BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninLiberalismMarxOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietTerrorismTrotskyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 30 Saturday, May 10, 1919 Price Cents Manifesto of the Communist International come.
It is our course To the proletariat of all countries!
Manifesto of the First Congress of the Com so vigorously opposed by capitalist Liberalism, has now EVENTY TWO years have gone by since the munist International, held at Moscow, March become a fact. There can be no return either to free Communist Party of the World proclaimed its 6, 1919. Issued March 10th, and signed competition nor to the rule of the trusts, syndicates program in the form of the Manifesto written by Charles Rakovsky, Lenin, Zinoviev, Leon and other economic monsters. The only question is the greatest teachers of the proletarian revolution, Trotzky, Fritz Platten. Text received direct what shall be the future mainstay of state production, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Even at that early the Imperialistic State or the State of the victorious time, when Communism had scarcely come into the from Moscou.
proletariat? In other words, shall the whole of workarena of conflict, it was hounded by the lies, hatred Translated by IDA FERGUSON ing humanity become the feudal bond servants the and calumny of the possessing classes, who rightly victorious Entente bourgeoisie, which under the name suspected in it their mortal enemy: During these reflects the general deadly crisis of capitalist commodof a League of Nations aided by an international seven decades Communism has travelled a hard road: ity exchange.
army and an international navy, here plunders and of ascent followed by periods of sharp, decline. successes, but also severe defeats. In spite of all, the production and distribution in the chief semains of chains the proletariat, with the single aim of mainAs free competition was replaced as regulator of murders, there throws a crumb, but everywhere endevelopment at bottom went the way forecast by the economy, during the decades which preceded the war, taining its own rule? Or will the working class take Manifesto of the Communist Party. The epoch of by the system of trusts and monopolies, so the exigeninto its own hands the disorganized and shattered ecothe last decisive battle came later than the apostles of cies of the war took the regulating role out of the nornic life and make certain its reconstruction on a the social revolution expected and wished. But it has Socialist basis?
hands of the monopolies and gave it directly to the military power. Distribution of raw materials, utilOnly the Proletarian Dictatorshin, which recognizes We Communists, representatives of the revolutionneither inherited privileges nor rights of property but ary proletariat of the different countries of Europe.
which arises from the needs of the hungering masses.
America and Asia, assembled in Soviet Moscow, feel and consider ourselves followers and fulfillers of the The White Terror can shorten the period of the present crisis: and for this purpose it mobilizes all materials and forces, intprogram proclaimed seventy two years ago.
Consciously and systematically, under the direction roduces the universal duty to labor, establishes the task now to suin up the practical revolutionary exof agents of Capitalism, police and rowdy mobs, including soldiers and sailors, are being mobilized against of industrial discipline, this way to heal in the perience of the working class, to cleanse the moveSocialism.
of a few years the open wounds caused by the ment of its admixtures of opportunism and social, pat The May Day murderous assaults upon Socialist war and also to raise humanity to new undreamt of riotism, and to gather together the forces of all the meetings are a revelation of capitalist brutality and a heights.
true revolutionary proletarian parties in order to challenge to Socialism. It is equally a revelation of The national State which was given a tremendous the fear of Capitalism at the oncoming proletarian reyfurther and hasten the complete victory of the com olution. Capitalism is shaking, and it resorts to terimpulse by capitalistic evolution has become too narmunist revolution.
rorism to preserve its plundering power.
row for the development of the productive forces. And In Boston, riots were provoked against Socialist Party even more untenable has become the position of the meetings. About 1000 men, women and children march small States, distributed among the great powers of For a long span of years Socialism predicted the ing from the Dudley Street Opera House to a new inevitableness of the imperialistic war. it perceived meeting at New International Hall, Roxbury, were asEurope and in other parts of the world. These small the essential cause of this war in tlie insatiable greed saulted by a rowdy mob acting in co operation with the States came into existence at different times as fragpolice. There was no disturbance until the police asof the possessing classess in both of capitalist ments split off the bigger States, as petty currency in Years before the one of the war, saulted our comrades. The peaceful character of this payment for services rendered to serve as strategic nations. Two parade is proven by the fact that at least one third buffer States. They, too, have their dynasties, their at the Congress of Basle, the responsible Socialist consisted of women and children.
leaders of all countries branded Imperialism as the The police were not satisfied with using clubs, they ruling gangs, their imperialistic pretensions, their dipdeliberately shot at the men and women. It was unlomatic machinations. Their illusory independence instigator of the coming war, and menaced the bour provoked shooting, with intent to kill.
had until the geoisie with the threat of the Socialist revolution the Then the police and rowdy mobs hunted down our war precisely the same support as the retaliation of the proletariat for the crimes of militar comrades until late at night, assaulting even women, European balance of power: namely, the continuous ism. Now, after the experience of five years, after making indiscriminate arrests and smashing Socialist halls.
