THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 12, 1919 Socialist Prosecuting Attorney Milo cialist guarii of course, merely and the join: session of the central committees of By Nicholas Hourwich noble consciousness of a duty performed, and they will all New York locals of the Socialist Party, held say: You see, we have expellect mm. The party is purMonday, March 17, representatives of the Lab cialist brochures found at the residences of the men ified and its honor vindicated.
or Defense nion for the defense of political prison under trial, asserting that all this circumstantial evBut we shall answer these party moralists: Is it ers. stated officially, for the first time, it seems. un idence established beyond dispute the criminal state really so? Can it be, really, that the expulsion of this officially it had become known a the o that individual party member who has violated Soas the party moralists very likely of mind of the men on the stand, and their particip cialist principles will save and purify the party? And would and carefully term it, concerning the ation in the explosion.
As might be expected, the prosecutor won a brilis it appropriate that you shoukl express your indigattorney.
and on Milwaukee prisonment, the terms reaching 25 years. This liant victory. and justice triumphed. All the men Perger Co. whom you have been in the habit of oriler, on the Socialist Partial out a year ago on trial were found guilty, and were sentensect to iin ardently defending and praising at all times. Indeed, and. il for seditious activity fifteen persons all these leaders of yours are, in greater or smaller. Socialists and Ararchists. During the confinement And since virtue is always rewarded in this best degree, daily doing the same thing which has provoked of these comrades an explosion took place in the pri of all possible worlds, the virtue of the prosecutor and your indignation in the Milwaukee. comrade prosecson, which resulted in the death of eleven the abilities of this Socialist representative of the utor: they are traitors to Socialism and to the cause The explosion the internetu popisomea secolo Socialist city. Socialificarile si crative isot the was. seditious persons nor proofs of their though there were neither data warded. At the last November elections in Milwau of proletarian emancipation.
expelling this or that member of the guits, the Socialist prosecuting behehe presentaria Whoo had upheld the home party you will not cleanse the party and save its honor.
with zeal and arder that would give credit of the Socialist Party, and who had proved to the dis Paraphrasing the materialistic forinula of Marx, it is attorney.
not the individual party members who deterinine the to investigate the case and to secure a verdict guil never lagging hehind a bourgeois prosecutor, was, as party consciousness, but on the contrary, the conscity. The case was conducted according to all rules recognition of his services to the party, again reby of the prosecuting attorney art. All means were ousness of the individual member is clete party, and again elected as prosecI by the life. In other words, the collapse of Socialist resorted to. incans which have given so much honor uting morals in Such is the brief but instructive story of how a individual members of the party, are the result and the party, treaso1 to Socialist by lished the sentencing of Thomas Mooney. The laurels Socialist prosecutor of Milwaukee fought for the symptoms of the general disease in the whole party of Ir. Fickert, apparently, secured the envy of his emancipation of the working class. organism. The party as a whole has not yet learned Socialist colleague in Milwaukee. We do not doubt that this story will evoke a feeling the revolutionary lessons of proletarian experience in In search of evidence, the residences of all sus of repulsion and indignation in all members of the Russia and Germany. In spite of these lessons, the pected persons were raided, by order of our Mil Socialist Party. We do not doubt that even the right party as a whole continues to follow the old worn out of the party (with the exception, perhaps, of policy of opportunisın, compromise and cheap reSocialist literature, and portraits of Marx, Engels, vist) will turn its back on an individual who so openly development, must necessarily result in acute diseases formism. But that which did not comparatively affect and other Socialist workers and writers.
party in the past during the period of peaceful and unceremoniously transgresses Socialist ethics The hearing was scheduled for the very day whe. and as Pontius Pilate washing his hands, will bring him in this period of revolutionary transition.
the funeral of the eleven policemen was to be held, at to the party court. We do not entertain very much To really cure the party of its cliseases, the party the time when the disposition of the inan in the street assurance there are too many things that makes us must abandon the environment of opportunism for a was especially excited against all sorts of seditious pessimistic in this respect but we are ready to hope healthy revolutionary climate. This is the problem persons and all sorts of seditio7. At the trial, the that the party court will expel this Socialist Prosec of the recently formed Left Wing of the American Socialista prosecutor delivered a pathetic speech, dlur utor from the party.
Socialist Party. The cure for the cliseases of the party ing which lie flourished before the eyes of the jury The moderates of the right wing of the party will is prescribed by the Manifesto and rogram of the the portraits of Marx, Engels and Takunin, and So then come to us with a sigh of relief and with the Left Wing. There is no other cure.
party, the On Bolshevism, Russian and American us.
