Saturday, April 12, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE even secret the declaration of war would have voted in favor of play it.
believed that based upon prison. It has demanded for its inembers the same Lenin includes among the centre the Independent immunity from arrest enjoyed by memlyers of the Socialists of Germany, Jean Longuet of France, the Bolshevikjabs Constituent Assembly; but the policy of the Congress Independent Labor Party of England, and the elei ne montages determined in While it scrise er wents in the American Socialist Party represented by Pec Crisis. screams the healines. Inother Spring guns are in action, the proletarian revolution is on: This is important. Morris Hillquit has always been lessly aside by the dynamic and implacable mass action a typical opportu: ist, always in arnis against the left As our confrere remarks: The problem at the cace of the revolutionary proletariat.
ring in our party. Not to delve into old disputes, conConference used to be: What are we going to clo with of bois reported the iFlbert Schiridem apre le ce lupant policy of pretty bourgeois pacifism, affiliating himself tour is ll hat is Russia going to do with us: Bieber os attitude during the war: Hilquit pursued a Russian Ringgit appears that the chestion of the peal to for new revoluVilson threatens to leave Paris, says the papers.
tion Let them! If it comes to a test between ole viemars People Council. Under pressure, and in in the British workers threaten to call Lloyd lieorge Peace Conferencen ander the greetarian creceribution, bile seli to circumstances, Hilleuit accepted the St. Louis tome, Ind Japan won join unless she geis equality already conquering.
these events are occuring, Toile «eclaration of the party on the war (the most revolu Orlando.
the tinues its miserable squaboles (cace Conference. con tionary provisions of which he had bitterly opposed In Clemenceau is not so popular in France as he acy can hide these squabbles. plays with events, lacing the proceecleci to violate and pervert the party policy gei peace after all.
being it membership meetings of Local New York. and might Ix, according to press dispatches. Maybe we ll The Peace Conference is rapidly becoming a political was Hillquit answer to the question put to him by ghost. Paris or Moscow. aderewski voices grief over Danzig. says the New represents were borte vio liridasco motinat William Hard, whether, if he had been a member of York Times it might be more effective if he would power. the power of revolutionary Socialism, the power of the masses despised and oppressed December 1, 1917 Congress at the time he would by Capitalism, and organizing to destroy this. answer was (Nezos ism. The Allies can not prevent the collapse of the In addition to the various occupations Trotzky fol.
Hi sepand in the New bourgeois Socialist (sovernment of counter revolCall of December lowed cluring his four months sojurn in America it now ution in Germany; the Allies will soon have their our participation would If the world war and appears that he was also in the moving picture busown revolutionary problems to meet, And they cannot force a better, more democratic and durable peace, iness. He very appropriately played the villain in a meet these problems. Life, liberty and peace these should have favored the measure, regardless of the play that was photographed in Chicage and according are the human wants that only the international prole cost and sacrifices of America. My opposition to our tarian revolution can satisfy.
would into the war convition that it public via the newspapers, he did excellently well in the The Centre Again prolong the disastrous war without ating gains to humanity. In other words, the no he diver. Tole.
Perhaps this accounts for Iris subsequent actions.
gence between Morris Hillquit and Woodrow Wilso. Many a good man has been spoiled by the niovies simply HE Socialist movement has always had its civi was not a matter of principle and class policy, but one by watching them.
sions. These divisions are now starkly appar judgement. The declaration clearly places Hil! quit ent, and possess an importance which until now as an opportunist and centre Socialist, pursuing a Anyhow whatever else his faults may be Trotzky was largely only pote:tial. It is necessary to recognize policy of bourgeois pacifism during the war. cannot be accused of being lazy. With the exception and consider these divisions; in the measure that we solve the problems they present before the Revolution, Russian proletariat conquered power, Hillquit was When the Bolshevik Revolution broke loose and the everything else while he was here.
of entering Congress he seems to have clone nearly will Socialism be able to act dynamically and consist ently during the Revolution.
