The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 29 Saturday, May 3, 1919 Price Cents May Day and the Revolution AY Day is the day of the workers.
Capitalism is being smashed. The workers are con On this May Day, the American workers face a seriou crisis. The war prosperity. which was This day is the day when the conscious work quering. May Day is coming into its own.
ers, who are not mental slaves to the ideas of In Hungary and Bavaria, the workers are in conserious crisis. The war prosperity. which was the masters, express their determination for a new trol. They have established a Soviet Government, crease; and as the soldiers are demobilized and inlife, for a new world.
which means in every day language a government dustry in Europe resumes normal operations, this May day is revolutionary Labor Day.
capitalists, of peace against war, of joy against the masters. Smiled upon labor; now they fire labor of the poor aganst the rich, of the workers against the unemployment will increase by leaps and bounds.
American Labor that is to say, those workers misery, of life against death.
if labor so much as opens its mouth to protest.
who do not see beyond their noses, beyond small increases of wages celebrates Labor Day on the first threatened by the Alles, starving and butcherd, are In Germany, the revolutionary workers, betrayed, The economic crisis is awakening the American Monday of Septmber.
workers. They realize that things are wrong. They But what is celebrated on Labor Day is the are accepting revolutionary ideas.
fay of the masters it is the day of the wage slaves, Call for a National Conference The capitalists and their government are scared.
not of conscious rebels.
of the Left Wing They fear the development of revolutionary Socialism Labor Day was granted the Anerican workers among the working masses. They carry on a camby the capitalists, as a toy to play with, as a means Call for a National Conference of the Loft Wing paign against Bolshevik ideas. They pay to slander of fooling the workers.
of the American Socialist Party, issued by Local Bos Socialism and the workers. They arrest Socialists ton, Local Cleveland and the Left Wing Section of and They deport agitators. The law, American Labor Day has no working class im the Socialist Party of New York City the police and the army are being used against the portance, no revolutionary meaning. It is a day to workers and the rebels.
inaintain the workers suicidal confidence in the cap The international situation and the crisis in the italist exploiters.
American Socialist Party: the salyutage the party Hundreds of Socialists and labor agitators are in bureaucracy has practiced on the emergency national American Labor Day represents the old order.
prison among them Eugene Debs, William Hayconvention; the E. aligning our party with the wood and Thomas Mooney. They are in prison bewith its oppression of the poor by the rich, of the social patriots at Berne, with the Congress of the workers by the employers; with its small wages and Great Betrayal; the necessity of reconstructing our cause they stood by the workers, because they struggle policy in accord with revolutionary events. all this, against the oppression of the workers, because they liard hours, its enployment and economic insecurand more, makes it necessary that the revolutionary are of the workers.
ity, its misery for the inajority of the people and its forces in the Socialist Party get together for counsel fabulous luxury for the few.
and action.
In jailing these men, the government of the capitInternational May Day represents the new society This call is therefore issued for the holding of a alists is jailing the workers, is striking a blow at the National Conference of the Left Wing of the Ame struggle of the workers to secure economic freedom, which is coming the society of free men and rican Socialist Party, to discuss: peace and a new world.
women, in which labor will control its own means of making a living, in which there will be no masters The crisis in the party, and action thereon; the conquest of the party for the party, for revolutionary They are going to crush the workers, if they can.
and no poverty economic security and peace shall Socialism.
They are going to use all means to smash the reprevail. The New International; ways and means to volutionary movement and in this they will smash International May Day represents that great workprevent the party aligning itself with the Internationthe workers, for, workers, the revolutionary moveal of the social patriots, of the Ebert Scheidemann ment is YOUR movement, the movement which alone ing class struggle to unite the workers of the world gangsters, and the wavering centre; affiliation with against the capitalists of the world, against poverty, the Bolshevik Spartacan International alone.
represents your real interests.
against oppression, against wars, against Caapitalism, The formulation of a declaration of principles On this May Day, American Labor must resolve for the freedom of the masses.
and purposes of a national scope of the Left Wing of to throw away old ideas and old tactics. It must the American Socialist Party.
determine to struggle against the capitalists, who are International May Day is the day when the con Forming some sort of a national council or bur your real enemies. It must determine to join with the scious workers cease their labor, down tools in all eau of the Lei Wing, for propaganda, securing of shops, to prove to themselves and to their masters information and spreading information.
class conscious workers of the world, who are engaged the strength that is in them, eager for the day when the To express and draw together the revolutionary or preparing to engage in the final struggle against forces in the party; to consider other means of further Capitalism against unemployment, against misery great struggle shall flare up into revolutionary action, ing the cause of revolutionary Socialism.
and oppresion, against war and those who profit from and Capitalism, and establish a world for the workers.
