3 Saturday, March 22, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE lished ior Individual terror anul violence as a theory is a petty This is precisely what happenel. The government Bolshevikjabs bourgeois policy, The proletariat depends upon mass ur arranza established itscli firmly in power, and action to accomplish the conquest of power; and after immediately developed a campaign against revolution is no wonder that our opponents Collstäntly refer this conquest, the revolutionary proletariat may resortary labor and against foreign capital. Labor was to Bolshevism as an insideous menace. Thé lethto the use of mass terror, if necessary, in order to lisciplineal by means of merciless repression and udist Church is in a fair way to be split wide on the establish and protect the conquests of the revolution. massacres during strikes. But it was much more question, we are believe the newspapers. Dr.
Whether these individual acis function in the level Willicult to discipline international Imperialism; al llarry Ward, professor of Christian ethics in a lethopment of mass action, is kuubtful. The important thigh the war gave Carranza kovernment an excet dist niversity, it appears, las refused to slatii the thing is 10 impress upon the preskotariat, not the ideol kent opportunity, which it used to the utmost. The folsheviki and his reverend colleagues are uit iur his ory of individual action, but the ideology of revolu Purpose of this government was to destroy the strangle bilood, melaphurically speaking of course.
tionary mass action, of mass effort and discipline. huki that foreign capital, particularly American, had Thus is Bolshevik policy, the policy of revolutionary von Mexico natural resources. This was accomp We may shortly cxpect to see the formation of the Socialism.
by means of a clause in the Constitution, which Dolshevik Metliodists and the anti Bulshevik Alethu We cannut. considering the circumstances and the provides that all contracts and concessions made by clists and perhaps even the charge that Jeniu is provocation, violently conden in Emile Cottin his was the former government from and after 1870, which Methodist.
ar lieroic, if ill judged act: but we can and must conshall have resulted in the monopoly oi land, waters and rom reading the newspapers on the 17th vi Marcin dlemin his policy of individual terror as a tactic of the natural resources of the nation by a single individual militant proletariat.
or corporation, are declared subject to revision, and Une would be inclined to believe that the Irish are the exccutive is authorized to declare those null and reneuulusly popular, but when we turn irom the void which seriously prejudice the public interest. iront page headlines and run across Leary an Ail Balkan Mexico Ownership in lands or waters may le acquired only cieranany we come to the conclusion that the popu.
VIIE imperialistic phrase, Mexico is our Balkan bəy Mexicans liy lsirılı or naturalizam, and in lexi. larity is not wholly unalloyed.
can companies subject to the sovereign authority and laws. Mexico; ownership may be acquired by for. Ilow is it that with the reports of the way the da coming very impular. It is instinct with ulic cigners provided they agree before the department of jurity Sucialists in Germany arc terrorizing llicer threat of a pressim. Immedliately after the armistice. oreign allairs to be considereal Mexicans in respect oponents and indulging in nuss murders we do.
there developed a violent imperialistic campaign against Mexico, a campaign having as its avowed olto such property; and accordingly not to invoke the licar anythug of a reign of lerror: erhaps it is be protection of their government in respect to the same, cause it all depends against whom the excesses are ject the conquest of Mexico by the nited States, for under penalty, in case vi breach, of iorieiture to the amned whether or not the executions constitute a reig American Imperialism. Scores of newspapers fulmin nation of propxriy arquireil. The purpose of terror. mas expect to locar little of the ated against Nexico; in the Senate, a resolution was these constitutional provisions are clear: they are luw Terror while the Scheidemanns retain contrui.
intruluced that would crcate antagonism against Jap means of establishing the national sovereignty of but when the Spartacans risc to power tien ilac press an and Mexico; and American finance capital is pre Mexico, and of Mexican Capital.
will shrick about the Reign of Terror every tini paring itself for the financial conquest of Mexico. In the epoch of Imperialism this necessarily means miliThe provision stipulating that foreigners may own une of the German bour cuisic stubs lis tue.
tary and political conquest.
certain property provide they agree before the de News reports are coming that Alexican bandits The Yellow Terror of the bourgeois Socialists vi partinent of foreign atfairs to be considered Mexicans are again active on the boder, threatening the lives invoke the protection of their forernment in respect in respect to such property, and accordingly not to Giernung has not yet drawn a protest in the name of vur common humanity from the neutral powers and property of Americans. Villa again stalks nor is it likely to do so. The Red Terror has llor to the same is of especial importance, and characterthough the press, sinister and merciless, as the pretext istic of the general purse foreign investors.
ritiedl the world but it would appear that the world.
levcloping feeling and action against Mexico. Tlic Mexican government has acquired stability. largely rights in the country in whicit they invest, and in their particulier national governments to secure spacid horror was inspired mure by the color than the form.
loy means of mercilessly suppressing rawlical labor. its trigue to have their governments secure political Colle We sululose the reason the French government re maila: all this naturally unpalatalse to the imperialisti in development which appeal ir protection. aiter excellent conditiem, law and order pre ir of the country. The mechanics oi luperial Conference for the purpose of investigation viisi juses fuissports to the committee clerted by the bar ecessitates a new line of attack against Mexico in shevism is that it is afraid that if these quo order to bring intervention and conquest, and the new which an inyerialistic nation las the pretext for inter perhaps that they night be tempted to tell tlic truti.
attack consists of the charge that the Mexican gove vemin und compuest. The desican government Keguriling the first supposition we woull like to ernment is expropriating the property of American citizens.
