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ani of the Russian people, and going to In Paris are assembled the distinquished diplomats de les permited the despised land withRussia and the a new the its THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 12, 1919 The Revolutionary Age som er for more det er en te horen las regation to and terrible by boloskadling ose of the government being to break the grip which Russia and depriving it of materials which it owns Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events foreign capital has upon Mexico resources. These in this country to moan the industrial demoralization decrees affect particularly British and American oil in Russia, and then make this demoralization actual LOUIS FRAINA interests in Mexico; and the military coup being anl terrible luy preventing locomotives, agricultural Editor organized smells of oil. The coup was prepared in New York City, and is financed by imperialistic brig sia: to wail the sufferings actual and terrible by and implements other machinery from EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor ands. The American Government protested against their mal make these Contributing Editors these legitimate decrees as confiscatory; but it acts irig war tipon Russia by not against the imperialistic brigands. And the Peace starvation. all this reveals the sinister soul of Capby means of military action and JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA Conference is organizing a League of Nations! italism, its relentless detemination to wreak vengeance HOURWICH WEINSTEIN upon these who assail its supremacy.
LUDWIG LORE The Red League of Nations There is no justice toward Soviet Russia. But justice will be rendered by the final court the court THE revolutionary Socialist attitude toward the of the international revolutionary proletariat.
ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY By Local Boston, Socialist Party imperialistic league, there should be formed a League of Soviet Nations to direct the final struggle against Bavaria and. Steiner, Business Manager Capitalism. This League is now becoming a fact, 285 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
HITE struggle for power that has been raging in through the alliance of Soviet Russia, Hungary and Bavaria has culnrinated in the Soviets usurping Bundle orders 20 a copy, Subscription 00 for Bavaria. It will soon include other groups, Germany. 11 power, clecreeing a revolutionary dictatorship six months (26 issues)
cialist, and it does. but not the enthusiasm of the petty of the proletariat and poorer peasantry.
bourgeois moderate Socialist. Ramsay Macdonald, of The new Soviet Republic of Bavaria allies itself the British Independent Labor Party, the other day immediately with the Soviet Republics of Russia and The Soviets in Paris said we are facing the creation of a Red League of Hungary: and it starts immediately with a ruthless Vations as rival to the Paris League. In his art policy of proletarian dictatorship establishing workthey are Guardian, Macdonald foresees the Sori sweep a Red Armyrepudiating the Govwho are really making a dirty mess of things. Paris, ing east and west, refers to an extraordinary revoluthese days, symbolizes Capitalism as Moscow symbol tionary demonstrationsof which nothing has been said gainst the Council of People Commissaires, against crnment of the Yellow Terror, and mercilessly preizes Socialism. But in Paris there is a proletariat in the English press, mentions that the Italian Social the Soviet Government.
ist, there is poten od: and where there is a proletar ist Party has decided to affiliate itself with the BolsheTolshevism.
On April vik Communist in Paris by International, Precisely as the real importance of the Soviet Reurges Allied troops from drawal of asartye of Jean to protest against the acheadel by the Jaures assa Socialists toward Russia as a means of preventing a Red Policy Public in Hungary was in the impulse it let loose for leaguc.
revolutionary action elsewhere, so the real importance who are violenly opposed to the Soviets and the Bol.
This was the attitude of the Perne Congress of the Bavarian Soviet Republic is in the impulse it sheviki, including Hjalmar Branting most counter revolutionary of all.
But the masses of the traitor to Socialism. But revolutionary Social the rest of Germany: victory lere, temporary deturned the demonstration into one of revolutionary ism will conquer moderate Socialism. The Reel league fcat there are simply pliases of that giant struggle which is developing, which will soon flare up in all significance. Cries of Long Live the Soviets! and will come. In spite of all, in spite of Capitalism and Down with the Peace Confereixe! prevailed. This its ally, moderate Socialism.
Europe, and conquer Capitalism. Then the world revolution. was a threat equally to movlerate Socialism and to Capitalism. Toth may well tremble. When Paris Real Scandal The setion of the Bavarian Soviets in decrecing a itself hears the sympathy of the masses for Bolsheproletarian dictatorship has naturally, let loose the vism, wiren the Peace Conference hears in the midst HE Soviet Representative to the United States, tirgoto civil war. The okl Government, which has of als. crush the Soviets the cry of Long Comrade Martens, is considering action to secure Pelirom unicli, refuses to Soits. then may they realize that power to recognize Icelas i: is still the ment, and is organizing control of approximately 150, 000, 000 in money deposition, AR. with the revolutionary proletariat and and property now in this cuntry and held in the same the Soviet 10. of the old Russian government.
careil The Ebert Schcidemann government has exulc.
