Saturday, April 19, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE How accomplish this the revolutionary being had a week ago as it soon api.
shots behind us There are notre usually in a a yout it Starduard proletariat; developed the proletarian dark of the It came. And when it carne, it was not Parliamentary.
Left Wing and Victorious Bolshevism scrapped the State and pro Levien. Bavarian Bolshevik claimed itself Industrialist. The controversy was no HE world is in crisis, which needs the most resollonger debatable. Russia gave to the American IndustT HE dominating personality in the proletarian rialists the unanswerable argument of fact.
tite energy and flaming initiative of the consciIt did but only in one sense that the revolutionary ous proletariat, imposes the imperative necessity of a concentration of the revolutionary forces of lish an industrial state. But this was not accomp interesting picture is given of Comrade Levien in The proletariat must destroy the political state and estabvaria, which is now engaged in a desperate civil the proletariat for action and the conquest of power lished as the proposed (organize the major Nation by Oswald Garrison Villard (who is a bourThis revolutionary unity is the order of the day. ity of the workers industrially and then seize industry) geois liberal, for which allowances mựst be made. Russian comrades answer, in their proposal for an quest of the power real revolutionary force, this concentration of the by means of revolutionary mass action, the con congetesi per poter for the ship, and the organization of a company politica dicipatione congress of workers and serveiers cours Clay ariara ternational of revolutionary Communist Socialism. industriale state proposed by industrial unionism is tarian. government under whose protection the new February 28, two days after the assassination of Kurt The unity and concentration of The session today of the Councils Congress, comorganized.
In this we see a confirmation and a supplementary and Peasants Councils through the country, which forces of the proletariat must proceed upon the basis posed of delegates from the Soldiers. Workmen with the experience of the proletarian revolution in of the concepts. But Varney says: Russia and in Germany. The old concepts of petty Possibly, the of all the world movements, was to have yielded its revolutionary control to the was shaken least by Bolshevism. The final link in dispersed Landtag, was quite exciting in itself. Sudbourgeois Socialism and Anarcho Syndicalism have theory had been forged at last. But there denly from the left there burst in armed men, yelling been consumed, while incomplete concepts of the Rev. Haende hoch! For a moment we journalists failed to a vision of belief. The had always been antiolution have been completed, tempered by the revoluparliamentary. The W. had always sought Industtake it all in, until we were covered from the dais tionary fires into the irresistible, flaming sword of the rialism. The W. had always preached Bolshev below and told to be quick about it. Some of these proletariat in action ism while the Bolsheviki were themselves groping.
invading gentay a revolver in each hand, and as Surely this is vividly imaginative. The W.
knew that Bolshevism was but the Russian name for everybody recalled the treas tragic events in this roos ence of the proletarian revolution in Russia and in there Germany, including were shouts of Don shoot, don the Bolsheviki themselves. The shoot! The spectators had all all been searched for in theory assume definite form in their realization as of mass action and proletarian dictatorship ed the final truth, this refusal to admit that revela arms, but we wondered, none the less, raid was the seizure of life itself. Theoretically, Marxism is action in the tionary experience has introduced a vital supplement Bolshevik leaders, whether proletarian revolution, partly, ism; but each would be fired, developed form, in definite expression, compell of the moribund remnants of the is wrong as eight ing an adaptation and revision of the old by the comnot occurred to keep us in order, but when to me to look for them they had absolutely the Russian name for and ism vanished. Dr. Levien and Kurt Muhsam, the two pulsion of of new proletarian, Marx projecteutic dic is simply potential Bolshevism. Bolshevism does not Chief radicals, were seized at once. Levien was roughtatorship of revolution require has this the form impose a supplementary. That which was never ades ly thrown from his chair and beaten. The members state, the transitional state of the organized produc quately clear has been demonstrated his Bolshevik of the Government present were as much in the ers. the federated Soviets, implicit in Marxism and experience the means for the conquest of pow. as everybody else until the leaders of the party anthe Paris Commune, but in its final. definite form. the character of the transition periode to Socialison nounced that the garrison of Munich, headed by my the Minister of War, The Soviet Government (which is itself temporary, by the commander That movement will win America which reflecta the Councils Congress should be no longer kept from and the chief of sur ordering had decided that ter revolution and crushing the old is develop American economic conditions, says Varney, and doing its work by any group of Bolsheviki. The ing a new government side by side with itself, the proceeds to showing apparent contraint het were chosen blunder was apparent at once. It certainly ends the as projected in the concepts of industrial unionism what the yellow Socialist did in Germany and is dothe youngest leaders was quick to see that if this conbut only partly, since the decisive thing is the char the psychology of the situation indicated mass. pol gress was to survive it must at once right tle wrong acter of the transition period, the means by which itical action as the means of the proletariat constructs the industrial state of So In America and Britain, mass political expression. a committee was sent to demand the return of the proletarian against its parliamentary immunity. On his motion action is uncialism. And the experience of the proletarian rev precedented. mass unionism is the traditional proleta seized members. In half an hour they were back, that the construction of this industrial state pro tionary, it attacks Capitalism then becomes political even the extreme is becomes revolu with Dr. his head bound up, one hand wen cheered and applauded as he entered, ceels after the conquer the state; its action said.
conquest of the power of the state by revolutionary proletariat, under the control of and develops into revolutionary mass action. Union very earnestly, one does not applaud a man who proletarian dictatorship. And this vital phase of the ism is simply a phase of the proletarian revolution: just been beaten as have been beaten. hope we revolution is not inccluded in the old con mass cepts, although, perhaps, implicit; but there are unorganized masses for the conquest of power. a magnificent exhibition of calmness and coolness. It who refuse to draw or emphasize this im Varney is still confused on the means: not the seizure is commonly said that he could proclaim himself dictplication.
of industry by the industrial unions (how utopian to ator of Bavaria tonight if he wished.
