8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 12, 1919 Where Women Wait Hehels correspondent of clobe and 11S spirit.
that else murder, after of dear, Germany to the ous war, when on er!
now they CHE following is an extract from a cablc of Ben By Phillips to. aris! How gaily thcy marched to the strains of the Radetzky March and that favorite tune Ich Commercial Advertiser: great pity stole into my heart for the women of hat ein Kamerade. still see their young facesBERLIN, March 11 SA noisy, good natured crowd Germany even for those who had waited in cold red cheeked from the soft sun that touches those who waited outside the sun flecked walls of Moabit prison this afternoon men, women and children they had been waiting since morning.
steadily at work for five red years, undermining their river in their eyes and laughter on their lips. They Moabit dreary symbol of a corrupt state and wonderful Southern woman had told me not long all they knew that their women would be waiting for bodies and brains. thought of the story that a know more about the trees and fair haired Gretchens become an eternal monument of shame, erected by the ago, of the terrible number of dope fiends that had them when they returned brutal hands of those traitors to the cause of inter sprung up in South since prohibition went into effect there. And of a meck and clecent citizen, who, depriv not returned. Those women have been waiting ever But the years have gone hy and most of them have national brotherhood.
Of all corners of Fierlin the most fitting for slaught cauilla extracija ir konica kanything that ever real lich since. It is maybe this same luideous waiting that persecutions, it is not at all strange to us who knowned to buck him up after the day work. How one night has changed the women of Germany terribly. that after several Irinks of a this who have waited ourselves at to have it selected by a band of cowards as the stage same law abiding citizen bad imbibed, and not in the for the greatest horror of them all.
some time or otlrer to realize just what havoc it can At. bad point in the road his play with the nerves and From the above cable, one might be led to believe least responsible that the clock had been turned back five years to machine bicaule and intelly farmerican foot to belin snapped in their hearts and heads. They cannot think vain glorious and children waiting since morn pistol and shot the farmer dead. His horror, when peace of the past. Despair has claimed them and now. in troubleThe drunken driver took out a laughed.
or act rationally any more. That went with all the 800 Wondedly what could it have meant he came to several day later in jail for and blood what wonder if they agony He had no recollection of anything have ceased to think in any terms but hate and blood?
was crowd on a but a On its way to the old had occured that night.
Schumannschaps? Or out for that had Circus fui Gruenewarid Porests, seal to the hearts of the ti creature and realized that they took woe the victimes and never ending agonyron to the wormhointed ners Gruenewald with its tall pine trees, its dark blue of hideous circumstance. The blame must go rather will be doing right. Let us remember just how enormlake, and fathomless blue sky. Its myriad beer gard mo of their former selves. remember them as ens tucked away here and there in democratic disdain mocke stem that had turned them into blood thirsty debt of blood we owe to those who have taken had the of sunlight from us. Remember that the women of all citizens who would not walk to its cool glades.
seen and known them, before the Germany were once kind and contented they bore Here one got beer for ten pfennigs and a song for they had been just kindly and comfy hausfraus.
cannons to be fed a smile.
Not famous for their good looks, but always happy strong children. for their Kaiser Nonsense.
We are in the year, of terror, 1919 not brilliant always hut kind, honest and motherly as well be exterminated as not they have little to possibly they feel that their whole race may thought, pregnant with poison. Year crimson with the the saw them again as had times without number in live for but clebt through this Peace that the autoblood for måletion is the martyrs of Armed slanighearticular of small towns of citics, broad, beaming and invariably charmante nollonges can hope to one has the wome Spartacans in Moabit prison by the majority Social busy preparing some goodly or necessity for some Germany no longer can hope to be happy nor to rear The new system ists of that unhappy city, whose satanical leader is checkel. smiling, contented. That was it. Contented worstel Kaiser le boete at the headed is as bad if not Two hundred and twenty German men Socialists. above everything. The curve of their broad batks worse than the old. They killed and were killed manacled together like so many helpless oxen in a cheeks and hair exhaled peace patience almost dull themselves? Their sons were taken from them by the The smoothness of their under the old regime they are still now murdered stock yard, and forced to march in front of machine ness in many months before were clasping theirs in comradeship on guns, manned by the hands of those who a few short saw them handing out huge cheeses and wursts to by Herr Ebert and his cohorts. On with the slaught the field of battle. Blown into eternity by these their hungry humanity morn, noon and night. Cheerful. Let Gerinan women have a hand in the killingunimaginative and unselfish. remember all this about own countrymen and Kamerades. then was filled with a burning hatred for sight of blood. They have grow them and accustomed to The Paris Commune pales before this shrieking the German government and for that hicſcous cancer the are hungry they must be fed barbecue of blood. The cruellest South African savage both is not half so diabolical as civilization in its hour of of our times Capitalism.
the women and the cannons. Not for many saw its loathsome eyes peering triumphantly down cosy cottages in star filled valleys nor the pigs play the smoke curl contentedly out of small and re action.
