Saturday, April 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE I years!
lemocracy, its following cord with ve plan to a To try to The and not tionary either as participated in cording to Thc Rebel Worker logic, Victor Berg the revolutionary Socialist. Eager to abolish tim state er, who consistently denounces the and the which is the ultimate purpose of revolutionary SocialBolshevikjabs Bolsheviki, and who was and still is a yellow of yel ism, the Anarchist (and Anarcho Socialist) fails to lows, is the most formidable Bolshevik in the United realize that a state is necessary in the transition period Nits last issue Thc Rebel Worker takes occasion to States, since he has been considered dangerous enough from Capitalisin to Socialism; the moderate Socialist cleal Thc Rezolutionary Age a few boy blows.
by the Government to get a prison term of twenty proposes to use the bourgeois state with its fraudulent In one place it quotes Solicitor Limar 1o prove its illusory theory of unity of all the class that the are the real r revolutionary The distinguished and affable gentleman, who edits es, its standing army, police and bureacracy oppress guys and in another place it becomes so angry at us ing and baffling the masses; the revolutionary Socialist The Rebel Worker, not satisfied with his adventure that The Wasp is provoked to sting and so risk its in (il) logic, tries sarcasın, with this result: maintains that the bourgeois state must be completely life to appease its anger. But then we looked at the destroyed, and proposes the organization of a new clate line at the head of the issue and we saw it was As you read the statement by the youthful politician state. the state of the organized producers of the April We bit.
who heads the Left Wing movement in the American Federated Soviets on the basis of which alonc can Socialist Party in his article in the current issue of Socialisin be introduced.
The Class Strygle, that the is becoming But seriously cloes The Rahol lloker know what conservative. you wonder whether lie takes you for. Industrial Unionism, the organization of the prole political action is?
faol is is he te himself. Or loth.
tariat in cordance with the integration of industry and for the overthrow of Capitalisin, is a necessary Lots of people seem to be very much surprisuel that As our Bolshevijkals confere points out, this pliase of revolutionary Socialist agitation. Potentially, Iungary went Bolshevik, but after the way the bourissue of The Rebel Worker is dated April so fools industrial unionism constructs the basis and develops geois press did overdo that stuff about lounger bringmust rush in. It is the spirit of the day, and of the the ideology of the industrial state of Socialism; but ing Bolslevism even the poor ignorant Tlungarians jocular gentleman who edits The Rebel Worker. industrial anionism alone cannot perform the revolu couldn help seeing that it was up to them to live up But still not satisfied, this authority on revolution sar tionary act of seizure of the power of the state, since to their name.
castically characterizes as intelligent the under the conditions of Capitalism it is impossible to a recent issre of The Revolutionary organize the whole working class, or an overwhelming Ages The emphasis on economic We don mind admitting that we are humanitarian Inceptions of the Revolution. majority into industrial unionism, enough to hope that they never find the guy who called And then he quotes Karl Liebknecht last interview: There are Anarcho Syndicalist elements in the it the Peace conference there has been quite enough It is an idyllic but naive and these are responsible for repudiating the bloodshed in the world of late.
social revolution by voting. It is absur. com in policy of the Bolsheviki, the experience of the proments are finished with and useless. If the editor of letarian revolution in action. And this experience Comparing the verdicts in the cases of Villieha Rebel Worker read The Revolutionary Age ser: shows that Anarcho Syndicalism is incompatible with shot and killed Jaures, and Cottin, who shot. iously the precedentarism phe iletion and proletarian dictatorship not kill Clemenceau, we have come to the cour:inican sarca. com casm, he would realize that we are thorougnty.
poWe must get together, in accord with the new facts litical action, was even a parliamentarian! The revoluSocialist and conception of the Revolution. Old prejudices and Hotel Manager, Switzerland: conception of cal action is that it of parliamentary politi: dogmas must be discarded; the Revolution must be Reserve one royal suite. Am on my way.
the Revolution; Peter of Serbia.
but that when time kevaluering in cop final in our judgment. To speak the old language after in the revolutionary experiences of two momentous action, parliamentarism and to set one self down a moss back In our school days we were taught that was an longer instruments of Socialism, but all the energy of or as a reactionary. The is a vital factor in unknown quantity, but nowadays it appears the 1: the American revolutionary movement; it can and signifies that the quantity is known and nobody likes action and proletarian dictatorship. Even during should become even more of a factor by recognizing it.
mass the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviki politics, actually elected members of municipal gov ed upon the conception of the Revolution.
that the proletarian revolution in Russia has improvIn view of the way in which our big corporations ernments (not Soviets. And did Liebnecht advocate Life itself calls upon the revolutionists to make this the policy as expressed by The Rebel Work adjustment to new conditions and the theory and Russia just now, we wonder will the munition are endeavoring to establish business relatini. with kers er? Was the revolution in Russia accomplished by practice arising out of these conditions.
