6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 29, 1919 The Socialism of Revolutionary Struggle TH feu:iali in the and an to linoglinabile order.
class if because we HE development of capitalist society has reached By Rutgers based on class dominion necessitates during the revoa stage in which free competition rapidly gives (Written as a pamphlet for the Socialist Propaganda League, lutionary period of actual transformation of the old way to monopoly, with export and destruction of capital the only means to prolong the present syswow merred with the Left Wing Section of the Socialist society into the new, what Marx called the dictatorParty of sovietis the proletariat. The power in the hands of the ter: ci pitation.
Asants hizo. in a new form of autocracy: industrial other forms of mass action and in such united action with the exclusion of bourgeois influences was the the and ruile lists tubesmaterial and intellectual subjugation of scheme but through necessity of facts and actions is of the money kings and 10:10po This imitt, not as the result of some intellectual corresponding demand of the Russian proletarian the o. new middle classes and so called indepen on its way, and it is the duty of revolutionary Socialism in Russia. As long as classes are struggling for power.
of this clean and only from the moment of realization Intermail this ans brutal oppression of the workers with this process towards one general mass action of class over another. The very principle of their emocthe night strike, suppression of free speech; press clear cut class issucs, within the grasp of the average struggle dictated our Russian comrades to discard the worker.
ally this means a series of wars for world exploitation Constituent Assenibly.
and wanton destruction of proletarian life and prolel oremost in the mind of cvery worker is his wiļi This is by 110 mcans a betrayal of democracy but tarian organization.
In this gigantic struggle of imperialistic Capitalism, lowering his standard of living. This brings him in his throw of class dominion. Representing the ultimate to improve his material conditions and fight against the first step towards its realization, through the overper layers of skilled labor, the labor bureaucracy and shorter hours. But it is easily to be seen, that his be absurd and a violation of real democracy to back parts of the workers, the intellectual workers, the up industrial union into a fight for higher wages and interests of the working class, by far the most numother groups that lack understanding, confidence or standard of living can be effected either directly or courage, betray the working class. They become the worst enemies in the class struggle, especially so, it cctly. He may increase power of the increased wage is reduced by ligh ceerled to a large extent in poisoning and fooling our prices or unemployment, he may be worse of than own comrades to betray their and our interests.
sented in a form of Socialism and pseudo Marxian before, as was most convincingly demonstrated during ization of councils of the working class as a nucleus theory liable to deceive the rest of the workers.
the present war.
The fight against social patriotism therefore in all the revolutionary struggle, will develop into the revoround which all revolutionary forces may rally for the its forins trust be considered one of the foremost lu che fight for higher wages including the fight for a struggle.
seizure of power. We are in favor of organised efforts an oriced duties of revolutionary Socialisin.
form of society, we are in favor of law and order but it has to be our own order, not the guarantee of such wages under all conditions of sickpess, incapacity, and unemployment, therefore has disorder which Capitalism styles as the only law and tal has entered the period of revolutionary struggles tal and income only, confiscation of war profits, repuThe working for the overthrow of the ruling class. The problemdiation of national clebts, etc. This means that even the very fact that they are represents democracy because of over whelming majority before us is cither a revolutionary reconstruction of in the most elementary struggle to maintain life under not only, but because the workers are the only class society on communist principles or the common ruin that counts in the reconstruction of a hunian society, the present system of exploitation, political action has of the contending classes.
to supplement economic action, even action.
we know this to be the only way towards final against the remnants of feudal classes, it represented As long as the bourgeoisie had to defend itself action has to be backed up by industrial. This political and we stand for democracy within our own ranks It is most evident that the greatest and strongest victory. But we have the most perfect horror of and progress against reaction, and whatever class con foe of the working class is inonopolistic and financial contempt for the hypocritical bourgeois democracy scious forces were ready born in the lew underlying working class had to support their exploiters in capital. Therefore, we should deniand confiscation of as well as for bourgeois disarmament and bourgeois in monopolistic industries, confiscation of the banks, etc. internationalism.
this struggle. As long as Capitalism represented the as the first act of a proletarian revolution.
We do not demand general disarmament under capsocial and technical development necessary for the This again is a political issue, for such a confisca italist rule, we demand military strikes to prevent caprealization of the Socialist commonwealth, the class tion would effect the whole capitalist class, would be italist wars. We want to disarm in the service of struggle was an importantes revolution it formed a part of this development impossil:le as long as the capitalist State can rely upon capital, but we are willing to fight in the class war.
its material and moral means of power to protect the We are opposed to imperialistic wars, and we know part of the existing and using legal means based on bourgezed as such capitalis not denand State Capitalism. If the state social order interests.
that any war on the part of the present capitalist states is bound to be imperialistic and reactionary. But bourgeois morais. As soon, however, as the cap takes over or controls certain industries in the inter we do not deny the right to India, China and other italist class has fulfilled its historic mission of and organizer of social and technical conditions for ching Capitalist class, this simply means strength suppressed nations to use armed force in their strug strengthening the State, concentra gles against imperialistic oppression. On the contrary, it becomes thoroughly reactionary and the ticn of the capitalist forces against labor. It generally we are willing to join in such a war against the exunderlying class has to organize as a strictly means more exploitation, more slavery, more misery, ploitation side by side with the Indians, Chinamen, etc. dent revolutionary force. Society actually has reached ard since this development on the part of the exploiters supposing there is any reasonable chance for our joint a stage where it is split tip into two great hostil: is the direct result of their imperialistic tendencies, it efforts to overcome our masters. We know that the camps, into two great classes directly facing each other also means: inore Imperialism and more more wars.
