BolshevismGermanyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking Class

8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 5, 1919 The Future of China Fº ers.
existed TOUR hundred years ago the Manchus invaded.
By Sen Katayama resources so that witliout the South, Northern China and conquered China and ever since the country has difficulty in sustaining a government and satisfyhas been ruled by the Manchu Dynasty. The ing the foreign creditors. Southern China, on the conquerors imposed repressive measures upon the The Chinese, hitherto, held an almost religious faith other hand, has a vast population and rich natural people and even dictated the style of their clothes and in the power of the government, but it was beaten and deposits as yet unexploited. The Southern Chinese the way in which they should dress their hair. AH their faith was shaken. They began to question its want a separate government of their own if they canofficial positions were the booty of the conquerors but power and to study the real situation and finally to not subjugate the Peking government, but the foreign in the course of time many Chinese were picked to plan a revolution to overthrow the Manchu Dynasty.
powers will not easily consent to this, they have loaned serve the interests of the Manchu rulers. In this way Soon the revolutionary inovement split in two parties: much money to Peking and without Southern China a powerful burcaucracy was established.
the Defenders of the Nation and the Young China they cannot collect the debts and moreover they lose The Chinese fatalistically accepted the Manchus as Association. Both parties were heartily supported in the rich fields of investinent in the future, Southern China being opposed to the domination of foreign torn rulers and tamely submitted to oppression and Southern China. The first were Constitutional Monmoney power.
exploitation at their hands. They never questioned archists while the latter partook of a more revolutionThe Chinese revolution will not be easily completed the right of the rulers, though they hated the Man ary character.
for it needs not a nationalist but an international soluchus as foreign conquerors, and year after year, gen The Peking government, seeing the awakening of tion. Japan wants political, as well as financial, domeration after generation they continued to serve as the masses, attempted to forestall the new movements ination over China.
slaves. In time they became almost indifferent to the by taking some of the liberal leaders into the cabinet ever, in sympathy with Southern China and the small The Japanese masses are, howgovernment. Thev, of course, did not like to pay taxes and by inaugerating various reforms. The old civil businessmen of Japan have many connection there, but to the Manchus but the government devised many service examination system was abolished, a universways of getting money and continued to live luxur ity was established at Peking, hundreds of students pathy with the Peking government as it brings Maniously in Peking were sent to Western countries and a national parlia Churia withiri their influence, and Manchuria is next Local or provincial governors to the number of 18 inent was promised to the people. The reactionaries, to Korea. For this reason the Japanese government however, captured the movement and attempted to were given great powers and each governed after his will support Peking for some time to come. But in the own autocratic fashion, each imposing the taxes he crush the reforms. Yuan Shi Kai became the leader end Southern China will triumph and Japan will have saw fit within his own territory. Thus the Chinese of the reactionaries and the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was fomented to incite the people against the foreign Japan will be crushed in the future by awakened to recognize and mako treaties with her otherwise people and the rulers were separated entirely, there no sympathy between them, but in the lesser China.
official positions the occupants were recruited from The number of foreigners in China is small and Japan has a treinendous problem to face in Korea the people by competitive examinations and formed consists of two classes missionaries and business and Formosa. The peoples of these countries naturally link between the governing and the governed. In this men, including experts of various kinds. The mission look towards China to save them from Japanese com manner the Manchus secured the more intelligent ele Aries are the advance agents of Capitalisnt and are nation and unless Japan changes her rule radically, ments of the people and used them for their own ends. hated by the Chinese. The Boxer Rebellion was a Any ambitious youth was provided with a government great nisfortune for China inasmuch as it enabled this true in the case of Korea. Koreans now recognize position and thus prevented from stirring up discon: foreign powers to invade the country and squeeze big that they cannot gain their independence by the grace tent among the people. And the masses, deprived of sums in indemnities out of the people.
by manipulation in foreign countries and those who would otherwise have been their leaders, gave un hope of ever ridding themselves of the Man Party rose to power and with it many radical parties toward the Siberian Soviets for sympathy and aid and After peace was established the Constitutionalist even today conditions in Korea are ripe for Bolshevism. The Korea of the immediate future will look chu voke and submitted to it as the preordained fate leveloped throughout the country until finally in 1911 hefore long will advance towards its goal of independof life.
the first revolution broke and overthrew the Manchu ence by the aid of the fast awakening Chinese who are The spell of this fatalism was broken by the war of Dynasty. But the revolution did not succeed in its also under influence of the Russian revolution.
