BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrike

Saturday, May 10, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE I that the trade.
to took charge a have Until about of Europe. Renaudel: Which? No half words. Which International? This morning Kurt Eisner and Kautsky showed us with great force that, there are important proletarian Bolshevikjabs masses that have remained true to the old Social DeUDAPEST, May Bela Kun today sent Speech delivered by Jean Longuet at the Berne mocratic Party in Germany. We have no intention, B out a wireless stating that the report of the fall Conference on Socialist Resposibility and the War.
of the Hungarian Soviet administration is grossly of excluding these proletarian masses from the International.
OMRADES: We are in agreement with our. com, German Social Democratic Party must come back to Tres bien. Only, we say exaggerated. rades, Kurt Eisner and Karl Kautsky, in all its old unity and ideas, tested and glorious, that have (Mayor Hylan of New York is very much concernParty of Germany their criticism of the majority Social Democratic been adopted by all our international Congresses, fronted, of late, at the growing popularity of the color Red The Socialists of the world, in the tempest of the the past 25 years, on the basis of the Amsterdam war, have all more or less yielded to chauvinism; but Congress.
bidding its display. One word more: After Troelstra, and with him, I pity Mayor Hylan, pity him at clawo, pity the majority Socialists of Germany have yielded much more than the others. The delegates. Very good the Bolshevik movement, and others, that we have disregards Hizzoner law, and comes up looking red.
want to protest against the summary condemnation of him at sun set when reflect upon the fact that when the sun comes up and coaxes Johnny out of bed. it chauvinistic elements in our midst, in a measure, we heard here. The tactics of our Bolshevik comrades may be applicable to Eastern are condemning the majority Socialists of Germany that we could transform the Russian do not know And even then it not content but sometimes plays at Europe.
much second trick for when it settles down to rest its relder more strongly because of their stronger manifestations of chauvinism.
know nothing and want more information. But than a Bolshevik.
want to say that to condemn and exclude them a where there was the tendency to maintain national comes from the extreme right of our movement. Tres Mr. Hurley pleads for big business in a big way. unity against the foreigner. This preoccupation with bien?
are here to re canstitute the International solid His voice is the voice of the aroused determination of more particularly in Germany, degenerated into na arity of the workers, to make an end of the hatreds American enterprise to capture its full share of the tionalism; precisely as the preoccupation with the that the capitalists and the governments have created trade of the reconstructed world. Presumably another war will settle what exactly is American big union sacree (party unity for national defense, sus among the exploited masses, among the workers ot business full share of the reconstructed world ated into governmentalism and ministerialism. Bra party in Marseilles, Wilhelm Liebknecht said. Between you, French workers, and us, German Eugene Debs tells an interesting story: was position, because it was vanquished yesterday and in caused that river of blood to flow; it is our enemy, railroad engineers and told that must go with them In our country (France) we were in a more difficult Socialists, there is a river of blood. It is not we who awakened about two o clock one morning by two vaded today; and consequently we had to participate of blood the workers of all countries must unite in the the bourgeoisie, it is Capitalism! Across that river in the national defense, for more pressing reasons, Chicaga immediately to take charge of the Burlstrike One of the engineers was Edward higher reasons, than the world will easily understand, common struggle for their emancipation.
stronger reasons than those of the Socialists on the of the strike he has always other side of the Rhine.
II re.
membered that there were other people in the world It is not less true that these preocupations have to An Answer Longuet, the Centre in France, and besides Dobs. Hurley, apparently, has always recertain extent animated all the others. When they the Nere International.
membered that Hurley was in the world. It must be those who were true to the International raised themselves in protest. Bravo. НЕ a source of satisfaction to him these days when he Comrades, we for our part have deeply regretted other day repudiated the Bolshevik Spartacan the world has put its seal of approvel on his course that the majority of the German Social Democracy International, and recognized the Scond International. of action while it puts an iron padlock on the cell of could not understand that, no matter what the Russian which collapsed miserably during the war and the the man who remembered too much.
it did not excuse the violation of Belgian proletarian revolution, as still the International, neutrality year ago, the official majority in the There was a bitter sentiment, which made our French Socialist Party consisted of But these are strange days and we wonder which particularly difficult, when the German major social patriots. pro War Socialists. Then a new man appeal will be most successful.
ity the submarine warfare, against the deportation of civThe French party, under this new majority, pursued Perhaps men, in the overalls of workers, will again ilians by the German General Staff. In that moment predameprally character police e vertete compromises and waken Debs in the middle of the night and tell him of nothing to reproach ourselves with from the interna sky the party in France, who have majority conteareas, a miserable and date with the Haase Kaut he must go with them immediately to Washington to are playing such take charge of the. Well, when you find out what role in such he to take charge of maybe you ll go and do it.
the (Tres bien ti of view, are anxious to tell it to you.
