Saturday, April 26, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE T: istent policy supposed that to soon as is to be disposed of by a peace The leaders פז and last great ies.
proSparporought aborit Greetings!
centre. The New York Call, prior to the November Revolution, supported Kerensky and characterized, Bolshevikjabs THE comrades of the Left Wing Section of the editorially. Lenin and the Bolsheviki as Anarchists.
10 members of the Japanese House of RepreSocialist Party of New York City have issued The Call policy is a mixture of Jeffersonian demo sentatives, who have been studying American a paper of their own, the New York Communist. cracy and modern petty bourgeois liberalism not rer institutions here, visited Tamnany Hall the Associate Editor, the first issue of whicho appeared Peforinism. they (the majority, led by Algernon sent the Japanese government is going to use these samples with John Reed as Editor and Eadmonn Mac: lpine as olutionary Socialist. The Socialist imembers of the the other day. They took away samples of the primary ballots and campaign literature. It co fighter in the struggle to revolutionize the Socialist who favored the war in order to save the Russiang at the next election to defeat those candidates who ultimately!
are urging the adoption of Western civilization for Communist appears with a flaming challenge jobs) on which is inscribed, among other victories of Japan.
for a Victory Arch for the soldiers (who can get Private advices from London state that Great Britrevolutionary Socialism: The capitalist system is is being menaced.
bankrupt. At the same time, that Socialisinin Vow. the Left Wing is a power. The noderates ain, France. Italy and the United States propose to which the working class of Europe so confidently and the petty bourgeois reformers (some of whom recognize the Omsk government as the de facto govtrusted avoid a workl war broke down like a house of belong Wilson party, most whom belong in a ernment of non Bolshevik Russia Peace cards before the first serious onslaught of international Labor Party of conservative trades unionists) are Treaty is signed. In other words the war to cud war Capitalisin. The Second International joined the being threatened in their supremacy. They stigmatto begin war.
irmy. moderate Socialist ized the Left as a move to split the party; and now: themselves forced to uphold Capitalism in its grand at the recent meeting of the State Committee of Governor Coolidge of Massachusetts is reported to have used five pens to sign a bill providing that women ing reform a step to expel any local or branch of the Party which affili and children shall not be employed more than 48 hours in that slow peaceful evolution from autocracy ates with the Left Wing! Let them threaten. Behind a week, or more than nine hours on any one day. The to parliamentary democioned proletariat rising to whole American Socialist Party. Our answer to the duals who had braved public opinion for humanity and then to Socialism. our New York Comrades is the Left Wing in the They beheld the pens were then distributed among the worthy indivi overthrow the parliamentary state. The inoder threat of expulsion is to conquer the party for rev sake and to representatives of labor organizations, ate Socialists in Russia and Germany found them olutionary Socialism, to make the Left Tving the So whose threat of the use of their economic might is selves on the capitalists side of the barricades, shooting cialist Party considered partly responsible for the passage of this down workers to revolutionary measure.
preserve their petit bourgois theorThe workers know now that only by means The Old and the New It is rumored that the pens were made by five of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat can they achieve of the emancipated children in their spare time and their ends.
Only the destruction of the capitalist LEARLY, the world is coming to appreciate the that they have asked to be allowed to make all the forms of government and the erection of new Ctragi comedy of the Peace com terence Pearls pens the Governor may use in the future as they are In a cable from Paris the other day, Williani letarian state, can guarantee the workers revolutionary victories. The American Socialist Party, although Allen White (who was to have gone to Prinkipote uhief still for idle hands to do, may apply to them afraid that the old adage: The Devil finds some misits different currents have not been as clearly defined meet the Bolsheviki for President Wilson, until the as those of European countries, has been for years Peace Conference executed a strategic retreat. writes These aliens are certainly an ungrateful lot. After all the trouble we have taken to show them how incontrolled by petit bourgeois elements. It has compro: sardonically of the upheaval in Europe and the immised with bourgeois liberalism. We of the Left potence of the Peace Conference: ferior they are to us, what a crime they commit in leWing declare that we repudiate moderate Socialisin In Eastern Europe, from Budapest to Archangel, ing hyphenated, how unwelcome they are here. We and all its bourgeois affiliations, whose activities, how responsible rulers, such as they may be, are laughing even go to the trouble ever sincerely meant, are nevertheless directed toward uproariously at Paris the statesmen who are solemnly composing songs expressing cur horror of them and asking them to go back to sitting about green tables figuring out boundaries, spherpatching up the capitalist system and avoiding the Social Revolution. We take our stand with the Ruses of influence and economic restrictions when the new your homes o er the seas, but they sıxldenly start draworder in the world is establishing itself.
ing their money out of the savings banks and applying sian Communist Party (Bolsheviki. with the Lenin is heading the laughter, and during the weck for passports to leave the country just when we need tacans of Germany, and the Communists of Hungary his domain is finding foothold in India and Egypt.
and Bavaria, believing that only through the Dictator His birthday was celebrated in Rome under machine their presence in order to beat down wages. They of the Proletariat can the Socialist order be kuns on fountains, the Spanish Ministry is falling. sure are a nuisance. If we don keep them in their King Albert sid down from the sky, telling the Peace places they will be running the country and if we Conference that Brussels could hold out against BolThe New York Communist, as its name implies, is shevism less than a month more, Liberal Socialists are venture to criticise them they start off home in a buff, whittling down Lloyd George parliamentary majority without even waiting to be deported.
largely het a temporary necessity of the local struggle laily, and Easter Sunday French Socialists will meet against the Right Wing in the party in New York City.
to decide how best to show their scorn for the Peace The lines are being tightened. The struggle is becom Conference whether hy general strike or by an atIn spite of the oft repeated reports that the Peace tempt at revolution.
