Saturday, May 10, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Congress of the Communist International Sweden, Norwayo hube pia Germany, Russia, her communist The first Congress of the Comununist International. By Nyemanov ond International are doomed to inevitable disaster.
This first Congress of the Communist International sia (Bolsheviki) met in session on March 2, in Mos and Corea. The Chinese Labor Group was also re Commission, hitherto headed by Comrade Balabandecided to liquidate the Zimmerwald International cow. Our news of the Congress is meagre and in presented.
Lirect, only the reports in some German newspapers in the Zimmerwald Congress, ova. Participacionit, now being available.
The Congress would have been considerably larger Rakovsky, Zinoviev, Thirty two delegates with full power to act particip nearly all capitalist countries did their best to prevent time the Zimmerwald movement played an important had it not been for the fact that the representatives of Platten, made a joint declaration that, while at the national, representing the Communist or left Social para o entantomes of the revolutionary Socialist organ part. it gradually out lived its usefulness. The misfortune of the Zimmerwald inovement was that The Russian Communist Party was represented by there clustered around it representatives of the Texnility.
group Rumania, Finland, kraine, Esthonia, Armenia and America (S. The Lope however, has. Scalin Aletter was read to the Congress from Com social patriots and betrayed Socialism. The Bol. through its official the Weekly People, practa severance of ically repudiated the Socialist Party, attacking and repudiating the Berne relations was necessary with the centre and ZimmerPodpatwas represented by Boris Reinstein, who has original call for this Congress. The Congress of the social patriots. The letter aroused wald, a severance prompted by the interests of the great enthusiasm.
revolutionary movement. This explains why, probeen in touch with his party.
The following questions were on the agenda: 1, ceeds the joint declaration, even at the time a split ocIn addition, there sat as full members at the Con program of the Communist International; 2, clictator Lired among the participants in Zimmerwald Congress delegates of the Union of Socialists of Eastern ship of the proletariat and bourgeois democracy: 3, ference, the left elements of the Socialist movement Countries, a union functioning in Russia, representattitude toward other Socialist tendencies and the rallying around the International Commission.
atives of labor. organizations of Germans in Russia, Berne Conference: the present international situ Central Bureau of the Communist Internaand the nion of Revolutionary Socialists in thic ation and the policy of the Allies: 5, electing an Inter tional will comprise representatives from the followBalkans.
national Bureau of the new International.
There were also present, with consultative powers, The Moscow labor organizations made a gala clay Switzerland, one representative from the Scandinavian representatives of the Socialist Propaganda League of the first session of the Congress, to greet the found countries and one representative of the Balkan Soc(represented by. Rutgers the League is now crs of the Third Interntional. Comrade Kamienev in ialists. Any Socialist Party that severs its relations merged with the Left Wing Section of the Socialist his speech compared the Moscow Congress with the with the second International and accepts the ComParty in New York City. and the Communist parties London. Congress of 1864 which organized the first munist International (as has already been done by or groups of Switzerland, Holland, Bohemia. Jugo International. The Moscow svestia, organ of the the Socialist Party of Italy) is entitled to a representslavia, France, Britain, Turkey, Turkestan, Persia local Soviet, declared that attempts to restore the secative on the Central Bureau, not all the Socialism and Mass Action obyears or tens of of years uintil e process we car:come mean ог his a a OSA LUXEMBURG has called the mass strike By Rutgers rors the actual variety of the working class, in its unity the dynamic method of the proletarian struggle of action it throws aside all middle class elements, in the Revolution. She considers mass action, and as to overcome the capitalist employers and their cent that are not willing to break with their capitalist affiliits most important feature the mass strike, as the sum ralized power the capitalist state? Such an ations. Mass action is the very horror of the small total of it period in the class struggle that may last for comes to the prolection overlooks the complexity of real conditions. bourgeois minds; is mere craziness to the intellectual letariat. In permanent change, victory com We are not free in choosing our methods in accord radical. How in the world should the poor uneducated comprises all the anee with certain general theoretical constructions, worker get along without the well meaning costly phases of the political and economic struggle, all phases but have to build on the solid of actual facts advice and representation of intellectuals. of political strike means the unity of political and eco what But is it possible to increase our power by street nomic action, means the proletarian revolution as an our preachings mass movements in one form or demonstrations, strikes of protest, general campaigns another will develop and we will have to make the for political issuescism, high cost of living, unemploysuch as freedom of speech, judhistoric best of it. And on the other hand, industrial organiz ical murders, The word mass action like the words classation has its historical limits beyond which ment, etc. Are not the masses who struggle, industrial action, Imperialism, etc, may together not rise at the given moment of our action: Large for those purposes too heterogeneous, too much liable thoughts and deeds. Representing a general of time to organize in