6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 19, 1919 Soviet Russia and the World all as a menace to the people as Cesigns for supremacy lishaving a made many asN THE darkest lours of trial of the Russian WorkI By Martens The purpose of the Russian workers is to create in ers Revolution, during the past year, when the Russia prosperity and freedom and by their example Russian masses striving for industrial freedom Representative in the United States of the Russian of the ability of the working class to manage their and brotherhood of men met with savage attacks, hot own affairs, in practice to demonstrate the soundness only physical but in the form of an organized campaign of the principles of Communistic Socialism.
of lies and Efforts have been made to picture Soviet Russia was to estrange the Russian masses from their fellow is also no secret divulge, when say that workers in military uniform who have been sent to Russia of. workers throughout the world and forever to from other countries to fight the Soviets, after having pero militaristic power, which credit the cause of Socialism, the broad masses everywhere. Those who take such stand either are America intuitively felt the injustice of the attacks been told that they are there in order to liberate the unable or unwilling to understand the real nature of Russian people from the oppression of the Bolshe. viki, face of the vilifiers. This the Russian people knows thus liberated, but that on the contrary, the peones the lines of the Ruse. orking class government along be therraspirations among the suffering was sesunga thing world. When we received the news of Hungary and they will not forget it. They take it as proof of want to be liberated from the Kolchaks. This has the fact that international solidarity of the workers is Soviet, wę who know the not an empty word, but it is based on real comment puzzled, and am sure that they are as eager to be of the workingmen in uniformis quite facts, know that the revolution of Hungary was not interests which make laboring, masses in clifferent friendly with the Russian, as the Russian revolution was not, a thing engineered few agitators. The workers are eager to be friendly with them. The boy a national differences, understand their common opponents of the workers pirations.
countries can stand being induceel to support reaction their estimation of the genius and abilities of BolsheSoviet Russia has now been in existence almost in Russia, and they are gratified to find that in every vik propagandists or then they quite pitifully undera vear and a half. It has left behind itself the prelim: country in the world there is a determined willamoing when they believe or pretend to believe that social inary stages of the revolution. It has become cleeply the masses to end military intervention in Russian rooted in the consciousness of the workers and peas. affairs.
revolutions here or there can be accomplished just. Its power within Russia cannot be After having established themselves physically and talks and spend a little money in propaganda matters.
by having a Bolshevik propagandist deliver a.
challanged by any group of opponents on their own politically, and after having gotten the moral support Revolutions are not being made that The forces of the enemies of the people of the vast majority of the Russian workers and peas. spring out of the social conditions in each and every They are bactly disrupted. Only with the help of foreign ndous problem of reorganizing the economic forces place. Just as the Soviet Revolution was the the Soviets are now confronted with bayonets is it possible for a small group of former the treonly exploiters of Russia to make a stand against thic of the country on the basis of common interest of the logical outcome of the determination of the Russian united forces of the working people.
But the Russian workers know who are those of labor. The great work of omasthe without an opportunity for exploitation which they there was formaterinske oppression Kolchaks, Denikines, Semenoffs and others who are hampered not only by the natural difficulties of the Soviet Government thus became the only hope of the order, and they represent the Russia of the Czar and the land to the economic isolation of Russia, but the necessity odden people, so the Hungarian revolution is lords, the Russia of the knout, the Russia which has of defending the country against encroachments has in the Russian revolution has been the object of atan elementary force springing out of the conditions gone forever and never will arise again. They of course also absorbed much energy which could offs have even temporarily succeeded in estaben additional reason why the Russian workers expect lyy experience that wher xperience that wherever the Kolchaks and have been used in constructive work. This is one tention in eve every country in the world. Much has themselves in become said about it and very much which is not true.
be is Piet Russia not only has gained the unqualified and de instrumental in making the Russian people expend of actual facts, and want once more to express my who are willing to give their lives in defence of the to the detriment of economic reconstruction are the conviction that American workingmen and women, it has last ones who have a moral right to blame or to accuse who up till now determinedly have refused to join in also lately convinced former opponents of the Gov the Soviet Government of Russia for any shortcom will in the future as well retain their sympathy toward the chorus of vilification of the Russian revolution, and Mensheviki not only of the futulity of the optranslate this position to the Soviets and of armed intervention, organizing all our powers in the work of reconstruct port towards my efforts to establish friendly relations In spite of all obstacles, however, we are seriously sympathy into an attitude of understanding and of the great dangers it involves to ali lilverty in ion. Today when Soviet Russia sends her represent between America and Soviet Russia, thereby letting Russia.
ative to the United States to establish economic rel. Soviet Russia profit from cooperation with the rest In Russia proper today you find no elements of any ations between those two countries it does so consci of the world and letting the rest of the world profit importance who are in favor of intervention. outs of her strength and of the problems involved. from cooperation with Soviet Russia.
