8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 22, 1919 The Defeat of Germany and the Bolshevik Peril Hoffman, to it HO, indeed, defeated Germany? Who crushed By Nicholas Hourwich Xevertheless, General Hoffman was forced to conthe apparently invincible and iron might of fess that the Bolsheviki have crushed the German her military machine, millions strong and test equal to him and his class and his country; to military machine.
ed in battles innumerable? Who drove Germany out of the ranks of the participants in the capitalist slaugh ions and principles, of the Allies (with whom he has a ascribe it the political and social system. to the opinBourgeois society will not admit officially the truth of General Hoffman confession; but it knows that ter of the peoples, thereby ending the war? And, natural affinity, in fact. rather than to the modern it true. General Hoffman admits in words that finally, who, in place of the military war, let loose or sans culottes the Bolsheviki. Indeed, according to Bolshevism was the menace; bourgeois society, in inspired the social revolutionary war now, raging in the conceptions of the caste represented by General France, England, Italy and the United States admits Germany, and which threatens to rage in other nations an opponent equal deeds.
of the world?
to himself is less lumiliating than being vanquished The war produced Bolshevism as a mass movement; Answers to these questions have been frequently by an opponent occupying a lower social planc. Then and this mass movement is producing the war against made. But all these answers were given by interest this General Hoffman was a star actor in the com capital.
ed parties, biased in their opinions, and each one of paign to defeat and crush the Bolsheviki.
If the likening Bolshevism to an epidemic diswhom tried to secure to itself the credit for the defeat And yet it is General Hoffman who was compelled case inmplies a disease among the workers, there is of Germany.
The mainties have ascribed this victory to themselves wiew with her hem to the correspondent bof the interior is Bolshevikphobia. Prenos Bolsheviks menace puzet and their war chief, the French General Foch. Accord York Globe and the Chicago Daily News, General sued the German military machine the conquerors ing to the Allied version, General Foch was the real Hoffman said: of Bolshevik Russia: it is now pursuing the Ameri revolutionary hero responsible for raising the ban Germany was not beaten on the western front. can moneybags, who are stricken with terror. Legisner of the revolutionary uprising in Germany! True, Neither Marshal Foch nor Field Marshal Haig nor the behavior of the victorious Allies and their armies General Pershing defeated the German armies. Gerare all bending their frightened imagination upon this in Germany was not in harmony with that version, many was defeated by an upstart named Lenin, since they used and still use all their resources to crush You ask me what consider lost the war for Ger. foreign to the American, now appears constantly in the the Revolution in Germany. But who, pray, except many. My answer is Bolshevism. will tell you the newspapers as an American problem.
a few tedious pedants, considers these small defecexact moment that marked the beginning of the end.
of Bolshevikphobia, our bourgeois socitions from the claims and the ideals of the Allies?
It was when General Ludendorff telephoned me at ety seeks the medicine to end tle red menace. It is On the other hand, the Bolsheviki and their adher the headquarters on the eastern front from France to highly significant that all the medicines whether ents have since the beginning assumed the credit for sign peace peace with any Russian able to write his prepared in an elaborate political laboratory or by the the revolutionary lip flare that smashed the German provincial wiseacre resemble remarkably the legislamilitary machine by loosening into action the inert But immediately upon signing with the Bolsheviki Apparently the nited States intends to begin where masses upon whose acquiescence that machine built its we discovered that we had been conquered by them Russia left off.
instead of having conquered them. Our victorious Which of these claims is in accord with the facts? army, became rotten with Bolshez ism. Our military Consider the proposals. Here is a bill against anWho, then, defeated Germany?
machine became the printing press of Bolshevik pronaarchists, unanimously approved by the Senate Judicial Committee. This bill under threat of imprisonment by a witness whose testimony in this In the newspapers the other day there was a state ganda. We did not dare to send a corps of the Ger man Bolsheviki to the western front. What is worse. ment and 000 fine, forbids the display of flags or the distribution of printed or written works symbolbe and truthful, and which cannot be suspected. This witness is none other Lenin and the Bolshevik propaganda that defeated lence or by physical injury to personal property or by Germany, undermined our morale and stirred up the than General Hoffman, the head of the German delegeneral cessation of industry, of the government of the gation at Brest Litovsk, who translated the oily words quack Socialists in the countri (My italics. United States Replying to the rather naive question of the corresor all governments.
