THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 10, 1919 signifies also an Thus, then it happened, first in Germany in. will SOtries Manifesto of the Communist International ent what for. for their right to remain slaves of (Continued from payc one)
most democratic, goes on simultaneously with the colEngland or France. Never did capitalist rule show lapse of the imperialistic military system. The armies itself more shameless, never was the truth of colonial fending his life against robbers to follow the artificial of millions, mobilized by Imperialism, could remain slavery, brought into such sharp relief. As a conse rules of a French duel that have been set by his enemy steadfast only so long as the proletariat remained obequence we witnessed a series of open rebellions and but not followed by him.
dient under the yoke of the bourgeoisie. The complete revolutionary ferment in all coloniesIn Europe itself In an empire of destruction, where not only the breakdown of national unity inevitable it was Ireland which reminded us in bloody street means of production and transportation, but also the disintegration of the army battles that it is still an enslaved country and feels institutions of political democracy represent bloody in Russia, then in Atistria Hungary, itself as such. In other countries. the troops of the bourgeois Republic serve above all for the working states. Insurrection of the peasants against the landexpected in other imperialistic able it toppen have had more than one insurrection of the colonial class and to enable a revolutionary owner, of laborer, against capitalist, of both against slaves to suppress during the war. In India the rev intervention in the further of mankind.
olutionary movement has not been at a standstill for Such apparatus is represented in the Workmen Coun inevitably to the insurrection of soldier against comone day. and lately we have witnessed the greatest cils. The old parties, the old unions, lave provel in mander and, furtheringre, to a sharp division between labor strike in Asia, to which the government of Great capable, in persem of their leatlers, to innerstand. much the proletarian and bourgeois elenients within the Britain answered with arinored cars.
less to carry out the task which the new epoch pre army. The imperialistic war which pitted, natio!
ccante ishemarder toutes ces coming moestione ivorite entirely on the scenerales de reletatical creating class without what ones as palaest against passing into the civil table of the diplomatic conferences at Paris but also distinction of vocation or political maturity. an elastic The outcry of the bourgeois work against the civil in the colonies themselves. The Wilson program, at form of organization capable of continually renewing war and the red terror is the most colossal hypocrisy the very hest. calls only Tiberation of the colonies can elements, ready to open its doors to the working groups There would be no civil war if the exploiters who for a change in the firm name itself, expanding, and of drawing into itself ever new of which the history of political struggles can boast.
of colonial come only through the onpressing nations. The workers and peasants This indispensable autonomous organization of the not prevented every forward step of the laboring massand Armenia, can gain independent existence only conquests of different lands, tests the proletariat and called to their aid armed help from outside to inaintain after the laborers of England and France have over represents the greatest inspiration and the mightiest or restore their predatory privileges. Civil war is thrown Lloyd George and Clemenceau and taken the weapon of the proletariat of our time.
forced upon the laboring classes by their arch enemies.
power into their own hands. Even now in the more advanced colonies the battle goes on not only under ness. Workers. Soldiers. and Peasants Councils will will not renounce its own object and its own future the flag of national liberation but it assumes also an he formed.
To fortify these Councils, to increase which is at the same time the future of all humanity, men and outspoken social character. Capitalistic their authority, to oppose them to the State apparatus Europe has drawn the backward countries by force of the bourgeoisie, is now the chief task of the class war artificially, rather strive to shorten its durationinto the canitalistic whirpool, and Socialistic Europe conscious and honest workers of all countries. By as much as possible in case it has become an iron to the aid of the liberated colonies with its means of these Councils the working class can counter necessity to minimize the number of its victims, and technique. its organization, its spiritual influence, in act that disorganization which has been brought into above all to secure victory for the proletariat. This order to faciliate their transition into the orderly sys it by the infernal anguish of the war, by hunger. by makes necessary the disarming of the bourgeoisie at tem of Socialistic economy.
the violent (leeds of the possessing classes, and by the the proper time, the alming of the laborer, and the Colonial slaves of Africa and Asia! The hour of betrayal of their former learlers. By means of these formation of a communist arıny as the protector of the triumn of the Proletarian Dictatorship of Europe Councils the working class will gain power in all coun rule of the proletariat and the inviolability of the will also be the hour of your liberation. most readily and most certainly when these Councial structure. Such is the Red Army of Soviet Russia cils gain the support of the majority of the laboring which arose to protect the achievements of the workII population. By means of these Councils the working ing class against every assault from within or without The whole bourgeois world accuses the Communists class, önce attaining power, will control all the field The Soviet Army is inseparable from the Soviet State.
of destroying liberties and political democracy. That of economic and cultural life, as in Soviet Russia. Conscious of the world historic character of their is not true. Having come into power the proletariat The collapse of the imperialistie State, czaristic to mission, the enlightened workers sfrove from the very only asserts the absolute impossibility of aplbeginning of the organized Socialist moveplying the methods of bourgeois deinocracy ment for an international union. The foundand creates the conditions and forms of The Most Important Book of the Year. Just Out! ation stone of this union was laid in the year higher working class democracy. The whole 1864 in London, in the first International.