history has disclosed the predatory lust of Germany, war has destroyed this balance. The tremendous preThe actions of the police on May Day in Cleveland, and has unmasked the no less criminal deeds on the ponderance of power which the war gave to Germany Boston and other cities, constitute an unparalleled outin the beginning compelled these smaller nations to part of the Allies, the State Socialists of the Entente rage. It was a deliberate, provocative, murderous asnations, together with their governments, again unsault. Will the authorities investigate the police outseek their welfare and safety under the wings of Germask the deposed German Kaiser. And the German rages and punish the guilty? No!
man militarism. After Germany was beaten the boursocial patriots. who in August 1914 proclaimed the We do not protest against these outrages. Capitalism geoisie of the small nations, together with their thrives on outrage. Capitalism provokes terrorism and riotic Socialists, turned to the victorious Imperialism patdiplomatic White Book of the Hohenzollern as the profits from terrorism. But we declare that we shall holiest gospel of the people, today, in vulgar syco proceed with our campaign to emancipate the working of the Allies and began to seek assurance for their phaney, jain with the Socialists of the Entente class. We shall not allow terrorism to frighten us.
further independent existence in the hypocritical We shall answer this terrorism with the force of our countries in accusing as arch criminals the deposed points of the Wilson program. At the same time the ideas, with the might of the conscious, Socialist prole number of little States has increased; out of the unity Gernian monarchy which they fornierly served as of the Austro Hungarian monarchy, out of the difslaves. In this way they hope to crase the memory of ferent their own guilt and to gain the good will of the victors.
of the Czarist Empire, new sovereignties parts But alongside the dethroned slynasties of the Roma ization of petroleum from Baku or Roumania, of coal have formed themselves. And these, as soon as born.
noffs, Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs, and the capital from Donetz, of cereals from the Ukraine: the fate jump at each other throats on account of their frontier istic cliques of these lands, the rulers of France, Eng of German locomotives, railroad cars and automobiles, disputes. Meanwhile the Allied imperialists brought about certain combinations of new and old small States land, Italy and the United States stand revealed in the the provisioning of famine stricken Europe with bread light of unfolding events and diplomatic disclosures and meat, all these basic questions the economic through the cement of mutual hatreds and general in their immeasurable vileness.
of the world are no longer regulated by free comweakness. Even while violating the small and weak The contradictions of the capitalist system were petition, nor yet by combinations of national and inpeoples and delivering them to famine and degradaconverted by the war into heastly torments of hunger ternational trusts, but through direct application of tion, the Entente imperialists, exactly as the imperialand cold. epidemics and moral savagery. for all man military force.
ists of the Central powers before them, did not cease kind. In this the academic quarrel in Socialism Just as complete subordination of the power of the to talk of the right of self determination of all peoples.
a right which is now entirely destroyed in Europe and over the theory of increasing misery, and also of the State to the purposes of finance capital led mankind to undermining of Capitalism through Socialism, is now shambles, so finance capital has, in the rest of the world.
Only the proletarian revolution can secure the existfinally determined. Statisticians and teachers of the through this mass slaughter, completely militarized not theory of reconciliation of these contradictions have alone the State but also itself. It is no longer able to ence of the small nations, a revolution which frees the productive forces of all countries from the restrictions endeavored for decades to gather together from all fulfill its essential economic functions otherwise than of the national States, whi chunites all peoples in the countries of the earth real and apparent facts which by means of blood and iron.
closest economic co operation on the basis of a univevidence the increasing well being of the working The opportunists who before the war exhorted the ersal economic plan, and gives even to the smallest and class. Today abysmal misery is before our eyes, social workers, in the name of the gradual transition into well as physiological, in all its shocking reality.
weakest peoples the e possibility freely and independently Finance capital, which threw mankind into the abyss for submission in the name of civil peace and defense to carry on their national culture without detriment to of war, has itself suffered catastrophic changes during of the Fatherland, now again demand of the workers the united and centralized economy of Europe and of he course of the war. The dependence of paper mo self abnegation to overcome the terrible consequences ey upon the material basis of production was comThe last war, after all a war against the colonies, of the war. If this preaching, were listened to by the was at the same time a war with the aid of the colonies.
vletely destroyed. More and more losing its signific workers Capitalism would build out of the bones of To an unprecedented extent the population of the nce as medium and regulator of capitalistic commod several generations a new and still more formidable tv circulation, paper money becomes merely a means structure, leading to a new and inevitable world war.
colonies was drawn into the European war. Indians, Arabs, Madagascans battled on the European continof exploitation, robbery, of military economic oppres Fortunately for humanity, this is no longer possible.
ion. The complete deterioration of paper money now The absorption by the State of the economic life. Continued on page eighto tariat.
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