This new majority was was characterized by the resolution. Rome rushes 14 army divisions to Fiume, says We have also regretted that, at the moment of the which brought it into power at the Congress. the resBrest Litovsk and Bucharest treaties, the German pluti olution favored national defense, it dodged on the a headline. One for each point. majority Socialists did not protest more than they did. Bolshevik no more than you did when the Socialists of Finland olution, Short and to the point, urging the struggle think that if she got Fiume she would be able to build able of issue, and was a the Judging from the press reports Italy appears to were crushed with the aid of the German Government. bluti Tres bien. Our Comrades Eisner and Kautsky have, with force uncompromisingly accepting the Bow Party, immediate pace and the Social Revolution, and a much bigger foreign trade. Judging from the act: was de ions of the rest of Peace Conference it appears that and courage, told you with all the authority coming feated. Loriot represents the Left Italy is right in so thinking.
from their past sincere service to the cause of the This new majority in the French proletarian International, told you all that am telling moreover, is equally characterized by its spokesman, you Italian Socialists quit Second International. In Jean Lonquet; and Longuet Sility and the War. other words they endorsed the Manifesto and Program is characterized in his All this, comrades, does not obviate the other faults speech on Socialist that were committed. If we have had in France a delivered the Berne Congress of the Great Betrayal, of the Left Wing.
situation particularly difficult in view of the national of the social patriots, which we reprint above.
defence and the integrity of our country and the sacred Lonquet is a centrist. The centrist deals in com(Continued from preceding Col. treasure that was deposited with us, it is the promises and the idea and the policy of the International. And it is to all. He hesitate iming of ideas to be agreeau. Very true; and this, to the revolutionary Socialist, is and is never direct and revoluwith regret that we must admit that in our midst also tionary. The interjection of Renaudel, a consistent a challenge to get the masses away ly exposing and there were comrades who forgot the International. No half words, fittingly describes smashing this traitorous Socialist. party which is betraying important proletarian masses. But LonWe who made the Stockholm Conference a failure, bemoment, fail to consider those Lonquet This quet proposes that we include this party in the Intersides the German majority. There was a smaller but fense where accepts the doctrine of national de ational, thereby bolstering up its which smashed the International and betrayed longing its betrayal of the proletarrestige and proImagine an not less serious mistake of our French comrades of the Socialism.
International that harbors the Socialist murderers hoteles moderne er en de procuro interkolme Comerepe degenerated into Chauvinism but chauvinism is an of Kia Liebknechtand Rose, Enaxemburg letariat of the world, and of France, to end the war inevitable excrescence of national defense; and this We should return to its old unity and ideas, at that moment that defense would be suicidal to militant Soçialism even tested and glorious out in the first place.
this is imposthe renegade enterprise of German militarism, of if it did not degenerate into chauvinism.
This speech admits that other Socialists com sible; in the second place, even if possible, it is una thing we cannot accomplish to day because national that therefore the German Sociale Dimecracy was most ideas. But they broke down, miserably and completely.
consequently we could give peace a Socialist character, mitted errors, but they were worse in of ism and Imperialism, defeated in Berlin and Vienna, have, alas, raised their heads in Paris, London and This the fizzle of the Stockholm Out of this collapse has come a new proletarian imRome.
Conference, where the traitorous Socialists were to pulse and a new revolutionary Socialist movement. We Well! We regret it, comrades. We say that the have gotten together to reconstitute the old Internaof the Stockholm Conference was a great mis tiona! which had broken down, at a time when the completely. We must not compromise. There is a fortune, a grievous fault. We say that then we could Bolsheviki had issued a new order of the day to mil challenge itant Socialism the order to organizes the listew, the boy boshevik Spartacan policy and practice, the Socialist movement on the basis In ending, Comrades, want simply to examine our Third International of revolutionary Socialism.
The French Socialist Party. dominated by the centre, use, but it is not sufficient. Must we draw a con of Germany are not to be excluded from the Inter apologizes and old, repudiates Bolshecommunike International the Beaslian Socialist Party, dominated by the left wing, repudiates in which it is asked that the German majority Social yellow International.
ists be excluded from the International? do not The argument made in favor of this is that there the old and accepts the new Communist International.
think that Thomas seriously proposes that. There will are important proletarian masses that have remained Which Socialism and which International, Comrades be many more exclusions to make in many other parts true to the old Social Democratic Party in Germany. of the American Socialist Party?
you, we, the minority who are social patriat. itude on fundamental issues.
cannot, at this as soon heas possible.
in Germany, and clesirable.
speech bewails to