silent; he was at that session of the National Executive Usually, two divisions only are recognizeıl the armistice on all fronts as a preliminary to general Sommittee which ignored the Soviet proposal for an Call for a General right and the left. These two groups are engaged in an open and relentless struggle, in Germany and Rus Russian Revolution as they affect Socialist policy peace negotiations; his attitude on the problems of the sia the struggle having assumed the form of armed practice has been one of Op Tilquit acquiesced in send THE General Strike Committee of the 30, 000 textile strikers Textile Strike opportunistic watchful wait combat. The characteristics of the right, of moderate ing. Only the other in Lawrence, Mass. who have been oux ten weeks and petty, bourgeois Socialism, are learly apparent: the ing delegates to Berne Congress of the Great Betrayal, are more than ever determined to wage the figlit to the end, olutionary; it has betrayed Socialism and accepted the is in and threatens the supremacy of the oli Brother and Sister Workers of the Weaving and Yarn Mills:defense of Capitalism; it is a bourgeois expressip. representatives of the party. The upsurge of revoluSince February 1919 at Lawrence, Mass. 30, 000 men, clearly and completely; it is opportunistic, social psat tionary Socialism in our party has made the question ing week and 54 hours pay. Prior to that they were once women and children have been on strike for a 48 hour work riotic, and bitterly opposed to the proletarian: revolu of an emergency national convention pressing, the hour week, and the average wage was 13. 50 a week tion and revolutionary Socialism.
membership insists upon it; and so Hilquit comes But there is another group, much more important out in favor of the emergency convention! Adaption greedy mill harons had the audacity to call this an excessive than, and as dangerous as, the moderate Socialism of to circumstances. But, more important, is Hillquit war time wage.
the right, and that is the moderate Socialism of the statement concerning changes in policy: And when the agitation for an hour day swept down upon centre. Ia a pamphlet on Problems of the rolctathe Textile industry of the New England States and reached As to the danger of heading the party into ukra Lawrence, the mill masters granted it and placed their hands riat in the Revolution, published in April. 2017. Lenin impossibilism, do not fear it. The centre of gravity into the meagre envelopes of their slaves and extracted therecharacterized the centre as follows: in the international Socialist mortement has of late been from six hours pay, and the strike was on!
The centre is hesitating between social patriotism and shifted considerably to the left, and our party cannot Tellow Workers. Throughout the industrial World, in every actual internationalism These people swear by all that and should not remain behind. There are among us country, the workingmen and women are aroused; they are is holy that they are Marxists and Internationalists, that as always, some ill balanced enthusiasts who are apt organizing and striking for human conditions. In Great they are for peace, for exerting pressure upon the govto shoot beyond the mark, but past experiences has Britain, for instance, many millions of minors and textile ernment, for presenting all sorts of demands that show shown that the party can be relied on to do the right workers are in the field for a six hour day, a five day week the desire of the nation for peace, they are peace propthing in critical times.
with 30 increase over the so called war tine wages.
agandists and want a peace without annexations and Their batule cry is: Down with drudgery! Down with slavery!
they want a peace with the social patriots. The centre This is a beautifully anced statement, characteristic of the opportunists of the centre. You have by the 30. 000 striking men women and children of Lawrence.
These struggles of our European brothers are kept in mind is the the heaven of petty Lourgeois phrases, of lip in sop to the left wing, then a cajolery of the right by They are determined to carry on their unrelenting fight ternationalism, of cowardly opportunism, of compromise with the social patriots. The fact is that the centre stigmatizing some comrades as ill balanced enthu until the master class are brought to terms, until the efforts siasts (and this will be taken to mean the active comof the strikers are crowned with victory.
is not convinced of necessity of a revolution against rades i: the conscious, definitely organized left wing But we the government of its own country: it does not preach this appeal to you, brother and sister workers that kind of revolution; it does not wage an incessant 1n come to our aid in order 40 lasten the day of victory not alone for the Lawrence workers luit for all the men and fight for the revolution, and it resorts to the lowest super Marxist clodges to get out of the difficulty. The There are some who are jubilating about lillquit wonnen in the great weaving and spinning industry. The members of the centre group are routine worshippers. acceptance of the left wing policy. But this is premaster class lave centered their guns against the Lawrence caten up by the gangrene of legality, corrupted is the mature and preposterous.
strikers to crush them for the next ten years.
