BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSovietSpainWorking Class

Saturday, May 17, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 09 of to tual control; here is a plan to dispose of Siberia as Peace That is Aggression international finance capital deterinines; here is China Bolshevikjabs being made a financial appanage of four great powers; СА APITALISM can produce maggots only. For a and here is a brazen admission that the Monroe course it is not in good taste to say told you time, these maggots may be camouflaged with Doctrine is now an instrument to promote the suso, but we are ouly human and we did warn the scent of ideals and lofty declamation. but at of (nitel States capital in the Latin Amerрrептасу the end they are revealed openly in all their ugliness ican republics.
Germany what would happen if she persister in sticking to Scheidemann.
and putrescence. Capitalism thrives upon organized This is a financial partition of the world, the imity plunder and calculating, deceit; and all its ideals, all ts morality, all its aspirations for a finer world are capital. This is Imperialism, and it blisteringly char might be worse suppose Wilson bad bad 28 points?
and investors, of politics and financegovernments However, things are never so bad but what they imply the expression of a monstrous hypocricy, to acterizes the peace that is an aggression being conromote its supremacy and clisguise its malevolence. cluded at laris.
The war was an apocalypse, revealing the seareal The financial partition of the world among the And imagination staggers before what might lave ind ugly soul of Capitalism. It was conceived in lunder, nurtured in fraud, and prosecuted by means Great Powers, particularly the Big Thyee, is part of happened to Germany if there had been 12 jimints to the territorial partition included in the treaty with violate.
of hypocricy and brutality: Imperial Germany im. iermany Germany yiells up all its cokemial tertitory mediately revealeel its luist of conquest: it brutally vi and all its trade and lumeal rights in all the worki: olated Belgium, openly placed its faith in the sword The chief difference between emocracy and autothese are aggrandizel by France, creat Britain cum cracy it would seem from the peace terms is that and the grenade, and developed grandiose plans for Japan. Trance gets Ilsace Lorraine, uncondition clemocracy takes so much longer to say it.
world clomination, territorial plunder and annexations. ally, with its iron and coal mines, and the Saar Basin tents of the secret treaty agreements amply prove and the League ofreciations profiline cheap rogolana affairerat Paris and that is the mandatory. If the and its coal, conditionally recognition by Germany There is one gustingly declaiming about national defense, democracy and Kamerun; Japan gets the German Pacific Bolsheviki had only thought of it what a lot of trouble Islands north of the equator and Chinese Shantung: we would all have been saved. For instance, the The two belligerents proved their equality in crime while Great Britain gets the juiciest portions, Ger Soviets bluntly declare for the expropriation of the and their similarity of purpose by their efforts to crush the proletarian revolution in Russia, to annihilate the Islands and other acific possessions. These territor sore: they declare for the seizure of joviet Republic.
the land and red in the face with indignation; but It was a war of plunder, of aggrandizement, a war gainst the colonial peoples and against the proletariat. constitutes annexation a territorial re alivision of the banks and the peasants a mandatory over the land disguised under the term mandatory. but in fact if they had given the workers a mandatory over the was Imperalism.
The character of the peace treaty is in absolute acord with the character of the war. The betrayers of States gets no territory, but financial recognition and used to working for their living before they had found socialism and the naive petty bourgeois radicals who grants Central and South America to our Imperthe acceptance of the Monroe Doctrine which in fact out what it meant.
laced faith in the Allies ideals must now realize that ialism.
No banker could draw a tear from the world at these ideals were maggots. During the war, Capitalism put forth a mighty effort to preserve and ag. American French Imperialism, which is increased by This means an enormous aggrandizement oi Anglo large by emitting loud wails about confiscation if it was clearly stated in black and white that the only grandize itself: and this effort is clearly apparent in the absolute crushing of Germany as an imperialistic change in the status quo was the granting of a mandatthe peace treaty. It annihilates German Capitalism?
power. Germany, moreover, is compelled to recognize ory to the workers for the purpose of protecting the Of course, since in the epoch of Imperialism the Cap Great Britain protectorate in ligypt and the taking banker from himself.
italism of one nation aggrandizes itself by the expro over by the Allies of all its former imperialistic priation of the Captalism of another nation. It is beast rights in various undeveloped nations.
rend beast.
The The treaty is not only characterized by its own provi which is considered as a victory of clemocracy by onies from Germany that she had stolen from the Now if England came out bolily and stole the coltreaty erects a number of independent nations, sions, but by incidental circumstances.
the unsophisticated. But this is directly imperialistic natives, it would be clearly a violation of both the First of all, there is China refusal to sign the These small nations are in no sense independent, being principles of democracy and self determination. But treaty, as a protest against awarding Germany terthe political and financial vassals of the Allies, inritorial and economic rights in China to Japan.
particularly the Shantung Peninsula. These rights struments of their Imperialism and threats at the her, especially a mandatory that will necessitate the upkeep of a large army in those colonies for the purp wrested fror. China by German Imperialism proletarian revolution in Russia.
