2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 29, 1919 was about to viet Russia. tional the army? Moreover, the attack upon the army The Revolutionary Age courts martial did not develop as a campaign against Next!
militarism but for militarism, in order to perfect the Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events army and make it more loyal by cutting out the most HE fear that weighs upon the world of Capitalism and the diplomats in Paris is: Who next?
flagrant abuses. Senator Chamberlain, the head and The proclamation of a Soviet Republic in HungLouis FRAJNA Editor front of the militaristic and imperialistic forces in the ary is to them not a fact, but a symbol a symbol of EADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor Senate, was a central factor in the campaign. That the onward sweep of the proletarian revolution, which clearly indicates its character. That the campaign has may break loose in other nations.
Contributing Editors ended is due to the fact that it had no real basis, and Through this symből looins Soviet Russia. gigantthat with the acute development of the Bolshevik men ic, mysterious and implacable. Despised by the world JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA ace, it was dangerous to expose military abuses. Cap of Capitalism, intrigued against and villified, isolated HOURWICH WEINSTEIN italism is class conscious, come what may.
in the spaces of its own territory, attacked by the LUDWIG LORE solders of the Allies Soviet Russia, through the Bankruptcy faming energy of its proletariat and Socialism, has conquered in spite of all. The Allies, their Capitalism ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY HE By Local Boston, Socialist Party Hungary, of a Soviet Republic, has terrified the Russia. it is now Soviet Russia that menaces the Allies Peace Conference at Paris, and shaken interna through its own gigantic strength and the thrcat of Steiner, Business Manager tional Imperialism. The menace of a revolutionary the international proletarian revolution.
285 Washington, St. Boston, Mass.
war, of the international proletarian revolution, is Slowly but surely. with the relentless onward sweep Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for revealing the Peace Conference utter impotence and of destiny, Soviet Russia has organized its revolutionsir months (26 issues)
complete bankruptcy.
ary conquests. Industry is on a normal basis the The Peace Conference has been in session four workers of Hungary are securing the food from promonths. It met to liquidate the war, to arrange peace; The proletariat and soorest peasantry are in control, letarian Russia denied thein by the capitalistic Allies.
The Soviet Representative preventing the collapse of capitalist society and crush their initiative and energy loosened and organized by ing the proletarian revolution. But failure was the their oren state. Economic and social changes. an upThe Russian Socialist Federated Republic of Sov portion of the Conference, The distinguished states.
man, hampered by the implacable demands of Capital. istic of the tuilieu in Soviet Russia, where the new representative in the United States. Comrade Martens, ism, were compelled to to pursue an imperialistic policy. counmunist society is being constructed. And out of who has been affiliaterl with the Bolsheviki since 1903 crush Germany as an industrial and political power; army of the oppressors, but a revolutionary army of this has emerged a powerful army not a hireling States. At the moment when a! forces are against the they let loose wars of small nations against small nations; they spent most of their time, not in solving quests of the revolution, prepared to co operate with Soviet Republic, when it was declared that ho viem preteklost hann ihan the lors de la course inwenta to collapse, verbal calsomine to whiten the ugliness and decrepiappointment This revolutionary army of Soviet Russia is expellMartens comes as an affirmation of the Comrade tude of their proposals.
stability and ing the alien invaders and the counter revolution. It the of the Soviet Republic The United States, through President Wilson, tried It is threatening to clear Siberia of alien (since emphasized troops.
by the proclamation of a dictatorship of the revolution to infuse larger vision into the Conference. This it pressing the Allies back at Archangel. It is clearing ai not have proletariat in Hungary. The Soviet Republic could afford, since the United States has no territorial the. Baltic Provinces of the invaders, giving opportuna better choice than Comrade or directly imperialistic appetites in Europe. But the ity to the inasses to organize their own Soviet RepubMartens for this particular position. His functions are European powers could not; they were directly con lic. It is co operating with the Ukrainian Soviet political and commercial, not propagandist; and this cerned in territory, in immediate imperialistic pro army, which has conquered the bourgeois dictatorship imposes upon him the necessity of complete indepen jects; and their acts, instead of preventing the col and menaces the French at Odessa. And this revdence from any movement or any factions in the So lapse of Capitalism and crushing the proletarian revo olutionary army of Soviet Russia, massed at the cialist party. But if le participates in party affairs, lution, accelerated the momentum of these two terrors frontier, is prepared to march into Hungary or Poland il must be with the left wing. Fraternal and cordial of bourgeois society.
or Germany to co operate with the revolutionary massgrotings to our first representative from Socialist So What did the Conference accomplish? It decided es in any war that may be necessary against that the organization of a League of Nations was of Imperialism and for the the proletarian revolutia first importance; and it organized a League. But, The in Germany is critical crucial.