That was precisely his parliamentary comedy, bureaucrats accustomed to nice course at the St. Louis Convention, and then he salot class, to be prepared for a general walk out of all the shops In tlris hour of great trial we urge you, all memdiers of our sinecures. Historically and economically they simply aged the revolutionary sentiments of the convention. and wills. Talk over the general strike in your homes, and represent the transition from the old fashioned lalsor movement, such as it was from 1871 to 1914. and Accepting the left wing means much more than a mild with your friends and fellow workers everywhere. Organize which rendered inestimable services to the proletariat flirtation with it, it means resolute action and consist Strike Committee as soon as possible. Put on the Comthrough its slow, continued, systematic work of organent policy. The left wing will not be lured to the mittee representatives of the various nationalities in your ization in a large. very large field. to the new movecentre, to an abandonment of revolutionary Socialism. know just what you have one and plan to do. Let us know ment which was objectively necessary at the time of the by such devices. Let us ask comrade Hillquit two first world wide war of Imperialism, and which has inwhat we can do for you. Take definite action at once!
augurated the social revolutionary cra.
We call your attention to the following: The dangerous character of the centre is attested Does comrade Hillquit accept the Manifesto The great Woolen Trust has started to nperate its plants in the refusal of the Communist arty of Russia (Bolsheviki) to invite any centre groups 10 its proand Program of the Left Wing Section of the Social putside of Lawrence night and day in order 4o defeat your ist Party of New York City, which lias been accepted mills in the state of Maine. at Fulton, and other posed International Communist Congress: it did not by local after local of the party, and by the State places.
even invite the elements in the French Socialist Party Pxecutive Committee of the Socialist Party of Mass. Are you willing to have the Lawrence strikers fight for represented by Jean Longuet, who is mildly a favor of the Soviet Government and whom many comrades policy in the call of the Communist Party of Russia Does comrade Hillquit accept the principles and you while the hirelings of the Police Department stain the pavements of Lawrence with the blood nf your brothers?
Arouse then, ye men and women of the mills, of the looms in our party consider a good Bolsizevik. More the Bolsheviki) for an International Communist Con and spinning frames. Be ready to stop work! Strike in call for a congress issued by the Communist arty of gress great numbers, all and everyone of you.
Russia in January 1919. emphasizes its opposition to Let him answer!
Organize one hix walkout and line up in battle array with the centre, in these words: the strikets of Lawrence for a shorter work day and more The left wing in the American Socialist Party must py, in order to live and enjoy the good things of life.
As far as the social patriots are concerned, who stund and will be a left wing. It will not and must not Druge no longer. Band together.
up everywhere in arins in the most critical moment, The of itate to the centre, that insidious enemy against the revolution, a merciless fight is the only altergiving great orders and revolution is the tine to act. Lend a hand to the Lawrence strikers.
native: in regard to the Centre, the tactics ansist in ary Socialism. There must be consistent policy and Send in funds for the needy and for the inevitable one big separating from it the resolutionary elements, it cril resolute action. The opportunists of yesterday are strike in the Textile Industry. Get ready for the time is icising pitilessly its leaders and in dividing systematically among them the number of their followers: these cliscredited; they may try camouflage, but it won ripe.
One big strike!
tactics are absolutely necessary when we reach a certain work. Let the dead bury their dead. Revolutionary One big union. degree of development.
Socialism is resolute, open, consistent; it will conquer. One hig victory!
of the party. questions: ster class ara ow