Saturday, April 26, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Imperialism. the Final Stage of Capitalism am their last raw to gigantic xhais da auld reduce the profits in more those (Continuation)
By Lenin Iravle ircaties, coaling stations, contracts for harbor IV. The Export of Capital.
construction, fat concessions, orders for artillery. 61)
TXDER the older Capitalism and unrestricted English investments are absorbed first by her many inance capital has fathered the monopolistie cra.
competition, the most typical phemenon was the clonies in America (Canada. in Asia and other parts Lut every monopoly carries with itself monopolistic export of goods. Later day Capitalism, with of the world. The export of capital is in this case principles. Instead of competition in the open market.
monopoly enthroned, is primarily interested in export dependent upon the ownership of large colonial lands. good connections lead to profitable deals. It is the ing capital.
whose importance for Imperialism we shall discuss same old story: loans are made on the condition that Capitalism is the production of merchandise raised later. france is in a different position. Her foreign part of the moneys loaned shall be spent in buying andise. Barter. national and internation, is the dist particularly in Russia (at least 10 billion frames. and and armaments, ete. In the course of the last two inctive characteristic of Capitalism.
The uneven and fitful development of the various ments than in the shape of industrial investments. export of capital to other countries is a means of fost enterprises, of the various branches of industry, in the finglish Imperialism could be designated as coloniai cring the export of goods to those countries. Such various countries, is an unavoidable consequence und imperialism. French Imperialism is rather usurious sicals. especially when large enterprises are connericu an earlier date than the other nations, and in the mid imperialism. jermany finds herself again in a differline of a hold up. Krupp in Germany, Schneider in dle of the 19th century, practicing free trade, she as foreign investments are almost equally divided up bet rance, Armstrong in England, typify the firms which pired to be the workshop of the world, shipping manu ween Europe and America.
are closely allied to large banks and governments and factured goods to all the countries which were, in The turn, to supply export of capital into a country has a tendency which cannot be dodged easily whenever a loan is her with materials. But in the being made.
develop Capitalisin in that country. If that export quarter of the 19th century England began to lose that monopoly, for a number of other nations, countries, it tends on the other hand to bring about When France lent money to Russia on September causes a certain degree of stagnation in the exporting 16, 1905, she compelled her to grant French capital certain commercial privileges extending as far as dependent capitalist powers. At the dawn of the 20th a broader and deeper development of Capitalism in 1917. She did the same when she lent money to Japan century, we witness the growth of a new form of the world as a whole.
The esporting countries always manage to secure on August 19, 1911. The tariff war between Austria all the countries elites monopolistic unions of capitalists un. advantages whose character throws a flood of light and Serbia which raged from 1906 to 1911 with only a let up of months, was due to the competition betSecondly, the assumption of a monopolistic upon this peculiar era of finance capital and monopoly.
position by ween Austria and France to supply Serbia with militThis is what appeared in October 1913 in the Berlin certain over wealthy nations where the accumulation ary equipment. Paul Deschanel declared in the Chamreview Bank: proportions. Capital abundant in up to date nations. On the international money market there is being ber of Deputies in January 1912 that, from 1908 to Of course, if 1911, French firms lad sold Serbia 45 million francs Capitalism could develop agriculture, performed a comedy worthy of Aristophanes pen.
which everywhere has curiously lagged behind in: number of governments, from Spain to the Balkans, worth of war material.
We read in a report from the Austro Hungarian the masses, which. in spite of our inerelible scientific coming openly into the great money markets with being binneSmostly Wielreich, Telgian, British and advance, are destitute and on the verge of starvation, urgent aplications for loans.
we would not need to speak the abundance of tlook cheerful. But not one of the markets dares arrangements relative to railroad construction, those are not now in a very favorable condition, nor is the German capital: whenever they conclude any financial capital This is one of the arguments brought forth by to say no for fear some other inarket will make the countries insist on supplying all the material necessary petit borryevis crities of Capitalism. But then cap can and thereby secure decided advantages in return for the building of the road.
italism would not be Capitalism, for irregularity of Thius finance capital throws its net, literally speakdevelopment and a low standard of life for the masses drals, the creditor always secures certain privileges: ing. all over the earth. In this connection. colonial constitute the fundamental, unavoidable conditions, banks with their brauches play an important role.
the premises, so to speak, of this form of production German imperialists look with envy upon the old colAs long as Capitalism remains Capitalism, the proThe Left Wing onial empires which are a source of huge profits. In tits of capital will not be applied to raising the life By Ruthenberg 1904 England had 30 colonial banks with 279 branstandards of the masse any given country, for Secretary. Socialist Party of Cleveland and its ches: in 1902 she had 72 with 449 branches: France of the capite profits by they Candidate for Mayor.
