2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, May 3, 1919 The Revolutionary Age American continents, but the Monroe Doctrine today today.
even indulging in Socialisticatessentiment, in Italy Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine upon the imperialistic governments, of the world revolution will help the Russian people and preserve the Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events HE Mexican Government has made it publicly Russian Revolution for all peoples and for all time.
clear that it will not recognize the validity of the Monroe Doctrine. Mexico would not protest against The Great Collapse Louis FRAINA.
Editor the original Doctrine, which provided that there should be no colonization by European powers on the PHERE was an enormous upflare of popular enContributing Editors thusiasm when President Woodrow Wilson first JOEN Rez Sen KATAYAMA is something altogether different.
arrived in Europe. It was, to certain extent, The reception accorded to Mexico repudiation inN. HOURWICH WEINSTEIN dicates clearly the character of the Monroe Doctrine mass enthusiasm. popular image had been created of Woodrow Wilson as a great emancipator, one of LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE There are two phases to this recept un: It makes no difference, say the deferjers of the those suggestive social myths with which history abounds.
Monroc Doctrine, what Mexico says; she will be President Wilson, in his inimitable words (without ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY The Monroe Doctrine, say these defenders, is cleeds) catered to this By Local Boston, Socialist Party a national doctrine of the United States, maintained Then lie expressions. Steiner, Business Manager upon its own responsibility: got together with the distinguished diplomats in Paris. 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
What is this but the attitude of the conguescere diplomacy, democracy, all the beautiful ideas of PorteOpen Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for that is aggression, Imperialism. This aggression and sident Wilson were, in the test, proven to be dross.
The popular reaction developed immediately the six months (26 issues)
Imperialism are actually comprised in the Monroe Doctrine today. It is not a question of European Woodrow Wison to Europe evoked no popular enthugreat illusion was broken. The second coming of colonization, but of European capital and investments: siasm. This is how William Allen White, in an article The Principles and Tactics of the New International the Monroe Doctrine is now an instrument to preserve these continents for the aggrandizement of American from Paris dated March 27, describes the second From the Call of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolshe capital.
coming viki) for a Communist International Congress.
When President Wilson came to Europe in December, 1918, he appealed to the masses of Europe over It is an urgent necessity that the first congress of the new Revising. the League heads of their Governments. Now he is dealing revolutionary International be called. During the war and exclusively with the organized Governments of Europe.
the Revolution the complete bankrupcy of the old Socialist PERTAIN amendments have been made to the When he appeared in Paris a dozen and six weeks ago and Social Democratic parties, and the second International, Peace Conference proposed League of Nations.
great crowds packed the Champs Elysees. His proas well as the incompetency of the middle elements of the old Social Democracy (the so called centre. for live revolution. They have been made in order to satisfy certain obgress from the Arch to the Tuileries was a great triumph. No other ruler ever had a greater reception ary action, has finally become evident. At present, however. ections to the League. They satisfy bourgeois ob day he came back to Paris in March a tottered jections, perhaps, but not the Socialist. The funda cotton banner, sagging in the wind, rain stained and distinctly coming into view.
and bedraggled, bearing the legend, Honneur a Wilson, le Juste, a banner left from December, hanging the recognition of the following principles, which we shaľ under Capitalism is that it is not a League but an near the corner of the Avenue Montaigne and the out on alliance of five Great Powers, a defect stressed even Elisyan Fields, was the only reminder of a day that the basis of the program of the Spartacus group in Germany by parts of bourgeois radical opinion. This imperia was gone.
and the Communist party (Bolsheviki) in Russia.
istic alliance is consummated by means of the As the banner was fraying in the light spring breeze The present is the period of the dissolution and the the train bearing the Presidential party was steaming of the League, which is to consist of nine members, collapse of the whole capitalist world system, which will mean into the station, a poilu band was throwing back its the complete collapse of European culture, if Capitalism, United States and Japan, and four representing five representing Great Britain, France, Italy, the all head and blowing into the brass the glory that is with its unsolvable contradictions, is not destroyed.
France in a grand salute; a dozen frock coated, plugthe other nations. This means that these five powers hated, elderly gentlemen with cynical turn of face The problem of the proletariat consists in immediately Clemenceau, up from his bed of pain, Poincare and seizing the power of the state. This seizure of the power of actually control the League, having a clear majority Baron Cellere, along with the Americans, Mr. Lansing, state means the destruction of the state apparatus of the on the Council bourgeoisie and the organization of a new proletarian apparBernard Baruch, Vance McCormick gentlemen of the That is fundamental. League must be a League bed chamber stond on a red velvet carpet in the stanatus of power.
of free nations; but this imperialistic alliance consti tion amid potted palms and evergreens and welcomed This new proletarian state must embody the dictatorthe President back to France. The whistles did not ship of the proletariat, and in certain places also the small tutes nothing but an imperialistic League agaiist the hlow; there was no cheerig in the station. There was peasants and farm hands, this dictatorship constituting the nations of the world.
little more ceremony in the greeting than if the village instrument for the systematic overthrow of the exploiting It is said that the new draft satisfies the Republic delegate had come from the Grand Lodge, ready to classes and the means of their expropriation.
ans in the United States Senate who opposed the exemplify the new work.
