The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 26 Saturday, April 12, 1919 Price Cents Democracy and Dictatorship Dictatorship in Germany ported the governments of the imperialistic brigands, demans all Kautskyye iliusterlites and are noches the best buildings, cc. The edictatorship of the persona placed pure enourgeois HE few issues of the Berlin Red Flag the Spartacan Liebknecht organ and the Vienna ClaBy Lenin geois denwcratic German republic) is a lie and a fraud. For, in reality, it means freedom for the rich rion, the organ of the Communist Party of Ger(January 5, 1919)
to buy and to bribe the press, to corrupt the minds of man Austria, that have reached Moscow show that the people with the lics of the bourgeois press. It the betrayers of Socialism who during the war of the exploiters over the toiling masses. The Scheimeans freedom for rich to own manor ouses. of from the. the nere, have been denounced by the true represent Adler) support these lies and hypocrisy. The Marx benefit of the toilers, the manor houses, the best buildof.
and Austria. We cordially greet these two organs of sts, the Communists, on the contrary, expose this and But shout the Scheidemanns and Kautskys, the tell the workers the revolutionary Socialism, testifying to the vitality and cratic republic, Constituent Assembly and populace Hendersons, the plain truth: in reality a demoular Austerlitzes and Renners, as well as the Gomperses, the growth of the Third International.
elections, etc. are means that Donaudels, Vanderveldes, etc. this Apparently the main issue of the revolution both bourgeoisie, and there is but one road to the emanin Germany and Austria is now this: a Constituent cipation of labor from the tyranny of capital to redemocracy, will be reby the dictatorship of one class.
Assembly versus all power to the Soviets. The rep place the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie by the dictat Our reply is: it is not true. It means that what is resentatives of the bankrupt Second International, orship of the proletariat. Only the dictatorship of actually be lista de reshipment the bourgeoisie chypetita by the forms of a bourgeois democratic Scheidemann and ending with the Independent Sorepublic) will be a dictatorship of the cialist Karl Kautsky are favoring the Constituent proletariat. democracy for the poor will replace Greetings to the Soviet Republic a democracy for the rich. Freedom of assembly and cy, alling their attitude a defense of demoI shall try, briefly, to state the substance of of Bavaria!
the the controversy which has now become a practical press for thic minority. the exploiters, will be replaced by freelom of nssembly and the press for the issue for all advanced capitalist countries. proletarian dictatorship has been proclaimed in Bavaria, and a Soviet Republic organised with a major of the people, the toilers.
The Scheidemanns and Kautskys are speaking Council of People Commissaires. The Central Cowa colossal extension of clem cracy, of universal historabout pure democracy, or democracy in the abcil of Bavaria sent the following telegram to all the ical significance its Soviets: transformation from a lie into stract, in order to deceive the masses and conceal The workers of Bavaria have overcome their party truth, the liberation of humanity from the fetters of from them the bourgeois character of modern demo divisions and united in a mighty bloc against all domcracy.
Let the bourgeoisie continue to hold in its ination and exploitation. They have taken over through cratic bourycvis repulslican democracy. It will mean hands the whole apparatus of the state. let a handful the Workers Soldiers and Peasants Councils the that the bourgeois state will be replaced by a proletaof exploiters continue to control the existing bourentire public authority. The dictatorship of the proletariat is now a fact.
rian state, and this change is the only way to the gradugeois state machinery of what avail is democracy? The Landtag has been dissolved and People Comal disappearance of the state.
The bourgeoisie, naturally, likes to slescribe the elect; missaires have been appointed Workshops will be conionis conducted under such conditions as free, But why is it not possible to achieve this cash wintrolled lwy factory councils elected by the workers, out the dictatorship of one class? Why car werwhich will control and direct affairs jointly with the ectly and immediately obtain pure democracy. ask words serve to conceal the truth that the ownership managers. Everything helongs to the community. Independent socialization, therefore, is out of the questhe hypocritical friends of the hourgeoisie or tite naive of the means of production and the political power tion. It is the duty of the Workers. Soldiers and penisie bourgeois and philistines deceived by the bourremain in the hands of the exploiters, and that genuine Peasants Councils everywhere to attend to the profreedom and equality for the exploited, that is, for tection of the Soviet Republic and its peaceful devel Our reply is: because in cvery capitalist society the opment. They will take over local authority and con decisive factor is cither the bourgeoisie or the prolefore impossible. It trol of the administration and are responsible to the the bour People, are there to conceal from the people the working people.
tariat, while the small capitalists inevitably remain hescharacter of modern As a protection for the Bavarian Council of the Reitating and impotent, foolish dreamers of pure. non (lemocracy, and it is forced to speak of democracy in public against counter revolutionary attacks from with class or super class, clemoxeracy. Because a the abstract, or manns and oppos, repeating these bourgeois or pure democracy? And the Scheide out and within a Red army will be created immediately wherein one class oppresses another class cannot be and a revolutionary court will pursue ruthlessly every uments, actually renounce the proletarian standpoint arg.
abolished otherwise than by the dictatorship of the attempt upon the Council.
