AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeTerrorismViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 31 Saturday, May 17, 1919 Price Cents They Incite to Murder and Riot of war.
HERE are great actions coming in our socialing mobilized in this campaign, the governinent and terrorism usce against Socialists on May Day. In this, flare up, in which victory will come to that class in this glorious work of reaction.
means of which a real reign of terror may lc organwhich has prepared most adequately.
But the reaction senses the fact that this is not sim ized by the Government.
Two developments now characterize American Cap ply a matter of words, or of propaganda; but that Now comes another great plot, this time in Chicago.
italism the development of an aggressive Imperial vital economic forces are bringing a crisis. They are Federal agents and police there have discovered a ism, and the development of an aggressive struggle of desperate. They feel that much more drastic means plot for an anarchist uprising, a campaign of terlabor against capital.
must be resorted to to crush the proletarian menace. rorism and a series of bomb outrages scheduled for American Capitalism has conquered in the great And they are consciously, organising a campaign of July Five arrests have been made one of them a American Capitalism is now a world power terrorism in order to crush the militant proletariat in girl characterized as Queen of the Anarchists. Ser our Imperialism shares with Great Britain the doblood. This campaign has three aspects: geant McDonough of the Chicago police says: We minion of the world. The United States las not only Provocation the hirelings of Capitalism are regard this as an exceptionally important arrest. But made billions of dollars profit out of the war and se trying to provoke an uprising of the workers which the whole thing simmers down to agitation for a dier cured a position of economic dominance, it has equally will provide them with a pretext for violent and bloody monstration and strike for the release of our political secured great military prestige and the appetite for suppressions.
2: Terrorism against Socialists the law and the italism is being convulsed with military hysteria. thug are uniting to suppress Socialist meetings and Capitalism is apprehensive; it feels that the crisis is Is there a conscious policy in all this? There is.
It has felt its strength, and it wants to use that strength coming, and that with every day that passes the revoluagain and more completely.
tionary forces will acquire more power and influence.
The industrial transformation wrought by the war Capitalism is trying to provoke a test of strength at a in the United States is unparallelled in. cconomic time when it is strony and its cuemy weak, it is trying history. Prior to the war, American capital owed the to provoke a revolt that would be suicidal for the world three billion dollars. to day, the world owes militant prolctariat. And the reasoning of Capitalism is American capital about five billion dollars. This diabolical: either our terrorism will produce a revolt, country has some, thanks to the war, the chief money whicli we can casily crush: or our terrorism will not marketworld: and its finance capital is now produce this revolt, in which event our terrorism will very inuch a world dictator. Moreover, the rewipe out the revolutionary movement. laying both quirements of the war have produced a new efficiency The fourteen points ends against the iniddle. American industry, larger capacity for production: and this means either that America will have to conThis provocative movement proceels to a chorus have become fourteen from the gutter and the palace of hang the Bolshequer new markets, or that inclustry will not absorb all viki. break their heads, wipe them out in blood.
the available workers, and a terriftic unemployment daggers thrust at the The law of this country provides that incitation to crisis arise. But capital requires profits: and American riot and murder is a crime punishable by, imprisoncapital inust secure new markets, must find the means heart of the peace and ment. Perfectly innocent comrades of our have been for absorbing its surplus capital and surplus products.
imprisoned for allegedl violation of this law. But not This means militarism and aggression against un liberty of the world, one of the bourgeois inciters to murder and riot have developed nations. a tendency already apparent in the campaign for intervention in Mexico. This thrust directly Iseen punished. These bourgeois inciters to violence at the started a murder riot in Cleveland: but it is the victimtendency is all the more dangerous, since the Peace Conference in Paris, which re divided the world heart of the colonial ized Socialists who are being imprisonerl. brutal among the conquerors, has recognized the priority of police and a degenerate Sergeant of Police deliberately interest of United States Capitalism in Central and peoples and of the proleshoot down our conírades in Boston: but it is the Socialists who are being imprisoned. That vile thing South America.
