BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Saturday, March 29, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE TH means attack 7h them The сгасу.
all and ities.
over left wingers, by nts: bby prefering The Centre Appears tactics, of moderate Socialism. This the letter does Bolshevikjabs not do in a single case. But, they may argue, this reHE development of a conscious left wing move pudiation is implied. The day is not the day for IN view of the way the Peace Conference has proment in the Socialist Party, a movement to con implications, but for vigorous, unequivocal formulaquer the party for revolutionary Socialism, has tions. let the dead bury their dead. Positively, voked Bolshevism in Hungary would it not be posthe developed an intense struggle for control. The letter offers only a part, and a very small part, of sible to prosecute the American delegates under the rights, the petty bourgeois moderate Socialists who The heart of rev the Espionage Act?
have officially determined the e party policy, are on the olutionary Socialism is comprised in the policy and defensive, are actually shaken. Precisely as, in revo tactics of mass action and proletarian dynamke nip dictatorship If it is found impracticable to take any action under lutionary Russia and Germany, the bourgeoisie used mass action as for the conqust of the Espionage Act ates in our party are using the radical Socialistes le the escaria di hotel nies organization which is spending so much money on centre ing Capitalism and introducing the new system of efforts towards the Peace Conference and leave the as usual, allows itself to serve counter revolótomary sued this camoufaged blast against the Left Wing gentlemen in Paris that Bolshevism is as horrible as American public alone. If it could only convince the In the New York Call of March 23, under the cap: ignore completely, in their basis of discussion, the its cartoons make out perhaps they would be brought tion Basis for Discussion, there appears a letter fundamental aspect of the whole problem. Most of to see the wisdom of signing peace before they do any signed by David Berenberg, Biedenkapp, Ev the signers repudiate mass action; Scott Nearing, at more damage.
ans Clark, Walter Cook, Benjamin Glassberg, Ja least, repudiates proletarian dictatorshiip; while the cob Lawn, Flore Line, Louis Locliner, Ludwig Ludwig Lore, is directly antagonistic to mass action gentlemen do not sign peace and hurry to their respectAnyhow it beginning to appear likely that if these Pauly and Henry Sipos. This letter, and the tendency and proletarian ive homes, they will not have any homes to go to.
it represents, is definitely centrist and is a whole letter is an act of treason to revolutionary Socialism. At the moment when world events call upon the left wing movement. The letter follows: Miss Civilization, about whose treatment at the The members of the American Socialist Party are face to face with a national and internal crisis. We compromising policy of revolutionary Socialism, these hands of the Bolsheviki, Spartacans, and who sign this letter, believe that the time has come for similar undesirables the press is manifesting such miserably; at the the party to re state its principles and re formulate moment when the Bolsheviki have refused to invite the subject of much dispute, the general opinion being the uneasiness just now, is an orphan whose parentage is its tactics. As a basis for discussion for the purpose of the Socialist bringing about this result, we present the following munist Congress, these comrades act against the organ may be she is a lady that has fallen much under the suggestions: We believe in a uniform declaration of principles ized left wing which was invited by our revolutionary influence of Mr. Capitalism and as a result is conin all party platforms, both local and national, and the comrades in Russia. This is revolutionary consistency Stant abolition of all social reform planks now contained in stantly being menaced by various disorderly elements.
and miserable character of the appeal for dis the firm determination of each side to save her from We believe that the party must teach, propagate and agitate exclusively for the overthrow of Cap cussion is that italism and the establishment of an industrial demo wing Manifesto, camouflage others, while they act saved and immediately wanders into fresh trouble political party cannot organize the workers on movement that issued the Manifesto. Why? They China, but generally she is in continual trouble in Mexico, sometimes in the economic field; but we believe that the party should assist this process of organization by a propaganda for they are against organized separatism small countries that are richly endo revolutionary unionism as a part of its general activ ision. This is an evasion. The left move wealth. Wealth seems to exercise the same natural ment same fascination We believe that the Socialist candidates elected heirto office should adhere strictly to the above principles not organized separatism and division; it is a move: under penalty of recall.
ment to conquer the party for the party, for revolu out of the way places, usually accompanied by religious esses and she is continually wandering into all sorts of We believe that the official party press, the edu tionary Socialism. It is the opportunistic bureaucracy; missionaries. She no sooner lands than trouble becational institutions and all other agencies of the party should be under direct party control.
right wing in New York whom these comrades of gins and Mr. Capitalism rushes to her aid with sol6. We believe that the party should publish new eternal compromise are protectie revolutionary elewho are trying to diers and machine guns. Owing to the fact that she literature in keeping with the policies and tactics above split the party by throwing out the mentioned by earth ments, already visited most of the countries of active individual charges against the and We believe that the national executive committee should immediately call a special national convention in branches which accept the the habit of for the purpose of formulating party policies and tactics of getting into trouble in those countries cations for by ret to act favorably upon appli and been saved from the natives, she has recently got left wing Manifesto, etc. The betrayers of where she was supposed to well to meet the present orisis. We believe that the Socialist Party should elect are eager for a split; and the tactics of the centre now she seems to have a genius for arottsing the delegates to participate in any international congress to are playing their game.