Japan and China The property represents food, clothing and muni militer regainst the Bavarian Council of People Contions purchased and paid for by the Russian Tiovisoires Sovicis preparing actio, against the revoleriment with the money of the Russian people. When Schridemam threat lre fulfilled. The Bavarian KE war was usedl luy every belligerent nation as Kerensky was overthrown, the United States (overn letarian rolution has encouraged and inspired the proan oportunity to strengthen its Imperialism.
ment still recognized Bakhmetieff as Russian revolutionary masses of Germany, who are feverishly Japan used the opportunity to impose a set of ultra Ambassador, and this property and money remained revelering new and, it appears, the final struggle mands which strangle the political candy cronomie et under his control. Instead of using this for the Rus for the conquest of power and proletarian dictatordependence of China. These «lemands. axording to used it against the people of Russia.
a statement of the Chinese Government, arc atible with the Th: crisis in Germany is developing acutely: a new Vations is fout Principles upon which the compof But the actual facts are much worse. Counter rise of the masses is imminent. special cable The statement, which is largely revolutionary officials of the old regime and officers from Merlin to the New York Times of April indican answer to a recent utterance of Baron Makino of of the Czar army have been living riotously from the as the drift: Every day the demand for a Soviet the Japanese Peace Delegation, clemands that the proceeds of sale of property belonging to the Russian verment becomes everywhere. think, more claml eace people. The Russian people were starving and food ant. iluntly, while Paris is discussing. something the interes acquiescence to terms subversive to her own greater than Rome is burning. We are rapidly apwere secured by means of which she was of Paris or Moscow, liberty of forced to to surrender because of the position one cannot help remarking he occupation of in this country purchased by their Lenin.
the e pre shoes; and of the world in the European money were sold to finance counter revolutionary pro the swing of the masses opinion to the Left. In the war. It is a fact that the terms were imposcil upon jagada. Agricultural machinery, kocomotives anil Ruhr industrial region there are 250, 000 strikers, 194 China at the point of the pavemet, the example follow other materials suffered a similar fate while Amermilles out of 236 are idle: martial iaw has been cel deing that of russia: the extension to ninety ican Capitalism cried, pitevusly, that the Bolsheviki claimed there. On account of that strike the gas nine years of the lease of ort Arthur and South were starving Russia and demoralizing it inlustri ration of Berlin has been reduced. Though in StuttManchurian railways concessions being precisely the ally. gart the strike is endling, the Spartacans are extrem(ierman Shantung terms. This is busy, and a serious fight has taken place with men cloes (hina imagine that she can escape and if she This is Imperialism. But China is the In addition to the sale of property, there were vast of their faction, who are intrenched every Imperialism escapes one she will income the victim of another.
thers in various banks. which were used, and are suited internal railway strike is threatened on April 10. From The only hope of the Chinese masters uuseel. In the counter revolutionary officials and officers die hare Onistite feeling is rising steadily property is in the proletarian world of the old reginre. Bakhmetieff counter revol lury gives signs of going with Bavaria. Amid all that, but the Chinese government is using its resources to utionary activity in Paris is being financed by this. prosition of the central Government is difficult in. of the Russian people.
troops to attack Soviet Russia. The government of the rcounter revolutimary money in the Dusseldorf district, which demands the ruling class in China will be strangleil. either lx work! ened itself.
the orgy of squandering inoney by the majice. lemudilization of the military forces: As the Soviet power, instead of declining, strength inte release of political prisoners, the abolition of comrades who are serving in the Soviet revolutionary allowed and indirectly encouraged by the American ciali with the Russian Soviet Covernment, and the army are an augury of the potential revolutionary Giorernment. At this moment, threatened by the man Elvert Selucidemann (overnment to spirit of the Chinese people.
ace of the Soviet representative taking possession. iai la evlarent a politica!
The workmen in Magdeburg It Smells of Oil there is a positively feverish speed in the stealing of arri having joined the revolutionary movement.
the Russian people money and property. All in the trie aus derlared against the opposition of the name of democracy! All in the name of equity among merol, teeders. The majority Socialist Landsnations!
ico against the Carranza Ciovernment. It is not bry. Minister of Justice in the Ebert Scheidenrann a revolutiou of the masses, but a conspiracy of foreign But this scandal is much more than a sandal, it is money interests together with elements of the Diaz roms in Magdeburg, as well as cieneral von Kleist listic picture of the savagery and corruption of and Huerta regimes to secure economie control of bourgeois society and its representatives. Soviet Rus.
and his stali. ther arrests are planned of Social Mexico Cieneral Blanquet, the leader of the military sia, if it accomplished nothing else, has exposed on the serv! s! memliers of th» bourgeoisie.
expedition, announces that one of the acts of his vast scale of world events, the savagery and the tur. er! in. there is a national congress of Councils government will be to mlify the confiscatory le pitude of international Capitalism. To shed tears Wera and Soldiers. Gieorge Ledebour, the cties of the present Nexican Government. These over the starvation of the Russian people, and then let mleleni Socialist, has been released from a military campaign 10. 09 isn. continues an rest proobjective of hinese people not the inned it