6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 22, 1919 Labor Conditions in Japan IXCE the recent rice riots the workers of Japan By Sen Katayama to attend the international labor cace Conference. lave len steadily asserting their power. In spite Ile will not attend the International Labor and Socialof rigid police rule and the use of troops in strikes, dustrial centers of the country and as the workers are ist Conference for he is the deadly enemy of Socialism.
mass demonstrations are occuring more and more freuorganized the employers will cut down wages and dismiss the workers at their will. But this will itself lle has publicly declared that he will stake his liic.
quently. Demands for higher wages are being made crush Socialism in Japan. llis real attitude to the not through the agency of labor organizations but by bring further resistance from the workers and will labor question, which is borne out by his actual work in direct action in the form of mass strikes and labor develop the necessity of mass action in a wider sense riots which have proved very effective in the majority than it has already been applied in the demand for opposes strikes and never was citlar a strike leader or Japun, is to compromise between capital and labor. Ile of cases.
inigher wages. Thus the whole situation is helping the adviser. When a strike docs occur lie attempts to stop workers to awaken to the real situation and ihey are Owing to the fact that the Japanese workers are forin and bring about a compromise, al compromise which bidden to organize in labor unions they are forced to awakening.
is invariably in favor of Capitalism.
resort to strikes, sabotage and rioting to improve conThe bureaucrats, terror striken at the recent rice ditions, and in these struggles they are learning over We, the Socialists, of Japan, are opposed to the methriols, while advocating the severest punislment for the ods and tactics of the liriendly Society of labor. It night what their Western comrades have learned only ring leaders of the riots have been attempting to org.
anize labor unions clominated by the employers. These is directly detrimental to the cause of lalur, it poisons break of the Russian Revolution tlic spirit of revolt paternal labor unions are nwsily taken up by retired and kills tlie manly spirit of the real labor movement army and naval officers as a lucrative mcalls of liveli. in Japan particularly among the young workers wlun read its paper. Just now the Japanese intelligentsid greedy exploiters of labor in particular has been loud. Among these so called labor organizations the are attempting to interpret the labor and social phenerice riots and the continuous strikes and lalwr riutx. lished in the siriendly Sixiety of Labor. Kai mena of Japan ane pacify the awakening workers box There are still nearly six thousand workers in prison which is supported by the lourgeoisic: The president government permittel lalıor movements that will abzuri.
riots. Many have been triced and conclenmed to long. Zracluate of the Tokio Imperial University, who has the clclient servant of the employers.
periols ui imprisonment and many are still in prison en twice present at annual conventions of the Ames rican licleration of Labor as the honorable fraternal rapilly awakening to a realization of their But the great mass of the Japanese workers are waiting trial.
delegate of Japanese labor.
are making themselves felt in strikes and riots. The All over the country the bureaucratic regime and lle crossel its supporters are crying belly for the punishment in a ullman and stayed at first class hotels in Amethe acific in a first class cabin, travelled present cconmie situation of the workers is making of the riesters to the very limit of the law. liy this rica. llc was enable to do this because he came to them får wiser and more powerful than the. pedantie means the lourgeoisie hopes to intimidate the workers America in reality is the private sceretary of Baron stage where the workers will assert their rights to the is first from striking and rivning. Inil the eticet is only to in Shilusawa whose patronage of the friendly Society control of their own affairs. close contact with the The workers of have already glimpsed the existence under the Imperialist capitalist governments whicre and though the government is trying to shut strikes, and the struggle will continue. The realjust government of llara. lle has been truly styled the thic tactics that enabled the Russian workers to con ment of Japanese imlustry from a war to a peace basis Compers of Japan.
than The only difference irr ween tlic jier power. Socially Japan is a sıcam lwiler without will cause greater suffering and unemployment was the case during the readjustment juriuls follow streter of the imagination an organization of labor. The government is shutting crery month of freeclum.
two is that Suzuki l riendly Scriety is nog alty ing the wars of 185 and Japan present in Iis so called members consist of subscribers 10 a freedom of the press and assemblage is denice to the dustrial conditions are more ivanecil, more centrale monthly magazine largely elitel and contributed 10 workers and Socialists. The best indication of the ized and have many more people olependent upon their by buurgeois writers who invariably and podanticaly coming social revolution in Japan is the rapid building continuer operatiom. It is estimated that over a quarto preach that out worn theory thie islentical interest of bastiles and the increasing jailing of the workers er vi a million will be thrown out of work in Tokio. of capital and labor. saka and a few other large cities during the present and poorest peasaints. Is sure as ay succeeds night It is reported in the Japanese press that Dunji Su these bastiles must fall before the mighty wave oi crisis. Alreally there are many unemployed in the in zuki is again coming 10 America on liis way to Paris Holshevism that is sweeping on to Japan.
power and 21 Japan 15. for Cottin Defence. Why Tried to Kill Clemenceau crime livered keptilution spoke WANTED to kill the man instigating a new war. am II publish below a statement by Emilc Cottin after colonel, decorated from head to foot with the Czar TO an anarchist, a friend of the people, Ciermans not his arrest following his attempt upon the life of the medals, and facing the rows of soldiers responded to excluded, a friend of mankind and brother. French Premier.
the order of Clemenceau with the following words: lmou. These worrls (leeply penetrate into the heart My boys, it would truly be a great mistake if we of the highest degree.
vi prery tal. Clemenceau is at fyrant, and a tyranchiments refused to go into action, basing their claim bruthers and sisters, and the wliole Russian people.
