AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsGermanyImperialismLeninMarxOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

Saturday, April 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Voice of Impotence and Desperation chis year.
BE EFORE us we have the last word of the NationBy Stoklicky suffered (from them) in the past. And this is where al Executive Secretary of the Socialist Party of the absuditiy of the efforts of Germer and other America, Ciermer, in his letter to the National Exe fectly clear that to make a multiplicity of appeals, like him is evident, in delaying the convention.
cutive Committee, read it carefully. There is despersimply injures the success of all of them.
Fourth We have undertaken a campaign for the When events of such impotence are going on in the ation in every word, the ire of the opportunist in every collection of a headquarters fund. Of course, con party which awake even the National Secretary from phrase.
cede this is of minor consequence as compared with his lethargy then, indeed, the members of the party In order that the fright and desperation of the opthe other points that have raised, but yet, it is a fact must or that should be taken into consideration when the on it, somewhere, in an organized way.
portunistic wing of the party before the oncoming members vote on holding or not holding a convention The convention of the entire party is the place red peril can be better understood, quote the thewirere these cretic epistle of Germer, that clear representative of questions can be discussed thoughtfully.
This theoretic document would not be considered But the convention is a waste of funds. The conour Scheidemanns, dated March 18: seriously if it was not from the Secretary of our vention will cost 20, 000. That is true and it is a big To the National Executive Committee.
sum, but if we divide it among the members it will Dear Comrades :The first reason which, according to his own words.
he less than 20 cents for cach member. Germer situation has developed in the Party, that in my bas made Germer speak is especially interesting. Gercan keep this argument to himself. The existence of judgment, demands the most serious thought of the National Executive Committee. have reference to mer doubts the ability of the American class consei the party is more important than 20 cents to every the proposed Special National Convention.
ous proletariat, organized in the American Socialist member.
Ordinarily, would not comment on the subject Party to thoughtfully consider the world problems.
They fear this convention because they feel no but for several very important reasons, feel that the ground under their feet. Wringing his hands in despending referendum is ill advised and calls for a statement from you. The reasons are as follows we may be fit for an elaboration of our program and pair, Germer, in his letter shouts about injury and First In view of the hysteria created by the war methods of action.
probable disaster which this convention will bring fans, doubt whether we, at the present possess the Moreover, our National Secretary speaks, in his He would be completely right if he added that it is proper judicial balance to weigh the world situation in the light of calm deliberation and formulate a practletter of desperation, that it is impossible this year to the opportunism that is perishing in our party and ical policy and program of action. am not so sure draw the program for the next one. It will be necesmovement. Once for all the atmosphere must be that we are sufficiently devoid of the passions and pre sary to change it anyhow. One cannot help here from cleaned from the stinking, rotten corpse. We must judices requisite to thoughtfully consider the world proving the truthfulness of this deep statement of sweep out the originally opportunistic element. We problems. There is a tendency in the Party that, if our theoretician, that a man must buy his suit of inchecked, will head us toward the same costly expermust speak frankly and clearly Germer has done as ences of ultra impossibilism and anarchism from which every year and is very wasteful to buy them in his letter. And through the despair and ire of his the Socialist movement has several times suffered in for the outgrowth! Does Germer mea the words he is right when he says that it is the Left Wing, years gone by.
entire Second convention will cost anywhere between movement by his own measure? Does he think which he in his Scheidemannistic manner, calls Anar 15, 000 and 20, 000. Is it wise that we go to that trethat if he, himself, is not big enough to judge about the chism. He is afraid of Revolutionary Socialism, mendous expense this year when we must have an events of the world that the entire party is like him he looks angrily at the rays of the rising sun, which other convention during April or May of next year, also? Oh no, he does not think this; he has a much disturbes his slumber the slumber of a dead man.
for the purpose of nominating our presidential candidates and formulating our platform and program. It is better opinion of himself than of the party, We, the revolutionary followers of Karl Marx, my judgment that we can well afford to postpone action until the proper time for the regular National Conventimes to endure at the head of the movement. oppot Engels and Lenin can only greet the beginning of the unists of his kind. But Germer is big enougla for new era of the Socialist Party. Our muddy creatures, tion, because whatever program we may adopt this one thing. He has noticed a growing movement, in the Scheidemannists, will not deny that the time has year, may be entirely out of date for our campaign jurious from his point of view, of so called next year, and the only result accomplished by holding come to speak frankly and clearly on these questions a convention this year will be that we are out 15, 000 ibilism, and notwithstanding the appearance of such is it compatible for the two elements to be in the or 20, 000.
a dangerous phenomenon he still opposed to Third We are just launching a nation wide campaign for release of all war time prisoners. This can convention. Why he must put an end to these terr mand the immediate call of the extra party convention.
not be done without funds and to anyone, who has ible impossibilities, if he is consistent in his actions. Everyone who is opposing this is a traitor to the ir.
had experience in the collection of money, it is peris because the Socalist movement has several times terests of our party.