1804 with Japan. The all powerful, divine Emperor main object. Revolutionary leaders formed a repubThe future of China will be a most interesting field and his army were miserably defeated by the despised lican government at Nang King and at its first parliaJaps in battle after battle. Finally China begged for ment Sun Yat Sen was elected President. But the in many ways. All the undertakings and plans between peace. paying a huge indemnity to Japan and only re revolutionists were unable to conquer Peking and finthe Peking government and foreign capitalists that are covering the conquered territory with the aid of Rus ally they compromised on a peace with the Peking already under way or arc contemplated in the near şia and Germany. Pretty soon, however, these two povernment. In a short time they lost everything they Future will be swept away by the incoming tide of the powers established a sphere of influence in China. had gained in Southern China through the intriguing Russian Socialist Revolution. The entire Far East The complete defeat in the war with Japan and the enabled to suppress teverga liberal movement through the Great Powers. This is an inevitanle development the foreign loans he negotiated.
many awakened the long slumbering Chinese and at the proletariat of all nations that will establish a grea the same time crumbled the Manchu rulers to pieces.
Southern China is very different from the Northern Frólerated Socialist Republic of the entire world.
part of the country. Northern China is aristocratic and has an ideal scat of government in Peking. Southern China is a much more democratic country. The Southern Chinese are industrious and progressive, Manifesto Edition their sons enigrate to wherever they are allowed to Anticipating a good demand for our issue enter and to a certain extent they bring back money and ideas from all over the world. The merchants of No. 23, containing the ammended Left Wing Southern China have world wide business connections Manifesto, we printed several thousand addiarranged by the and know something of the character of the Western tional copies which are available at cents per governments, while those who had experience as im copy while the supply lasts.
United Russian Socialist Conference and migrants in foreign countries, where they were desLocal Boston pised and persecuted, have become more nationalistic Both editions of our pamphlets Russia and the than the Northern Chinese in the sense that they de League of Nations and Chapters from my Diary GRAND OPERA HOUSE sire to free: the country from the domination of for by Trotzky are exhausted. We have decided not ejen money. It was the merchants of Southern China and the Chinese living abroad who were the most to reprint the League of Nations as the contents cor. Washington and Dover Sts. Boston enthusiastic supporters of the revolution, financing of this pamphlet is now available in leaflet form.
We will reprint Chapters from my Diary if the and even returning to partake in the movement. Thus MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919, P. the first and second revolutions were started in the demand warrants it. Anyone contemplating ordSouth and the third, or present revolution has estab ering a supply should do so within the next week SPEAKERS: lished a separate government in Southern China.
or ten days. If there are sufficient orders a new The Southern Chinese are Socialistic in policy, or, edition will be issued. MARTENS, at least, the majority of the revolutionary leaders are Representative of the Russian Soviet Government Socialistically inclined insofar as they want the mines, May Day Edition the railways and big industries owned by the governJohn Reed, Louis Fraina, Gregory Wein ment rather than by foreign concerns. This being May Day Edition of The Revolutionary Age, stein, Hourwich the case Southern China gets little sympathy from containing special articles and a proclamation to foreign capitalists or their governments, while the the workers appropriate for that day. real Peking government, which for many decades has tained the influence of the foreign capitalists by bor.
propaganda number.
Chorus Lettish Orchestra rowing money: is supported and financed by foreign Also a four page May Day Leaflet along singovernments in its attempts to quell the southern reilar lines to be used for free distribution at meetbels. Thus the present situation in China lies in the ings, etc. We should make this an edition of a Admission 25c conflicting interests of the North and the South million.
Tickets can be obtained in Soc. Party Headquarters, Northern China las a commanding position in many Book your orders carly.
885 Washington St. and from Branches Ways: long tsuage and time honored establishment as the ruling power, but the country is poor in natural The Revolutionary Age Book Dep 885 Washington St.
Boston, Mass.