Treaty is ready for signature, the Paris Conference events and great decisions. The comrades of the left Southern Germany is torn by Bolshevism, and North still frets and Fiumes.
Germany is waiting to hear the peace terms before Wing Section the need of an organ that could be letting go. Certainly if peace does not come by midof the fight and for the fight in its local character.
Summer it will be a peace of anarchy.
The Allies are about to recognize the Bolsheviki, Asking the questions, Why does the New York What would they? They, the masters of bourgeois the Allies are on the eve of recognizing the Kolchak Left Wing establish another paper? Isn The Rear society, declared Capitalism morally and economically dictatorship as the de facto government of Russia, the olutionary Age enough to represent the Left Wing? insolvent when they chose the arbitrament of the Sword Allied troops are refusing to continue the wat against Are we fighting The Revolutionary Age? the Com in their mercenary disputes. They plunged millions the Bolsheviki, the Bolsheviki forces are in Aight on interist answers: of men, women and children into the fires of universal all fronts, the French evacuate Odessa, the Allies have First, let us make our bow to The Revolutionary war they unleashed destruction and organized sav. decided to feed the Bolsheviki, the blockade for the Age, which, with the support of Local Boston, and agery in order to determine who should possess the purpose of starving Russia is to be strengthened, the under the brilliant editorship of Comrade Louis Frai financial and industrial dominion of the world. Allied trops are to be withrawn from Russia on July na, has, from the beginning, been the best expression Bourgeois society proved itself unfit to direct the 1, the Allied troops in Russia are to be reinforced of rev nary Socialis ever published in this destiny of the world. It broke down its own hideous shortly the situation in Russia is progressing fatorcountry and indeed, has created a new type of So evils. It mocked humanity and raped civilization. ably.
cialist journalism here.
courage and enthusiasm of The Revolutionary Age is to be, without any doubt. Capitalism organized the men for systematic destruction; it transmuted the There have been 72 murders and 206 robberies in of the National Left Wing, which will be created by the National Left Wing Conference Patient suffering of the women and the tears of the Chicago since January. Translating this news into This is made certain by the generosity children into the profits of the profiteers; it built a of the cona press dispatch from a correspondent who has recentrades of Local Boston, who have passed a resolution upon which to march to power. The evil and the been in Russia for the bourgeois press and who has not recovered from the habit, it would read: providing that the paper, with all its assets, shall turned over to the Executive Committee of the Left oppression, the order culminated in a terrible and unprecedented ism. Murder an everyday occurence, hold ups and misery and the degradation of the old Chicago in the grip of the White Terror of CapitalWing as soon as it shall be constituted. But in the meanwhile, the New York Left ling, scourge of humanity The old order broke down. Life and love and peace, not safe for pedestrians. The food situation is acute robberies take place in broad day light. Streets are which has taken the initiative in forming a National which it had crushed, flared up in the action of the and unless remedial measures are instituted soon the Left Wing by issuing its Manfesto and Program, has proletariat for the Revolution.
no organ of its own. In New York, with its thous The Peace Conference met. It met to patch things city will be uninhabitable. It is rumored that if order can be restored before the first of the month, ands of Party members, the Left Wing is fighting for up. Its real task was not to impose terins upon Gercontrol of the local Party machinery, against a fierce many. but to prevent the complete collapse of bourRussia may recognize the Thompson administration and as the de facto government but otherwise the Swift, unscrupulous res petty politicians geois society and to crush the proletarian revolution.
We need The Peace Conference failed miserably in its task Armor, Cudahy dictatorship will triumph.
The Left Wing in the Socialist Party of New York The old order is breaking down. Ind, through the ate, petty bourgeois Socialism; but it is equally a pro promise and the glory of the new order of Communisting to the German Empire. It is rumored that the German professor has figured it out that there City is a product of the general revolt against moder smoke and the fires of Revolution, is appearing the are now 278 dethroned royal persons formerly belong.
duct of the shameless treachery of the Right Wing Socialism. It will conquer! Then shall life and love and its bureaucracy in the party there. Meyer London and peace come into their own.
Spartacans have offered to exchange them for a few Socialist representative in Congress from New York W. and revolutionary Socialists.
City, consistently and impudently betrayed Socialism: NOTES he favored the war, repudiated the St. Louis Resolu The City Central Committee of Local Boston has To Professor Elliot rumor ascribes the definition tion, acted against the Bolsheviki, accepted the bour made the following endorsements: for National Exegeois peace policy of President Wilson and there cutive Committee, Ist District Louis Fraina, Nich belles have achieved heroisn without any of its attendof error as one who scabs a job. Newport, society was no protest against his actions from the Right Wing olas Hourwich, Edward Lindgren: for Internationin New York City, who also favored the St. Louis ant discomforts by scabbing on the striking telephone al Delegates Ferguson, Louis Fraina, John girls the hello girls are ladies and despise working Resolution; more, Mever London was renominated as Reed, Ruthenberg; for International Saretary. class tactics. They even struck against the Bolsheviki Socialist candidate by a fusion of the right and the Kate Richards Hare.
in Petrograd! the official or