2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 17, 191 The Revolutionary Age T: peace. This completely economic power is said would be imposed upon a Bolshevik Germany.
So the bourgeois Socialist Government tries to Germania Delenda Est. save its face with words of clefiance. Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events The petty bourgeois Socialist policy is condemned. its typical brutal Prussian fashion, the New Yor. Eimpty words of richiance will not retrieve it, but may Tribune characterizes the terms of peace that are Louis FRAJNA Editor make the disaster worse. The German proletariat being imposed upon Germany: Not since Rom must now realize that only revolutionary Socialism is punished Carthage for Punic faith has such a treaty Contributing Editors acceptable as a policy.
been written. And: They (the Germans) have bee JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA sentenced to become hewers of wood and drawers HOURWICII water for a couple of generations. FERGUSON Split the Party!
LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE Rome answer to Carthage was completely to HE struggle between moderate Socialism and revolutionary Socialism in the Socialist Party ateci to the chorus of Cato idealism, in whom, pe stroy Carthage. This ruthless destruction was consu.
ISSJED EVERY SATURDAY characteristically by the moderates adopting the tactics Wilson. Rome great rival was forever crushed. Th is coming to a heaol. 11 is coming to a head haps, there may appear a resemblance to Woodro By Local Boston, Socialist Party of gangsters against the left ing. Steiner, Business Manager These moderates have insisted that the Left Wing imperialistic world perver is not as compete as tha modern destruction of Germany of Germany as a 45 Washington St. Boston, Mass. was breaking the unity of the Party, that the Party of Carthage, since you camot raze niore than forces were being broken up by these disputes, that hundred square miles Bundlc orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for it was the purpose of the left to either split the Party 65. 000. 000 people: but in terms of competitive pou territory nor exile or massa Str months. 26 issues)
or Seccle.
Our answer was: No; it is our task to this great rival of the other imperialistic nations secure control of the lariy; to contier the Party for effectively disposed of. The comparison with Cartha revolutionary Socialism and impose tipon it a consist might be pursued further, in its commercial and trad ent proletarian Bolshevik policy.
aspects: Lut this would be carrying coal to NewDisciplining the Youth The final answer to this controversy has been made castle.
lov the molerates in New York, acho are preparing to Toy Scout, novement has always dicen a That the destruction of Germany as an imperialistic movement to discipline our youth into good split the Party by crpelling the Left Wing locals and world power was the purpose of the Allies, has now servants of Capitalisma characteristic of the branches. Guardians of the unity of the Party!
been made amply clear in the terins of movement everywilere. It is that military discipline The first indication of this move was the resolution destruction is which pigs out the brains and makes loyal workers. acloprted by the State Committee of New York to expel uitstrectomiess choice here Germanyzes sheprived of all are aggrandlized by the Allies, Sir Robert Baden Powell, the chief spokesman of the all locals and branches affiliated with the left Wing each of whom is a over some of the Boy Scout movement, has always made it clear that Buit the Left foreed the mercrates to put this resol colonial possessions and its military and naval pow.
the Boy Scouts should be encouraged by the employ uition to a referendum voto.
thi ers, for business reasons. In an address in Boston the Now, before the referendum, before the membership But the ruthless policy of the Allies goes beyond mi other day. Sir Robert said: After a boy has been a has spoken, the Right Wing in New York City is pre itary matters to the economies which are the rea scout and has taken active part in the administration paring to expel the Left Wing branches. They are factor in the situation. Germany of his troop he is infinitely less liable to be led astray resorting to tactics of brigandage because every day broken. And this, again, has another aspect: it is not by violent soap box orators. The Boy Scout has a that passes sees new accessions of strength to our bourgeois Germany. but proletarian Germany which training that will, for one thing, offset ill advised revolutionary comrades in New York City, who are in is being punished. This is implied in that disgusting strikes. Precisely! The most disgusting tlring about this crisis waving the struggle of the whole revolution swank of the Tribune: The Germans have been sentCapitalism is that it uses human instincts for inl. uman ary movement in the party, enced to become hewers of wood and drawers of.
purposes. The boy likes the country, drill, music, The bureaucracy of Local New York, which is under water for a couple of generations.
games, cxcitement. natural instincts: Capitalism takes the domination of the moderates, is using all means to The condition which the terms of peace impose upon and perverts them for its own purpose. Social break the revolt against its supremacy. On the Central the ferman proletariat is one where it not alone reism means the liberation of the human spirit.
Committee the Left was securing new strength, threat mains the vassals of its own capitalist class, but be.
ening to become a come a majority: The moderate majority comes also the vassals of the Allies.
accordingly. authorized the Executive Committee to They Speak Socialism!
suspend all a. meetings of the Central Comunittee until Old General Dernhardi declared that the issue for the local is reorganised. The Executive Committee. iermany in the next war would be: World power or terms of peace, imposed upon Germany are in a declaration, savs that no menber opinions will downfall. It has ended in clownfall. as complete a accomplishing a miracle: the Ebert Scheidemann be considered, but that a branch must either break its collanse as any that history can show. The imperialists Government of the Letrayal of Socialisin is actually affiliation with the Left Wing organization, or be re of Germany are getting what they would have given using Socialist language. President Ebert declares organized which means expelled from the Party.