But, simultaneously, a new spirit is (leveloping in tarian revolution in Ger that once was a soldier. Sergeant Guy Empey, publishes a magazine Treat Em Rough, in which he conAmerican labor. The great revolutionary events in many.
Europe have left their impress on the minds of our sistently urges violence against the Socialists: but the War Department protects him. Mayor Ole Hanson workers, an impress as yet vague in expression, but of Seattle publicly urges hanging places and cembound to assume a more definite character under the eteries for the Bolsheviki and s, but Mayor influence of events. But, even more important. a genis acclaimed as hero.
eral unrest is developing out of definite American No! The law is class law, used against the proconditions. The workers did not share the war letariat and for the capitalists. These inciters to murprosperity which created hundreds of new millionder and riot are doing excellent work for Capitalism, aires out of the bones and blood of the dead in and Capitalism protects them.
Europe: and, moreover, the adjustment to peace conThe revolutionary Socialist is a realist. Revolutionditions is such that inillions are unemployed while the ary propaganda to him is not an immediate revolufuture is fraught with anger. The workers are lostion, but waging the class struggle in accord with the ing their jobs, while the employed are being given cuts particular requirements of the moment.
iu wages, at a time when the cost of living, instead of demonstrations, to assault our comrades, to provoke The times are critical. They require action that is cleclining. is actually soaring again. This condition of riots.
at the same time critical and aggressive. We shall economic crisis is bound to become worse as Europe Strikes the conscious use of terrorism in strikes meet Capitalism in the open, and give blow for blow.
resumes normal production, and competes in the world is being resorted to by the hirelings of Capitalism; in But we shall not allow Capitalism to determine our markets which during the war were practically mono Seattle and Butte the soldiers were mobilized against tactics, we shall determine our own tactics in our own polized by the United States.
the strikers, in Lawrence the police are using a machine way, in accord with the actual strength of the revoluThe new spirit in the American labor movement gun while they and their hirelings practice violence tionary proletariat.
is expressed in many ways. It was anparent in the against the strikers and their representatives.
The vital thing is that this terrorism is used against great general strike in Seattle, in the Bitte strike, in Consider the events of the past three months. Plot labor, 110t simply against the revolutionary Socialists, the large number of strikes in which more aggressive aftr plot has been discovered in which radicals who are the conscious representatives of labor. Terrortactics are being adopted. It is apparent in the up were to start an immediate tevolution. There was ism is used against strikes which are not at all revolusurge of a more radical spirit in large unions the the great plot in New York City; scores were ar tionary in character; but Capitalism knows that labor of in the revolt of these unions against the rested; blue print plans were produced by the police must sooner or later acquire the consciousness of rebureaucracy and in their agitation for a general strike of an alleged plan of seizure of the Government and volutionary Socialism.
to compel the release of class war prisoners. And it the whole thing fizzled out. The discovery was We shall neither advance precipitately, nor hesitate, is anparent, again, in the Left Wing movement in the given great publicity in the press, the fizzle was not. nor retreat. We shall wage the revolutionary struggle Socialist Party, which is about to conquer the party Then there was the great bomb plot directed at jn our own way and in our own time, come what may.
for revolutionary Socialism.
prominent men. Dark were the hints of a nation The hourgeois terror is a factor that we can use to But this aggressive class spirit in the American wide conspiracy, dire were the threats against the awaken the workers, to organize them for the great labor movement is most clearly apparent in the vinlent radicals. Arrests were promised prominent Reds struggle.
campaign of the hirelings of Capitalism against Bol to be caught in net; but so far one arrest alone has Capitalism can neither provoke nor frighten militant shevism and Socialism, against the conscious prole been made, and that of an innocent bourgeois gentle Socialism. Our answer is to intensify our revolutiontariat.
This plot was obviously a plant, the work ary agitation, to marshall the iron battalions of the large and intensive campaign is being carried on of agents provocateur; but it provided an opportunity proletariat for action and the conquest of power.
against revolutionary ideas. Money and talent are be to inflame the populace to produce and justify the They cannot provoke us. But we shall prepare.
Ole is of man.