AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismGermanyImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTerrorismViolenceWorking Class

2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 10, 1919 The Revolutionary Age The persistence I am program of 19 henkite Terrollene And Majoto ing the enemy with the chance to advance slightly; Our Red May Day iwhile it is indisputable that the French were forced to get out of Odessa and the Ukraine is Soviet. Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events of Bolshevism does not come out HE First of May has come and gone. But this of its military power: that is one phase, and not the May Day lingers in the memory; its events have Louis FRAINA.
Editor most important, except at certain junctures. The pow.
imparted new inspiration and energy to the milier of Bolshevism comes out of the social economic tant Socialists in our party.
Contributing Editors collapse of Capitalism, out of the economic needs of In the streets of city after city was revealed the JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA the workers, out of the struggle of class against class. brutality of Capitalism and its official agents, and the It is this social economic phase that is decisive. While savagery of mobs whose emotions have been HOURWICE savaged FERGUSON you cannot build a new society by means of military by the infamous campaign of slander and riot indulged LUDWIG LORE Eadmonn MacAlpine force, neither can you permanently save an old society in. by the hireling enemies of the militant proletariat.
letarian answer to the economic collapse of Capitalism. May Day revealed equally the awakening determinISSJED EVERY SATURDAY That is why Bolshevism will determine the future. ation in our party to struggle for the streets, to combine By Local Boston, Socialist Party the usual old meetings in halls with demonstrations Steiner, Business Manager Turn to the Left!
of the mass in the streets.
Let us say it: the Red character of our May Day was 245 Washington St. Boston, Mass. OMRADE Ludwig Lore has joined the Left imposed upon us by the masters. Their hirelings had corders 28 a rofy, Subscription 00 for City. In a letter to Executive Secretary Cohen, com prepared to crush the militant workers on this day.
sir months (26 issues. was of the opinion that an organization as it gutters, in newspapers and magazines, there was a exists here in New York and understand that nosystematic campaign urging murderous violence The Ideal Candidate where else have such organizations been formedagainst the Socialists on May Day. The mob was Thi campaign that is being organized to make would be a constant menace to the unity of the party murderous assaults upon the Socialists, protected by Major General Leonard Wood the Republican ic. this most critical time. If the coming National the polices Party candidate for President in 1920 fits in with the Socialism, a split would not only be The great bomb plot, undoubtedly engineered by but necessary requirements of contemporary Capitalism.
But since of Friends of Major General Wood describe him as agents provocateur, was exploited deliberately to inthe firm conviction that flame the passions of the mob. It was openly declared in its overwhelming majority. that the the rightful heir of Theodore Roosevelt. This comthe party membership, in revolutionary Socialism, of the parison has truth, and characterizes the sort of Pres stands with us, thought that we took no chances in Bolsheviki, was a program of murder, assassination içlent the plutocracı wants. Roosevelt was a dictator, waiting for the convention to speak.
and But now am confronted with a situation, not a arson. The fact that the Bolsheviki.
the nian on horse back President; his militarism theory. The org this time it can be done only by sosisting on mass action as against these individual acts; coincided with the requirements of is in the field and if a split assassinations even in Russia, where if any where of imperialistic Capassassination could be justified, the Bolsheviki inavoided at acy of trust capital. An aclent at clecention of the site or resin cortes at the panserwati ricota de recuperorc: the fact that neither the Bolsheviki in Russia nor the workers, Roosevelt was in all things faithful to ImSpartacans in Germany have used assassination, while perialism. His Larger Americanisın was a policy of expulsious or employ provocative measures.
assassination has been used against them. these practImperialism. of State Cavitalism and war, This is an excellent appraisal of the situation. Our most important task at this moment, as adherents of ical and theoretical proofs were scorned by the bourMajor lieneral Wood has the Roosevelt ideology.
revolutionary Socialism, He is a strong man, levout in his adherence to milto strengthen the Left geois press and the bourgeois hirelings.
Wing in the Socialist Party as the preliminary to conAnd that it is the bourgeois and their hirelings who itary ileals, stron for an agressive internatioual resort to murder and riot was proven on May Day.
poliev. recognizes the comntercial basis of war. and quering the party for revolutionary Socialism.
Characteristic of the campaign of incitation to riot he romulgates all three reactionary ideas with a cyricism that people mistake for gentle candor.
The Mooney Strike and murder against Socialists and was the Stormy days are ahearl. Capitalism must fight for Victory Loan address of Mayor Ole Hanson, of its life HE preparations for a general strike to compel Seattle, delivered in Topeka. Kansas, on May General Woorl would make an excellent person to the release of Tom Moonev are not acquiring Mayor Hanson, whose taste of glory for breaking direct this crror from the White House.
the speed that they should. There seems to pre the Seattle general strike went to his head and revail a tendency to remain satisfied with resolutions, vealed the degenerate, murderous instincts of his soul, Terrorism Against Whom? to allow words to speak instead of deeds.
said: are held to pass general strike resolutions.
