The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 24 Saturday, March 29, 1919 Price Cents Greetings to the Soviet Republic of Hungary!
This own hands. Like a hole froht the bilve the ar HE proletariat of Hungary has taken all power in ily of the world proletariat to fulfill its historic mis Throughout Spain, for the second time within the sion. The dazzling flame of the torch and the wild present month, martial law has been proclaimed by workers, soldiers and peasants of conquered beauty of the song, even in its most halting strains, the government in its frantic efforts to crush the inHungary proclaim their intervention in the arena of caught the imagination of those who saw or heard. surgent workers and drive them back to the slave pens world politics and the diplomats of Capitalism are And then came Germany to flare up in the white flame of industry. Continual clashes between the workers thrown into a flurry of mingled rage and fear. While of revolt and then die down, till only the embers still and the police, who are often augmented by troops, the wires were still hot with the news of the resignation glow. And Austria and Hungary.
are reported and the determination of the working of Count Karolyi, president of the provisional goveriBut the charred embers in Hungary, glowing so masses is evidenced by the fact that each defeat at the ment of Hungary, as a protest against the peace terms hands of the government forces is a call to further of the Paris Conference, came word of the complete faintly that it seemed the fire was dead, have burst into new flame and the lowering clouds are red with action.
triumph of revolutionary Socialism and the establishthe reflection. Russia song of freedom is caught up Industrial unrest is raising its head in war swept ment of the second Soviet Republic in the world.
With little or no resistance, with no intervening pe chorus. The glowing embers in Germany are crackby new voices and lias quickened into a marching Serbia. Finding the burden of victory unbearable, the Serbian workers are seething with revolt. Lines of riod of Socialist compromise, the Hungarian Soviet Republic rises to power and in its initial proclamation ling with new life and the faint refrain of the song transportation are completely tied up save where milican be heard in the wind.
tary mobilization, for the moment, forces the workushers in the dictatorship of the proletariat, decrees the socialization of the large estates, mines, big indlusSo the Hungarian workers set about their task and ers to submit, unemployment is spreading over the country and the rumblings of the sympathetic strike tries, banks and lines of transportation, declares its the casteru sky is brightening.
by those at work, as a protest against the conditions oneness of purpose with the revolutionary proletariat Already the two Soviet governments have issued an of Russia and its readiness to form an armed alliance appeal to the workers of all countries to sweep away distinct.
of their brothers, are daily becoming louder and more with the Federated Soviet Republic. All over the the old system. The bourgeois press tells of the spread country Workmen s, Peasants and Solliers Councils of Bolshevism throughout central Europe and the dip selves, the workers are massing for the assault on the Within the countries of the Great Powers, themare in action and take over the functions of gov lomats of Capitalis urning this way and that to citadel of Capitalism. Strike follows strike in quick ernment.
avert fresh outbreaks. But they are powerless. Every succession, each defeat adding to the anger of the The despised and beaten workers, crushed by the new move brings new complications, every award of workers and each victory whetting their appetite for landlordism and industrial tyranny of their own bour territory here, brings discontent and adds to the mengeoisie, held in bondage by Austria Hungary, forced ace there.
further triumphs. Cabinets and the ministries totter into a disastrous war by German Austrian Imperialbefore the stirring of the masses. In England, through ism, and finally faced with the woes of the conquered of the diplomats to arrive at a satisfactory settlement hour concessions of the government, a great strike of The war has awakened the workers and the inability the agency of the reactionary leaders and the eleventh by the Entente, have arisen and in one historic gesture is causing restlessness among the masses. The war has the three dominant labor organizations of the country swept aside their chains, and set out upon the march towards hunan freedom. What dark perils lie athbeen fought and won, and the peoples want peace and has been narrowly averted, only to break out afresh wart their path, what dangers lurk in the mists of the a return for their sacrifices and sufferings during the in the form of a revolt against the leaders for their future, trouble them not, their feet are planted on the fighting. But the diplomats are unalıle to arrive at a compromises. Dissatisfaction in the army grows as straight path and their faces are turned towards the settlement that will satisfy their imperialistic ainbi tlie delay, in demobilization lengthens, while the disnew day. Encircled with hostile nations, worn out by tions without causing fresh hardship among the mass charged soldiers are disaffected at the growth of unthe drain of war, financially bankrupt, staring staryes, and discontent among the peoples has become an employment.
