THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 19, 1919 In Germany During the First Revolution We ing of am news was now, what rejoice. The ייק and aims comrades.
dio rely on.
were UMORS in the air rigorous suppression of all By French War Prisoner friend, we went to see Klara Zetkin. Since she lived outside communication by the prison camp in the suburbs of Stuttgart, in a distant villa, we had authorities,, here is something for informed souls to reflect upon, and for people who, by reading well, we could «lisenss things. The representto cross part of the town, and go up along the mountthe revolutionists, and who spoke French remarkably ainside through the woods. The niglit had already the papers up to that time, knew that inilitary affairs atives of the committee failed to produce any strong it lay spread out below, glittering in all its lights. After were going from bad to worse, and that owing to thic effect on us. lle expecterl to see different miei among about half an hour journey at fairly good fallen, and we could look down over the great city as but certain, threatened the monster of Capitalism and were different. And on the question of the reta reached our destination. hen eransic Klara ZetGerman autocracy.
Our sailor ade introducent from some unknown source, on the even of an understandling with the bourgeois classes, of iets into a simply furnished dining room. On the walls warm hand clasps were exchanged, and of November arrives this bit of news: The atmistice is signedl. It all over at that. It was too good. After waiting so long for this news, no one able that these Social Democrats were aquainted Willi lung pictures and silhouettes could believe it. leave to your imagination what the program of our They made it perfectly lige log ind at great black tom cat lay stretched Olit on arug looking up at us curiously. They offered kind of a night the captives passed, in anxious expect plain that what they feared most of all was Bolsheus chairs, and made us feel at home at once. Comation of a confirmation. The morning of the roth, the Sceing our astonishment, the de rated officer added. racles, said Klara Zetkin, was confirmed, and we prisoners were not That the way we feel liere, at any rate, but if you glad to be able to talk you are welcome, and with Come yoli.
the only ones to The natives, with whom we would you like to know were on good terms, were overjoyed our guards forThen we explained that we looked most favorably got their duty, and all faces were beaming with happinTurn to the Left!
upon the Russian revolution, and that before going ess. But soine drew back, and, not wishing to disturh Resolution of Locul cens County, Socialist Party back to rance, we wanted information on the causes the celebration, went off quietly, hiding their tears and (View pork City) adopting the Left Ving of the German revolution for our French thinking of the numberless victims those whom they Janifesto and Program: should never see again.
Whereas, we desire to clearly place ourselves on Here is the substance of Klara Zetkin reply, which And yet the gaiety did not last a cloud was spread record for, and openly and actively align ourselves seemed to us that evening to be most pessimistic. She, ing over the scene other events of more serious im with the revolutionary proletariat the world over, as at present expressed to the policies and tactics of the with her long militant experience, did slie forsee the port were expected, and soon we knew what to Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki. the Com bloody riots of Berlin, the death of Liebknecht and The revolution had first broken out in Berlin and munist Lalor Party of Germany (Spartacans) and Rosa Luxemburg; and the massacre of the German was spreading place to place. The sailors headed other parties in harmony with them, te it Communists by the troops of the Social Democrats, the movement vigorously. Councils of workingmen Resolved. That, we, in Local Queens in Party Membthe momentary defeat of the crship mecting assembled this 7th day of April 1919, Spartacides. adopt as our official expression the Manifesto and Pro. For the causes of the revolution, you must see into iores De grouping the scattered forces about them.
gram of the left Wing Section of the Socialist Party the sufferings of the people, suffering greater than one and led the way.
thie Greater New York; and be it further a Alock of sheep. Discipline relaxed, the authority of can imagine, suffering endured since the beginning of Resolved. That we pledge hoth financial and moral the war, by the people who have had to reduce their was disputed, Soldiers Councils were set support to the Left Wing Propaganda, working to the 1:eeds more and more. Ah! Among the well to do up in every district. Then, inevitably meeting, these end that the National Organization conforms with the policies of this Program; and be it further classes, the misery of the destitute was not perceptible, two elements. the army and the people united and formed Workers and Soldiers Councils everywhere: Resolved. That all celegates, comenittees and officials although they did suffer somewhat from the shock. So of the Local Queens adhere strictly to this Manifesto much ilic better. Yes, it must be said that our people. Die Arbeiter und Soldaten Rate. The revolutionand Program; and tie it further have suffered, and it is the excess of this suffering ary movement was winning. The Emperor and all Resolved. That Local Queens will not countenance which made revolution ible. his suite were fleeing to Holland. The old autocratic or compromise with any half way measures, but that society was crumbling, the great military chiefs, whose change in policies and tactics intust be complete even the sake of a great good. who knows cal evil for You are aware, comrades, that with us, as with you, strategy had failed, shrank into the background, and if it necessitates the severance of relations with those treachery and renunciation by most widely known those who only yesterday bore such an arrogant air constituting the right.
members of the Socialist movement, produced consterntowards the Gemeine, the masses, lost all dignity ation and doubt anong the masses of workers, and it in their downfall.
want more information, if you want to meet the active is this which allowed the great crime to continue for This was the revolt of those who had been baffled, leaders of the revolution, go to Stuttgart, to the centrso long These men are largely responsible, you see, hungry, and sent out as cannon fodder, when at last al committee of Workers and Soldiers Councils of and the treachery of some and the treache of them was a great their voices became too loud and too disturbing to the Wurtemburg.