March Calling upon a young physician last night, who possessed the whole of the theory and practice of the workers under Capitalism in industrial of the Bolshevik Spartacan revolution. And most of unions. but the seizure of the power of the state by hand rather swollen and heard from his own lips these groups still cling concepts. There is means of revolutionary now only one revolutionary group in complete accord, the tactic of the militant proletariat. The proletarian revolvers to his breast and forehead, and told him to and that is the Left Wing of the American Socialist (parliamentarism being simply a phase. It is not saved his life. From others it appears that in twenty Party. And our task is the unity and concentration of problem of differences in the emphasis of industrial minutes he had talked his captors into lowering weapthe revolutionary forces of the American proletariat on development, but of Capitalism and the proletarian ons and that by the. ime he was reached by the conra Bolshevik Spartacan basis.
struggle. The tactics of the international revolution mittee from the Landtag he had been freed by his Our contributor, Harold Varney, regrets the grow ary proletariat are identical, with minor changes in guards, whom he had so thoroughly convinced of being coolness between our revolutionists of the Left emphasis determined by minor local conditions. ing misled that they pointed their revolvers at their in and our revolutionists of the But Let the align itself with the Communist own leader. Thus this coup etat came to naught.
International with the policy of dhe. Bolswerk There range. He is coarse, but obviously extremely cerea is the. iv.
ney accuses us of with deliberate evasiveness having must be unity and concentration of the revolutionary He wears high Russian boots, and a torn and battered IV. that is cool to the Left Wing. Varand not specif this unity and concentration?
forces on a communist basis. will the reject uniform (he served in the German army during the ically named the This is war. and has no income save his pay as a member of action, unionism in and that is the a fact clear to all except a soldiers council. With his stained bandages he The Tactics of the Right looks a pirate chief. Yet, unattractive as his the fool and the hypocrite. The Left clear that the is a vital phase of our revA National Executive Committee motion, made by ality is, his power attracts and fascinates. There was member Katterfeld: a typical young Russian woman stuslent literally kneel1. wwclings simply to its old concepts and refuses but in the measure that the The Amnesty Conference ing at his feet. Levien was educated at two univers That we instruct the Executive Secretary to cancel ities, has his Kant and Hegel at his fingers to supplement them with the concepts of the proleta immediately all arrangements for the proposed Amrian revolution in action, in that measure must the nesty Conference.
at least, and has a splendid library (his sole possession, Left Wing assume a critical attitude toward the Comment: The proposal for an Amnesty ConW. in the interest of the concentration of the ference has fallen fat. The revolutionary elements he says) in Switzerland, where he was studying both within and without our Party repudiate it.
revolutionary forces of the American He knows exactly how to speak to the proletariat on the war begin do you not They realize the foolishness of flirting with liberal the basis of the proletarian revolution itself.
yourself dictator?
and reform organizations that support Capitalism one of those present asked him. should It is not the Left Wing, but the that is and deny the class struggle, to free the victims of the say, certain of the leaciers of the who need four strong men to see me through, was the Socialist Party Convention can accomplish far repudiate the experience of Bolshevik Spartacan they are not to be had. He put his finger morc for our imprisoned comrades than any Amon the sore spot. There are no strong men standing Varney himself makes this clear. Speaking of the nesty Conference that has not even power to act. at the front here; that is the great difficulty. had Our own membersip look upon the proposal as a already come to the belief that Levien is the strongdisputes between the Parliamentarians and the Indust clumsy attempt to side track the Party Convention rialists (and the Bolshevik Left Wing in the Socialist for which there is a real need.
est personality here, unpleasant as it is. He can well afford to sit back and wait.
Party is a development of the old Industrialist Left would be a miserable fizzle.
Wing of the Party) Varney concludes. Waste no more of the Party funds on it. ConThen came Bolshevism. With inmortal letters of France to get Syria say the headlines; and undercentrate on the task of building our own organization blood and iron, it wrote the answer to the problem.
to gain power for the working class. Then will the neath is a little paragraph explaining the word get.
With the ruthlessness of destiny, it closed the doors prison doors open and our comrades go free.
We hear that the Syrians believe that the word is of an epoch. Socialism was no longer hypothetical.
used in the American slang sense.
rian it must use its rathe But, gentlemen, he sha to their old a. is personbut one revolutionary industrial is unjust. There Wing makes it.
is 15 masses.
make to class war.
reply. and Und these circumstanc Amnesty Conference