2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, April 5, 1919 The Revolutionary Age ets the revolutionary proletariat of Russia and of Hung eastern front; but still the Bolsheviki insisted on genary. Let them repress! Let them legislate! Let them eral peace negotiations, and desperately invited the Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events carry on propaganda! The iron battalions of the pro Allies to participate: but the Allies contemptuously letariat are marshalling for the great struggle, for refused. This gave imperial Germany an opportunity tlie conquest of power, and Socialism.
of forcing separate peace negotiations upon Soviet LOUIS FRAINA Editor Russia. The Allies sabotaged peace, the Central PoEADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor In Germany Preparations wers butchered it. But still the Soviet delegation tried to give the negotiation a general character, trying Contributing Editors THE HE proclamation of a proletarian dictatorship in to stir up the masses against the governments. Then.
Hungary of a Soviet Republic, has aroused the repudiated by the Allies, threatened by the Central JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA enthusiasm of the revolutionary masses in Germany, Powers, temporarily abandoned by the masses, the SoN. HOURWICH WEINSTEIN while it has increased the uneasiness of the Ebert viet Government was helpless against the Austro GerLUDWIG LORE Scheidemann Government by Assassination. The Spar man demands for annexations. But still they refused is to sign the robber peace and then the German troops as marched in, and Soviet Russia was compelled to accept ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY large as before the recent crushing of the Spart. the peace.
By Local Boston, Socialist Party acan revolts. Spartacan strikes in the Rhine territory Lenin arguments were cogent: Russia is not preH. Steiner, Business Manager occupied by Allied troop have been broken; and re pared to wage a revolutionary war; we must have a say that the Rhineland would have gone Spart respite to reorganize our industrial system; our peace 285 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
koon if not for the presence of Allied troops. strike will not end the war, but the war will fare up more Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for of 50, 000 has been called in the Saar mines: the French intense than ever, and with it the social and economic sir months (26 issues)
troops are maintaining order.
order. Strikes all parts crisis; the revolutionary uprising of the masses will demand six hours work, more pay and come, and then a strong, re organized Soviet Russia food, withdrawal of government troops from all strike areas olution in co operation, through its economic and milThe Allies Speak and the establishment of a Soviet Republic. Intense itary resources, with the revolutionary proletariat of THE Alies, it is reported, have issued an ultimatum preparations are being made fooralne perolution on the other nations.
And so it has come to pass.
iet Government, and the election of a Constituent Ass. Government of the People Butchery is being isolated, are preparing to come to grids, while the Socialist All governments were against Soviet Russia, still embly under the supervision of Allied troops. Threats Weimar having become a political ghost. The threats pre, except the Socialist government of Hungary.
of war against Hungary and Russia are coming from sinister sources. But, simultaneously, comes the reof the Allies, also, are shaking this government, which They intrigued and acted against a country demoral: secured a measure of popular confidence by its promized and starving as a result of the evil heritage of port that two regiments of French troops at Odessa ises to secure food and good treatment from the Capitalism and Czarism. They used Brest Litovsk, refused to fight against the Bolshevik Allies. But now the Allies threaten invasion. Soviet that living wound inflicted upon suffering Russia, as upon their Russia controls the situation. The bourgeois Sociala means of a vile slanderous attack upon Russia and Italy and Great Britain cannot depen. ps. France conscript armies.
consisting in it war against the Bolshevikingly of work ist Government has sent Karl Kautsky to Moscow to But Soviet Russia conquered!
If the Allies discuss arrangements. But Soviet Pussia will co Out of Brest Litovsk came the ideologic impulse for war against the Bolsheviki, they invite revolution; if cperate only with a Soviet Germany. Not even Kaut the revolution in Germany. It convinced the masses they do not, they invite the unhamperënd spread of sky, that master of dialectical sophistry, can convince of the imperialistic folly of their government. It was Bolshevism. They speak and ultimate; but events and Lenin that the German Government is Socialist. Either a peace that did not bring peace. After Brest Litovsk, clestiny are with the international revolutionary pro an invasion by the Allies or the development of the the Polsheviki started a new war against German Imletariat situation will bring the collapse of the lourgeois So perialism a war of revolutionary propaganda.
Political Amnesty cialist Government; then a Soviet Germany, an alliance And Soviet Russia conquered!
with Soviet Russia, a League of revolutionary nations, One year ago. Soviet Russia was apparently prostNa few days, Eugene Debs will go to prison to Rússia, Hungary and Germany (perhaps others. and rate. They thought they could despise and attack Rusthen the world revolution. All this is in preparation.
sia. But now, Russia, symbol of the proletarian revolution, is the great decisive factor in the world situgeois liberals, such as Charles Edward Russell (who Brest Litovsk formerly, very mistakenly, considered themselves Soation. The revolutionary government in Hungary, the cialists) recently cabled President Wilson in Paris revolutionar masses in Germany everywhere look asking clemency for Debs. No answer. The THE twinge of fear is, to the bourgeois, the beg: olution, with the ideals of Bolshevik Russia. Starting to Soviet Russia. Power is with the proletarian rev.
recent flourish concerning the release of some political inning of wisdom. The acceptance of the Brestreduction of the sentences of others, was Litovsk treaty by Soviet Russia was denounced by vik Kerensky compromise. November 7, Brest Litovsk with March, 1917, on through the period of Menshebit of political camouflage and hypocrisy, for in international Capitalism as a German victory, as an every single case the men and women affected were act of deliberate pro Germanism by the Bolshevik isingly to their policy: on with the world revolution.
absolutely innocent even from the standpoint of the Government, as the final inescapable proof that Lenin The revolutionists are still in jail.