The government of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and desert to the bourgeoisie.
the proletariat can conliccause only follows the example of the Hungarian and Russian and overthrow the bourgeoisie.
for the When Marx and Engels signed the last preface to peoples It will resume immediately a brotherly con is the only class which is disciplined and united by nection with these peoples, but it declines any connection the Communist Manifesto (in 1872) they deemed it with the contemptible Ebert Scheidemann government.
Capitalism. Because only sentimental petty bourgeois necessary to impress upon the workers particularly because that government is continuing, under the flag and philistines can cream of overthrowing the power and emphatically that the proletariat cannot of a Socialistic republic, the imperialistic, capitalistic of seize the existing that is, bourgeois) state machin and military business of the disgraceful broken down the exploiters, thus deludit for its own ends; that the proleta German empirc. It calls upon all German workers to ing themselves and the workers.
riat must break this machinery. The Kaut take the same vicw. It greets all proletarians wherever Austria this open resistance has not revokitionary Socialism is fighting in Wurttemberg, sky has written a whole brochure on The in the Rulir listrict, in the whole world.
yet become manifest, since thic expropriation the expropriators has Long live free Bavaria! Long live the Soviet Govimporta ant Marxian truth, and fundamentally distorted not yet beguns. But there will be fierce and clesperate ernment! long live the workl revolution!
resistance when this expropriation begins. Concealism. The Scheidemanns, naturally, generously praising this from themselves and the workers, the Scheideed this brochure praise which was well deserved, and! Kautskys, the Austerlitzes and Renners, for one who deserts to the bourgeoisie ought to be the proletariat is capable of liberating humanity from are betraying the porollarit. At the most critical praised by the agents of the bourgeoisie. the oppression of capital, from the lies and hypocrisy stage they renommee ile standpoint of the class struggle Now, when the workers and all toilers are starving, of bourgeois deinocracy which is a democracy for aiming at the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, for the when they are and worn out not only the rich. Only the the imperialistic war, while the capitalists and speculers and poorer peasants; at present even for the poor, the. of social blessings of democracy actually accessible to the work ween the exploiters. peace, of reconciliation betators continue to the property have Marx.
alte locomotives of listcred and the existing state apparatus 110w, in par democratic bourgeois republic) these blessings are ory: Revolutions enlighten people in a sho short time.
it is sheer mockery of the exploited to speak practically inaccessible to the majority of the toiters. The of democracy as an abstract idea, of cquality, freedom The city workers and farm laborers of Germany and Let us take, for example, the of assembl Austu freedom pudiation or the fundamentalMarxian touch which aid Kautskys the Austerlizes and Renners, assure cialitors. there is cordils anide racitors to som age and the frcerlom of the press. The Scheidemanns utskys, Austerlitzes and Renners have betrayed Sotaught the workers: you must utilize bourgeois de the workers that the present clections to the Consti traitors, these demo cialism in decals, just as the proletariat of Russia pushison with feudalism, Inut do not for a single moinent cratic. This is a lie. For, in reality, the the forget the bourgeois character of this democracy, the capitalists, landlords and specula de Cullers ed aside the petty bourgeois and philistines, heviki and Social Revolutionists. The proletartat its historical basis and limitations: do not share the nine tenths of the best buildings which are fit for will learn the more quickly that only by refaith in ning, the more complete the supremacy of the state. not only in a nonarchy but in the most de ing shops, ete: The workers in the city and the farm placing the bourgenis state. Though it be of the most mocratic republic. is nothing else than a machine for laborers in the villages are in the suppression of one class by another.
riglits by ineans of the sacred right of of the Paris commune about which so much was said The bourgenisic, foreeri 10 play the hypocrite, private property; which is protected by the Kauts by Marx, which is elistorted and betrayed by the Scheispeaks of a democratic (bourgeois) republic as the kys and Renners, as well as by the bourgeois state deinanns and Kaitskys. by a state of the type of the rule of the people. of an abstract or pure demo apparatus, that is, by bourgeois government officials, Soviets, can the open the road towards Socialism.
cracy, whereas this clemocratie republic is in reality bourgeois judges anl police, etc. The present free The dictatorship of the proletariat will deliver manthe dictatorship of the twurgeoisie, the victatorship com of assembly and press in a democratic (bour kind from the woke of capitalism and from wars. society oppressed class.
proletariat the com capitalists without pression of the resistance of plonged and difficult subIn Germany and e Fenetre ceatorshit of manus own the in the most