The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 27 Saturday, April 19, 1919 Price Cents Debs, Haywood and Mooney TI and against the trial might conspiracy. Under were on The people of the world are not divided by HERE is a prisoul. Its walls are dark and grim the prculatory money interests of San Francisco. The and cold, its windows barred with iron. The air General Strike Call employers determined to crush unionism, by means that penetrates through its harsh openings be Resolution adopted by The General Strike Confer that are dark and infamous. There was a Preparedcomes fetid, the sun light cold and sickly. There is a ence for the Liberation of Eugene Debs and All ness Parade; a provocateur threw a bomb into the sting in this prison that blights the air and the sun, Political Class war Prisoners, on March 23, 1919, at and often the human soul. In this prison, in which 232North 9th St. Phila. Pa.
crowd (what an excellent opportunity to the ruling Whereas, Eugene Debs and other champions of class: patriotic hysteria and dynamite, producing unprevails a spiritual and physical twilight, where the the interests of the working class have been sentenced thinking rage and hatred) and Mooney and other light becomes misty as if in shame, there are cells, and to long terins of imprisonment because they have had union agitators were arrested as the culprits. corrupt cells, and cells of cold brutal iron, small and the courage to express their convictions, and have District Attorney. agent dared to affirm their loyalty to the working class; and of the Chamber of Commocking the great open spaces of the earth. They are Whereas, these men and women are paying the price merce)
bribery, dishonesty, perjury, all means nerepressiyc, these cells; the walls are of iron, of their devotion, to the interests of toiling humanity cessary were used to convict them. They were conas if to press you down, and they are bolted with bolts under sentences more savage than any that have been victed. Mooney was condemned to death: crush him, of iron. In these cells are beings some of them are imposed in Prussia and even in Czaristic Russia, thus and crush the unions. But there was protest. There still men, others are things that once were men, and proving that the instruments of law have been perothers who never had the was proof of conspiracy and the innocence of Mooney.
verted into weapons of class oppression for vengeance The beings in this prison are varied in character, and persecution; Therefore, be it resolved, that we call upon the orgvaried in pursuits. but they have one thing in com pressors and their legal agents were in fear, a new anized and unorganized workers of this country to debring mon they have transgressed Law have inescapable exposure clare a General Strike on May Ist, 1919, as the only violated that which is the evil symbol of the effective step in the direction of securing the release of of protest, Mooney supremsentence was come to o life imprisonment the class war prisoners.
acy of Capitalism. And the Law, not concerning itClemency cerned with them once they violated the thing that profiteers were transmuting the agony and the butchery ravening beast of capital. Mooney and labor they Capitalism uses to of war into the gold of profits, these men struggled supremacy.
who It is not the they are in prison. soned. It is you three men who are the there is an old man, whose soul is young and whose the ruling class. They directed strikes and they and the oppressed imprisoned the militspirit is eternal. This young old man is a criminal, were arrested. they organized the workers to secure ant proletariat. In Debs, they have imprisoned revwife and liberty real and they were imprisoned. Olutionary Secofltionary industrial unionism: in Moor condemned to ten years of penal servitude. His days are spent in clerical work, his evenings in thought, and his nightslet us hope in sleep.
ney, they have imprisoned the militant elements Ho Na Jiminal, and there is a warden who union labor. And they were conscious these Mrs Put and guards wlio him. The RUSSIAT SOCIALIST FEDERATED SOVIET REPUBLIC calculatingly malevolent representatives of Capvitessins broken only by the unconquerable Spirit of his soul, the monotony varied only by three forces revolutionary Socialism, revoluthe ardur of his revolutionary convictions.
On whose side are you?
tionary industrial unionism, and the militant elThat man is Eugene Debs.
of Workers or capitalists. ements of union labor the representatives Capitalism recognized the developing threat to Debs! criminal? That man who has detheir supremacy. They decided to throttle the voted himself to social service, whose flaming la. bet by des threat.
ideals light the way to freedom, who has wept Era your slow country scrab of the memes you are, dow with the broken and revolted with the rebel? many hour pomid, for butid money posible? Not to the 7ou work for Their decision is suggestive. It should provLua darlag the war. When you the worlung people werking your lives, your sit Yes Debs! And in other cells are more of oke our thought and action. The unity of these his character. Men who protested against inThey make pepet out of food. They make profit Gut of the uniforms your wear. They three revolutionary, or potentially revolutionary, justice Socialists and Anarchists and forces, means real power, a real proletarian What has bera for the time the cause of death, destructlon, rule, and despair, hes Wi who were a threat to Capitalism, and who bota for the capitatiles of piling up colonel fortune, bou now, and in the falar threat to Capitalism. The action of our class American Fontool is ten the working people were imprisoned by that Thing, the Law, the enemy indicates our own action unity for action jackal of Capitalism Worlding cass or capitalist dass, on which we are you?
and the conquest of power of these conscious Capitalista ang buona llare. There that most le there their borte on the There forces of the proletariat.