IN np to wrw the rol motives Prehind the terror The policy pursued by the government toward anof Mooney is denounced in strong terms.
presnect against the Socialists and s on archism and the is skin milk, weak, varilBut the action of actual organization for the general ating and changeable. The governinent is on the May Day: come two items. One is that two strike strike lags miserably.
wrong track in starting conferences instead of cemetHraders in Tweepee were kidna. ped. being dragged The Mooney case is a test of organized labor. It crics in dealing with the trust Washing out of their beds, locaten into insensibility and thrown is a challenge to the workers, and this challenge must incarcerate for life all the anarchists in the courtry. If out of them being left unconscious. The be answered in one way: by the use of the economic the government doesn clean up. will give up my rolien moreover, are preparing to use machine guns mayorship and start through the country. We will hold meetings and have hanging places. Any Mayor that istence. the rolice have disem vered that is deliving and number of organizations of the of have will permit an meeting in his city should los recalled and banished from America. He is not an the river is to Unless new trials or freedom are granted Mooney have disposed of plesirables so American, so well that the practice will con and Billings before July 4, 1919, we will go out on a tinued. Deputy Simerintendent of Police William general strike to take effect for five days July This is clear incitation to murder and riot. This is Neil is credited with the new move. He disposed 6, and a clear revelation of the murderous, savage instincts of a rathering of 200 men in the rear of the Weybosset Further, if justice is still denied in spite of our of Capitalism and the agents of Capitalism. And these mill lov driving them into the Woonasuctucket river. first protest, we will join in a general strike for five are the men who condemn the savagery of the Bolblining them to swim across the rarrow stream. days, beginning Labor Day, September 1, 2, 3, sheviki!
This is terrorism ayainst strikes and strikers and The result was inevitable. In city after city there against men, women and children struggling for more Again, if no relief is forthcoming, we will join a were riots on May Day, beating up of Socialists, of the means of life. And the terrorism against the third strike taking effect November 19, 20, 21, 22 breaking of ineetings. in which rowdy elements joined!
Socialists and W. is against the conscious reand 23.
lands with the respectable thugs of the Loyalty presentatives of this struggle, against those who are Following the third period, if Mooney and Billings leagues. The authorities co operated by refusing pertrying to transform this small struggle for more wages are still in jail, we will join a general strike for an mits for paradles and preventing meetings being held: into the larger struggle against Capitalism as the only indefinite period.
the police co operated by protecting the rowdy and means of actually securing more life and happiness. This is progress: but why that interval provision? respectable thug elements, and by themselves raisWorkers who participate in terrorism against the In savors too much of hesitation, of trying to avoid ing hell with clubs and guns: the judges co operated Socialists are acting against their own interests. The the struggle that is necessary in order to compel justice by imposing heavy fines and prison terms upon those policy of capitalism is divide and conquer, by means from the master class.
of terrorism. general strike in order to compel action must And the real inciters to niurder and violence, the actually threaten the capitalists, it must actually make Hansons and the other thugs of the bourgeoisie, are Bolshevism Its Two Phases dent in their profits, and paralyze industry. Simply still at large to wreak their murderous will upon the cease work won work, it must be a general in people. lustrial strike united with giant demonstrations of the The Socialists and conscious workers not capitalist press at the military defeats sustained workers.
prepared for this terrorism. But, unprepared, they by the Bolsheviki recently. Thev jubilate over the Moreover, this sort of action requires preparations hit back. They were overhelmed, and beaten. but military crisling of the Bolshevik Republic in Munich. and organization; but these are not as yet apparent.
next time they will be prepared.
they chuckle over the instability of the Hungarian sabotage still being used by the of officials The battle of May Day stretched all over the countSoviet Republic because of the invasion of Rumanian against Mooney?
rv: but it was particularly acute in Cleveland a troops: and they hold their sides in laughter at the In this crisis, the militant Socialist must make his defeats of the Russian Soviet troops.
contret with the militant elements in the of fermination, new energy, after the manifestations The troops of the Ebert Scheidemann bourgeois and liy means of the mass action of the membership hourgeois brutality. There they are determined t!
Socialist assassins of the Revolution are tempor compel the officials to cease their sabotage. This is the White Terror of the American bourgeoisie sł arily in power in Munich; and they have unleashed a real task for the Socialist Party at this moment. It 1100 proceed unhampered to murder the conscie the yellow terror of moderate Socialism against the a task that, while acting on an immediate issue, is workers. And these two locals are at the heart revolutionary proletariat. But in Hungary. the Soviet potential of more revolutionary action in the days to the Left Wing movement in the American Socia Republic seems as strong as ever, the proletariat mob come. The party must actively engage in the moveilizing to resist the invasion of Rumanian and Entente Party.
ment for a real general strike: it must use the opporttroops. In Russia, the news of Bolshevik defeats unity, not only to organize this strike, but to educate The class war flared up in the streets on May ar misleading: preparations are being made for a new the proletariat in the meaning and importance of the It will Aare up again. On with the struggle agai So iet offensive, the re distribution of troops provid political strike in the struggle for labor emancipation. Capitalism, in spite of all and everything!
Meetings are The frame up of town.
one si to were Is is