6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 26, 1919 The Revolt of the Small Peoples were years HERE is, apparently, a conspiracy of circumst the implacable requirements of Capitalism and Impe mass executions, while it is pouring more troops in T!
ances against the Peace Conference in Paris. rialism Corea to assure the suppression of the revolutionary a conspiracy that brutally insists upon exposing While the Conference did not actually leterinine movement. And the Peace Conference answer is the sinister purposes that skulk behind the splendid the destiny of the small nations and oppressed peoples nothing!
words of the Conference.
of Europe on the basis of their interests, it at least At this moment, moreover, revolts are raging in This conspiracy of circumstances is implacable. The concerned itself with the problem. But the other op India and Egypt, which are held in national bondage Conference promises to make peace and then by its pressed peoples of the world Corea, India, by British Imperialism.
reactionary policy it provokes revolutionary war Persia, China, Morrocco, Ireland, and the sinall re India is in a desperate state. Her men and against international Imperialism. It decides to medi publics of the Carribbeans and Central America (these money conscripted by Great Britain in the war to protect ate between the various Russian factions and then latter vassals of American Imperialism. Not a word! the small and oppressed peoples. Famine rages in the proves that its real purpose is to crush the Bolsheviki. The Conference was to make the world free, but country. The Hindu people, capable of great selfIt promises to conclude a peace of reconciliation and not by depriving British, French, Japanese, Italian and development, have been denied the opportunity for justice and then, if reports are true, determines to American Imperialism of their share in the division development, since the policy of Great Britain has impose terms of peace in comparison with which the of the world. Indeed, the Conference actually is reGerman crime at Brest Litovsk was a gentlemen dividing the world imperialistically in favor of the industry to the detriment of Hindu industry. The agreement. It proposes to end Imperialism by Big Five. British pro Consul government in India has decided means of a League of Nation and then actually org Then these small and oppressed peoples acted. and to spend one half of the annual budget for military anizes a sort of imperialistic trust of five great nations.
their actions reveal the predatory character of the purposes, at a time when the worst famine in But this conspiracy of circumstances is most cruel Peace Conference.
raging, prices of food are exorbitant, and 6, 000, 000 to the Peace Conference when it comes to the small Ireland set up its own Parliament, and appealed to persons clied last year from The economic nations or the small peoples of the world. Here the Conference. But there was nothing doing. distress is supplemented by political agitation, due to the conspiracy is positively ferocious in exposing the China appealed to the Conference for the annulPeace Conference ment of the treaties Japan forced upon China in 1915 the government new laws to severely crush Nationalas liberty of the world being against the progress and the world safe for democracy and the oppressed peoThe war, insisted the apologists of the Allies, was acy) by means of which Japan entrenched its Impe plestin India. This, while the eace Conference a war to protect the small nations Belgium and Ser rialism in China of Japan, speaks grandiloquently of the charter of world fiberty!
lia. Later, according to these same apologists, the characteristic imperialistic policy China of its economic and war was a war to free all the small peoples of Europe in the world safe for democracy requires the abolition where the British Government is using the troops it independence. Mak revolutionary Nationalist movement is in action, and oppressed by Austro German Imperialism. Duringing the ed large upon the stage of events (marionettes whose policy of the other imperialistic nations. but the Europe to conquer and exploit the oppressed peoples oppressed peoples bulk of this policy of brigandage which is equally the previously used to liberate. the oppressed peoples of wires were pulled by the Imperialism of the Allies. Peace Conference las given China no satisfaction.
of Egypt.
But, inmediately the conclusion of the armistice, upon Persia (which prior to the war was clivided ber of the peoples of the world, while the Peace ConferA ll this infamy, all this oppression and strangulation small nations and oppressed peoples were shoved tween the Russian and British Governments, in the contemptuously aside, and the Creat Powers arranged interest of their capitalists, has asked editie laceofem that speaks in Paris?
ence. but why dilate upon the organized hypocricy smali nations and oppressed peoples, the represent vention of Persian independence. These treatres, peoples of the world cannot be accomplished by distNo! The liberation of the small and oppressed atives of these should have been ation.
if not a determining voice, in the deliberations Great Britain, were declared void by revolutionary represent the Imperialism that holds these peoples in of the Peace Conference. But no! They were given Soviet Russia in December, 1917; but Great Britain subjection.
the opportunity to make their pleas, and then disposed still clings to them, to promote Imperialism. Persia of. They tried a revolt in January against the clictat also asks that the armed forces of foreign powers be secure their national independence, it would not And even should these small and oppressed peoples Grship of the Big Four, but were ruthlessly crushed; withdrawn. But Persia must consider the Peace Con amount to much. They would still be the economic and since then they have at the Conference acted as ference a good children, who should be seen but not heard.
pects to secure independence that way. The conter and financial vassals of international Imperialism.
