearing nize the government of Kolchak, that henchman Co.
of Czarism. in the opinion of the gentlemen who erals, who march directly toward a monarchist reloiter in the corridors of the Peace Conference in storation.
It has been clear for some time that the extrime Paris, the best elements in Russia are represented The Russian people will defend Soviet Russia to reactionary forces would make another desperate by the Kolchacks and the Semenovs. The salva the end. They have proven their capacity to fight, tempt to restore their former power. It seems a if the moment for that has now come.
tion of Russia, aparently, depends upon these piti equally against the enemy within and the enemy ful remnants of the Czar regime.
Soviet Russia wants peace. The responsible repreWell, it is no secret to us that the Allies have been Doubtless, the present policy of the Allies has been sentatives of the Soviet policy have declared that supporting the Russian monarchists with their gold shaped, in a not small degree, by the Russian trav again and again. But should the Allies unite with This was confessed the other day by Lloyd George, elling salesmen now in Paris. For some months now the Russian counter revolution in a new attempt to that hireling of British Imperialism. And if now coterie of the Czar diplomats and politicians have storm the positions of the Russian proletariat, they they finally clecide openly to conclude a bloody con been active in Paris, the Sazonoffs and the Hirshes, will again be repulsed.
tract with the men of the old Czarist regime this the Bakhmetievs and the Maklakovs. The nests of The time has gone by when the destiny of the Ruswill frighten neither the Soviet Government nor its the Allied vultures have been open to them, those sian people can be determined by the decisions of adherents in all countries, who have been rapidly in vultures who are now deciding the world fate. Sazonov Co. That time will never return.
tBritish Imperialism in Egypt ON From The Red Flag of Canada tentage very often deficient. In the winter of 1917clared a protectorate of Britain, which became 18 Egyptians died like Aies as the result of epidemics entirely responsible for its government and administra lashed with the Egyptian shorthide whip until they of typhus fever and other diseases, cold and insuffition. We declared Hussein Kamil to be Sultan (no changed their minds.
longer Khedive. and he has since been succeeded by There were boys of 14 taken and men of 70 or The medical arrangements for the men were enthe Sultan Fouad, who is reigning at the present even over.
tirely inadequate, and the sickness rate and death rate moment. But the Sultan of Egypt only takes important action on the advice of the High Commissioner The medical examination, if any, was a farce, and would prove interesting, if grim reading, if they could representing Hl. the King Sir Reginald Wingate the men were enlisted discipline was maintained by their own units that they were afraid to report sick men gravely ill were sent to do military duties. Once be obtained. Egyptians were treated so brutally in was appointed is now in England, and all power at the moment is in the free use of the lash, and whippings were so comthe hands of General Allenby, who is virtually dictator.
mon that a medical officer told off to oversee the ad grounds were not exempt from being recruited again During the war Egypt has been under exceedingly sick parade and his whipping parade at the same lage. Very frequently indeed also men were kept beministration of the punishment arranged to have his by the next press gang party which came to their vilsevere military restrictions amounting to a very large time, the whipping parade being quite near to his tent yond the stipulated time of their contract service.
measure of martial law, and governed on the civil side where he saw the sick, so that he could overlook both In addition to these raids on the homes of the felby the fats of the High Commissioner and on the functions (with a little agility) at the same time. laheen for men we also requisitioned nearly the whole military by the orders of the General Officer in Command of the forces in Egypt.
The men received their pay, understand, but ra.
of their donkeys and their camels at any rate, all the tions were often deficient, and clothing, blankets and good ones.
The High Commissioner receives his orders from Of course, these animals were paid for, but the peasthe Foreign Office and the from the War ant cultivator could not make a few piastres do the Office. The Home Government, therefore, is directly responsible for the executive acts of the civil and milIn the Shops work of a four footed assistant. Also we bought up much food, and directly and indirectly, as a result of itary aides of the Egyptian Government.