wrath of the working people who have lately become be attended by representatives of revolutionary Socialist enamoured of Miss Social Revolution.
parties of all countrics, but that the party should refuse The left wing movement in New York City is a mass From her pictures in the newspapers she appears to to participate in an conference called hy moderate Socialists and social patriots.
and entirely harınless young movement within the party. Their whole organization be a very presentant for wearing long flowing consists of a city committee, representng about 20 left woman with a We believe in the immediate discussion of suggestions such as these in every branch and local, and wing branches. and this centralized expression is abo robes, draped to display a not unpleasing figure, and a trust that such dicussion will put a stop to organized separatism and division, to which we are unalterably direct their struggle aganst the reactionary forces. To say that this is an old photograph, taken when she was The clear purpose of this letter, which its writers is precisely what the right wing wants, is acting against hag, drunk with power, whose face is disfigured by cannot camouflage, is to strike at the left wing move revolutionary Socialism. is again is characteristic poverty, child labor, prostitution, hunger, wage slavery ment in the Socialist Party of New York City, which of the centre.
and means to strike at the revolutionary movement in the The centre is the worst enemy of revolutionary party everywhere.
The latest reports say that she has just got into The first fact of importance that appears in this Independent Socialists in Germany are much more been carrying on a violent flirtation with Miss SocialSocialism and the militant proletariat. The centre trouble in Hungary and that the British workers have proclamation is that its demands are taken from dangerous to the Spartacans than the Ebert Scheide Revolution and are contemplating banishing, Miss the Program of the Left Wing Section of New York mann gangsters; they hesitate, compromise, and betray Civilization from their affections until such time as City, with alterations that indicate the compromising the Revolution.
she changes her ways.
tendency of the group it represents. The Left Wing And what is Comrade Lore doing in this company Manifesto may be interpreted to mean any and all things. Then is the so naive as to imagine that he is using enter the centre changes it to party contror which ist hour and hintelectuals compromisers and cente policy?
tlie The Oath of Enlistment there is the clause concerning the international con: ists, while as a fact they are using him revolutionary Socialists, but against a Congress of the editors, has done great work in which Lore is one of Soviet Soldiers of moderate Socialists. The Lett Wing Manifesto kft wing; and now that it is in action, Lore acts against Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, enroll the Son of the People, worker and citizen of the says: Socialist celegates to International the Communist Party at Russian e Berisheminos de hoy centre. Is he out to become a cheap American imit in the Workers and Peasants Army Before the working class of Russia and the that. participate only in a new International whole world swear: to respect my position as soldier. with which are affiliated the Communist Rus The issue is clear: it is a struggle to the end. No to conscientiously undergo my military training; to of Ger compromise, no hesitation. The centre must be smashthe interests pf the Army an: the People, many (Spartacans. sia (Bolsheviki. the Communist Labor Pene parties ed as a necessary means of conquering the party for and to defend them with my heart blood.
other Left and This is clear, unequivocal and the party, for nevolutionary Socialism. Life is with un revolutionary disus and for us: revolutionary Socialism shall prevail. cipline, and to obey without question the orders of mation of the centre. Why did the signers of the authority of the Workers centre letter change this to something indefinite, For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, and Peasants Government.
something that nter The Bolsheviki are peculiar.
istic, and is a tendency swear to commit no action detrimental to the may betowered? It is character.
confusing the issue. Just when the American public was getting familiar reputation of the free citizens of the Russian Soviet is typical of the cent. reformism, de looks like, these courgeois artists think a Bolshevik Republic; swear to consecrate myself, in thought and with what our Moreover, the lettere Russians go and appoint, as represent in action, to our ideal of the emancipation of all the mands the abolition of all social reform planks in the ative to America, a man who wears clean collar, working party platform. But consider the signers, particularly washes regularly and is even suspected of taking an swear, that at the call o! the Workers and Evans Clark. Comrade Clark is employed by the pccasional bath to say nothing of the fact that he Peasants Government, will risk my life to defend Socialist Aldermen of New York City, and his whole has no beard and was once seen in a barber shop the Soviet Republic against whatever dangers there function is to provide the research material upon liaving his hair cut.
may be, from wherever it may come, and that will which they base their social reform measures. At give whatever have of strength and of life for the least five of the other signers are reformists of the We learn that the selling agents of several of our defense of the Soviet Republic, of Socialism and of worst sort. What confidence can we place in their big corporations have been instructed to join the Soc the brotherhood of the people.
ialist Party in order that they may be able to begin Let me be delivered to the contempt of the revolutionary, a left wing program for the party their letters to the representative of the Soviet Gov People and the severe punishment of the laws of the should repudiate the errors and crimes, the policy and ernment: Dear Comrade.
Revolution if violate the oath!
mass murder centr against the developing demand that. and all safeguard the inte swear to to submit groups.
strictly to no interpretation. com This is classes.