By John Reed York misquoted into the bargain. which was prekept press, but the attitude of all the capitalist (1. ctior to the Neto York Times, refused publication)
sented in such a solemn matter by your paper, does papers of which your journal is undisputedly the not indicate any source of support for the Soviet Govmost powerful oward the investigation of Bolsherism now proceeding in Washington, is so outrageous and accepted as gospel truth the cheapest sort of wealthy or otherwise, who ever contributed a single and involves me je rscoually no directly, that feel ignorant denunciation poured out by all the opponents cent for the worthy purpose of opening a Soviet in called up in protest.
of the only government of, by and for the people now formation Bureau. am certain that you will not publish this letter ments side of the case, were allowed to do so because little or nothing are incomprehensible 10 persons who All persons who work for an unselfish purpose for full. send it. however; so that you may suppress we insisted, and made a row and then our testimony it, after which can publish it in another paper. was falsified, and cut, and deliberately misinterpreted for anything. The capitalist organs of publicity After falsifying my testimony before the Senate by the Committee so as to make it appear that approved by the third degree methods by which the Commit impute to us their own tactics. It is known to every of the ideals but not the My wife. vuise Bryant. was carefully questioned writer, stamps and so forth. But all that necessary you make an clitorial statement to that effect. As a for an office, for stenographers, stationery. typematter of fact do not disapprove of Bolshevism for as to her belief in God; in order, so the Committee the Unitcd States heartily approve it. What said, to ascertain her regard for the sanctity of an expense is transmuted by you into salaries which petwant the industrial Commonwealth established lure: opposed to Bolshevism, it seems to me that it might funds to come to us from Russia, we woulil glaully use said. qfore the Senate Committee was that did cath. According to the testimony of the witnesses mitwish to take vacations at Palm licach limay, say but that in all countries necessarily its forms would have been a good thing 10 question them, rather than be somulut different. just as in all Republics them to open an Information bureau bout Russia.
present the forms are different, while the principle You have said on your cditorial page that am a You are correct when you call this Bolshevik proremains the same. Is for the principles of Bolshev paid agent of the Holsheviki: That is a straight lie, paganda, for the great majority of persons who learn ism, lusse they will be applied in every country on and have no doulst that you know it. In a country Nothing else is needed.
the truth about Russia become convinced Bolsheviki.
ilk face of the globe workers control of industry. where German propaganda has been heavily financed, socialization of land, and the temporary dictatorship and no one punished for receiving money for spreadBut the American Government clocs 1101 allow funds agenis of the capitalist class esc ept that suppreispitive rebuked, and where every little national group has its Justice, the Department of State and the periodefecte els core complaint against you and the other paid uganda has been toewlyerBaitian and Firench props to come from Russia, and therefore it is wrong to that all the vast machinery of the Department of truth about it. und abenut whit is going om in Russia. paid publicity agents even those groups of finns and It is all very well to state that Bolshevism means kramians who represented and represent now gove been and are at work to find some race of money Tholesale mr. ler, stialization of women, robbery in a country whose own expenses for official propa and you know that they have not found it. nor will ernments set up by the to and unrestrained, and then say that stand for it. It is all to say are anarchists ganda in Russia against the Soviet Government run they ever find it.
anarchy in Rtissia and in America openly into hundreds of thousands of dollars, the accusation Another statement on your clitorial page (leserves www. kh to the strongly centralized pro sounds a little hypocrilicate what you call Bolshevik notice. After falsifying or omitting parts of Raybuilt up in Russia. anel then call us, who defend Rolmond Robbins testimony, to make it appear that lie shevism, anarchists. of course is a very con propaganda is is 1200 for the infit of these ruthless interests who class auciences, or here is no money in speaking to working triunpphantly mark that the parlor socialists counted on Robins to uphold their contentions, and that he the worked into a war which cost more than seven or writing in working class papers, which are the only audiences and papers open to any millions lie who sure rich with blood money. But idrocacy of the trith about Soriet Rusia. The Soviet failed them.
it is net til troihin. know it is not the truth. jewernuent. to my knowledge, has never sent a cent This is not true. Yo one of 11s ever thought that You hirit instance, that the Reverend George here for propaganda of any sort excej Raymond Robius would suppon Ruisherisin or Soto Santeri cialism, of which he has been a terminal opponent Sinun male takie statements in Washington. You Nuorteva, official representative of the People Gone know that libassador Francis made false statements crnment of Finland, who demanded a hearing before what went on in Soviet Russia: if you dared to for vears. He said that he woulli. truth about before the committ:c. You know that the Committee the Overman Committee in Washington, and whom publish his full testimony. and 11t lisereelit it by investigating Bolsheviin eliberately set out to hear ilic Committee was afraid to call. Even my rather editoral comment, you would find that we have been tobulint. imesses against the Soviet Government, licavy witticism about the wealthy ladies of New completely justified.
all very well to the business of This of panda ke