When it became necessary cluring the war to raise By the presence of large bodies of troops in Egypt, the cost of living went up tremendously without a coring and other work on the lines of communication be THE advocacy of mass action means to educate responding rise in wages.
the masses. 1) in the theory of revolutionary Before November last the Egyptian papers eventhe army in Egypt recourse was naturally had to the Socialism and (2) the necessity of its application to which are censored as to practically every word by a men on the spot, the Egyptian Fellaheen.
the actual problems of revolutionary action.
semi military official. were reporting riots around The Figyptian Fellah, or peasant, of whom there Assuming, then, that this is our present task. food stores and shops, where half a dozen people were are about 11. 000. 000 in all Egypt. is a simple, laborthink that the Left Wing is accomplishing this task killed. In Alexandria practically all the poorer classes ious, almost entirely illiterate, man. The vast number rather incompletely; and that the main and central were underfed Egyptian and European alike.
of these people are Mohamınedans, and they live in problem of preparing the masses for action is conthe little villages of mud hovels and in the small towns sidered only from time to time when an opportunity and detested in Egypt, and that it was currently said Is it very remarkable, therefore, that we were hated of Egypt all along the course of the Nile.
presents itself, as during periods of large strikes.
that all Egyptians were pro German?
Their living lepends on their daily work in their We must organize our comrades and sympathizers fields: they are intensely conservative and home lov in the unions and the shops for the purpose of educatWhat have said hitherto is the economic social foundation of the trouble.
ing. So big a factor is this in their character that there ing the masses of the workers in our theory and are practically no Egyptian sailors, the voyage even practice.
But this has not contented our Imperialists. We to Greece taking them too long away from their homes. An organization committee of the Socialist Party in have conquered Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria and Besides the Fellaheen there are about 1, 000, 000 other every locality should get immediately in touch with Turkey and been studiously mysterious and vague the comrades in the different unions for the purpose people in Egypt, including all the European, and this about what we are going to do with these countries.
1, 000, 000, who correspond roughly to the educated and of organizing in the shops, where the particular Are we going to turn the Arabs out? That is a quespropertied classes, include the small group of educated comrades are working, a group of or 10 men, tion which Egyptians of the highest standing could non European Egyptians, who are nationalists.
ists. To which should get in touch with not get answered when they asked it of those in power, the peasantry our civil and military administrators least once a week; while the comrade of the propa. How, then, should the Arab in his village get an turned for help when men were needed, and revised ganda committee is spreading the theory of revolu answer?
a plan of volimary enlistment in the Labor Corps, tionary Socialism, explaining from our point of view And the rumor ran from village to village, from Donkey Transport Corps or Camel Transport Corps, the present situation and emphasizing the necessity of camp to camp, of some vague disaster overhanging the for service with the EE.
increasing the number of similar shop groups, etc. Arab Moslem world from the infidel Frank world. Is The period of enlistment was to be for six months In industries where several hundred or thousand it any wonder we lighted up religious fanatism?
tas a rule. the rate of pay good from the peasant workers are employed, every shop group should elect standpoint and food, clothing, blankets and tentage a delegate to a factory executive committee which in the West, and its place is taken in Egypt, Palestine, In the east nationality does not exist as it does were also to be provided.
should direct the whole propaganda work that particular industry, Syria and adjoining countries by the sentiment of re 1 certain number of men enlisted readily enough.
ligion. Men feel themselves one as Mohammedans.
Then there care il pause, and men were still required.
In large cities where there are many factories, Egyptian nationalism is thus only the local expression Orilers were then set round to stimulate the recruit these groups should be ready to connect us with the of Near Eastern Mohammedan religious feeling and ing, and eventually a press gang method was estabmasses, so that when the day for mass action comes the more dangerous for that reason.
lislied. fricud descrised to me how it was done.
we shall control real power.
The whole of the Near East is in ferment. We have party of recruiters would go up to one of the This work will prove as efficient as it did in Rus treated the Egyptians with gross injustice; we have little mul villages (many look like big ant hills) and sia. It should proceed under the direction of the not cared for their elementary human needs; we have wait for dusk when the fellalleen would return from. entral Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, stirred up Mohammedan religious feeling against us; the fields. When they returned they were rounded!
and in secret, if necessary.
we are now playing the fatuous game of high pol11p lik cattle, and the suitable ones picked out and Mass action without the masses of the workers is an itics with the destinies of races and continents as chlister If they refused to volunteer they were empty phrase.
though they were card counters.
a propagandist at