ation and industrial ruin in the face, the workers have active danger to Capitalism. Capitalist Imperialisin In France the workers, who in the first few days.
assumed control and with heroic courage set about the perialism and this is impossible while the present sys insistently demanding relief from their burdens. In can only avert trouble by ceasing to be capitalist Im of the armistice were content with minor reforms, are gigantic task of remedying the immediate evils, and, at the same time, constructing the new society of the tein exists.
the army unrest spreads like wild fire, bursting into workers which will eventually bring world order out While the annexations in the clcfeated countries are isolated revolt, particularly in the divisions occupying of the present claos created by Capitalism.
presenting such a problem the situation in the victori conquered territory when they are called upon to supAgainst the successful acomplislument of this task ous countrics is also becoming serious. Whether in press the workers in the interests of the foreign the Hungarian workers will find arrayed against them the victorious or the vanquished countries, the work bourgoisie.
the whole power of the capitalist world. Within then ers have paid the hideous price of war and while the Europe is sccthing, unemployment and starvation selves they must find the power to consolidate andel vanquished are being forced into rebellion by new stalk throughout the nations, every protest by the maintain their victory, save for the exception of rev hardships the victorious are far from contented at people masses meets with fierce and brutal represolutionary Russia whose heroic audacity is their ins being forced to continue to bear the hardships they sion, the cry for bread and work brings down on the piration. To the Russian workers they have already have already lornc. In Australia the workers are workers the Black Hundreds of Capitalism, blood appealed and Russia, who herself sent out such an scething witli discontent. News of mass demonstra flows in the streets of the industrial centers and the appeal a few months ago only to be mocked by the tions in the principal cities of the southern Common masses are forced back muttering among themselves, echo of her own words, and who is still beset with wealth. often culminating in clashes with the police, nursing their new wounds and resentment swells the foreign bayonets and internal reaction, he answered. is filtering through the press. The industrial union throbbings of their hearts.
The iron tread of seventy thousand workers march movement is making giant strides throughout the Europe is seething, the Peace Conference wrangles, ing tu the rescue is Russia answer and the echo of country and its spokesmen declare their determination and above it all rises revolutionary Russia new song that answer shakes the world.
to destroy the present system of society. The embers of freedom and in the eastern sky the dawn comes Out of dark Russia, in the midst of the world mis are smollering and a breath may fan them into fame. creeping up. And now in Hungary, the home of the ery of war, rose the flaming torch of freedom. From In ligypt the people are openly in revolt and while wandering gypsies, the dark and backward people the ignorant peasants, the clumb workers, and the the movement is a nationalist reaction to foreign dom have swung into line with Russia millions. Together driven sokliers of Czarist Russia came the first faint ination the Egyptian workers are on the road to learn they sing the new song, together they hold aloft the music of freedom song, and as the days passed on ing that only economie freedom offers a solution to torch of human liberty, and together they call to the often the singers were choked with tears and often their sufferings. The rule of the conquerors in Egypt war worn peoples. And the masses, in their misery, the notes became the strains of a funeral march, and lias met with continual opposition since its inception turn towards the creeping light of dawn and patise tu sometimes it swellel into a crashing anthem of victory and this opposition las flamed in rebellion when op listen to the song, and turn again to gaze into the but always the song continuat and alwasy the fervid portumity seemed favorable, but coming now it is syn depths of their own sufferings. And yet again they cotes of faith mingled in the refrain faith in the abil ulical of the general condition throughout the world. Half turn towards the east and hesitate.