After it had served its purpose of manufacturing ence believes in altering the status quo ante only if it centralized in the capitalists of Great Britain, France the popular ideology for an imperialistic war, the does not harm the Imperialism it represents (ór ago three fourths of the available finance capital of the magnificent talk about the small nations and oppressed grandizes it still more. world, absolutely necessary to small nation under people appeared in its true perpective, as an expression of Imperialism.
At this moment, a revolt is raging in Corea. The Japanese Government, in control of Corea, has pursued oppressed peoples tinder Capitalism and, Imperialism Capitalism. Political independence for the sm and But still the Peace Conference issued forth a golden a systematic policy of oppression and brutality, of would prove a Barmecides Feast. Political independcascade of words concerning the small and oppressed cxterminating the Corean people, physically and cul ence, liberty and equality of nations and of peoples peoples and making the world safe for democracy. turally. This country was annexed by Japan in char depends upon industrial independence. To insure this, Then, in a swift series of revealing events, the cons acteristic imperialistic fashion. The people are de the power of international Imperialism must be broken.
piracy of circumstances again exposed the Peace Con prived of all liberty, and they are starving. They insist The liberation, real and not fraudulent, of the small ference as against the progress and liberty of the world ipon national independence. Japan answer is to and oppressed peoples, is the task of the international. that conspiracy of circumstances which is simply crush the people with artillery and machine guns and proletarian revolution.
a lengthy and that ate Along a are American Soviets May Hold Convention of of (From the Western Socialist, Portland Oregon) them. That such a simple thing should require so. rs, Soldiers and Sailors all over the United long to settle would certainly indicate that the local States, gives unmistakable evidence of the revolution members of craft unions. For this purpose they are soviet has many friends in the Council and also that ary spirit which now permeates the workers of even indeed well suited. The inajority of their delegates its enemies are having to use considerable oratory to this country. That, for time, these Councils will have are craft union men of the more radical kind, who, win their points. Indeed, one radical is quoted as a hard struggle, goes without saying. They have to meeting now with radicals of every shade under the having said on the floor that it was the conservatives contend with the opposition of the employing class of who wasted the Council time by their course, but now reactionary an unsurpassed opportunity for organizing a deliber wavering speeches against the soviet activities. So had time to organize their forces, an opposition even campaign to educate their brothers.
more dangerous to their immecliate existence menthese particular lines the Portland Council get ahead of them, that they try to drown them with acing them. Some of these labor officials realize that is doing these Councils are the fore runners of the revolution with th3 dinary nary forces in the Central Labor Coun Labor Council has gone so unmistakably on record as and deliberately opposing them in every conceircil, radicals have steadily gottent the worst of it. Howreactionary body: It will be all the easier to conalte manner. for that reason. Others, not so far ever, the conservatives overstepped the mark when vince doubters that its officials are doing their best to sighted, fail to see in them anything but a menace to they caused the Central Council to vote to refuse to check the revolution. It is easily seen that even the the machine which they have so carefully built up and recognize any more communications from the Council doubters among the rank and file are, in their hearts, ntrols. organized labor. Both of these of Workers and Soldiers, giving the secretary per looking forward to the great change, however much types of labor skates need close watching, not only mission to destroy any such letters unread. Blindly they may be disturbed by it.
now, when they are openly opposing progress, but also the Central Council has thrown a boomerang which As far as the activities of the Workers and Soldiers in the near future, when they may be driven to work will return and deal it a heavy blow. Its excuse for Council among the delegates to the Metal Trades secretly: Labor now has an unexcelled opportunity such undemocratic action is that these communications Council is concerned, progress is being made. The to siuly these people and should put mental tags on latter is by the nature of its make up, a more radical them for future reference. Learn their names and liour being spent in debating a motion to file one of body than the Central Council. We understand that faces and Remember Them!
last week it adopted the Soviet suggestion and recomIn spite of all and every kind of opposition which Manifesto Edition mended its affiliated locals to throw op local So.
halls they may meet, these Councils have a real, material as recreation places ces for returned men.
Lasis and will continue to exist so long as they function Anticipating a good clemand for our issue viet in direct communication with similar bodies in the interest of the workers or so long as no other No. 23, containing the ammended Left Wing throughout the country and a conversion has been organization outstrips them in the performance of that Manifesto, we printed several thousand addi suggested for the near future. The need for such a ciuly. Their mission is the organization and education tional copies which are available at cents per convention is obvious if only to standardize the various in revolutionary tactics of all the working class whether copy while the supply lasts.
declarations of principles and forms of organization ir uniform or overalls. More especially should these 885 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. which at present differ considerably though the objects Councils direct their energies towards educating the of all these bodies are identical.
which their is