This call is issued to locals of the Socialist Party, branches and Left Wing groups within the party. The You have power.
You are in control of industry.
On the first Monday of September, the masters of test of admission, provisionally, will be acceptance You have the might to overcome the might of the industry do not fear proletarian action; they know of the Manifesto of the Left Wing of the Socialist that their workers are in bondage; they await TuesParty of Greater New York.
capitalists, to break the power of the capitaliststhe might of your industrial acion.
clay, when the workers will return to their shops, to Left Wing locals are invited to send delegates oflicially. Where a local officially refuses to participate, The capitalists and the government of the capitalists sweat agony and blood in satisfaction for starvation brances or minority groups in the party accepting the wages while the masters enjoy ease and luxury.
are imprisoning your revolutionary representatives.
principles of the Left Wing should send delegates. These men and women in jail are calling upon you Representation one delegate for every 500 members.
On International Labor Day. May Day. the No local or group should send more than three deleg they want to be with you in the great struggle that masters tremble. May Day in Europe is the day ates.
is coming. On this May Day, you must resolve to when the inasters expect revolutionary upheavals. The conference will be held starting Saturday, June call at the earliest possible moment a general strike They await in dread. It is the day of revolt.
21, at some central city to be decided after the distri to compel the release of our imprisoned comrades.
bution of delegates is considered.
On previous May Days, the storm did not break; This will mean much. It will mean a revolutionary Left Wing Locals and Branches, act! Send communand gradually the masters began to believe that the ications to Louis Fraina, 885 Washingon Street, act. It will fire the enthusiasm of the workers. It storni would never break the storm of the workers Boston, Mass.
will prepare you for new and mightier struggles accumulated wrath at their misery, oppression and against the capitalists, until you break the power of injustice the storm which would sweep Capitalism securing new strength and are preparing for the new Capitalism out of existence.
The old world is breaking to pieces. Amid the struggle against Capitalism and Imperialism on May But the day did come.
Day and this struggle of our German worker Coniroar of cannons and the rattle of machines guns, a new world is being born, the world of the workers, This year, May Day is a promise fulfilled. This races against their own Capitalism is cqually at May Day sees the proletariat of the world in action struggle against international Capitalisin and In your world, if you will have it.
against Capitalism.
Workers. Do not trust the false promises of In Russia, May Day is greeted by millions upon In France, Italy and England, throughout the the masters. Do not depend upon words, but upon your own deeds.
millions of workers who have overthrown the rule world, in every country, is unrest among the workers.
Workers men and women!
of Capitalism, who have seized power, who are actu preparation for struggle against Capitalism. The May Day is your Dorun tools on ally organizing the new society of communist labor workers may not be completely conscious of what they day, you must make it yo ir day: and fraternity of the workers. They have completed struggle for: but experience teaches them that their May Day and show your determination to conquer, their revolution, these Russian worker comrades of struggle is a struggle to destroy Capitalism. to re. to express your solidarity with your European comours, and blood and tears and smoke, amid the at volutionize the old world, to place industry in the rades Then prepare for a real general strike.
encks of the whole capitalist world, but they hield grim, control of the workers.
On tliis May Day when the whole world is in ey refused to submit to international Capitalism In our own ountry, May Day comes in the midst Revolution. remember the workers of the world And their revolutionary challenge, faming through the of general unrest. This unrest is tremendous, deep: must unite to break the power of the capitalists, to Irld, has brought response in other nations, among but as yet it has not become conscious in action, except break the power of those who inake poverty, misery 11e workers of the world. The cause of revolution among those workers who have accepted Socialism and war. Workers of all countries, iinite for Social464 Russia is the cause of the workers of the world. and May Day is the day of international Socialism. ism!