fundamental law of Mexico muse le suprent, inel sure the French government that there is alsolutely The adventures of American Imperialism in Mexico are characteristie and instructive. They cast a light measure, which iſ realizalıdı. woulol lower the ascend tion that these gentlemen knew was premature am!
must control the investors. This is an important with Bolshevism. The Bolsheviki pulici vodi in resolut upon the actual purpose of intervention and reveal it as a means of promising linaneecapital and Inyerial in nalivi oriented the legenums of unsciemitic, and arter all it is a luman weakluess site unable to forgive those who have proved one wrong Luder ilu regime of Hortirio Diaz, foreign capital industry and polities, the goverument imposeel at lave In order to realize this sovereignty wer Mexico on the second matter we miglot say that the men erurel a strangle heel to the natural resources of 1:X. the levelopment wil. Werica and tiri vrate Socialists, though they live samnetinues talle Mexict, which are enorminus ml of tremendo 19. lish interests have about awwww invested in the evil before the fullpitation of ministerial portfolios, lane tential value. lly nuans of bribery, the merciless sup wells, tuod lucy musly agreed that the tax was pression of the rights of the pple and very successfully resisted the temptation to lovun xuple were make the tual seris of foreign capital State Departmem, transmitted a onte to tw Mexicon refusal to recognize ordinary leverancy: Nexican To after iliscussing te master will the American complete continuatory. They :ppaleil Ambassador Fletclur. revolutionists.
Millions of dollars were invested in wil wells, in deks government early in 1918, declaring the tax law com Hul perhaps the Frencli civertent is wider the We were at first inclined to Ixlieve M: it thini.
mul railways investem which represented lisatory: thin it was taking property witlul due tüt if the Mensleriki could see their broman por upon the Mexican prople. Tlu corrupt government il government of the Inited States most carnestly livlslevism. ess of law, and that it ixcomes the function of toppe they woull inmuliately Income converteil.
of Diaz combined with corrupt foreign capital to stealid respectinlly to call the attention of the Mexican all that was of value from the Mexican people; concessions were granted to American investors. conovernment to the necessity which may arise Strange are the ways of morality. The Committee cessions which meant giving over control of the peo civescil or injuriously affected loy the decree above 10 pretext the property of its citizens in Mexico ol lourteen that works ofter New York moral wel fare is quoted to the effect that it expected the police ple resources without any substantial return, actually cited. Ti Mexico insists upon the execution of the would dictail women to walk the streets and it in.
stealing these resources.
law, there can lx only one result.
properly accosted by men, to arrest the men under til.
Mexico industrial future was mortgaged to international Imperialism, particularly to the Imperialisin expression of a tendency which might provoke war This is typical imperialistie diplomnaey: It is the it proposes to moralize the womeu who would succcpit of the nited States. There were two aspects of this with Mexico, and is precisely the policy which such jobs.
situation which developed revolt against foreign capi American Imperialism will more and more compel the tal: its merciless oppression of the Mexican workers. hovernment to pursue. lccording to the law of naReaction and Finance in Russia and the fact that ierican Capitalism. the Jexicanos, alic Mexican government is jürfectly within its bourgeoisic, suas copropriated, and could not really rights in the course it has adopted: but as this course M ORE and more the Allied interventi itseli is not merely anti fellevik. but it de clor Amort while the basis of ils power, the natur, vould monopolize the natural resources for Mexican counter revolutionary. All over the place the men al resources and the railways, avere in the control of Capitalism and break the control si internatimal Im the old regime are erceping out to see the sum again dmcrican Imperialism.
perialism, it must be changel. Raw inaterials are a and look to a return to power in the baggage wagons The Mexican revolution, while in its fundamentals ncecssity of modern Capitalism: Mexico is bursting of the Allics. Even the ami Bolshevik revolutieina revolt of the peons against the landed aristocracy, with raw materials which international Imperialisin aries are taking alarm. The Ohnsk invernment was in one phase equally a revolt against the Tomin coveis; and so tlære develops a new campaign for which they pinned their faith has lxen overtlirown alion vf foreign capital. The press of international intervemion in Mexico. potential of a new war and by a military dictatorship. The reactionaries are Imperialism was hostile to the revolution, not only be aggression. The campaign is proceeding actively. coming more and more to the forc. And behind 11.
cause it was destroying tlic immediate profits of for.
Mexico is the American Balkans. The Imperialsm reactionaries stand the financial interests wlose ore eign investors, but because it threatened the future of the nited States considers financial control of Gbject is the exploitation of Russia for the prolit.
supremacy of foreign capital. terrific campaign. Mexico and of the American continents absolutely Western Capitalism. There are schemes afoot for tine accordingly. developed in the American press for in indispensable to its plans for world power. The atti formation chartered companies which are tervention in Mexico. to prevent starvation, to resto tude that Mexico is our Talkans contains the threat take over the running of wholc branches of Russian ore order and protect humanity: precisely the of of a new world war.
industry. Finally, for the proper understanding oi Allied policy in Russia, we commend a muassage iron lion in revolutionary Russia. But what international the Financial ra s: In the city it is realized that Imperialism was actually afraid of was that out of the It is authoriatively announced that the League of cvents are shaping more and more towards an interrevolution might develop a national Capitalism in Nations will be incorporated in the Peace Trcaty and national sovereignty over Russia, modelled on the Mexico, a homogeneous capitalist class which would it is authoriatively announced that the Peace Treaty British surveillance of Egypt. Such an event wouldl threaten the supremacy of foreign capital and diminish will not include the League of Nations draft. Does transform Russian bonds into the cream of thic interits opportunity for plunder.
it really matter?
national market. The Herald (England)