means of industrial union action, or by means of revoattempt to sell munitions to the Bolsheviki that they may be able to institute the Rer lutionary mass action, starting in the industrial plants, it is true, but going beyound the doctrinaire To the Left on a larger and more efficient scale.
conception of the revolution. Jack Reed suggests that all the foreigners in this Is there, in the accepted literature of the The following extract from the Hungarian paper country had better join the Left Wing of the Socialist any conception of revolutionary mass action and pro Nepscova, for December 25, 1918, gives some indic. Party otherwise when they come to be deported they letarian dictatorship? Its theory that the proletariat ation of the forces at play in Hungary. The article will not be allowed to land by the Soviet Governinents must organize to seize the industries is not in accord was headed To the Right or to the Left.
of the various European countries.
with the proletarian revolution in theory and practice; the revolutionary proletariat must first seise the power of the state, the new proletarian We cull the following from La Vague, a French There are two tendencies at strife with each other Socialist weekly: The Bourgeoisie want more chilwhich it proceeds to seize industry and organize the and the other radical. The leader of the Left is Karinside the Karolyi party. The one is conservative dren?
new Communist Alright, let them have them in their own homes.
which the fatuously believes can be con olyi. The Right, in spite of all its seeming revolustructed within the shell of the old society. In its tionism, is trying to save the old Hungary, to conThe New York World has at last discovered that serve the old class domination. Strong objection headline: How Ex Czar Died Is Finally Shown in the ex Czar of Russia is really dead and under the proletarian mentary state and organizing the new of the organized producers, the to land policy, Socialist agitation in Army, etc. Official Report anottnces the fact to the public at revolutionary and Bolshevik. but in its tactics to ac The Left realizes that the old order must be replaced large. Now that the matter is finally shown we hope complish that, it the wrong end, it refuses by a new, not only seemingly, but in fact; that the that as a matter of common decency some other paper to accept the experience of the proletarian revolution rule of Capitalism can no longer be the bedrock founwill not exhume the body.
in Russia and in Germany that you must first con dation of society. In practice, the struggle between quer the power of tire state by means of revolutionary Japan Warns China Against Disclosing Secret mass action, and then put the Communist them takes the form whether the Karolyi party shoull Documents says a headline. In other words 110 open plan of industrial and social reorganization into prac or shoull not stay in the same government with the tice.
Social Democrats. Karolyi himself has pointed out covenants of peace openly arrived at.
Let us make our position still clearer. The Revolu very clearly the unbridgeable gulf beween the two. Nations can quit the League a headline announces.
tionary Age accepts and propagates industrial unionism. But we recognize its limitations. Our policy on the conceptions of the world opposed to each other. The It seems to me, says Karolyi, there are here two But why bother about that until they join it.
problems of industrial unionism, political action and the state is expressed in the Manifesto and Program one is that of tire working bourgeoisie and the work Japan, for instance, doesn seem o be overwhelmof the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party of ing proletariat and the other of those who wish to ingly in favor of joining unless she gets her own way.
New York City. uphold the old order, the capitalist system, in its own And while it was triumphantly announce a few Political action, revolutionary and emphasizing the barrenness and injustice. The latter are waiting admitted if they would promise to the good, it now months ago that Russia and Germany would only be implacable character of the class struggle, is a valuable the opportunity once more to snatch the power into means of propaganda. It must at all times struggle to their own hands. who accept the idea of private do with it.
seems to be that they don want to have anything to arouse the revolutionary mass action of the proletariat property only do so subject to the requirements of its use is both agitational and obstructive. It must on all issues wage war upon Capitalism and the state.
the present age. In the future this process will in any Ilalf a League, half a Leaguc.
Revolutionary Socialism uses the forum of parliament case develop. The change cannot be stopped, but Into the Valley of Death.
for agitation; but it does not intend to and cannot use wish to prevent the use of explosives.
isin: this bourgeois state must the bourgeois state as a means of introducing SocialNepscaz a concludes by denying that the foreign fight or feed the Tolsheviki, or both. or none, orwell The real query just now seems to be whether to destroyed by the mass action of the revolutionary proletariat. The proletarsituation demands that the Government of Hungary figure it out yourself?
ian dictatorhip in the form of a Soviet state is the should graviate to the Right. However strong the immediate objective of the class struggle.
Imperialism of the Entente Powers may still be today Marx declared that the working class cannot simply it is indisputable that Wilson. will clefinitely and and go Bolshevik for spite, if they feel the Bolsheviki If they fight the Bolsheviki people become moyal lay hold of the ready made state machinery and wield logically hold to his principles and that the British the Dreadlines will go Bolshevik in order to get feil.
it for its own purposes. This machinery must be destroyed. But moderate Socialism makes the state Libor Party and the French Socialists, working in the centre of its action.
conjunction with him, desire the society of nations Givus a loafa bread The attitude towards the state divides the Anarchist and respect the self determination of the people and ain got no brcad (Anarcho Syndicalist. the moderate Socialist and the rights of small nations. Take that!
States of Sovies and proletarian dictatorship, Pariter Starts with 市