Liberating Egypt Th slaves of the implacable requirements of Capitalism, in Germanist of power by revolutionary.
the distinguished gentlemen of the Conference organwill assure the world revolt The CCORDING to Winston Churchill, British Sec ized an imperialistic alliance of the five recent butchery of the Spartacans by the Government Socialist assassins has not not crushed the revoluof the world.
on the contrary, the retary of War, the whole of Egypt is in a state of camouflaged as a League of Nations. a League Onesd. the Ebert Scheidemann omenent depend masses have been largely suspended because of revolutionary uprisings, stress placed upon the League of Nations, even the version, was an admission of the fact that ing more and more upted, and the workers the Ore 11sed by formidable proportions. The facts of the in the bourgeois order has broken down, is verging on tying to the Soviets. The Soviets of Workers and Soldregime; by Secretary Churchill to in complete favor of the dill retaining an of 900, 000 soldiers prevent this apse; and that something must be done to ying to 10 in the service. In other words, the to the bourgeois terrible calamity. iers are to hold a national conference in April, where Égyptian movecannot prevent its own collapse. it may confronted with the problem of either decreeing all ment for national independence is to be crushed by the try, but it writhes like a wild beast in the attempt and hilated and yielding to the Soviets, or of being annimilitary power of a government that went to war to Spalis the small out of the bankruptcy of Capitalism and trying to nations! Egypt has been demora liauidate this bankruptcy, bas revealed clearly that to the convening of preparing a new revolution prior acan communists are lized politically by British Imperialism, which has prethe Soviet congress, in order vented the development of normal economic condi. bourgeois society and its representatives are bankrupt. frce it with the accomplished fact of a proletarian tions and a mature national status, making the Egyp Then the Conference set itself the taska nota okry out revolution precisely as did the Bolshevik. Pioletaria tians serfs. Every attempt of Egypt to bring about a preventing proletarian revolution in Germany, and is a Bolshevik arniy prepared to link its might with 1917. And on the German frontier national revival has been crushed by British Imperial Europe but of repressing the proletarian Soviet Reism. and now that the people there are preparing to public of Russia. But in this again bankrupcy. The Senary proletaoriat of Germany.
rvation and the horrors of the war, the tremenworld safc for democracy are to make Egypt safe to formulate any policy concerning Soviet Russia. It ous problems of reconstruction, and the general colfor Tiritishi limperialism. The small nations are the discussed and it proposed, it hesitated and fulminated; lapse of bourgeois society, are accelerating the prolevictims of international Imperialism, where they are but is could decide upon one measure only, the invita tarian revolution in eastern and central Europe. And not themscives imperialistic, as are Belgium and Hol tion to the Russian factions to meet in Conference the listinguisherl diplomats in Paris, trying to prevent land. The destiny of the small and subject peoples of Prinkipo. but where this invitation was considered the proletarian revolution, are lastening it by their the world is interwoven with the revolutionary strug by the sly imperialistic policy gle of the international proletariat.
Soviet sly gentlemen as embarrassing the it increased the prestige of the prole Among the Allies, they are speaking of a German tarian government, and marked another defeat for the plot to use Bolshevism to secure an easy peace, of Cries That Pass Away Allies. Conference abandoned Prinkipo; there the fact that the ruling class of Hungary is behind viere many rumors and threats of more drastic action the proclamation of a Soviet Republic. But since cries of protest that developed recently against and then all these plans were awry by the when does a ruling class cut its own throat? The tial have largely passed away; now and then they farc claimed while the world of Capitalism was still chuck fiscation of the banks, of the larſe estates, and the up again, only to become gently stilled. The accusa ling at the crushing of the Spartacans in Germany. socialization of indlustry: is this the act of a ruling tions were to the effect that unjust trials were granted The Peace Conference is bankrupt. Capitalism is class? Put if it is camouflage, Soviet Russia will tear soldiers and that extraordinarily severe sentences de tative of Capitalism. It represents a decrepit social Guers, there will be a complete overthrow of Capitalwere hankrupt, and the Peace Conference is the represen it to pieces. In Germany, when the proletariat conimposed for most trivial offenses clared that judicial procedure in the United States system, that is rapidly becoming a stinking carrion. ism, and the ruling class realizes this, hence their imArmy was mere severe than in the old German Army This system provoked the war, and cannot solve the placable hostility to Bolshevisin and their overtures or tlie Army of the Czar: and the New York World peribleins of the war on the basis of Capitalism. It may an alliance with the Allies against Bolshevik spoke bitingly of the thing called military justice. tinker, it may patch, it may adjust; but the system Russia, which the Allies stupidly rejected.
Ample piront was produceel of these facts of military of Capitalism is Tt is the proletarian revolution in action. Froni injustice. But what did they expect? Militarism is Revolutionary events in Europe and their inevit Hungary. it will spread, it must spread. Germany, militarism: and in a country that jails men and women able repercussion in Italy, France and Great Britain Rumania, Poland, Serbia. who will be next? Out of for ten and twenty years for expressing their ideas. are isolating the Peace Conference, It represents the collapse of world civilization is coming a new civilthat deports agitators, that during the war proved it nothing but an old system and old prejudices, which ization, the human civilization of Socialism. The inself the most reactionary country in the world in such toller as the masses move. Power and destiny are international proletariat is not frightened at the revolua coutry dominated by a brutal imperialistie Capital the hands of the international revolutionary proletar tionary events in Europe: these events are its inspirism, rid they expect other conditions to prevail iat, of revolutionary communist Socialism.
situation and proletriat ove great powers of masses masses. on camouflaged versi worst of the old is being to argue in Capitalism can power to liberate to 1he The the moet to form doomed.