Clemenceau is making stood and decided to leave the struggle. The last de consentert io go to war against our fathers and mothers, lighters for the popular cause rost in the free prisons on the fact that they were neutral citizens: they imer. First of all what we need to do is to return to Russia.
of France. lemenceau is the greatest enemy of the stood the reality of the war. Their main dengan was and there we shall see what government we Russis great free thinking people. No wonder hic is called Tiger. But he is not a tiger le is it man. rior entand the preneli premier, Clemenceal three!
to return to their native land. This request and then shall defend.
to the Mareli revolution in Russia there were sent to suppresse. The order of the Ireneli gewernment was You are sendling my boys to slavery under the lot ilie french frontmany Russian soldiers the figure heyer inmediately and many Russians, true to Believe exactly the way they chos.
ray of the African sun. Send me also with them, for varying locaween 100, 100 and 300. xx) men. Reliable the cold valleys of Russia, ſell before the bullets oi information it is impossible to obtain. They replaced the treacheronis weapons of tluse cunning politicians: Russians for their fidelity to the popular cause were Clemenceau order was obeyed, and forty thousim tims oi tine battle line: well supplied with arms and Mans were wounded. Clemenceau oriler mut to provisions they took the place of a large number of spare bullets was executed according to all the rules sent 19 slavery in the African plantations of the.
ions the Allied tops, which were sent to police diferent of the free republic returned from the places of their Last Xovember, after the armistice with Cirmany.
Sections of France.
tens of thousands of war prisoners were liberatel, nexpectedly the revolution in Russia bruke out. few days afterward a colonel was sent to the camp among them many Russians. As a stream this lum: Russian solliers immediately began to be insistent in where the irreconcilalle Russians were who clewave rushed in the direction of the Allied lines en their demands, and created a Soviet of the soldiers fiery speech. Hc of of masse, passing the outposts and blockhoutses. The. into Russians were in terriblc condition, beaten, woundknows of its fute to the present. This did the army to fight against the Bolsheviki.
single man, and refused to chances Pressemblementen en een and an in felicvedl these, falles telling them that ily but rather apparitions. Traviny reached the Ame.
superiors Russia was in danger and clecided to save Russia. They rican lines they were stoppel, giren American uniforms were iniuriated and began tº threaten. In nothing were formed into detaclments and were sent to tlic but were forbickien to proxeed further. Where are coulel slike tire Russians. It the council of the genncarest military camp in order to be attached to the thesis what is the master with them? There is no incrals and colonels oi the old regime, the tyrant rulers, Czecho Slovak army. The rest, tens of thousands of formation. Where they are martyrs remains. it was decided to take the Russians of the firing line men, as one man, decidedly and defterminelly answer secret. Their number reaches between 10, 000 and and intern them behind the bars of the camp for the ed: The Russian people have concluded peace; they 15. 000 men.
internel. They were recognized as enemies. But that might have made a mistake, as you said: yet you trcalMany refugees passing the battle line found them.
was not the end cof the sufferings or the Russians. edus cruelly even after the downfall of the Czar selves in cities where they were caught and toll: You Terrible conditions, exccutions of the leaders, arrests regime, and therefore we demand to be sent to our have no right to live in tliis country. You must return of the conscientious soldiers nothing could shake the native land; there on the spot we will deliberate a: to Russia, and enlist in the Czecho Slovak army. You firm attitude oi the Russian soldiers, who had seented to what must be suppressed for the Russian people. must fight against the Soviets.
the fire oi the revolutionary flame in their native land. The French authorities became enraged, and having We cannot do it, replied the Russian prisoners of They categorically refused to obey. Detachment aiter caught the leaders of the military Soviets sent them war. We must be sent to Russia and see the people at detachment was sent to the rear guard camps, wliere without trial to hard labor, to an island prison, located work. There on the spot shall we see whom we must they awaited their fate.
not far from Bordeaux. The rest were exiled to defend.
When the Kerensky government had fallen, the places where no crow flies. After that a dishonest am an anarchist, a friend of the cople, not excluul.
sympathy of the 11ssian soldiers was on the side of react the Russian soldiers were toring Germans, a friend of mankind, of the brotherhood the Soviets of Workers and Soldiers Deputies. Dut mented to the extreme. Tlien, having tormented then of man.
in spite of that some of the detachments of the Russian sufficiently, and enjoyed it enough, the Premier order That is where the heart of man lies. That is wlicre army still fought on the front lines. Russia signed the cui irreconcilable Russians to be sent to Africa. Forty lie the spirit of protest and revenge. lifted my hand; Brest Litovsk treaty, and those troops that were under thousand men were sent there. While they were being the protest of the shot resounded, and the Tiger was the influence of the revolutionary patriotism under sent into slavery there came unexpectedly a Russian wounded.