BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 29, 1919 a on om the bourgeoisie, quidation are This tax. It сарmeans a This italist countrou the object with a new duction Financial Problems of Soviet Russia (Continued from page lould like to combine this tax with another one, our budget is computed incorrectly. There are not the budget as a disastrous omen and believed that all whch was levied on the same day as the above. It is indicated there any receipts from nationalized inefforts should be strained in order to avoid a deficit a tax in kind and refers to tolls upon the products of dustries, which will surely amount to a sum of biland that expenses should be cut in all branches. This agriculture: a tax, the operation of which has as lion rubles. Furthermore, billions were assigned to is not right. In the transitory epoch of revolution, matter of fact not yet started because of certain the Commissariat for Supplies as a circulating fund which we are now going through, deficits are unavoid technical difficulties. The grain supply campaign is This sum for circulating expenditures may be contion of socialistic industry. Like expenses in.
the peasantry is delivering grain to the Commissariat penses, inserted in the budget for the first half of the are requilo countries. At the same time, simultaneously with them for Supplies. The supreme Council of National Eco year, which was approved only at the end of the second for war and the support of the nomy proposed that the tax should not apply this year half of the year, has been transferred to the of the sources of revenues those Udget of peasants who present certificates of a vol the second half of year, the diminished. We careful in must be very drafting because of the untary delivery of grain, without permitting at the August 31, of all credits and unexpended assignments.
our budget, not to reduce productive expenses, and ex same time any indulgences with regard to those who Thus it came about that there were expenses quoted penses necessary for the meeting of real wants but should not be holders of such certiñcates e corres twice to an amount justifying the reduction of the de: expenditures are and limited to real necessity. Every manner, would be about billions. The amount of penses. resulting in the acquisition of necessary materiam the northerly liste central Executive Committee. To clistrict this toll applies only in part, this deficit is smaller than the deficit for 1917, which none the less some provinces will be touched by it. was lived through under the reign of the Czar and creation of such material wealth we are working towe and a converting of the deficit. At present we have It is not an easyt mestece elba taker of a special under the government of the regio taken pos consideration the In November, in notes commenting on the budget, of productive capital; but we must money. The decree regarding a compulsory keepth we asserted that there was no foundation for a budget take into of financial cap. of books would remain a clead letter at present. The ital.
We know how much of that was issued and on the eve of a world revolution, we may with of paper money. We shall now adopt this how much cash the People Bank, in the govern measure. But now it will not be connected with de greater justification still feel confident that we shall deduct something for bills, now in the Ukraine, in ment treasury; we may, for the sake of expediency valuation, as it was formerly believed, because de carry through till the time of a world revolution.
It of these bills are still in Soviet Russia and most of them prop Siberia, in the Volga district, but about 25 30 billion and those who have moderate section. We shall proportional but not a progressive put to no productive use. We therefore considered therefore issuie new money and shall announce the date The German Revolution would swallow all these.
opertinent lowed not have been carried out in a cap amount. If the cash of any persoane care on the distesash which sent troops to suppress Communistic Russia sums new paper money will be issued to the full (Continued from page We also may have recourse to such a tax only once and the rest will be added to his current account. Later and restore the bourgeoisie, is careful not to allow a morennur heime unproductive money means which are of the Sovietheasure toe technical first of Wilhelm and now of the Entente is terribly we shall have recourse to a new surgical operation, revolutionary Gerinany to assist Russia, even morally; of. as are expended in a resideve manner. may comdifficult to agitated against the proposal of Russia to send repremunicate to you some arising from the intro its political aspect. part of Russian territory is at atsentatives to the German Congress of Workers and of this 10 10 billion roubles táx. We adopted present not under the Soviet power. In order that all Soldiers Councils. Vorwaerts, the bourgeois press this tax in haste and divided it among the individual paper currency may be surrendered to the People and the governme provinces in a rather superficial manner, computing all sank, it is imperative that we advance successfully ation with fear of the Entente threat, and to paint the available. The levying of the tax should be completed power. At any rate. We are already nearing the time to stifle the revolutionary will of the workers and it about December This term, if we consider the time when we shall proceed to carry out this exchange of is beyond doubt that they will be successful with a irregularity in the mails, was chimerical, but around considerable section of the masses.