which con The Victory of the Hungarian Proletariat obstacles on its has entered the stage of a OUT UR forces have been augmented all conscious In all the dispatches from Paris, London and Wa The French soldiers also are becoming untrustproletarians can say in regard to the fact trans shington can be detected notes of great apprchension worthy. We have already seen the statement made mitted by wire, concerning the establishment of a So for the skin of the bourgeois society. Apparently, by two French regiments on the Odessa front, which viet republic on the banks of Danube in Hungary. the proclamation of a Soviet Republic in Hungary refused to fight the Russian Soviet troops. It is signBolshevism has been marching on on with at the so called Peace Con ificant in this connection to note that the Clemenceau breaking down all confirming the pinion of those revolutionary and completely ference in Paris What shall the defenders of the modern capitalist French forces to Russia, and is trying to send Italians ored society ists who have said that the modern sochavond the pow of do now? To attempt, with the aid of the forces and Serbs in their places, as they did on the Archsocial revolution. It is bourgeois Czecho Slovak government, to crush angel front.
It is hardly possible that the troops of other nations enskys, Scheidemanns and Karolyis to stave off the self stands ona Bolshevik vulcano as the all bourgeois will agree to play the role of executioners of the er of all these dwarfs of the petty bourgeoisic Ker the Hungarian proletariat? But, indeed, Czechia ittriumphant march, and it is beyond their power to press is forced to Rumania? But, indeed, even the Rumanian proletarian revolution.
We send our fraternal greetings to the Hungarian ideal of a dictatorship of the proletariat born out of bourgeois State is going to pieces, and the sending of be interpreted not only the depths of the working class is becoming the slogan loyal troops to Hungary can serve as a signal for proletariat. Its activity as directed against its own national bourgeoisie, but of large masses. The events in Hungary are a bright and significant illustration of this.
To expect help from the government of Padar as a bold resistance to the impudent plans of the ewsky? But even at the Polish Shipka everything is Allied imperialists, whose appetites have grown wild.
The ideologists of the bourgeoisie and the phrase not well. The Polish government of the bourgeoisie The dictatorship of tlie proleta is the best road makers of petty bourgeois Socialism have been annoy resembles itself a hastily built hut which at any mo towards the final triumph of the Russian, Hungarian ing us lately by their assertions to the effect that only ment may blow up to pieces.
and the world revolution.
economically backward Russia could the form of Soviet government be adopted. They have been trying that enlightened and economically advanced The Communist Congress Europe will reject the ideal of dictatorship of the HE Conimunist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki) re Allston, Mass. 13th and 17th Ward Branch, Reading, tionary Socialism, should triumph in a period between which, according to the fathers of revolu Therefy issued a cenar international communi. ist Congress of Socialist parties, or left wing End Jewish Branch, Boston, Mass. and the Esthonian the abolition of class clominance of the bourgeoisie groups in the Socialist movement which accept the Dranch of Boston.
and the complete realization of the Socialistic ideal.
The proposed refendum will put squarely up to the The formidable developments on the European con organize our forces for the world revolution that is membership of the Socialist Party the issue of the tinent which lead directly towards the strengthening coming. This call excluded the American Socialist party international policy. Our through of the idea of a Soviet form of government, have Party, but invited the left wing groups of the party. its unconstitutional selection of three delegates to the party at the Berne Congress of construction, proclaimed by our teach of the party is not at all revolutionary.
Great pro war Socialists and socialers and for the first time realized in Russia, is the Rut our party is being revolutionized by events and patriots who are type for the proletarians of all other countries. That the proletarian revolution, which towards the end of the past week took place by the intensive agitation of the left wing in the party. has made it urgent that the membership repudiate this in Hungary must, sooner or later, take place also by deciding that our party shall Local Boston of the Socialist Party, accordingly, verticipate only in a revolutionary Socialist Congress other countries.
through the Central Branch, recently adopted a mo and International, affiliate only with the Bolsheviki, Observe: the gigantic growth of the Spartacantion for a referendum on the international Congress the Spartacans, and those partes or groups who pur: movement in Germany, a growth which is taking sue a similar revolutionary policy.
place despite all titanic efforts of the bourgeoisie to That the Socialist Party international delegates in But this is. not all. The adoption of this proposal stop it and drown it in rivers of blood; the tremend being elected stand instructed to partcipate wil in in should, to make it effective, proxeed together with the ous growth of the class struggle in Great Britain. Inernational Congress or Conference called or pricithe fast increasing revolutionary activity of the Itapater in by the Communist Party of kussia 11 10revolutionizing of the party with the repudiation of lian and French proletariat. are not all these occurviki) and the Communist Lar Marty of Germany the officials and the policy which in the test have been (Spartacans. clemonstrated as reactionary and utentially counences percursors of a new gigantic movement in the ter revolutionary. The party nrembers must rally to clirection of the social revolution, the road towards This motion has already been seconde los. mm the left wing. they must make the left wing the party, which has been lighted by the flaining torch lit in Rus ber of branches of the party, among them being local they must conquer the party for the party, for revoWarren, Ohio; Local Moline, 111. innish Branch, lutionary Socialism.
prowed with suficienteletarpeese Feline de Precisely retia This exclusion mees justified licentie oficial poliés the of are sabotaging sia.