Significant, that in that crowd of good natured upon the Moabit scene inspired by its doctrines. And about in the gardens as they used to. There are not murderers there were German Women waiting heard its ghoulish chuckle at the sight of the once wany men folk for the women to wait on nor many for what?
meek and mill German women turned into fiends by babies to raise. There is nothing, but this huge debt One coils involuntarily at the very thought of its hellish persecutions.
to the Allies and back breaking labor.
such a thing. Hideous, that women must be added to Then too. knew just what these same women had May the wives and mothers of those 220 murdered the list of insatiables.
lived through for the last five years.
Even I, who have lived with German women, turned This waiting is not new to them. for they have sputterings hold tight against the time when the new men who filled Mcabit prison with their howls and cold from horror and despair when read Hecht been waiting for these many months. It is any wonder dawn the red dawn shall break.
account of the death of those Spartacans. hated that they have become hardened?
Let them carry on the great work started by their them for their cruelty branded them outcasts and saw them when first they waited way back in yet had known the tenderest of them.
men and their faith in the ultimate Victory of the August of 1914. Then, they were waiting for their workers of the World be so great that it will urge if by magic, seemed to feel the lips of a men to pass by, with proud boasts and rose wreathed them on to new deeds worthy of their martyred men German Mother on my cheek saw the burning eyes helmets. Smiles on their young lips and victory in and to the reddest revolution that the world shall a German wife, lífted to mine in mute appeal their hearts. How carelessly did the flower of Ġer know. Then we will be able to say that the 220 and imploring me to think before judged her, and her many mmhood wave to their waiting women Karl Lielknecht and Rosa Luxemburg have not died as they passed down Under den Linden on their way in vain.
Unemployment and the Bolshevik Menace The articles puporting the shows the possibility of Bol thensand. in Detroit firty thousandi. in Minneapon is fast making itself felt in the wages of the occupied shevism penetrating and establishing itself in the is, four thousand. in San Francisco, eight thousand; workers. Many employers beholding the streets United States. It is supposed that there is fertile ground in (regon, seven thousand, etc. It is stated in the teeming with unemployed, begin to lower vrages, here for Bolshevik ideas capturing the mind of the reports of the Federal Department of Labor that thereby provoking dissatisfaction among the workers.
people. These articles sound a note of warning. there is now a total of two hundred and ten thousand The degree of the restlessness of the workers can be And the authors appeal to the prudence of the employers, pointing out that it is necessary to modify the real one. As statcil by the War Conununity Service, in capitalists in honor of the Secretary of Labor, the present conditions lest the entire social structure New York alone there are fifty thousand uneinplayed latter did not fail to warn most seriously the employand this muniber is added to daily by ten thousand crs against such tactics.
According to bourgeois experts, the workers in the persons. The rapidl growth of unemployment is due that where capital foresces profit there it loses its far: But the esteemel Secretary has evidently forgotten United States are exhibiting a great spirit of restless greatly to the demobilization of the soldiers.
The chief cause of their discontent is the in In the main, the goveroment of the United States its of reaping huge profits in Europe is very problemcreasing unemployment, which exists not in the inn is very inattentive to the problems arising from the agination of the workers, but is a stark reality. The demobilization of the army. The soldiers are frealical Bolshevism from Russia is extending to Gerreports of the Federal Labor Bureau also deal with quently dischargeel without sufficient money even to that this of unemployment. Beginning with Dec pray for transportation home. The American govern manufacturers turn from the unpromising situation.
wave will ever stop? Therefore the in a direction unfavorable to the workers. Previous than the governmem of Great Britain. There the day. they squecze as much as they can out of the to that time the demand for labor exceeded the sup. lischarged soldier receives thirteen dollars for the ply. But since then the supply has exceeded the de purchase of civilian clothes or the right to order them the consequences can prove American workers hecdless of the consequences. But mand. This unemployment has been growing daily in a specially selected store. Here the soldiers are ists. For again, who can guarantee that under stress surprise to and is not continued to one or two localities it is being discharged in miform. Thosc soldiers lacking of starvation wages and unemployment the American everywhere throughout the cities and towns of the money to buy civil clothes with are often refused worker and his brother in un vrm the uniform he ed; in Albany, four thousand. in the state of Mas form. Terhaps the fact that the respect for the low the dangerous and contaginus example of some sachusetts, fifteen thousand. in Cleveland, fifty five uniform will prove an ih tacle to the exploitation of of the European countries. Then as of sisters.
should collapse.
the spread capital