The day is not far distant when there will have to be waged riod of overdevelopment of Capitalism, is the period State Capitalism, and lahor has to fight it and especial the she capitalists war of the world proletariat against of the world, and we welcome any co in which Capitalism can only maintain itself by wast ly its tendencies towards the suppression of freedom, operation in in this struggle.
ing and destroying the wealih it creates. Imperialism suppression of the right to strike, suppression of de co operation that Capitalism at present only pro welcome the of the suppressed We special is characterized by the production of means of producBut they have to use the most efficient ways fongs its bloody life through cause we know tion for the production of other means of production of fighting.
conbined with the production of means to destroy the capital We cannot prevent State Capitalism, as little as in so called backward countries in the form of new means of production.
couli prevent other forms of concentration, instruments of enslavement and exploitation for the The imperialistic form of expansion through ex rusts etc. and although we know that the present sake of capitalist civilization. The exploited in the port of capital is one of the manifestation of the true imperialistic countries of the robbers will have to join hands with dency to waste and destruction, war is another form for creating the economic conditions for Socialism, the robbed countries in a war for democracy and and inonopoly its economic expression.
were some of those previous forms of concentration, world peace. Not a single man nor a single cent for Otr fight does not try to turn back the wheel of his the militarism of our masters against the proletarians.
tory but seeks to increase our power to such an extent no matter whether it is asked for a standing army or The new development of Capitalism into its highest as to overcome the power of the capitalist class and citizens imperialistic form has a deciding influence on the the capitalist state. And whereas Big Business wants a so called or militia. But when forced in the armies of the bourgeoisie, make the best forms and tactics of the proletarian class struggle. the vationalization of or state control of certain inThe capitalist State, under the control of big business. lustries in the interest of financial and monopolistic practice may be valuable to to anybody. Wca care no reduces the influence of arliament and representativo capital, we demand comfiscation of the very stronghold lists, and when we ask abolition of the military serbodies in general to a minimum, putting the govern of our foc, confiscation of monopolistic industries and vice through military and general strikes we supplemental power more and more in the hands of the of the baulis in order to bring them under the control ment this with the demand for armament of the people Executive branches president for in partea ile working to defend their rights and for the overthrow of Capitakuat olet the realization of Socialism. that the ism.
mentan con miley whereby labor supporter one Frizur The proletariat, armed and experienced in this of pour and the reorganization of society tipagainst another, skillfully pripus group of in order to try in secure certain advar:tages for ile will por:er and the courage of the workers only that it has still the weapons in its possession, can overon a communist basis, nox depends upon the strength, wer by forcing its demands through mass action, now have Sccome obsolete. It is only the The econonie fight against the State as the most come the capitalists and realize a Socialist society at power of the of the working class lies in the masses, its industriallly an politically organized tion. Repre ne of civision now lies between those workers who mainst the capitalist State as as suchi. The perialism, the Il orld lar and the Social Democsentatives only count in se as they are hache: and controlled by these ma an masses. Parliamentary action instiam in he influenced democratically above the classes, an The vital issue in practical actions and policies is thereby docs noi lose crery importance ou charges the Social Revolution. Tacties must be based on this its character. It has omly significance in connections and those who consider the State an instruconceptio:1. This means a social process in which the with and as a part of this artion. The backbone of of the capitalist class, a stronghold of our enemy, defeats will follow victories: the luration of the pethis sitass action is industrial action in the basic itxits in recordance with the class. ain the dreiding factor is whether we accept riod cannot be estimatel. But one feature is clear ggle or not. aloc others: the workers have to count on their tries, suplementeil lysera demostrations, strikes are one action is based solilly and uncompromising Own power alone, they have to work out their ow: of protest. political strikes, etc.
11 the revolutionary class struggle all ininor dif salvation, uncompromisingly against all other classes.
In or:ler to become a revolucionary incor, indus ferences of tacties are overcome by the practical united as these are by the new ideology of Imperialism.
trial action has to accept general or perlitical purposes. struggle.
The workers have to develop their own ideology of the aiming at the overthrow of the present system of exSocial Revolution, their own tacties of mass action, ploitation. Ju this it can co operate with and back up The fact that equal rights are impossible in a society their own weapons of labor strikes and labor revolts.
We (to conceptions creato est of the Socialism, mocracy.
nations, be the support of WA as px:litical fight Pulay.
111 by the