craft unions, and although we unorganized to to develop power. To ang To answer this quesliving in the minds and the deeds of millions will tell them they are wrong and fight them where tion, we should first realize what the purpose is of our and active force in the struggle for emancipation our our revolutionary struggle either or against. More overcome capitalist society. You may overcome power Since Capitalism is outgrown and has to maintain its over large groups of unskilled workers will continue by strengthening your own, as well as by grasp on the world by mental and moral fraud, oly occasional shocks will be able to overcome the colleague by a supreme effort, but he will more likely to live in such a state of slavery and terrorism, that your opponent power. wrestler may subdehing methods is inost esclear conception of probe monopoly of non proletarian pressure of the iron heel. We also have to bear in succeed because his opp classes under be able to force a government opponent tires out quicker. Mass unless they will leave their fate in the hands and swallowing middle class grinding wheels of frustry and frimers abiet ween to give in, but there is no doubt that mass or reconsternt to the fundamental proletarian truths. These truths crution needs again its cclucation towards industrial weaken the position of the capitalist state. Demoninevitably have to be coined into short slogans, this action, and at any given moinent millions and millions strations can and will be suppressed by military force, able both for the purpose of proletarian theory and very remote from large industry, ani though it itarism itself. In a period of demonstrations and profighting practice. What a thesis means scientist is expressed by the workers in general slogans lone of revolutionary movements, still they will have strikes, the bureaucratic apparatus will have great for the man lw true that these groups never will be the back tests all over the country combined with a variety of and cxpressions, such as mass action, Imperialism, in to play their part. To overcome the capitalist organiz difficulty in maintaining its regular efficiency. At the dustrial unionism, class struggle, etc. Such and sim. atics and the capitalist state is a job in which we ilar same time the government will, through concessions in words may be said to express the proletarian philo cannot afford to neglect whatever forces may con some places and brutality in others, open the eyes of sophy, the strength of which tribute to success. We are not satisfied to wait until large groups of workers previously caught in bourgeois pleteness the unity of conception reflected by these come problematic future all capitalist production ideologies of a state for the benefit of the People, words in the minds of the workers in will be rill have the Ward changes with the position of the the school of industrial education. mass action is one of the most important factors to together with the consolidation in are convinced that the technical development of the increase our power. No education without action of tactics, the corresponding conceptions get a more capitalist world makes conditions ripe for a Socialist and no greater educator for the workers than mass more general shape. But at the same time commonwealth at this very moment that only our the consolidation of these conceptions in the heads of lack of power stands in the way of the realization Mass action never can le antagonistic towards inthe workers results in a more efficient, a more powerful mr bones. What we want above all is a unity and dustrial action, because the latter is only the most struggle for emancipation.
roncentration of the forces already existing in a latent efficient form of mass action, is a part, is the backbone Conservative Socialists ists may call any meeting of a form, a combination and further development of these of general mass action. No successful mass action is (lozen persons or over, a mass meeting, and may con forres towards our revolutionary aims.
conceivable without being firmly rooted in the econsider a big middle class vote the highest form of pass The mental expression of this of proletarian omic mic power of the workers, and the strongest form action there is little doubt, however, that in large forces is mass It is the expression of the to organize this ind increasing groups of American workers the idea firm belief that the workers can only count on their does not mean that there is no economic power outof revolutionary mass action grows into a living and forms the vaev. corruption and betrayal of midille class leaders industrial unions at present are surprisingly weak.
Powerful con Industrial action, 110 doubt.
of the conception in a country it calls for clear cut, straight lined class struggle Is it logical, is it less tan a crime to neglect all other nay, however, develop into a struggle for wages only: the average worker, but in such a form that the they can be utilized for the lig fight against Capita: into job control without any further vision. Mass mechanisin of its organizeri expression can be carried and the capitalist state as its most formiclable instrumaction is the broadler vision, which includes all massa by the workers without being dependent on high ent? Will the Russian revolution with its splendid inovements towards the Social Revolution.
lir intellectuals. Mass action appeals to the numb unity of industrial strikes and street demonstrations It may be objected that, if industrial action is the ors, but numbers welded into a mass, numbers hound into one sweeping mass movement have no lessons 11ost efficient form of mass action, why bother about torrether by a common cause, a common aim, a common for us?
minor issues? Why not concentrate all our efforts thonglit, leading to common action and common organ Will we wait for certain forms where others act ind thought in building our industrial mions so strong ization. In its complexity of form, mass action mir and win?
and as