Prisons, they say, are to repress those who egin the working date the capital tree and wild. They are the dew me.
violate the rights of man. But Debs has violAction! It is a mighty word. It is a mighty then en al two camp the real the capital camp clecision. But the decision must be invoked.
ated to man rights, Debs has deprived no man lor liberty. He has struggled to insure Tutterst the water tried the No matter where the fires, a Recent of Labor, speak and act!
Prasan, Germany, workman mo na land will dels per MTT the Shts of man, life and liberty have been which to the water The war was used against labor. As it was ide is to which he has devoted all the mighty and as it is, so shall it be, unless revolutionary the entering one borstofek te larte spirit of his mind and body But labor speaks and acts.
Fie is there, because altre erthrow the water cast, take the end spoke against the war To in Rendia have to the wewe holisted Capitala Lasertone ko The representatives of labor are being imand fratricide, because his ideal was to unite Her capital care at bear relations to them. They hear that the roster unter prisoned. Our counrades are being caged. The the workers of the world against Capitalism, They are thembur rapporting the Rusia capitalists animt u Thiy on determined representatives of Capitalism are not concerned because Ire is the symbol of that revolutionary in individuals, but in movements. It is our moveinovement which threatens to annihilate CapitalAnd you are boon brought bare for that parpere.
ment and its ideals it is you and who are ism. Debs is in prison as a revolutionary Sobeing imprisoned.
cialist, as the representative of the oppressed. with the arpitalista, Walto quere Shall you tolerate this organized conspiracy?
Aa Injury to the workers altos contatry, Injury to the waters of Shall you allow this process of throttling the From this prison recently, there were released you bly te nok er relation to will wing to set the school mago demory revolutionary movement to proceed?
on bail William Tarwond and some others Rofuso to do the work of our common enemy, the capitalist. They are using might against our movement of the scores of s imprisoned by Join with us in the fight against capitalism, and war. let us answer might with might, the might of of a bourgeois court Nor did these deprive the industrial proletariat! They are using any man of life or liberty: they were active partWerkers of all countries unite. coercion against our movement let us coerce icipants in the great social struggle to insure Capitalism and the representatives of Capitalreal life and liberty for the masses of the people.
In these thrills the energy of the Spcak? Yes; but not enough. The time for action To satisfy General March, who could like militant Their hands harden to sec a specimen of the potent Bolshevik propaghas coinc.
ed by toil and their determination hardenedl anda that produced a mutiny of American troops, we Let labor use its industrial might. We must der clprint this photographic reproduction of a Bolshevik the implacable struggle of class against class. Their ope and organise a political strike of the masses to hy scamel faces leaflet circulated among Allied troops in Murmansk.
are a litany of proletarian suffering, force the release of our imprisoned comrades. This Their moveinent is a movement of the is the order of the day. Out of the inills and mines and most despoiled of the working masses, aggressive Some are still in prison, some are out on bail, pending and shops must come the workers, they must down and potential of a finer life. They have been brutally an appeal to the supreme court; but their punishment tools, not for more wages or lower hours, but for a thrown out of towns where strikers required them is decided upon. They are rebels, not criminals; this finer end the release of our class war prisoners a but their tornientors were not in prisoned in satisthey have makes them deserve imprisonment, surely, since they revolutionary act potential of larger things.
been wynched, but their lynchers still are more dangerous to Capitalism than the crimin No evasion. No hesitancy. Not through miserfaction at the crinie: they have been imprisoned illeg.
able appeals to those who have imprisoned our comally, but their captors and their judges are still at In this prison in another city but still this prison, rades, not through a ghastly amnesty but througlı large, sleekily satisfied with things. Bourgeois the prison of Capitalism is Thomas Mooney, the the militant action of the conscious proletariat must morals, bourgeois law and the bourgeois soldiery have union agitator and organizer. worker but an we open the prison gates. The iron battalions of the united against these At a moment when agitator, the crime of crimes. Mooney threatened proletariat must answer Capitalism!
the capitalista have continued to exploh you, and your milies The sole rim of the capitale prostu malte prolet out of the you we. The wa bus been for them an Aladla Cave from which to dow wealth beyond the dream of arice It is all the land la Prime, la Germany, Austul de Dos mility cut. Kol tow. chat was purit le they ini boyal to their date In which camp are you?
he is in prison.
nila nine to her Healtres, and well tredwonly which then the motor coties will allow au temple wellice. ad re the world, capitalists, the Toled pi. امامت می What are you, de 10 beef N tou how the a yem bowties.
we firmly es un order smi proletariat are