course of capitalistic development underThe Franco Prussian War, from which arose political democracy, not only by divid The Proletarian Revolution the Germany of the Hohenzollerns, undering the nation into two irreconcilable classes, mined the First International, giving rise at but also by condemning the numerous petty in Russia the same time to the national labor parties.
bourgeois and semi proletarian elements, as As as 1889 these parties united at the well as the slum proletariat, to permanent By Lenin and Leon Trotzky economic stagnation and In those countries in hetical impotence Centre national la Buenduring this period the the historical Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and Supplementary Chapters gravity of the labor movement restdevelopment has furnished the opportunity, ed entirely on national ground, confining ithas untilized the By Louis Fraina self within the realm of national parliamentpolitical democracy for its organization This unique book traces the. course of the great Russian Rerto the narrow against Capitalism. In all countries where clution from March 1917 to October 1918, in the words of the two states and national industries. Decades of the conditions for a worker revolution are masters of the Revolution.
organizing and labor reformism created a not yet ripe: go on. But It consists of a mass of articles and pamphlets written during most of whom the great middle layers on the farms, as well Serhil. com the Revolution, covering every important phase of the Revolutioni, verbal recognition to the program of social as in the cities, are hindered by Capitalism arranged to make a consecutive story.
revolution but denied it in substance. They in their historic development and remain CONTENTS: Part One The First Stage of the Revolution. hy were lost in the swamp of reformism and stagnant whole epochs. The peasant of enin (March 12 to May 18. Part Two The General Proadaptation to the bourgeo state. The opRavaria and Baden who does not look beyond gram of the Bolsheviki, by Lenin (tactics. program and genportunistic character of the leadling parties bie church spire. the small buy the adulter.
French wine cral poliev. Part Three The Struggle for State Power, ly of the Second International was finally reLenin ni Leon Trotzky (Alay 18 to the uprising of July 16 17. vealed and led to the greatest collapse of ations practiced by the big capitalists. the Par! Four. The Revolution in Crisis, ly Leon Trotzky (written the movement at the enl of August, analyzing the Bolshevik defeat in July, the small fariner of America vlundered and beMoscow Conference and the problems of the future. Part Fiverevolutionary methods of warfare traved by bankers and legislators. all these from the labor parties. Just as the war of The Proletarian Revolution Conquers. by Louis raina (Septsocial ranks which have been shoved aside ember to January the coup etat of Norenner the Con 1870 dealt deathblow to the first Intermain road of development by Capstituent Assembly: includes articles of Lenin and Trotzky and docutments. Part Six The Revolutionary Struggle for Peace, lry Leon national by revealing that there was not in on Trotzky and Lenin (December to Brest Litovsk. Part Seven fact behind the social revolutionary program political democracy to the administration of The Soviet Republic and its Prohlems, hy Lenin (May, 1918. any compact power of «he masses, so the war the State. In reality, however, the finance Supplementary Foreign Relations (July to October, 1918; Lenin of 1914 killed the Second International by oligarchy decides all important questions Trotzky and Chicherin. nations which deterinine the destinies of showing that above the consolidaterl labor 410 Tages More than 200, 000 Words.
masses there stood labor parties which conhehind the back of parliamentary democracy.
Paper Cover 100: Library Edition. Cloth. 59.
verted themselves into servile organs of the Particularly was this true of the war questbourgeois state.
ion. The same applies to the question of The Social Revolution in Germany This includes not only the social patriots peace.
who today are openly in the camp of the If the finance oligarchy considers it adBy Louis Fraina as preferred confidential advisers vantageous to veil its deels of violence behind fundamental study of the great struggle in Germany, which hanginen of the working class, parliamentary votes, then the bourgeois State is at the same time a study in revolutionary Socialism. ludispensbut also the hazy, fickle and irresolute Sohas at its command in order to gain its ends able to an tinderstandling of the character of the European Revcialist Centre which is today all the traditions and attainments of former centuries of upper class rule olution. Inclucling two articles by Karl Liebknecht and Franz the Second International, e. the narrowmultiplied by ness, opportunism and revolutionary impotthe Mehring. Popular, Comprehensive, Incisive.
capitalistic technique: lies, demagogism, persecution, slander. bribery, 112 Pages; 25 a Copy.
ence of their predecessors, The Independents of Germany, the present Majority of the calumny and terror. To demand of the proIdress all orders Socialist Party in France, the Independent letariat in the final life and death struggle THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Labor Party in England, and similar groups.
with Capitalism that it should follow lambare actually trying to re establish themselves like the demands of bourgeois democracy 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
in the position which the old official parties woulr be the same as to ask a man who is de(Continued on page sezen)
mined center of working class arism, to compass of national hom gave Senwer who has been iານ. a from the bourgeoisie and reliable trying to revive we wonders of