The treaty is an aggression against the peace and ose of explaining to the ignorant natives what a mandtreaty that was to make the world safe for demo liberty of the world. It aggrandizes French and Brit atory really is, all that we can do is gaze with reverent cracy these rights should have reverted to China.
ish Imperialism; and the results of the whole work of awe upon the sacrifices a good empire is willing to No! German Imperialism in China is expropriated, domination of the world, political and financial.
the Peace Conference is to assure Anglo American make for the benefit of the world in general.
not to protect China, but to aggrandize Japanese ImThe League of Nations, it is now clear beyond disperalism.
We use the good empire advisedly because there The treaty affirms directly the subjugation of the pute, is an imperialistic instrument of the Great Pow have been bad empires, such as Rome and Spain and lepphen colonies and indirectly of all colonial peoples which are many in strategien und Angelotonericam In have seized territory in they had won their whole of Egypt, Morrocco and of all the former ers of the Allies. It is in the name of this. League Germany. Rome and Spain both seized territory when The claims of Ireland and Corea to independence are perialism assured the domination of the umplacently brushed aside.
But there is another important circumstance. The this is made all the more clear by world. And attitude during the war showed that they had none of the finer ar was, fundamentally, a product of the antagonisms Great Britain and France pleilge themselves to come Belgium, instead of rushing to hide heer Helm headell international finance capital; the lust for territory to the aid of France in case of a new German attack as the Allies did in Greece, they ruthlessly announced in answer to the requirements of imperialistic fi what this actually means is the conclusion of an ofice capital, and in this is revealed the character of fensive and defensive alliance between these three troops into the country for the purpose of stabilizing. epoch. The war has made Great Britain, France, great powers. Why. if the League of Nations is to the government, and at Brest Litovsk they never even upan and the United States, more particularly Great assure clisarmament, peace :und lilxerty: should this hinted at the use of a mandatory.
Britain and the United States, the financial (which three power alliance be necessary The mandatory is the acid test of an empire.
The treaty is an aggression against the peace and implies political) masters of the world. As a proof that the peace is a prelude to financial aggrandizement. liberty of the world. Consider Russia. she is not included in the treaty, except in piention of reparation Of course the mandatory has its limitations and this consider these tidings from Washington, May 12: by Germany and in the clase providing that German is where internationalization steps in. mandatory new consortium has been arranged for the control troops at present in territories to the cast of the new over the Saar basin might give rise to adverse comof loans to China. Instead of Japan having the chief German Polish Russian frontier shall return as soon ment by suspicious minded persons. But who, in this voice on such matters, as claimed under the secret agreements she made with China during the war, the as the Allied and Associated Governments deem wise. age of progress, could object to internationalization?
matter will be handled by American, French, British and Why not inmecliate cvacuation? The answer comes Japanese bankers backed by their governments. in the plans for an Allied army of 40, 000 troops to Internationalization satisfies everybody, even the An arrangement has been made whereby the Siberian march against Petrograd by way of Helsingfors. open Germans will be allowed to burn cod from the Saar railroad will be put into condition by these four powers, and Italy is to be advanced at once a temporary loan of ing a new war against Soviet Russia.
It is Imperialisin ascendant. It is. since the world region if they pay France for it.
Great Britain and France, which failed in their efforts revolution slid not materialize, the natural outcome of to have the United States take German bonds to cover the war. Imperialism is tightening its grip upon the. It any rate the Allies are not fooled about the their indlehtedness to the American people, have now practically arranged to turn over securities of Brazil worll, and will wreak its preslatory will unless the Peace terms they are already making provisions for and other South American countries as part payment.
proletarian revolution intervenes. World Communism safeguarding France from the results.
is the only answer to world Imperialism.
The dispatch adds that at the State Department it as said officially that under the conditions which are It has now definitely been establisherl that conscripo govern the consortium the Government practically, REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM tion is an evil practice in Germany. not in specific terms, guarantees the investments of By Lulis. FRUINA he banking groups interested. And: Deep interThis look considers the framental problems of st is taken in the plan to have the United States take Imperialism Resolutionary Surialism war, morila Germany must pay the entire cost of the armies ver South American securities to cover its loans to crate Socialism, the Socialist lepsethe nation State of occupation from the date of the armistice. Talk Treat Britain and France. Since this plan will have Capitalism, was and mass action, pletariin die thout adding insult to injury!
je effect of lessening European interests in South 750 imerica it will strengthen the Monroe Doctrine and Special prices. Teals 11 agents emove one of the possibile causes of serious complicaAnd the Allies insist that Germany consider the ons in the future.
TIE RELOL. 1770. XHIRV IGE treaty of Bucharest as a scrap of paper which is a Here is a financial trust of four imperialistic na 885 Washington Street Boston, Mass. complete victory for the principle of the sanctity of ions, with Great Britain and the United States in actreaty obligations.
we proposal that 20, 000, 000.