In concluding my speech let me dwell upon the conthe middle of November, telegrams were arriving. nection between this transitory moment, that we are There is little doubt but that the Congress of Workreceived also of the regarding prolongations. Insofar as being the living through and the deficit feature was the crop and Soldiers Councils called for December 16, requests were accomplished with some motivation, economic measure will be abolished and replaced by will support, by a big majority, the bourgeois governthey resulted in ment of Ebert Haase. These councils are not by any natural exchange. It will be of no concern to us then means pure proletarian institutions. in the Soldiers the Prolongations were granted Kostroma. North Dvina, Mohilev provinces, to the that we should inaintain ourselves until then. The the Trade Union and party leaders. These men will city of Ryazan, to the Buzuluk county. considerable Russian workingmen and peasants believe in the 10t allow the revolution to go any further if they can on came request as to the reduction and removal ter strength of our cennomie organism. Deure prevent it.
the taxes. Several such requests came from the volost neighbors do not doubt it either; some are glad and But there are other objective, material factors that Communities, from one or two counties ance did not formation as to a rise in the quotation of the Russian first place the opposition between capital and labor two Soviet Socialist power in Russia. We receive inwill force the workers from the bottom up. In the provinces. The Commissariat for consider itself con from the petent to look into the communities because this ruble, and this indicates that abroad they believe in the first assault brought the proclamation of the eight ter belongs to the provincial executive committees our strength and in our victory. The deficit shown in hour day and the establislıment of the Workers CounS.
cils in the factories. Now that the reaction is setting request is worthy con in the manufacturers are endeavoring tn take back sideration, may reduce the amount of the passisumene Pamphlets and Books of Real Importance these concessions and reduce wages, while, the without province.
provinces, the Kursk and Kazan, were THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION IN GERMANY other land, the workers are demanding further regranted a reduction of the amounts required from forins. Here and there clashes, in the slape of strikes. Luis TRAINA them. After a time, communications were recei comprehensive study of the revolution, which is are occuring which require extraordinary cfforts on to the termination of the levy, as well as a number of equally a studio in the purposes and pulicy of revolthe part of the Independent agents of the governinent inquiries: is it admissible to transfer the tax to a to conciliate. This will eventually compel the governcurrent account: does the tax refer to subjects of 18 Mes; 25C cury ment to act and force it to choose between pressforeign countries, in which manner to levy the tax on THE CRISIS IN THE GERMAN SOCIALing the bourgeoisie or having further sections of the workers. receiving more than DEMOCRACY masses arrayed against it. In the second place the les of month. The paragraph concerning the tax BY KAR. LEUKNECILT, FRANZ MEURING economic want will effect the government still more.
ing of Soviet workers is, in the opinion of the People Ros. XEMBURG The misery and deprivation the war has brought has Commissaire for Finances, in general a failure: exbeen so horrible that tie workers will not be able to Written seimnihs after the war, this pamphlet has already shown that in the provinces it is a spilundid lysis of socialism and war.
carry any further burden and if the government does created misunderstandings; for the who are 10 Mes: 35C a cory 1100 actively assist them and this means that it must subject to taxation cannot help considering the salCHAPTERS FROM MY DIARY take from the possessors then the revolutionary aries of the Soviet workers who are exempted from BY LEON TROTZKY spirit will receive fresh impetus anong the niasses.
taxation as extremely high. The reports from various description of events during two and a half years In times of want, such as confront Germany now But this tax constitutes for us, for the Soviet power.
of the war. Interesting information on Socialists at and in the coning years only a government which by which pages: joc a copy its cleeds, and its viewpoint will not be opposed to the reconstructing financial REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM pocople masses can exist. Consequently it is not to machinery we compel it, at the same time, to perform By Louis FRAINA he expected that the present government of Germany that and serious work which requires penetration will be successful in confining the revolution to its into the depths of the This book considers the fundamental problems of Imperialism and Revolutionary Socialis war, modpresent purely political reform character, but the attiIt is the first general crate Socialisin, the Socialist collapse, the nation, State tule of the masses now is assisting the government also as a measure of this tax will sem state tax for two years, which is levied in the Capitalism. tionism and mass action, proletarian dic to a great extent and is therefore sterngthening the vinces, and which creates, despite some unpleasant, 248 pages: 75 a cory bourgeoisie and will increase their power of resistance possibly even hostile, relations with the tax payer consciousness of the state power.
in the coming civil war.
Besides, by ab.
Special prices to locals and agents sorbing paper money from the populace, it raises its Much depends on the class instincts of the coming The Revolutionary Age Book Dep value here. Thus from being a declarative tax. for Congress of Workers and Soldiers Councils, if they which it was first taken, it become a real tax. In fact, 885 Washington Street Boston, Mass.
will lay the foundation for power, the power of the one must not resort to declarative taxes, for the colworkers and soldiers, then the proletariat will be well lapse of a declarative tax would mean bankruptcy.
armed for the coming struggle.
in to and from ities the requests comthis matof conutionary Socialista. Soviet 1500 a perience titucle.
field will be tried high our structure, in the financial our great protatorship. cit.