In they whine that cringine whine of the bourgeois that (iermany is to be exploited by foreign Capitalism. The argument used by the moderates in this gangwhn, while strong is ruthless, but when weak becomes the class struggle is spoken of again, and they appeal shameless beggar.
to the Socialists of the world. But it won work.
ster manevre is that a separate organization in the party cannot be tolerated, that the regular means of The German peace delegation under the direction of It is an oppressive peace a peace of annihilation.
that revolutionary Socialist, Count von Brockdorffexpression in the party shoull he used. But this sel in the words of the contemptible majority Socialist Rantzauris unable to arouse the least Socialist symparate organization consists simply of the revolution orran, the Berlin Vorwacrts. Let us say it: the Allies athy. All of them the Count. Scheidemann and the and counsel a course absolutely necessary because the tir rower, which the petty bourgeois Socialists ary comrades getting together for purposes of action re completing the annihilation of Germany imperialtradles tionist Karl. legien wre uncompromising of whole bureaucracy and partv press in New York City. Scheidemann Co. did not wish to complete.
adherents of German Imperialism, its faithful slaves.
is against the Left Wing. It is preciselv this separate It is a veace of annihilation. but they will The whole libert Scheidemann Coverpinent consists pot because they are weak. but because their most of persons who were thick with German Imperialisti organization accused of refusing to use the recular important task is to crush the proletarian revolution, before its collapse. They cut the throat of Socialism party channels that has made issue of the emergency national Convention of the Party.
in save out of the wreck what they can of bourgeois in Germany, during the war and the Revolution. and now they speak of Socialism. The German majorThe Left ing in New York City is to be expelled. supremacy. Rather become vassals of the Allies that ity Socialists cieliberately made their choice: they there is to be broken, not by the Left Wing, but by that seems determined upon. The unity of the Party to be expropriated by the revolutionary proletariat!
ose Wils stead of Lenin. Capitalism instead of The Gjerman bourgeoisie will to re gain its power, Socialism. In oppressive peace is their punishment.
the moderates who want to make the Socialist Party to pass on the burden to the workers. If the workers The proletariat of Germany must repudiate these men a regular, consistent party of moderate, countersubmit, then their future is black and hopeless.
and their counter revolutionary policy: in that alone revolutionary Socialism.
lics salvation. Ind this expulsion is being carried out to a cliorus of (iermany is cruslied. And the proletariat will pay chean, clisgusting affirmations of lovalty to Socialism the bulk of the penalty. Every inperialistic war is a Calculated Defiance and inean, contemptibile attacks upon our comrades of class war in one sense of capitalist class against the Left Wing. The moderates in New York City capitalist class; in a more fundamental sense of CapCHANCELLOR PULP SCHEIDEMA News inare issuing a veekly paper. The Socialist. in which italism against the proletariat. since world power dignating about the peace terms that are being im a repulsive Scheidemann ideology unites with the gutter means power over the proletariat. World power is posed upon Germany stiginatizing the peace as of Tammans The Left Wing comrades are with the Allies: and even before the German bourge mmurderous and unacceptable to the German virtually clenounced to the police and the Government. oisie felt the sting of this power, the revolutionary people we are accused of wanting to start riats and an im proletariat felt it. Imperialism is the oppressor of the we are accused of wanting to start riots and an im proletariat.
The luurgernis Socialist Government of Assassins Left Wing sure attacked in a low, vile manner, worthy of the Revolution is playing a contemptible game. It of the most principle politicians.
Lunder these conditions, the German proletariat is is arousing the nationalism of the Gerinan people and coudemned to an aggravated slavery unless it acts for The whole situation in local New York. Socialist the Communist Revolution. There is no way out extrying to preserve its prestige. But Scheidemann and his gangsters know that their (ermany cannot resist arty, is a scandal that affects the integrity of the cept through Communism. And this is equally true whole Party. If the brigand tactics of the Right Wing of the proletariat of the Allies, who will yet perceive the Allies: only a revolutionary proletarian Germany, there are to conquer, then the whole Party becomes that the crushing of Germany will not measurably a Bolshevik Republic, could defy the Allies and se transformed into a yellow caricature of Socialism.
cure the sympathiy and co operation of the Socialist ease their own problems of reconstruction, will profit proletariat.
The Socialist Party must speak out about this the capitalists alone.
scandal. The national arty must intervene in order The New York Tribune aclmits that the Germans Accordingly. clefiance is nothing but polities. These to protect the integrity of the arty: There should might have escaped this treaty if they had bolshevizeci gestures are necessary, however. Ebert, Scheidemann be an investigation. In any event. The whole matter themselves three months ago and entered into a deC. along insisted that if a Bolshevik Republic will come up fure National ution. at which, were establisheil. the Allies would completely anni probably, two sets of delegates will appear claiming is now hopeless, it says. Who knows? Perhaps fensive and offensive alliance with Rod Russia.
It hilate Germany. it would ruin our economic life. to represent Lexul New York. That will be the test.
immediately, but not ultimately. The crisis cannot be Only a non Bolshevik Government, they said, can se The slogan of the cederates is: Split the Party! ended by a treaty of peace: it may simply give it a cure a just peace from the Allies. and now this Our slogan is: truer the Party for revolutionary new forin. The revolt of the proletariat is bound to Gorcrnment offers the people the very pouce they Sinialism!
come: it is the only way out of slavery and oppression.
sign it: