Saturday, May 3, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE S zium: Belgians. com belgian, printed during the break revance Socialism.
and atid is the form of expression of bourgeois supremacy, but In Germany a regime of communist Socialism, which is the form Bolshevikjabs of expression of the proletariat. There must be a HERE is a new struggle preparing itself in Ger new state organized the state of the organized proTATISTICIANS compute that if the words Belmany. This struggle will decide the immediate ducers, of the federated Soviets. of proletarian dictadestiny of the internationl revolution, of So torship, which alone can the of past five years were cut out and pasted together cialism. If the revolutionary proletariat conquers capital.
Workers control of industry, communer into a strip five inches wide it would go around the power, it means the world revolution; if not, it means organization of new struggles, a series of class wars which must in forms, that alone can assure the life and happiness were added the strip would go around the world fifteen production, the abolition of parliainentary political carth ten times. and that if the ac! jectives poor little evitably culminate in the Social Revolution. of the workers, that alone can assure Socialism. times. The Belgians, however, say that on the other Let us summarize the character and the course of The German Revolution: it is of the utmost import Germany the experience of the revolutionary proletariat in hand if the same words were printed every time they the lessons of the Russian were uttered at the Peace Conference and then cut that the Socialist proletariat should clearly unolution: partentary, petty bourgeois moderate So out and pasted togetheh the strip resulting would be derstand the implacable class war that is being waged cialism is the worst enemy of the militant proleta merely suficient to blot out the first five headline letin Germany riat. Only through revolutionary mass action and ters of the term Peace Conference.
The agony of the war, the starvation of the people, proletarian dictatorship can the masses conquer power the futility of the prolonged slaughter and defeat and realize Socialism.
Japan being an Oriental nation and not versed in the moment for which revolutionary Socialism, a sniall but militant minority, had been waiting and preparing ways of Western diplomacy is most indiscreet. In a for, came. Like a river that has burst its banks, the Which International. statement regarding the Korean situation recently iswaters of the Revolution spread through Germany.
sued the whole trouble is summed up as follows:THE most important problem of international So Tlic present trouble in Korea originated with a group The Revolution that slowly developed during Octoof religious associations, some of which are Christian, ber 1918, broke forth irresistibly in November. The jection of the Bolshevik call for a Communist and with certain students, who, unfortunately, bewildrevolutionary mass action of the proletariat toppled Congress. It is important, since its purpose is to rally ered by political ambition, misunderstand the term over the Imperial German regime; the Kaiser fled to and integrate the revolutionary forces of the prole League of Nations and misconstrue it as meaning Holland. everywliere the masses organizd Councils of tariat and Socialism for action and the conquest of self determination.
No wonder there is some Soldiers and Workmen: a new Government was org power; and it is equally important as a test of the doubt about allowing Japan the innerinost or should anized.
we say the least open covenants least openly arrived at mint this was just the preliminary phase of the Rev revolutionary character of the different Socialist Parof the Peace Conference.
olution. The new government was controlled by the The minority, the Left Wing Socialist groups every majority Socialists represented by Ebert, Scheidemann Co. who had supported the imperialistic international Communist Congress. The Left Wing where have enthusiastically accepted the call for an war, who had opposed the coming of the Revolution, of the American Socialist Party has; and there is now Count Dentia Frazzo, member of the Italian Parliaand around whom the bourgeoisie now rallied against ment, is quoted as denouncing the Bolshevik rule for a motion for a referendum to instruct the party in Russia. If all reports are true the worthy count will The new bourgeois Socialist Government main ternational delegates to participate only in an Inter soon have the opportunity of lenouncing Bolshevik tained all the old government institutions. the army, national Congress in which participate the Bolsheviki rule much nearer home.
the police of the bourgeoisie, and even of the Junkers. atives of the party are silent, mostly, on this momentIt is reported that Premier Clemenceau is still wcarHindenburg was still in control of the army: Gerous issue; they are cvading, perhaps waiting to see many foreign policy was manipulated by Dr. Solf which was release at vinyl dan merance, at its Congress the poſted that the French vorkers are economizing not presentatives of the old regime of Imperialism, of war other day, voted down, 894 to 270, a motion to affiliatc only by wearing their old coats, but by tightening their belts.
with the Bolshevik Spartacan Third International. The Against this bourgeois Socialist Government there motion adopted was to affiliate with the Second Interdeveloped a a new revolution, captained by the Sparta national (of moderate, petty bourgeois Socialism. Tis a pity that the workers can take part in those cans, whose program was identical with the program which broke down miserably during the war and the cliplomatic banquets at Paris. worker of twenty of the Bolsheviki. This new revolution aimed to proletarian revolution) providing that all those who could enjoy the food much more than 77 year old cverthrow the Ebert Scheidemann Governinent, to are Socialists in name only shall be excluded. What Clemenceau.
the power of the old and its reactionary a petty, miserable evasion, characteristic of Jean ilitary chiefs, to destroy the parliamentary ins Longuet, who introduced the motion! The value of The British White Book describing the horrors of shackle the proletarian this proposed exclusion is tested by the fact that lolshevism in Russia, says that in Central Russia the linen industry is 50 per cent of normal, the woolen all power to the Councils Sovie by magic is believe the Longuet majority does not e. rclude from here that party those who are Socialists in name only. trade 60 per cent, coal production 60 per cent, the cotpew proletarian state of the federal Soviets, upon the On the other hand, the Socialist Party of Italy has ton mills 70 per cent. The National Manufacturers Association, after completing a survey of business Socialism could be initiated. This program was to shevik Spartacan Internationaľ. and the revolutionary in the inited States, reports is as being 25 to so per link the German Revolution with the Russian Rev tactics this acceptance imposes. The Executive Conicent normal. Well?