асса toiling the know country 112 sup Tout It and labor the suon Problems of the Soviet Representative HE By Nicholas Hourwich in Russia, and then swallow the whole of Russia, with greeted the appointment of a representative of the Socialist Republic of Russia. Celebrations of this work of capitalistic relations, commerce is the real all her commerce, trade and natural resources.
cvent are still going on. verywhere meetings are thing, and all else nonsense. Commerce will creIn the prevailing political situation, the revolutionary movement of the proletariat is the main thing, the organizations all over the country are send to be definite social economic relations adefinite requie of proletarian Russia and in the interests of the emaning telegrams of greeting letters promising and and Startens puts it. the flag ultat i, political recognita cipation of the proletariat of the world. The success coveration in every way that may assist the cause tion. will follow.
or failure of the proletarian movement, the growth of We would like to go a little further with this abso Capitalisin, is serving at this moment, as a lsarometer the Bolsluer ik movement in countries still ruled by Martens, which is actually the cause of the conscious lutely correct, truly Narsian reasoning We shoul!
proletariat of the world, the cause of the proletariat like to emphasize that commerce itself, that is, the of the favorable or liostile attitude of capitalist gorrevolution in Russia.
But the establishment of commercial relations between Russia The establishment of commercial and trade starting with the idea that someone, without their will result of definitie social relations, the establislunent independent value for the economic life of Russia, is.
proletariat would ikke as faculteriori elements are one them were in die nation come ionly between Russian and capitaliser countries would take care of revolutionary Russia, limit them cruilibrium for Russia, similar to the signing of the Brest Litorsk on which selves simply to greetings and promises. They must depends success itself and llic salvation of the Russian Revolution, in general.
treaty a means to win time.
not fail to translate this into revolutionary activity.
All this, in our opinion, draws the linie of behavior Comrade Lenin has repeatedly declared that the for the revolutionary Socialist organizations of the portance of the purely cliplomatic activity of the So final triumph Cor. inversely, the ruin) of the proleta proletariat in America, as well as for Comrade Marviet representative. Still less are we inclined to desubt rian revolution in Russia depends on wolcther the re tens as representative of the Russian Soviet Governof Russian gold the marie influence olutmark morement of the proletariat and proletarian meint.
of this gold upon the minds and attitude of the Ame peolations in other countries come to the aid of the The centre of his attention, the compass directing rican plutocracy, which has already manifesteci itself the scene derecedention of hide in this one finales te koop his activity here into proper channels, should serve in an obvious manner. But, witts :ll du: alloyIf revolutionary movements of the proletariat in of the American proletariat, the interests of the adwarning to the American workers and to comrade other countries conquer, then the conquests of tlie vance guard of the movement the left or Bolshevik Martens himself against exaggerating the import kussian Revolution, the Russian Socialist Soviet Reaving of the American Socialist purely diplomatic and commercial activity public. will be saved: and, as a result, of course. Will Part Come commercial and travle relations and fali onoris position to act openly and rade Martens may not always or frequently be activity. Comin should these purely diplomatie commercial «forts bxe of other paroletarian movements in other countries fail, a mortal of the left wing though, create should always Jl. on the contrary: resolutionary under the banner come the centre of his activity.
Evidently, as concerns cliplomatic activity, to will be struck Revolution.
under that banner. but he must carefully look after radle Martens himself does not entertain ang senti in that event. commercial and tradle relations will and be on the lookout in order not to give the prestige mental illusions. In an interview issued by him ile it help. We ought not to forget that the capitalist of Soviet Russia to the right wing. to the moderates other day, he clefiintely and unequivocably stated: world, including capitalist America, is not very anxiand social opportunists, and thereby, perhaps uncons The Russian Socialist Federal Sovie Republic deve ous for commercial relations with Socialist Russia, ciously, stab the left wing in the back. It is this left not care about political recognition by ile nited since the cherished hope of the capitalist world is wing which is the bulwark and hope of proletarian All that we want is trade recognition something greater lo crush the revolutionary resistRussia, which Russia has called to its International Comrade Martens perfectly understands that, in a ance of the Russian proletariat, to suppress Socialism Communist Congress.
the ince of a relations.