AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

pretensions During the war and been influence, whid which neans the yet the It impeachment THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 19, 1919 The Revolutionary Age Imitating Reaction Labor Covenant provides for an International ConA Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events LET the United States boast of its democracy, and governments. a representatice of tabor and a representa events taunt it with an expose of the fraud. Our ative of the employers in each country. This is loadLouis FRAINA legislative and executive system of government is ing the dice against the workers, since the representEditor considered the most democratic in the world. Now atives of the governments and the employers, reprecomes the Constituent Assembly in Germany, which senting capital, are a majority and control; and, moreContributing Editors is considering a proposal to establish a presidency on over, none but the most yellow and conservative labor JOEN REED SEN KATAYAMA the American model, a proposal, says a correspondent organizations will be represented. It is an excellent to the New York Evening Post, fairly well received. plan for capital and reactionary union officials; as well HOURWICH WEINSTEIN Many Germans favor Preuss argument for a LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE executive be achieved with a dummyometer perhaps the imperialistic aristocracy of labor; Wall sident and a parliamentary Cabinet, because they see Samuel Gompers enthusiastically acclaims the cov.
dangers ahead from the antics of anarchical states like enant, in the preparation of which he was active.
ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY Brunswick and Bremen, from the of the Workmen and Soldiers Councils to be states within By Local Boston, Socialist Party the State and from other symptoms of political indis The Monroe Doctrine Steiner, Business Manager cipline. In other words, presidential power, as fixed 285 Washington St. Boston, Mass. in the American Government, is considered an instru HE American press is acclaiming as a grcat victBundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for ment for the suppression of the proletariat, for inain ory the report that the Monroe Doctrine will be taining the supremacy of Capitalism. Making the recognized and protected in the covenant of six months (26 issues)
world safe for reaction!
the League of Nations. This is another indictment of the proposed League, another indication that it is.
an imperialistic League against the nations and the The Principles and Tactics of the New International Will They Impeach Him?
podrom the call of Communist Party of Russis (Bolsheviki) TH There has been a mutiny of American troops in istil Tammsunce. Pretoire certainestreedene conditions: Murmansk, Russia. These troops wanted to It requires, in the first place, the end of the subjection It is an urgent necessity that the first congress of the new know why they were in Russia, since there had been of backward peoples. but the revolts in India, Corea the Revolution the complete bankrupcy of the old Socialist provides that Congress alone shall declare war. There firming and tightening no declaration of war by Congress. The Constitution and Egypt are proof that the Paris Conference is CORand Social Democratic parties, and the second International, this subjection: It requires as well as the incompetency of the middle elements of the old has no declaration of war against Soviet Russia, the end of spheres of Social Democracy (the so called centre. for live revolutionary action, has finally become evident. At present, however, Army, has sent troops to Archangel and Vladivostok, ism. It requires the end, in short, of the policy of by foreign capital in the interests Imperialdistinctly coming into view.
and has waged war against the Russian people. In the eben sie uit on the the following principles which meisten have been killed and wounded. The actions seldices dividing the world among the Great Pauwers, the end eons unconsti the small, of and the Communist party (Bolsheviki) in Russia.
the basis of the program of the Spartacus group in Germany tutional. The penalty provided for a President who Imperialie: the strong over the weak, the end of violates the Constitution is But not The Paris Conference is ending none of these im wi. The present is the seriod of the dissolution and the only have impeachment proceedings not been started, perialistic evils. In fact. it accepts them and proposes the complete collapse of European culturesifo Capitalism, parently, if it serves Capitalism, may be considered roc Doctrine amply proves this fact.
to make them permanent. The acceptance of the Mon2. The problem of the proletariat consists in immediately a scrap of paper. Frequently, the argument is Originally promulgated by President Monroe as a seizing the power of the state.
This seizure of the power of lieard: You cannot expropriate private property, j:rotection against the Holy Alliance, against deprestate means the destruction of the state apparatus of the since that is unconstitutional. Well?
dations of the monarchic nations of Europe in the 1xour coisic and the organization of a new proletarian apparatts of power.
Americas, the Monroe Doctrine has in the course of This new proletarian state must embody the dictatorAre They Still There?
history developed into something altogether different.
ship of the proletariat, and in certain places also the small capinstrument for the systematic overthrow of the exploiting THE mutiny of American troops in Murmansk again it has become a means for defense of American brings up the question of the withdrawal of ital, a means of aggression against the sma Next the fraudulent bourgeois democracy this hypocritical troops from Russia. This is promised by the Governof Central and South America, President Crepublicis.
with Great fomn of rule of the finance oligarchy with its purely formal ment for July In the meantime, reinforcements, com eletrochitatione proletarian Cemocracy and in the possibility apparently, are being sent to Archangel. But while the Monroe Doctrine; President Roosevelt, in his poparliamentarism, but self goverment of these masses through the Allies are refusing to withdraw their troops from licy of aggression toward Colombia and the Carribtheir clected organizations; not capitalist bureaucracy, but Russia.
the Soviet Army is expelling them. The po bean republics, definitely transformed the Monroe organs of administration which have been created by the sition of the is desperate; the fear masses themselves, with the real participation of these mass is that the Soviet troops may drive them into the sea.