had 20 of them with 13 branches: Holland 16 with will be used in increasing branches, Germany 13 with 70 branches. American being exported to bac backward foreign countries. Program ly Local Cleveland, Socialist Party, which in South America have, respectively. Germany of large for the number of captalists is small, the price intives reform and the substitution of mass action by branches. banks with to branches, England banks with 70 of land is low. labor and raw materials cheap. Capital the workers. This means that we will hereafter cease England and Germany have invested in the past 25 backward nations into the sphere of exploitation of to participate in election campaigns for the immediate vears some billion dollars in Argentina. Brazil and world Capitalism, by building railroad lines, furnish purpose of effecting social reforms, but will use pol ruguay and consequently control 46 of the entire of industry, etc. Capital has to be exported because action, revolutionary and ing the first elements necessary for the developmnt in the Left Wing program, political trade of those three countries. 63)
emphasizing in many lands. Capitalism is overripe. ard capital canV. The Diarision of the World Amony Groups the implacable 110t be invested profitably enough on recount of the aracter of the class struggle, has now overthrown of Capitalists hackwardness of agriculture of the destitution of the the old, idea of attempting to carry out various local Monopolistic imions of capitalists, cartels, syndicreforms such as better housing or municipal ownership ates, trusts. begin luy dividinng among themselves the The table below indicates approximatcly the amounts of street car lines. For this, we have substituted the national markets, securing a more or less complete of capital exported by the three leading countries. 60) industrial rezolution as the only means of overcoming control of production in their own country.
Capital inzested abroad in billions of francs.
the capitalistie state.
Uncler Capitalism, however, national markets are The Clevelaad Socialist Party contains 3500 active unavoidably bound up with foreign commerce. As England card members, and is, believe, the third largest org. the export of capital inercased and foreign and col3. arization in the nited States, and this action in in onial sphere of infuence were acquired by the lead1872 15 10 (186) dorsing the left Wing program follows that of the ing monopolistic combines, these combines finally 15 (1880. Left Wing section of local New York. Locals hila came to conclude international arrangements among 1893 20 (1890)
Boston and a score of other locals. The meetIpohia.
62 themselves, thus organizing international trusts.
27 37 12. ing which brought about this indorsement also in. This constitutes. 11W step in the world wide concorseel it call to formulate national statement and centration of capital and production, a step far in We see from the table that the export of capital a call for a national referendum of the Socialist Party advance of the preceiling. Let us examine the growth the 20th century. Before the war the foreign invest resolution also provides that international delegates those super monopolies.
The clectrical industry is, as far as technical prowveen 175 and 200 billions. The profits derived from States shall participate only in an international confer: gress is concerncel. typical of the Capitalism of the those investments computed at the modest rate of euce called or incorsed by the Communist Party of fas attained its hichest levelopment in the two inost must have been from 10 billion francs a year.
advanced capitalistic countries, the nited States and Such is the solid foundation for the imperialistic subste Our program provides that the party must teach, Ciermany. The crisis of 1900 exerted a particularly and the exploitation of the majority of the propagate and agitate exclusively for the overthrow strong nations, and for the capitalistic parasitism of a few nfluence on on the growth of that industry.
em of Capitalism and the establishment of Socialism Banks, which until they were closely allicií to fuWealthy of Let us see how those foreign investments are divIn carrying out this program the Cier cland Socialist Justry. hastened at that time the clownfall.
concerns, and their absorption by larger imes. The ided un among the various parts of the earth and then bas issued and distributed 15. 000 copies of The Son We will begin to understand the general workings of (hallenge. and proposes to keep this form of banks. Jeidels writes, refused to lend a helping hand present day Imperialism.
to the concerns which nected most, allowing all the literature constantly before the public. do not con Parts of the world in which foreign capitol acas my nomination for Mayor as being the important concerns which were not closely enough connected intested about 1910. In billions of warks. wth them to go down in hopeless bankruptcy. 64)
the program adopted. Our campaign will be The result of it was that after 1900 concentration England France Germany Totals for the purpose of education and to carry on the genEurope proceecled with gigantic speed. Until 1900 there were of workers in eral prupaganda for the organiz America seven or eight different groups in the electrical in37 51 the industries through shop organizations and shop clustry, each grouy made up of several societies, 28 Asia, Africa comittees, which will eventually take control of indusAustralia in all, and backed up by a number of banks, from 7 44 try and establish industrial democracy.
to it for each group.
It is he mass action that will count in the future 70 35 warfare against the capitalist state. To be continued)
France Germany Years 1862 22. 1902 191 75 100 60 44 jugation powers.
smaller cialist sadler vart of 23 18 10 45 20 Totals 35 140