peace and quiet of those in power. the revolt of those We agreed to this proposition, and, supplied with Fortunately, for the glory of the party, for the who, in the harsh undertaking of militarism, had let themselves be led too passively to the slaughter (like that proved of value to us. Our only guide was an a passport, we set off for Stuttgart. It was a chance Internationale, and for Humanity, others have been able to raise the flag and to figłt for the principles of many more, alas. and the glorious outcome of it address and a passport, but in the same compartment human brotherhood in spite of everything. As for me, all was the establishment of the sovereignty of the with us on the train, among a group of civilians and feel that have always done my duty as a Socialist.
unhappy people, who now became the masters of their soldiers who should have great sympathy and consider have stood by the Ger. an minorities, and we did own fate for which they had been considered so un ation towards us, there was a young man, strong, fit.
not spare our suffering, nor could persecutions and built. sliabbily clothed, who talked during the whole imprisonments hinder our inda. Wherever it What a lesson. a real lecture we have carried the our pronas good word into the Such events could not be met with indifference in favor of the revolution to those around him. He French, Russian, and Italian prison camps. And can by the prisoners of war, especially the revolutionists, spoke of what the sailors had done in the last few who themselves were looking forward to a similar weeks (he was one himself, in spite of his civilian The ope that good results will crown our efforts?
emancipation in their countries. The excitement burst clothes) and of the victorious march of the revolution olution seems to be victorious everywhere, but can regime of autocracy has fallen indeed, the revforth in our camp. The new situation led us to de ary movement across Germany. But from his point one say how far the impulse that is behind it will carry cisive action. The revolution which had just over of view, actions must not stop there the struggle was it. Foolish indeed would be anyone who would thrown the hateful rule of the sword, must now free to be carried on until the social revolution became an make prophesies under such circumstances. The clemands: immediate release of all captives, lifting of actual facter great military chiefs cling to their privileges llis statement made such an impression on us, that and in Nuence, and are still counting on a large part the censorship, delivery of letters and parcels, inform when we arrived at Stuttgart, we went up to him of the army, The bourgeoisie is always in the fore ation concerning the measures to be taken for our frankly and told him the purpose of our journey. In ground, and finds among our Social Dennocrats invalurepatriation.
We were granted the first three demands, and in hands to us, lie declared himself ready to take 11s struggle against the dangers which threaten the populaddition, the management of the camp was handed wherever we cared to go. We walked across the city ar revolution, we are but a handful. But you can over to the French, with the promise of a favorable with hirt. talking and making ourselves understood count on us to do our duty to limit. The Spartabout repatriation after a necessary preliminars after a fashion, and went to the Wurtemburg Chamber acide groups will know how to be on the watch. And fact, a a delegation headed by the of Workmicu and Soldiers Councils. It was too scoff because until now the revolution has been too Kominandatur arrived, and read before the assemi. earl led prisoners a proclamation beginning with them. carly to see the scoretary, so we made an appointment peaceful. let them wait a while. The day which the the word for later on with the members of the burcau, conservation tion and domination try to get Comrades. assuring us that we were free, urging ceived us as good comrades, and in the mean time our the upper is to maintain a standard of dignity and order, and hand, the day when our bourgeois, backed took us who seemed to by yours, awakened from their stupor, shall try to to stay in the camp until our return. Moreover, they get great pleasure from our may of assured us that we should be repatriated as soon as that we were deeply touched by our warm reception which is not far off, am sure, they will find us before possible, at the same time leaving those who wished to go back at once free to do so. Needless to say, back with. after donning his sailor uniform, went them, and there will be bloodshed. It is not to be Our guide, us to the Landtag, where, at for. but it is inevitable. That is why we are many did not stay about the difficulties of stay long, but went off without worrying cl time. we were brought into the presence of the preparing for these coming struggles, what will be the secretary few comrades and myself decided to take advant But since our command of German was most for our ains, they are yours, comrades. we age of the opportunity of seeing what was going on imperfect, and our German comracles knew French are fighting for with our own eyes. With a knowledge of some of at all, conversation, naturally, was riot easy. Accord and of armies, the absolute emancipation of the prosingle cause: thic abolition of empires the rudiments of German we set out to study and ingly, after a somewhat limited exchange of ideas, letariat, the wiping out of the parasite class, and the watch the revolutionary movement at close range whicl 10 one understood very well, a suggestion was union of all the workers in the Internationale, where Our aim was to gain instruction from the events that made to pilit is in touch with Klara Zetkin, the famous there will be 110 were developing. To this, we took up our quarters German Revolutionist and Internationalist, who spoke Ilowever sincere, however courageous we nay be, the nearest town, Ludwingsburg, where a Soldiers lirench. They telephoned her to say that we wished we cannot succeed inless we have help from other Council had been established. There we were receiv to see her, which pleased her and we arranged for an countries. May the workers everywhere tlırow themed by the president of this committee, and thanks to interview that very evening. An automobile was placed selves into the revolution, and by their own progress a de rated lieutenant who had gone over to the side of at our disposal, and, still accompanied by our sailor aid us in our cffort. Well, good bye, comrades.
was possible, We now her a few days later. forces of so sociai aged mother ou sce his our visit.
the apointwished a man.