And it is on!
in bourgeois cireles, and in circles of bourgeois Bolshevism rampant in Germany, with the threat of a Bolshevik world revolution, when facts and not fanThe This is a characteristic of the inpotent policy of petty cies are supreme, the bourgeois begins to try to underbourgcois radicals. They demand from the govern stand international events. these days, when society and the proletarian moveIN ment amnesty for political prisoners while that ident It was clear to the revolutionary Socialist, at the ment are equally being revolutionized by events, ical government is preparing new measures against time, that the Brest Litovsk treaty was imposed upon by the proletarian revolution in action, it is absothe revolutionary movement, new measures to arrest Soviet Russia; that the Bolshevik Government acceptnecessary that the Socialist adjust himself to and «leport agitators. Instead of demands upon the cd it then because it was helpless and not prepared for Unfortunately, the yellow Socialist learns government, mass proletarian pressure upon the gov a revolutionary war. It is clear now, that Brest Litnothing and forgets nothing. Always a reactionary ernment that is the policy of revolutionary Socialand a petty bourgeois, the yellow Socialist persists in ovsk marked the beginning of the end of Germany as ism, which alone will get ainesty for our comrades a military power. In a cable from Paris to the New when the Revolution is the problem of the day. But pursuing a counter revolutionary policy at a moment in prison.
York Tribune, April 1, Frank Simonds accepts it is not the yellow Socialist alone who refuses to this conception of Brest Litovsk: Crushing Bolshevism Luoking backward, one perceives that what the Hunlearn from the experiences of the proletarian revolugarians did last week was to follow the precedent of. Brest Litovsk, where Lenin anl Trotzky, unable to Socialist, most aptly characterized by the petrified And it fears what Capitalism in all nations fears resist the German demands, refused to agree to them dogmatists of the Socialist Labor Party. And then Bolshevism. general and intense campaign is goand left Germany to enforce upon the body of Russia there is the what she could not acquire with the consent of the ing on against Bolshevism in the United States, which Russian will. We know now that Brest Litovsk was The theory and practice of the come has two phases repression and propaganda. The the greatest blunder that Germany made. We know nearest to the Bolshevik policy. But it does not go the 110w that in the end Bolshevisme came to Berlin, the whole way. It is, in fact, only a basis to Kaiser did not go to Petrograd.
izitators. and passing measures against recording torting huild. Bolshevism, the proletarian revolution in acliterature and revolutionary ideas experience el That is conclusive, coming from a gentlemen who tion, has contributed vitally to our revolutionary cuently shows the futility of repressiselt are repeatedly denounced Brest Litovsk as the final proof theory and practice: but there are elements in the thrive on repression. Repression is of the pro German turpitude of the Bolsheviki. who refuse to adınit that Bolshevism has conforce preparin. revolutions. And the propaganda Brest Litovskis a symbol. It is a symbol, on the tributed anything new, that the is BolsheMillions of dollars are being spent; thousands of full one hand, of the barbarity and class turpitude of inter vism. And when you point out that the as page advertisements against Bolshevism are appearing national Imperialism, equally of the Allies and the it is is not all of revolutionary theory and practice, these elements become furious.
in Central Powers; and, on the other, it is a symbol of the daily press and we consider these advertisesince they are the revolutionary realism of the Bolsheviki, of the In its issue of April 1, The Rebel Worker, pubcompelled to camouflage conditions that prevail. One accuracy of their contention that Capitalism is verging lished by the New York Central Committee of the advertisement had the picture of Russian workers on collapse and that the day has come for the prolestarving and being shot, and in contrast an American tarian world revolution.
Just as Louis liraina says The is lccomworkman in his own home with his wife, child, peace When the Soviets decreed a proletarian dictatoring conservative, Solicitor Lamar of the Deand plenty: isn this excellent Bolshevik propaganda ship, an offer was made to the belligerent governments partment rushes before a congressional committee in order to make the breathless declaration. The for the unemployerl, for the strikers in Lawrence, for and peoples for an arınistice on all fronts as a prelim is the centre of the Bolsheviki conspiracy to overthe Seattle an:1 Butte workers who were menaced with inary to general peace negotiations. The Allies throw the Government. Evidently neither Fraina nor Lamar know what he is talking about.
military force during their strikes. Bolshevisin is the ed the offer: as a means of acting against the proleta, We shall not discuss here whether the is workers, of their oppression and their struggle against with the characteristically infamous and stupid inten hecoming conservative. But since when is Lamar a oppression. Every worker is a potential Bolshevik; tion of using the revolution to promote their own sin judge of revolutionary ideas? Kerensky was deand blue proletariat of all nations is the natural ally of ister purposes. The armistice was concluded on the nounced as a Bolshevik by men of Lamar type. Acprisoners and a lutely events.
upon which enormous says: reject