Not the fraudulent bourgeois democracy this hypocritical original draft. Well it may; since the new draft recThis shift in mass opinion in Europe has two causes: the utter incompetence of the Peace Conference equality, but the proletarian democracy and the possibility ognizes and protects the Monroe Doctrine and makes and the collapse of President Wilson ideals; and of the realization of freedom for the working masses, not the League even more a fraud than it was.
the penetration of revolutionary sentiments in the proparliamentarism, but self government of these masses through There is a real their elected organizations; not capitalist bureaucracy, but world must be united aga and prosperity. Sually be social facts and tendencies. It is not to the nian alone, need for a League of Nations. The letarian masses.
The abandonment by President Wilson of his idorgans of administration which have been created by the unite for purposes of life and Production eals is not a study in personality, but a study in masses themselves, with the real participation of these masses in the government of the countries and in the activity is international. But this League cannot since Capitalism but dominantly to the social circumstances that is atof the Socialist structure this should be the type of the consummated under Capitalism, proletarian state. The power of the Workers Councils and quires industrial and coinmercial competition, cannot tributable the collapse of his beautiful In the mouth of President Wilson, democracy and The dictatorship of the proletariat is to complete the longer be Capitalism. The federation of the peoples the League of Nations did not mean what they mean immediate expropriation of Capitalism and the suppression of the world, free and actual, is a task that history to an oppressed and butchered people. His ideals unders Socialism, the suppression of private property and its imposes upon the international Socialist proletariat. were the holy water that was to wash away the sins transfer to a proletarian state, under the Socialist adminof Capitalism.
however, expected deeds; istration of the working class, the abolition of capitalist New Aggression Against Russia gave them words, while the Conference agricultural production, the nationalization of the great busingave thein deeds of reaction.
ess firms and financial trusts. When President Wilson came to Europe in DerIn order to insure the social revolution, for defense IL twistings of a snake are straight lines in comagainst enemies within and without, of assistance for other ence in Paris concerning the Russian problem. This over the heads of their governments. Now he is dealparison with the twistings of the Peace Confer ember, 1918, he appealed to the masses of Europe national groups of the fighting proletariat, etc. the complete disarmament of the bourgeoisie and their agents and the problem, of course, is simply what should be done ling exclusively with the organized Governments of general arming of the proletariat is necessary. or can be done to crush The present world situation demands the closest relation ization in life of Socistan Soviet Russia, that real. Turonc. This was inevitable. Experience showed theory and practice, that the danger of appealing to the masses: the Bolsheviki between the different parts of the revolutionary proletariat menace to international Capitalism.
and the Spartacans did the same thing; and the masses and a complete union between the countries in which the They tried invasion but it didn work. too many must not move, or Capitalism totters. President Wil.
Socialist revolution has been victorious.
troops are required, and they are corrupted by rev son had to adjust his words to The fundamental means of the struggle is the mass action of the proletariat, developing into armed and open imposed the necessity of the Peace Conference mainwar upon the bourgeois state.
They tried to use the oppressed. peoples of the taining the supremacy of Capitalism. The requires The old International has broken into three main ment of maintaining the supremacy of Capitalism are groups: First, those frankly social patriots who during the were to liberate. to crush the Bolsheviki, but it di responsible for the great collapse of Woodrow Wilentire imperialistic war from 1914 to 1918 supported their not work.
bourgeoisie and transformed the working class into hangmen They tried to use the former German army against main and his ideals the words were meant to the of the international revolution.
supremacy of Capitalism.
Soviet Russia, but the German imperialists had their The imperialistic war necessarily had to be conclud Then there is the Center, at present theoretically led by own Bolshevism to deal with.
ed Kautsky and representing an organization of such elements, an imperialistic peace.
constantly wavering, not capable of following a definite plari Intrigue and fair words, cunning and beautiful concluded in Paris, however it may be camouflaged.
of action and at times positively traitorous.
promises, treachery and expressions of friendship The masses have nothing to hope for from CapitalTinally the revolutionary left wing.
all these have been tried: but they haven worked. ism and the representatives of Capitalism. They may So will now they decide to continue their old policy of trust, but their trust As regards the social patriots, who everywhere in the always be betrayal. The most tragic aspect the Russian people and the Russian Revolu doomed to a critical moment oppose the proletarian revolution with force stat They are to continue financing and feeding the of of arms, a merciless fight is absolutely necessary. As regards tion.
tragic war is that the masses developed dumb ang elements, and to pitilessly criticize the leaders. Absolute Omsk Government and provide it with munitions hopes were exploited by astute diplomats and the Separation from the organization of the Center is absolutely and food, while the Harbaroms blockatle of Russia con journalistic hirelings of Capitalism; but this exploit10. On the other hand, it is necessary to proceed in a common movement with the revolutionary elements of the policy of the skulking murderer of women and clild the popular idcology for carry on, the masses ar working class who, though hitherto not belonging to the party, ren. This is Capitalism! This is the Peace Confer given a stone avhere they expected bread.
yet adopt today in its entirety, the point of view of dictator. ence!
On all issues, Capitalism and the representatives o ship of the proletariat, under the form of Soviet government; No! This crime against the new civilization, against Capitalism are necessarily against the proletariat including the syndicalist elements of the labor movements.
a revolutionary people must not be allowed. Cap the liberty of the world. Upon their own action!
The fficial Socialist Parly of the United States avas not aitlism is exposing itself in all its sinister horror. It the masses depend; upon the implacable and corp invited this Congress, but the Left Wing of the party was.
Our ta is to conquer the party for Left lving Socialism, scruples at nothing to accomplish its savage purposes. ent class struggle of the conscious proletariat ag end affate with the Rolshevik Spartacan International. Nothing short of proletarian action, of mass pressure Capitalism and for Socialism.
reno The masses, and Wilson great illusion