ence over IN It says: rendere de traction of the state the power Limerick has been proclaimed on military area by the labor betrayed, while the profiteers faitement upon organized THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 26, 1919 The Revolutionary Age Perhaps. Perhaps Not! gan Co. Vice President Sisson is prepared to advocate international law of eminent domain in which Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events THE forces opposing Bolshevism in America are a the interests of society as a whole would have precedpeculiar mixture. Reactionary labor union officials and sweaters of labor, the university and the gut to avail ourselves of the natural resources of Mexiany integral part thereof; ergo, it is for us Louis FRAINA Editor ter, the Government and plutocracy, are feverishhly agitating, against this menace to American instituco.
Preceding the announcement of last week that the British Government had taken over the holdContributing Editors tions. American institutions, of course, being used ings of its nationals in Mexico, it was announced that to mean the evil supremacy JOIN REED SEN KATAYAMA Among the agitators against Bolshevism is Secret liners, and that these big boats were all to be oil driven. HOURWICE WANSTEIN ary LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE of union official. This labor representative in arily closed, and nine tenths of the British oil coming the Cabinet of President Wilson is justifying his ap from Mexico, says the statement, British interests ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY ital. He is deporting radicals. He is using his office fields by lorig term contracts at huge figures.
are trying to secure American owned Mexican oil By Local Boston, Socialist Party necessarily against labor and for capital. He is few days later it was announced that Morgan Steiner, Business Manager preaching optimism to the workers, vividly picturing Co. and other American financial interests had jointhe prosperity that is to come.
285 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
ed with certain Japanese capitalists to promote a new The other day, Secretary Wilson said that the Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for American Japanese steamship corporation, and that backbone of Bolshevism in America has been broken.
six months (26 issues)
America would invest 200, 000, 000 in the enterprise.
Why, Bolshevism hasn really manifested itself yet. American labor will not be involved in the movement.
When the American laboring man comes to realize Stone Age Minds The Principles and Tactics of the New International But since Bolshevism means Socialism, and Socialism what the movement means he will shun it. Perhaps.
the midst of an upheaval that is transforming from the Call of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolshe expresses the fundamental interests of the workers, the the world, and equally the proletarian movement, only way to break Capitalism, that maker of war and the bureaucracy of the American Federation of It is an urgent necessity that the first congress of the new revolutionary International be called. During the war and American labor understands what Bolshevism means, misery and oppression, it more likely that when Labor still clings to the ideas and the tactics of the Old Stone Age of the labor movement.
In an editorial on the Seattle strike, in the March and Social Dennocratic parties, and the second International. it will accept its policy and practice. Understanding as well as the incompetency of the middle elements of the old alone is necessary for acceptance. That why Capital American Federationist, official organ of the GomperSocial Democracy (the so called centre. for live revolution ism lies so much about Bolshevism.
sized of the Stone Age mind reveals itself.
ary action, has înally become evident. At present, however, the outlines of the genuine revolutionary International are It must be freely conceded that during the war distinctly coming into view.
Irish Labor Acts.
period in many instances the workers were compelled to As a basis for the new International, we consider necessary accept wages which were insufficient and inadequate de beste genuit op a eforthe followinch hranici plein whicke brand THE strike in Limerick, Ireland, threatens to be to meet the increased prics charged for food, clothing, fuel, shelter, etc. It is likewise a recognized fact that the basis of the program of the Spartacuin muutoin Germany being a protest against military regulations imposed the workers did not take advantage of the nation needs; that in the greater number of instances the. The present is the period of the dissolution and the by the British Government upon the Irish workers.
workers maintained industrial peace and gave practiccollapse of the whole capitalist world system, which will mean The strike, it seems, is managed by a Soviet, which ally uninterrupted service to our government when the war was in progress, while the profiteers were reaping the complete collapse of European culture, if Capitalism, is assuining the task of feeding the people. There is with its unsolvable contradictions, is not destroyed.
an unprecedented harvest.
110 disorder, and food is sold by the Soviet Strike What an indictment of the of L, out of the The problem of the proletariat consists in immediately scizing the power of the state. This seizure of the power of Conmmittee at lower prices than by private concerns.
mouths of its own spokesinen! This is a picture of Jourgeoisie and the organization of a new proletarian apparBritish. but the Soviet labor; a of labor shackled by its own organizaatus of power.
How deep this revolt is, it is impossible to judge, tion, rendered helpless while Capital wreaked its will ship of the proletariat, and in certain places also the small although the other cities of Ireland. Nor is the rev3. This new proletarian state must embody the dictatorcome that similar Soviets may be upon it. Truly, the mass revolt in the of peasants and farm hands, this dictatorship constituting the of against the bureaucracy which produced strikes and instrument for the systematice propriations the exploiting apparently not connected with the Sinn Feicept Thie ducing a new militant temper is amply justified by: the movement clear, although ore wages during the war, and which is now proform of rule of the finance oligarchy with its purely formal bourgeois, nationalistic program of the Sinn Fein its equality, but the proletarian democracy and the possibility directly of the Seattle strike, which has of the realization of freedom for the working masses; not program for national independence and economic serv. given a new parliamentarism, but self government of these masses through itude for the proletariat. The Sinn Fein Parliament a new impulse to the American labor movement, their elected organizations: not capitalist bureaucracy, but the Federationist, after emphasizing that the of has petered out, although of agitational value. Again is against the general strike or the sympathetic organs of administration which have been created by the inasses thenselves, with the real participation of these massit es in the government of the countries and in the activity compel decisions. The General Strike Against Brit strike (camouflaged as being in the control of the international unions, that is to say, the bureaucracy) proish Militarism must develop into revolutionary action ceeds with its Stone Age analysis. proletarian state. The power of the Workers Councils and against Capitalism, for the establishment of a Worksimilar organizations is its concrete form.