Does not this reguage of the sword; that General Hoffman who used pondent as to whether the German military machine semble the legislative measures of the Czar?
is was harmed by Scheidemann Socialistic propaganclear. Bolshevism penetrated Germany the military power to crush helpless Pressus on its da. General Hoffman answered: As the its way to penetrate other nations. In spite of the sia, and was satisfied that he had.
of statements the No! Scheidemann was all right. Russian agents that bourgeois society has not yet exhausted its General Hoffman is moderate a conquered Socialists, who still believes country, naturally not particularly interested in whom did it and German fanatics like Liebknecht.
lutionary mission. we are witnessing the coming end sheviki. Who secures the honor of Germany defeat prompted by a secret sympathy for the Bolsheviki can of bourgeois society and bourgeois democracy. It is is of slight, if any, importance to him. Moreover, as best be judged by his recipe for German salvation, not Czdrist autocracy, then capitalist autocracy of the moving, with the speed of an express train toward, if a representative of the German bourgeois aristocratic pronosed to the American correspondent: worst sort. And, apparentlv. judging by deeds. there is military caste, General Hoffman inclination would Exterminate Bolshevism with an iron hand and in clifference tretween Czarism and the bourgeois undoubtedly be to ascribe the defeat to an opponent much more energetically than Herr Noske is doing. democracy of Imperialisin.
name power.
The issue repre sentative of revoascribe רום is complete The Soviets on the Invitation to Prince Island THE Aļlies recently invited the Bolsheviki to a Conof collapse and its fate is sealed as soon as the aid, ference at Prince Island (now abandoned. Be to us. territorial agreement between various gov. which first the Germans and later the Entente powers ernments (here the telegram has been inutilated)
low we give Tchitcherin first note on the subject, extended to them, is withdrawn. The capital city of which is a radio message to Worewski, the Soviet could be successfully reached at a conference of their Dutov has been taken. In Siberia the revolt of the representatives, and that all the more, if third powers mala Paris wireless informs us that the Great Powers participate. But in Russia the situation is much more and the position of the reactionaries was Shiken diny: have the intention of inviting all the governments who con Recated on oies have noedsubtilearned that the So mediately a part of the Czecho Slovaks departed.
eixe Princess Vi stand in the Sea of Marmora and specify alliance with us for the purpose of jointly fighting territories, whose autonomy is being planned by Preagainst Koltchak.
certain conditions of a military nature as a preresident Wilson fourteen points seems not only obscure quisite to such a conference. This report is so in the people of Siberia wage, is directed against the probable that we expressly request you to give us some most extreme reactionaries and the monarchists, and which would appear to be in opposition to the wishes to us, but also apt to become a source of new conflicts, information on the subject.
as long as the latter have the upper hand, with the aid of the Entente.
We have not received a any official notice in this mat of the Entente, the fight will continue.
ter, and as our only information so far has been Although the Ukrainian Soviets have supported Where the power of the Soviets is established quiet and the civil war no longer exists. Where directorate, it is known to us that the directorate themselves by their own forces in the fight against the through the press we must regard it as a rumor without foundation. If, which we consider improbable. however, foreign bayonets support the rule of the rethis rumor should be confirmed, we will consider care actionary elements civil war is unavoidable. If the spread the false report that the troops of the Russian Entente Powers desire an adjustment Soviet Republic have fooded the Ukraine. The defully what position we shall take towards it. For the moment, however, we request you to give us all pos ereby it can be accomplished is hiime only means mand in question could therefore become a new weap.
their abstention sible information on the on against the Ukrainian Soviet Government; the from interference in this internal struggle and this is same could also be the case in several other territories.
The selection of a solitary island, far from all the What we ourselves desire. decision for arbit fight therefore in complete opposition with the aims which political centers of Europe, could only have been in powers (mutilated. To break off the VII these measures stated in the Paris message are spired by the intention of surrounding the conference the most extreme reactionaries and monarchists. The the same message attributes to its originators. Thereis an impossibility, since this fight is directed against fore we beg of you to inforin us what are the exact partial publicity. since the Entente Powers would com proposal for mediation is rather peculiar coming from facts of the case with this supposed decision of the pletely control the avenues of public information. those governments which participate in the fight of this kind can by no means satisfy the against us and whose armies are occupying parts of Entente owers, the statement of which seems so peRussian people or the class conscious masses of other countries. We desire nothing so much as the according to the Paris wireless. are a Just as peculiar are the military conditions, which, it is possible for you to examine the documents prerequisite to relating to this conference. do so carefully, then let tis Paris message phrases it, our wishes and conceptions lities, which was not made when we were in a difficult know whether in your opinion the Entente has annexationist designs upon Archangel, Siberia, Baku.
about the situation in Russia, but Prince Island is the most inappropriate place for that and we do not position. 110w comes at the moment when the forces Askabad, Rostov on the Don. in short upon all those see how in this way the true publicity, which we conof reaction are retreating more and more rapidly.
territories where their support has thus far made possider vitally necessary, can be secured.
At present the rule of the Krasnovs in on the verge sible the maintenance of reactionary rule. Our acceptance of the military proposals of the Entente would The subject of the conference itself seems obscure mean the firm establishment of this reactionary rule.
matter culiar to 11s.