olution, and assure the coming of the world revolte mittee of the Italian party has resolved to sever all tion and international Is the United States worse off than Russia. But the majority doing the dirty work connections with the old International Socialist Burof the imperialistic eau and the old International. Its resolution is aggresopposed this revolu sive and incisive, a challenge to militant Socialism: tionary program. They did not want to crush the Or are the figures a lying move to frighten the power of the bourgeoisie; they wanted, not a Socialist Whereas, the International Socialist Burean is an inworkers and get them to accept lower wages?
but a bourgeois democratic republic: they used the strument of the war policy of the pseudo democratic army and the old government forces to crush the probourgeoisie tending to mislead the proletariat, and is a real barrier to the reorganization of the Socialist Revletarian revolution. Revolt after revolt of the masses Rioting Continues in Indian Cities says a headolutionary International and was crushed this combination of the old regime Whereas, all the efforts of the International Socialline. Poor England seems fated to be continually and the traitorous Socialists of the bourgeoisie.
ist Bureau, now a hostage of the imperialistic bourge misunderstood, even in her spectacular sacrifices for The revolution in Germany, as long as it remained osic of the Entente, to restore the life and energy of small and subject peoples.
within its parliamentary limits, had accomplished the Socialist proletariat have been in vain: and Whereas, the alliance concluded at Berne between the little. True, it had introduced parliamentary demo social patriotic tendencies of Entente Imperialism and The bourgeois libcral magazines are astonished at the social patriotic tendencies of the Tnperialism of the the Chinese puzzle the cace Conference policy cracy that Socialism will come, but by means of rev Central Empires brings into the open the reactionary character of all the factions who were false to the on Russia. Listen to this wail of The New Republic: olutionary action and proletarian dictatorship Cap pledges uile loy the International in opposition to the Another official Russian plan has just appeared, this italism was still in power. The forms of Kaiserism Hourgeoisie who threw the peoples into the war; and time in the form of news given out by the State Dehad Kaiserism did not simply represent the rule of a monoverthrown, but not the substance, since Whereas, in consequence it is impossible to conceive the co existence in a single organization of those who partment. The report is that Mr. Lansing has a policy.
were loyal to the principles of the International and It is said to consist in the recognition of Admiral Kolarch, but the unity of autocracy with imperialistic those who betrayed those principles and are still opposed chak and assistance to liim for the prosecution of civil Capitalism: and the power of this Capitalism had not to the realization of Socialism and been crushed.
war. The bids in the Russian question, therefore, Whereas, the International Burcaut, instead of, as soon stand as follows: Threatened bry the oncoming proletarian revolu as the war ended. brining about the immediate contion, the bourgeois Socialist Government not only vention of the parties and organizations affiliated with Mr. Wilson and Mr. George in a signed letter concluded an alliance with the old regime, but asked the Bureau, loaned itself to the work of making a suc10 Dr. Xansen: Cessation of hostilities and complete cess of the Berne conference, which was nothing less unity with the imperialistic governments of the Allies suspension of the transfer of troops and military mathan a caricature of an International Socialist conferto crush Bolshevism!
terial of all sorts to and within Russia territory.
ence: therefore be it But the masses, tortured by hunger, oppressed by Resolved. That the Executive Committec of the Soc2. Mr. George to the House of Commons: We are the new new reaction, menaced by the imperialistic designs ialist party of Italy withdraw from the International supplying munitions to Kolchak, Denikin and KharkSocialist Burcau and affiliates with and works for the of the Allies, acquired new vigor and new purposes.
establishment of the Socialis! Revolutionary InternaOut of each defcat they secured new strength for new tional upon the basis and principles laid down by the Mr. Lansing, suported by Mr. Wilson, accordstruggles.
Russian Communist Comrades at Moscow in the month ing to the State Department: Recognition of the OmThen came the proletarian dictatorship in Bavaria, of January for the convening of an International Soc sk government and military support to and within the proclamation of a Soviet Republic. This gave ialist conference: and be it further Russia territory.
Resolved. That the Executive Committee shall carry impetus to the proletarian struggle throughout Ger active work to secure for the aforesaid purpose the ad.
This can hardly be described as the clear and unany. The bourgeois Socialist Government massed hesion of those Socialists of all countries who have troubled voice of reason speaking to a distracted ops against the Bavarian Soviet Republic: but Mu reinained faithful to the International, cither luy conven world. Russian policy is still as difficult to follow as na, is still proletarian and Bolshevik, while all over ing a preliminary meeting or by any other action leemed a Russian novel. The characters change their names proper to attain the result sought. rmany the struggle is again flaring into action.
so often, and their souls are so torn with conflicting The struggle is a struggle to complete the Revolu This is an inescapable challege to militant Socialism. emotions that their ininds are stalled. It is time that tian by making it definitely proletarian. Capitalism division is necessary in the International, and in somebody issued a guide book in which the relative must be overthrown; the new regime must not be a our own movement. Ilhich Socialism and which To value of letters, speeches and inspired dispatches was rigine of bourgeois parliamentary democracy, which ternational. Conrades of the Socialist Party? indicated by one, two and three asterisks.