The general strike inaugurated by the Seattle Central men and Peasants Republic. The Irish revolution Labor Union an undertaking in violation of the rules The dictatorship of the proletariat is to complete the ary movement is part and parcel of the international innediate expropriation of Capitalism and the suppression and regulations of the American Federation of Labor.
The greater number of the local unions did not have the of private property in means of production, which includes, revolutionary movement of the proletariat against Capapproval and sanction of their international unions under Socialism, the suppression of private property and its italism.
and did not receive their moral or financial support.
transfer to a proletarian state, under the Socialist administration of the working class, the abolition of capitalist It Smells of Oil.
Our italics what a confession of treachery and organagricultural production, the nationalization of the great businired scabbery. Born in a spirit of insubordination.
disregardful of all rules and regulations adopted by ess firms and financial trusts.
It has ended quickly the revolution of General trade unions for orderly procedure and the safeguarding In order insure the social revolution, for defense Blanquet in Mexico, apparently organized and hn of the rights and privileges of their members and jeopagainst enemies within and without, of assistance for other anced by the oil interests of American and British ardizing the funds of all local and international unions national groups of the fighting, proletariat, etc. the complete by subjecting them to the will and whim of officers of disarmament of the bourgeoisie and their agents and the Imperialism, central labor unions, this strike was bound from its general arning of the proletariat is necessary.
The resort to revolution Iraving failed miserably, inception to die an early death.
The present world situation demands the closest relation the oil interests are preparing diplomatic intervention.
The general strike in Seattle was a mass movement, ereen die lieferent parts of the revolutionary proletariat Lritislı capital owns about 20 of the oil properties imposed upon the union officials. It was developed Socialist revolution has been victorious.
7: The fundamental means of the struggle is the mass British Government had purchased the oil interests which is inspiring tlic American proletariat. For five action of the proletariat, developing into armed and open of its financiers involved in the controversy with days, the Strike Committee ws in absolute control of war won the bourgcois state.
Mexico. This action, it was declared, indicated that Seattle; for five a glorious page was written in The ok! International has broken into three main Great Britain did not intend that the property acquir American labor history and then desertion and begroups: First, those frankly social patriots who during the ed by British subjects in good faith, and under the laws trayals by conservative of union officials caved intire imperialistic war from 1914. to 1918 supported their Iyour cuisic and transformed the working class into hangmen of Mexico at the time, should be confiscated. in the head of the strike. And they actually defend of the international revolution.
is an action potential of aggression. The Mexi and even boast of their treachery!
Then there is the Center, at present theoretically led by can Government, in its policy of protecting Mexico Consider the bureaucratic spirit of the FedKantsky and ropresenting an organization of such elements natural resources and curbing the power of foreign crationist, characteristic of its policy. It clings to constantly wavering. not capable of following a definite plasi capital, is limiting the power of this capital by means old traditions, it speaks. of insubordination in the of action and at times positively traitorous.
of taxation. Up until now, its acts affected private spirit of the e police chief. Insubordination! Is it still Finally the revolutionary left wing.
but the British Government assuming a mystery why the of hindrance to the it critical moment oppose the proletarian revolution with force plomatic, and provide Britain with the pretext for of arus, at merciless fight is absolutely trecessary. As regards y at the British Govermnent, become political andation of the American proletariat. The general strike is a the center. our tactics must be to separate the revolutionary clements, and to pitilessly criticize the leaders. Absolute government intervention, labor. Industry is concentrated; the employers are Fise is a necessary weapon of militant separation from the organization of the Center is absolutely The American State Department, apparently, has organized. skilt has become a negligible factor; craft necessary at a certain phase of development.
10. On the other hand, it is necessary to proceed in a approved, at least tacitly, of Britain action.
cvmumun inurement with the revolutionary elements of the would indicate an imperialistic combination against technology; under these conditions industrial unionism and the mass strike are indispensable to the proyet adope ioday in its entirety, the point of view of dictator: sketched by The Nation. It is beyond question, for letariat if it wants to immediately conquer concessions.
ship of the proletariat, under the form of Soviet government; instance, that Doheny, President of the Mexican and ultimately conquer Capitalism. But the of including the syndicalist elements of the labor movements. Petroleum Co. went abroad some months ago as one policy. still clinging to the tactics of the Old Stone The oficial Socialist Party of the United States nas not of the representatives of the National Association for ge in the labor movement, is violently against new incited to this Congress, but the Left Wing of the party was.
Our task is to conquer the party for Left Wing Socialism, the Protection of American Rights in Mexico. the tactics and new ideas in the waging of the proletariani and affiliate zeith the Bolshevik Spartacan International. powerful banking group among whom are Mor struggle.