President Woodrow Wilson has definitely completed cs in the government of the countries and in the activity of the Socialist structure this should be the type of the Most of the Ukraine is now Soviet, the French being phasizing the control of the United States in proletarian state. The power of the Workers Councils and compelled to evacuate Odessa. British troops occupy a small slice of the Caucasus, while the Denikine and and South America. The Doctrine is now The dictatorship of the proletariat shall complete the Don Cossack Governments are verging on collapse central and South America and of collecting usurious immediate expropriation of Capitalism and the suppression the report being that the Bolsheviki may soon conquer debts from weak governments.
of private property in incans of production, which includes, all of the Caucasus. The Allies are still at Archangel tinder Socialism, the suppression of private property and its transfer to a proletarian state, under the Socialist adminand Vladivostok but are they, really?
The Monroe Doctrine, as President Wilson has istration of the working class, the abolition of capitalist made clear through Secretary of State Lansing, is agricultural production, the nationalization of the great busina national doctrine of the United States. This naThe Labor Covenant tional cloctrine arrogates to the United States hege5. In order to insure the social revolution, for defense neony over the American continents and abrogates the muzi chemies within came without ari aassistance for mother. The imperiaļistic governments during the war full independence of the other American republics.
disarmament. of the hourgcoisie and their agents and the cieveloping in workers the ideology of carry on. In recognized the importance of cajoling labor. of The abrogation of full national autonomy is necessary The present world situation demands the closest relation this task, they used the services of the moderate So complished by the free will of the nations concerned Iwtyveen the different parts of the revolutionary proletariat cialists and trades union officials. betrayers of labor. which is Capitalism.
and a complete union between the countries in which the ali. With the proletarian revolution in action or pre through International realizable only Socialism. The abrogation action of the proletariat, developing into armed and open portance of the policy of ne the fundamental means of the struggle is the mass their Peace Conference in Paris, recognize the im orated in the covenant of the League of Nations, labor, of war against the state power of capital.
maintaining the The cold International has broken into three main concessions in words while main the entire imperialist war from 1914 to 1918 supported their instituted an auxiliary in the form of an Int.
So is imposed upon these nations by the might of Impcgroups: first, those frankly social patriots who during the of labor in deeds. The Peace Conference, The minor American Republics, presumably, are olar to be included in the League. But their dependence lunargerisic and transformed the working class into hangmen Labor Convention. The task of this Convention was Hf the international revolution, to consider international labor legislation and the leagues: now. then, is this a real league of Nations?
constantly watering, not capable of following a definite plan of, which is as much of a miserable compromise and free Kautshy and representing a organization sticla de menos de protection of labor rights. Its Covenant of Lah. which must be a Icague of autonomous nations and of action and at times positively traitorous, as counter revolutionary as the covenantia plenathe Parisis conference is characteristic. The Conference This acceptance of the Monroe Doctrine by the inally the revolutionary left wing.
League of Nations, has been accepted by the Plenary As regards the social patriots, who everywhere in the Council of the is dividing the world among the five Great Powers.
critical moment oppose the proletarian revolution with force condemnation.
e Conference: this in itself Labor Covenant These owers are to control the League absolutely of arms, a merciless light is absolutely necessary. As regards OT an eight hour day. It provider vine cutive Council, a clear majority and that in a League through having five st of nine delegates on the Excthe center, our facties must be to separate the revolutionary elements, and to pitilessly criticize the leaders. Absolute want go fornell labor performedi eu pare separation from the organization of the Center is absolutely other nations! This imperialistic 101 necessary at a certain phase of developntent.
controle which makes the League atla and the alli11 ith Capitalism on the verge of a child labor. which is to include fifty or alli10. On the other hand, it is necessary to proceed in a letarian revolution in action, these concessions ance of five nations) is to maintain common movement with the revolutionary elements of the which even, labor will never get unless it takes them) perialism in supremacy, and to parcel out working class who, though hitherto 1tot belonging to the party, work.
yet alent today in its entirety, the point of view of dictator chale has declaration, adopting the the provision of oppressed. There is The United States is to have hegemony over the Ameship of the proletariat. under the form of Soviet government; rican continents. Priority of riglats is recognized including the syndicalist elements of the labor movements. the Clayton Act of the United States, that labor is in Europe for France and Italy. for Great Britain in 11. It is also necessary to rally the goups and proletarian commodity. This leclaration, which the any desirable part of the world, and for Japan organizations whe, though not in the wake as yet of the revolutionary trend of the Left Wing, nevertheless have of lailed as a great victory, is mere jugglery, sincc China. These are the deeds of reaction that mock the manifested and developed a tendency leading in that dirunder the conditions of Capitalism labor power is a words of progress frequently and unctuously indulged cction.
commodity, bought and sold in the labor market. The in by the Peace Conference at Paris.
reat Britain, altered Allies at Central means of in. ss firms and financial trusts.
impossible under a adequate e pro: in not